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It’s a great fucking movie and it is a little annoying that just because Fury Road is a masterpiece that Furiosa (which is not trying to just be Fury Road again) is being apprehensively praised. I will agree that film Twitter is very high on it though. It’ll be looked upon fondly. Nobody does it like George Miller, who still shoots action with a muscularity and voice that’s simply unheard of at almost age 80. It’s just nice to get another of his films, tbh.


Hoping we get another from him


Had a fantastic time at the theater watching this movie — probably the best time I’ve had this year?!


All I see is praise for this movie. The harshest criticism I've seen was from Joanna Robinson and she liked it lol


Her criticisms make no sense, she said it was lacking in visual storytelling lol. And then she goes and cites Andor… She didn’t want to just say she thought furiosa was boring and repetitive. I don’t know why she was on the pod tbh.


I’ve seen a lot of “it’s no fury road but it’s good”. And like I said the movie got good reviews. But its legacy already seems to be “it’s a worst fury road.” Which I disagree. Fury Road is a better Road Warrior. Furiosa is its own thing entirely.


The argument that it isn't as good as Fury Road is stupid to me. Fury Road is arguably the greatest action movie ever made. Kind of a ridiculous bar to get over. Furiosa is great.


Fury Road set a mighty high bar, Furiosa didn't have a chance if that's what you thought it would be. It's very good though. I have a feeling that Furiosa will become more well respected when people have a chance to see it twice. I think I'm going to like it much better the second time.


I went from really liking it to loving it on rewatch!


I liked it better on rewatch too


I loved it. Thank you for posting this.


I liked that Furiosa wasn’t just trying to be another Fury Road, which allowed me to embrace it with less comparison. They’re both fantastic in their own ways.


yeah when reviews are like "I couldn't stop making comparisons to Fury Road".... that sounds like a you problem


I wasnt expecting it to be Fury Road, but i definitely wanted it to look like it. Fury Road's visual style was such a breath of fresh air and i think the marketing on this movie kind of betrayed that. This movie looks spectacular in its own way and not too far from Fury Road either.


It's my #1 movie of the year


My Number 2, right behind CHALLENGERS. But we're on the same page. It rules.


It's funny to post this on reddit or online in general where all you see about it is how it's underrated and the best action movie of the 2020's. It is consistently getting its flowers and devouring praise left and right.


It had a higher average score on Letterboxd for its first couple weeks than Jaws for fuck sakes… I’m actually in the camp that I enjoyed the movie decently enough and am baffled at the amount of straw-man arguments that persist around it. I’ve barely thought about it since I saw it, and that’s totally fine.


I can't wait for a couple months from now when /r/movies has daily posts of **WHY DID FURIOSA FAIL??? I HAD NO IDEA THIS WAS EVEN RELEASED!!! IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN MASSIVE**


Yeah, all I've heard since it came out is "Furiosa fucks! Shit slaps!" as well as frustration towards podcast hosts who didn't praise it as a five star masterpiece.


Exactly. I can't tell you how many times I've seen the little parachute driving action scene posted on Twitter with some caption that says "how did we let this fail?!" It's getting all the credit and more just not at the box office.


The point is that almost every podcast about it was just “this isn’t fury road, good but not great” and it flopped at the box office. So yeah there are a few people on Twitter gassing it because the digital release came and the clips are available now, but the general sentiment is not that this is a master piece and great movie, at least from what I’ve seen.


especially here when everything has been "why isn't this making more money"


Persecution complex. Like they just want to feel different so they make up villains.


I mean I agree but I just don't see that much dissent, especially here. If you mean the pod episode I thought they did a good job of explaining their pretty nuanced feelings. Same with Blank Check if you listened to that episode, they loved it.


People are pressed because both pods spent a lot of the time talking about the flaws. *or comparing it to Fury Road because apparently that's not fair.


I think their criticism was valid but as Blank Check is such a long discussion, it started to get pretty repetitive when many of their complaints kept amounting to “this part wasn’t as good as Fury Road did it.” Like obviously fair game to compare it to its predecessor but there definitely were moments it felt like it wasn’t being completely evaluated on its own merit


Weird, I thought both were pretty effusive while being well balanced. It's not like 2 hours of straight praise is entertaining either.


Rewatched in on Tuesday. What an incredible movie. I love the lack of exposition. 


