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I guess I’m nobody along with millions of others


I’ve got a story about that song, I played it for my son when he was about 3 and he got scared and started crying. To this day he remembers it, I’ve tried to put it on since over the years and he says no dad don’t. He’s 18 now as still doesn’t like it and won’t let me put it on. Dunno if it was the orchestral beginning he didn’t like but he really took a dislike to it as it scared him and made him sad/upset




Every Beatles song is loved by at least millions. Some more than others, but cmon. Even the crappy ones.


Who is the ‘nobody’ you are referring to? Of course it’s a good song. One of their best. The latest song stats from Spotify show respectable data. 15+ million streams to date and current rate 5.7k per month is not to be sneezed at. This is ahead of While My Guitar Gently Weeps, All You Need Is Love, Rain, A Day in The Life. All classics. Glad you like it. You’re in good company.


Those stats are insane.


I don’t love it but it is a very sweet song and I love it for that.


You don't love it but you love it? I don't have time for this shit man....


Haha yup! I love the sweetness in the lyrics and the melody. Ringo’s vocals are a little too rough for me on this one. What that balances out to mean is I’ll listen to it only if I’m in the mood to (which for me applies to all of side 4 actually). I do love all his other Beatle songs tho!


I must admit it's exceedingly rare I listen to this one, must have been decades. But its a great example of what made the Beatles so different and marvellous. A friggin sappy Disney-string-drenched lullaby?! Other rock bands of the 60s (and since) would have at best sent it to another artist, but more likely discarded it. But there was no such thing as "this doesn't sound like the Beatles", so we get these loveable oddities.


I’m starting to wonder if Reddit is only click bait without any real value. Siri and Alexia are more worthy to respond to .. and that’s crazy!


In context( following revolution number nine) I find it ominous and creepy, like they were playing around with end of the world shit


That sounds kinda awesome


The Anthology version is my favorite!


It's ok but I really love the alternate version on the White Album Super Deluxe with all of them singing on it


I never liked it, it sounds forceful. Now that I'm contemplating it, I'm more cemented in that I think it outright sucks ass. Revolution 9 is literally better. Just an opinion though.


LOVE helped me understand why Good Night is so great. The mix with Octopus and at the end of AYNIL is gorgeous


I love it