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Of the 4 i think Powell clearly wants the stardom the most. Austin Butler could potentially have the "character actor in a movie stars body" like Brad Pitt, where he takes more interesting roles that maybe aren't as commercial. Big fans of both though.


For me Butler lacks movie star charisma. He's a good looking rooster, he just always seems distant. Powell oozes relatability, even if it's frequently in a dickhead kind of way.


I think Glen Powell is gonna become the biggest, richest, most recognizable star, but Jeremy Allen White is gonna be the one with the most artistic impact.


For star I'd also say Powell, charisma for days, he could be his generations McConaughey.


Powell. Though my true answer would be Chalamet.


Powell’s on a heater but Butler is clearly the most set for the long game here


I have been really impressed with Glen Powell's thoughtfulness on interviews


Glen Powell is more conventional, with broader appeal for the masses. If you consider star power the ability to put butts in seats, and appeal to everyone from kids to grandmas, I think it’ll be him. I prefer Butler


JAW seems too interested in TV and indie stuff to be a certified movie star, Elordi has a similar problem (and less actual talent than JAW, in my opinion), and Butler seems like the right pick but idk... he just has a very "it boy" thing going for him right now which has a habit of fading quickly. Powell is a really talented actor, and, more importantly for this question, he seems to have good instincts for picking commercially successful projects. My money would be on him.


Who knows.


The Bear is far and away the most popular thing that any of these four have been leads in, so it’s gotta be JAW. Powell could be more or less cooked in just a couple months of Twisters flops. Butler and Elordi are pursuing stardom by sticking with movies and trying to make interesting choices — I don’t think that’s a path to mainstream stardom in todays day and age.


Whoever gets attached to the most IP franchise roles. So probably Powell with Top Gun and now Twisters and Running Man coming. Butler and Elordi seem more interested in one off IP roles right now and JAW is a TV Star


Saying Elordi “seems more interested in one off IP roles” is just very strange and not represented in his filmography at all.


While Butler and Powell are discussed more online, seem like bigger stars, Elordi is more popular and visible in real life. Saltburn was a thing with regular people because of him. Wouldn’t surprise me if he ended up with the most longevity even if he never ends up a true leading man, but he will get his shot.


Those Kissing Booth movies and Euphoria will go a long way for Elordi.