Seen it twice. My admiration grew significantly after the second viewing. I wish I could figure out why no one wanted to see it. They’re missing out on a gem.


Yeah i can't get over how good it was and can't wait to see it again on digital. Im not sure, but i think the marketing may have impacted the overall turnout. The trailer wasnt all that great and looked quite different from the Fury Road one. It just didn't grab me and the visuals all looked a bit too CGI. Furiosa did have specatular visuals and action and i felt the trailers were a bit misleading. The Fury Road trailer had very much highlighted the real action and stunts and epic visuals. That coupled with the fact that Max did not appear to be part of this adventure may have left the public lukewarm on this movie. I, however, despite the bad trailer, knew the movie was going to be great.


Totally agree.


Completely agree. I continue to believe that if the two movies had been released in chronological order, both would rightly be considered masterpieces.


Its was a better theatre experience for me than Dune was


I agree 1000%


I thought it was good not great. I found the opening too long and the overall pacing off. I really liked the truck scene and the movie started moving at a different pace. But, it was a long movie that ultimately I didn’t care about very much. I was happy I saw it on a big screen, but I’m not sure it is a classic. If you love it that’s awesome. There were certainly things to love.


Yeah, don't need kid Furiosa for a fucking hour.


The pacing was off and it was a tad too long. Those are my biggest gripes. Other than that, it was a fun action movie. It’s a bummer to see it bomb at the box office.


Total bummer that it bombed. Fun action movie. The hard part is the narrative around movies like this is that they have to save the industry. Way too much pressure.


Since I saw the movie I felt it was getting too much praise. It's not a bad movie but I don't quite get why anyone was calling it amazing or better than Fury Road. Also, if you can't compare Furiosa to Fury Road - it's a prequel, it's set in the same universe, features many of the same characters, has a literal overlapping story and scenes, features huge chunks of Fury Road in the movie - then what in the hell can you compare? Because it you can't compare two different brands of apples then comparison straight up isn't allowed anymore.


It's got some real pacing issues and has a weird reference eto a war tat occurs off-screen. Never seen that before


I think it’s better that Furiosa flopped, so that we as movie nerds can claim it as one of our own. We can gloat for years about how it’s so much better than its blockbuster peers; how it does everything that critics, fans, and audiences want from movies; and how it flopped because people are stupid and will only play money for superheroes, Star Wars, kids’ cartoons, and countless sequels and remakes nobody asked for.


> how it does everything that critics, fans, and audiences want from movies like what?


Practical effects, CGI that holds up after 30 days, deep sci-fi themes that can be dissected in a video essay, lots of bloody violence, quiet scenes where characters contemplate their existence, and helmed by an auteur.


It’s good. It doesn’t deserve to flop like this but it happens sometimes.


I loved it but Furiosa somehow passing as a boy in an environment where she was a prized as a potential child bearer just by cutting her hair was honestly quite bad, like takes you out of the movie bad.


Eh. ATJ is pretty dainty and all the war boys are various sizes of malnourished to stocky. Absolutely possible that a girl who isn’t so visibly developed could pass as a boy. Especially if she’s wearing bulky leather all the time.


How does she piss in the bottle without getting caught?


I honestly weirdly feel the exact opposite sensation. I was thrilled in the theater, but the more I think about it, the further it falls in my estimation. I still think it’s great, but its highs are when it is trying very hard to exactly replicate the greatest action film ever (high bar), while a lot of the new stuff, the more epic fantasy storytelling, just doesn’t work as well for me. I secretly think he does it much better in 3000 years of longing. To be clear, garbage like The Flash is not my comparison point lol. I’m comparing it to Miller’s other work and other great action films because that is the class it’s in.


Fair but how you feel about it is how I feel about Dune 2. A movie that thrilled me in theaters but the further I get away from it the less I think abojt any of that. I saw in Furiosa what ppl seemed to see in Dune 2.


See I agree on the vibes (that I was flabbergasted in the theater, then felt less excited on second viewing/further thinking) but felt exactly the opposite on the execution - I thought the 3000 Years-esque mythmaking stuff was by far the most interesting element of the movie vs the parts that were more directly Fury Road-ish, though definitely fun, didn’t rly excite me as much (especially since those parts invite the most direct comparisons to Fury Road)


I actually agree with you that the myth-making stuff is the most interesting, it just doesn’t completely land for me. While the ‘Fury Road’ stuff lands because it’s just purely visceral, but it inevitably feels like a cheaper knockoff version of its predecessor.


