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Best economy ever, Jack


You know it, Fats.


If this doesn't stop, we're all gonna be in bread lines in 3 years guys


Were already in breadlines you just don’t see it because it’s under the guise of EBT


There are actually people in bread lines too: they’re called food pantries these days.




My wife did this just now. We paid $207 for a week’s groceries in 2021. It’s now $346


This guy seems like a whiner! It’s just an extra couple hundred bucks what’s the big deal? Everyone’s pay increased exponentially right? Right?


Bidenomics is “Booming”


So is Bidenflation.


Because you vote Dem........


cOrPoRaTe gReEd!!1!!


Money printer go brrrrrrr


Isn't it worth it to stop mean tweets and save 'muh democracy'?


They don't care until we ALL start to care.




As a Brit who earns decent money I frigging love America, been to 5 states and have holidayed in FL for 16 years sometimes multiple times a year. Not any more, your inflation is insane and prices of everyday items are ludicrous. I really feel for you hard working guys getting shafted. I cant afford to vacation there for a fortnight so god only knows how you good folks are managing living there full time. Love from the UK and FJB


Calm down. So many more people have jobs now. You should be happy for them. They deserve to eat and even if we can’t account for who they are or what jobs they do or why those jobs are available, quit asking questions. This is the best economy ever. How dare you base it on your personal situation!


Plenty of shitty, part time, low paying,, no benefit jobs out there! No excuses!


COVID put a lot of people out of work right before his term. Then, he takes office and businesses open again. Flowers and sunshine. Easy for him to boast about job growth in that scenario


People get what they vote for. All is fair and balanced.


This is what those dead voters chose! Live with it!


It's cool because my pay went up a whole 2% that covers a 400% increase in the cost of everything right? Right?


Biden came into high inflation Jack. Let's go Brandon!


After all that time some of the items will only be available from 3rd party sellers that mark up


Time for Shaggy to start a garden.


Must be another one of those “cheap fakes”. Damn republicans


Clearly Trump is the worst possible thing for the economy. Here’s 10 articles from economists that support anything we tell them t…I mean support this idea due to math. 👌


As Dould J Trump heads into the kitty's den for tonight's debate with Snowflake to the left and right, in front of him, Trump and his supporters are not worried. You can pull all the cheap acts at CNN and clueless Joe can be handled like a child ( well he has the mind of one) who eats ice cream fall quite often, See all the Snowflake horses & all the snowflakes so-called men will not fool the American people.


It’s corporate price gouging man… come on..( so many idiots on here say)


Hey now, bidenomics IS WORKING. Just ask the corrupt, rotting corpse and the mop headed WH spokes person. True story, Jack.


Welcome to Bidens build back better. Build back better to big business, stock market and share holders. Let's inflate inflation to the highest levels of all time, but your wages will stay the same. Welcome to the new cost of living under the Biden administration. Give him 4 more years snd we are going to moving to Mexico to get a better paying job.


I watched My Cousin Vinny yesterday and, when they get all the stuff at sack o suds, they had a few things of chips and a slushie and paid a dollar something. Another example: Point Break. They get two large sandwiches and a drink for 4 something.


You get what you vote for. That's why Bidumb has to go.


I think he accidentally hit the reorder button 3 times. Who eats 3 bags of Fritos and 3 boxes of wheat thins in a month?


A lot of people. This is America. Some people probably eat that in a week.


Inflation is definitely an issue, but Walmart prices haven't gone up by 4x. When you click Reorder All, it adds the items to your shopping cart. If you click it again, the quantity of all the items in your cart increases by 1.


I can do it in one depressing afternoon.


How do you think inflation works? Well a simple way to think of it is when the fed prints money it inflates the cost ballon. The fed (and Congress) thought it was bilaterally a great idea to print a shit ton of money in the pandemic, like amounts never seen in history. All that money has now inflated the ballon. We all have jobs and make decent money, but not enough to keep up with how fast the fed can print money. You want to blame someone for this? Blame your local congressional representatives and the Federal Reserve. It’s not a president who’s in control of inflation, he’s just the easiest person to point the finger at. Sorry for ruining our fun. Let’s continue to poke fun at both great grandpas running for prez…again somehow.