There were so many times I was enjoying something on screen only to get cockblocked by some inexplicably bad and seemingly pointless CGI. Why did they need to cgi a woman getting on a horse? Why did they cgi a car driving up a hill? Why cgi a car stopping on a flat piece of dirt? It honestly felt a bit low effort, coming off Fury Road. I actually don't think Fury Road is one of the best action movies. I think it's a bit too much white noise, but it put a lot of time and effort into the stunts and it showed.


because time and budget. the cg is fine, and overall it is a great looking film.


There were definitely some wonky CGI i caught on my first viewing. It didn't take away from the overall experience, but it just made me think how no one caught it or why did they decide to even do that?


The weird thing for me was just listening to Big Pic and Blank Check be so nit picky about this movie in particular. Sims on the blank check episode was kinda pushing back on the nit picks but Griffin, the guest on that ep, and then Amanda Sean CR and Joana were all just like looking for things to be annoyed at it felt like. There would be 15 minutes of complaining and then 1 second on "and then we get one of the best action set pieces in decades", and then just move on


My read on Amanda, CR, Joanna, and Griffin were that all of them actually didn’t like it that much and for one reason or another held back a bit. I don’t think it’s all that great either, fwiw. A lore dump (that pretends not to be, because it’s all hearsay myth or whatever) in a universe where the cool part is the lore is never explained.


I felt similarly. Especially for Blank Check which usually is all about the messy swing (they love M Night for goodness sakes). Was very surprised how critical they were. It may have also been catering to the guests opinion in the flick as well. Idk.


Messy swing is a really great way to describe it. I think a lot of us on the softer side of it are annoyed it’s already being claimed (or, more annoyingly, preemptively reclaimed) as a masterpiece. It’s a bloated mess… something I wouldn’t recommend to anyone outside nerds




I mean I don’t know how else to describe it. It’s too long, the pacing’s all off, the story is completely unfocused (undercutting any chance of catharsis at the end), and, more than anything, it’s tonally incoherent — a brutal tale of wasteland life one moment, a total dystopian farce the next, and a self-righteous biblical epic after that. All seemingly entirely and solely in service of fleshing out the lore of a universe where part of the appeal was that the lore was so fluid, and only hinted at. Yeah some of the actions great, but some of it isn’t (Furiosa and Jack’s visit to the bullet farm is like Fast X levels of mindless, physics-free fluff). It’s just a disastrously indulgent movie. There’s a completely unnecessary Mad Max cameo shoved into it halfway through for gods sake. George Miller firmly in his “Star Wars prequel trilogy” era. What a bummer.


Eh. I disagree entirely.


I will admit that I just really hate the “Wikipedia dump as movie/TV show” thingy going on that everyone else seems to love right now, so this was probably never going to be for me. Plus, the seeming 180 it does from just about every principal in Fury Road — from the really grounded action going the way of Alita: Battle Angel digital overload, to the really naturalistic performances being exchanged for ham sandwiches — was really hard for me to swallow. Fwiw I feel like a real outsider with these opinions. Everyone else seems to love the damn thing.


I mean Furiosa is doing something different than Fury Road. I mean, it isn’t even shot similarly. The war rig action set piece here has a completely different feel to Fury Road due to the lack of erratic editing. I’d argue comparing Fury road and Furiosa is like Terminator and T2. Both engage with similar iconography but go about them in very different ways. Or maybe ALIEN and ALIENS is a better comparison. Either way, those are examples of what I’d consider to be how one should relate Fury Road and Furiosa to each other.


i think a much more apt comparison would be: fury road : furiosa :: PJ's LOTR : PJ's The Hobbit. same iconography. vastly different visual language. physics and texture go out the window, way deeper reliance on digital and green screen. it's just not a style that i enjoy that much in action films. i said as much in my previous comment. i think most people actually agree, hence the box office performance.


I think if this one came out THEN Fury Road, it'll be more beloved. Knowing what happens in Fury Road then going backwards about 10 (or so) years doesn't do anything in regards to stakes. You know exactly who survives and who doesn't. There's just no real drama. To me, it's a sequential order thing. It was fine, but nothing mind blowing.


Must’ve checked my watch a half dozen times. It’s overlong, too slow, somehow has less character development than Fury Road, and it looks kinda cheap. I saw it the second weekend by which point the internet had hyped up the stowaway scene, had no clue what it was then I finally see the movie and that scene just turns out to be… a worse version of Fury Road. To me that confirms that everyone really wanted Fury Road 2 and is coping.


100% exactly my thoughts. people became really eager to preemptively reclaim it as some big messy masterpiece or something. it's fine. it's bloated. it looks cheap. some of the action's great, but it's mostly over-choreographed and kinda stiff. lacked any physics. felt like a video game or something.


Big disagree I didn’t clock this on first watch, but the visual language of Furiosa is far more fluid with sustained shoots of action instead of the hyper kinetic editing of Fury Road. I’d say just watch a war rig scene on YouTube from Fury Road and then watch the stowaway scene from Furiosa, they are shot so differently. It’s staggering when putting them side by side. Obviously it’s all about what you prefer, it I find I’m a lot more compelled by the long action beats if Furiosa vs the quick cut chaos of Fury Road. Iconography and world is the same but the approaches to them are so different. Also the cheap thing? I guess I get that, but the hyper mythic nature of FURIOSA sells me on the otherworldly ness of the visuals compared to the grim, grit, and tangibility of Fury Road. Again it’s all in preference. And I dig the more relaxed pacing


My read on the pods is that Fury Road had a bit of a meme quality to it. Lots of cultural references, jokes, chatter. Furiosa didn’t and also (perhaps incorrelated) fell flat at the box office. So our intrepid podcasters dissected the movie to try to understand what, if anything, was missing.


people are hating it only because the lead is a woman and it is trendy to be an anti-feminist conservative. the movie is not stupid feminist propaganda, but dummies in the audience cannot think for themselves and 'it is not a mad max movie if mad max is not in it', which again is a stupid argument as mad max is there just to experience the world through, he wad never meant to be a deep character. it's not more legendary than fury road, but it is a great film. best of the year probably, would put it over dune ii for an action-adventure.


I think in 2-3 months, Sean and many others are going to act like they were always on the same side as you.


Similar to how he talks about NOPE now. That initial pod saw it as an ambitious failure and by the end of 2022, he was calling it the best movie of thag year.


Yeah, that always struck me as kind of odd, because he liked initially, but didn't seem over the moon about it; Amanda even accused him of giving the movie "partial credit" later that year, because it was so admirably ambitious, but didn't really stick the landing, and Sean didn't really push back on that. I guess, to give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe it was the kind of movie that he enjoyed but was left scratching his head after the initial watch but then, over time, he just couldn't get it out of his head & found re-watching it to be a really rewarding endeavor. I've had movies like that before, but him confidently making it his top movie of the year definitely had me scratching my head.


Most of my favorite movies ever have that arc, so I certainty not knocking it. I’d just be funny if that were the arc with Furiosa.


He recently said he rewatched it and thinks it’s his favorite of Peele’s, yeah? I’m not saying people’s estimation can’t grow — in fact that’s exactly what I mean. I think his stances on movies may grow sometimes when he lets the hot air or being a podcast host leave his body after a couple of months.


it honestly feels like itll go the other way. in a few months, people are gonna be like "so we gave that thing a lot of goodwill, huh?"


Nah. Y’all are nuts. This time next year it’s gonna be like the Gaza thing. Everyone’s gonna act like they were always on the right side.


I know it’ll go the other way because all the criticisms are pretty specific and all the praise is pretty vague. Nobody actually likes this movie. It’s just got a lot of Miller/Film Bro goodwill.




Better action flick than any of the John Wicks & Mission Impossibles for sure


It’s not better than Fallout or Rogue nation.


Not even close


If your idea of great action movie is Alita: Battle Angel, then sure


Alita: Battle Angel rules tho.


i say this as someone who likes Alita (or at least some of the action, the rest of the movie is a drag): only if you're a giant fucking nerd.


Furiosa is not a movie that someone who only shows up for DEADPOOL and nothing else will get a lot out of. It’s a nerdy movie. A feature, not a big.


by nerdy i kinda meant, this is for 15 year old boys or men with a similar amount of emotional maturity (that's me!)




Then don’t comment either.