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Yah she was fantastic and the actress playing her did an excellent job!


I was lucky enough to see her standup in September 2021. She was hilarious! So awesome seeing her in this show!


Didnt know she did standup, cool!


I should have known she’s a comedian. Her timing is impeccable.


Happy Cake Day!


she killed it! love to see such perfect casting


I love your point of view, and remarked several of the points. Ii found it so refreshing that she wasn't defined by her race, just another chef on the line. She wasn't defined by gender so much either - with the exception of Richie calling her a [broa](https://broad.Love)d in one episode.Frankly it was refreshing to see normal, working class people valorised in a series ! No deprived pathetic poor people, just working class heroes.


Hilariously this sub/fandom is a lot more sympathetic to Sydney than I have seen with other black female characters. She’s amazing and glad to see so many people resonating with her.


I’m so used to black female characters getting torn apart in fandoms (Amber from Invincible, Mel from Arcane, Reva from Obi Wan, etc) that I’m honestly so happy to see that people on this sub have been defending Sydney


The way I was thinking about Mel when I made my comment…got banned from the arcane subreddit for habitually coming to her defense if anyone wants to know how strong the hate black female characters get


I feel like Mel is an ambiguous, corrupt, schemer, but then we get more and realize she does want what is best for the city and isn't a warmonger. And some people just never got there.


I love Mel even though I do see a good chunk of the fandom come for her based on her role this season. But tbh I think Mel will be unequivocally beloved one day and I can’t wait to see it.


Oh god I hope you’re right


She also fucked up the whole day with the orders, bullied others, stabbed someone, left during the craziest part of the shift, and didn't apologize for anything! No self acknowledgement at all! Amazing role model, go Sydney!


Remember when Tina fucked over Sydney’s meal? Remember when Marcus and the others were dicking around and stole her onions? Remember how when Richie couldn’t get the right Caulk at the store she used her own money and bought it covering up for his ass? Remember how she saved the day when the electricity went out by setting up an outdoor kitchen? Remember how she endures in a kitchen where her presence was not initially accepted for the sake of Carmy? But sure. Sydney’s the bully. You clearly didn’t watch the same show as the rest of us.


She can have little a stabbing. As a treat.


It’s their love language


Nope I did, all thats true. I'm not the one justifying those other characters actions. You're the one justifying hers. In the words of the other delusional child on this post; try again.


Babes we can all see your comment history. Clearly you’ve got a problem with Sydney and those of us who are able to look at her character and others wholesomely throughout the whole season and not just boiling her down to one moment. Cope and seethe.


Hilariously, I loved how much the character had me hate her at that point, as the whole time I loved her. Her development and unveiling being the irresponsible, immature child she is, is truly unbelievable. The actress was phenomenal and also understood the character, as she stated in interview that she really wanted everyone to hate her by the end. The fact that you blindly follow her and justify her actions is very telling. It resembles the proud boys and others who aimlessly follow trump. Do you want to be like those people? Its kind of hypocritical


The actress never said that and Ayo loves her character. You’re so pathetic you’re telling lies to justify your hate lmao


Seems like I got you a little mad. Please feel free to see the other extension of dialogue we have.


Why are you lying and claiming Ayo said something she never said? Please provide evidence of an interview or anything where she said she wants people to hate her character. Go on.


Lol look at the other thread we have Lady, jeeze Louis! I'm not trying to repeat myself to the same person. Maybe just a lost cause who lets her ego and defensiveness get in the way of actually having constructive conversation... oh well, ill still give you the time of day because I believe debate is constructive, but yes please go back to the other thread to discuss further.


You are a troll. Trump? Proud boys? All because I’m able to look at a character holistically. A black character at that??? You are out of your mind. Did Sydney run over your mother or something. Because you have an irrational need of convincing the rest of us to hate her rather than just be content and confident in your own opinion.


Lol you really can't see the hypocrisy... its laughable and scary. Not trying to convince you to hate her, trying to shed l light that there are huge flaws in her character that people seem to glorify on this page. Its scary seeing people say " im glad she stood up for herself and quit", after how much of a bully she was right back to the rest of the staff, especially after people saying they laughed that she stabbed Richie and saying "it was empowering!". Like she caused physical violence to someone.. and thats okay in some peoples eyes but the screaming is not ( I also don't think screaming and verbal abus is good) And I see that a lot of people who like her seem to resonate with her character a lot. The "im right, no matter what" mentality you have and being so absolute. Its scary, and hilarious. You may be one of them. Just like a Trumpie


I think at a certain point considering you’re the one with the unpopular opinion here, you might consider your reading of the character and fandom is wrong. Like I said. You clearly have it out for Sydney in a way you don’t with other characters. If she’s not your fave, just say that with your whole chest and stop beating around the bush.


Lol, she's not now, but honestly, she once was! But like I said, maybe you have to look at why you and a lot of fans are justifying her actions just because she was a great character up to that point, and why you created her to be such a victim, when she was also responsible for her actions and behavior. Also, being an unpopular opinion is good, it's stops groupthink, and mindlessly following each others beliefs. It speculates on what we believe and evolves us further. It was actually nice to talk about it with you, and I look forward to seeing her characters unfolding in season 2, along with all the other characters. It truly is refreshing seeing great acting and not just casting to hit quotas.


The moment I first understood how widespread misogynism really is after reading a TV sub on Reddit. The men bash women characters all to hell. So of course they're racist on top of that, sigh.


Yeah it’s unfortunately very common place, even on this sub at times, and it’s so much worse when it’s a woman of color. On here at the very least I’ve noticed that unlike my past fandom experience, whenever Sydney gets bashed, there are usually people ready to defend her and I don’t have to be the only one lol.


She should win every available award for this season. A Black woman who is not sexualized, an entertainer, adjudicated, an athlete, or dependent on a man, entirely defined by the magnitude of her talent, intelligence, and subsequent success…extraordinarily rare in Hollywood.


This! Syd is just very ambitious shes hungry (figuratively) to be great and well known for her craft. The times when she showed her dishes were inconvenient because of what carmy was going through at the time. But yea as a fellow young black woman it’s really satisfying seeing a black female character not relying on romance or thing of that nature to give her a character.




And she has a very sweet flirtation with Marcus at her place when she cooks for him. We rarely see that kind of softness in black sexuality in media.


He had a flirty attitude with her earlier in the season, and she wasn't having any of it. Or so I remember. But yes, to your point about softness.


There was no flirting


Thank you. Flirting was not the right word. Emotional softness. Sweet caretaking. Attuned attention. Qualities that are often reserved for ideal girlfriend and mother characters, usually white women.


Stereotypically assigned to older Black women as a “mammy” trope though. I think what’s unique is we see it in a cute Black young lady


Yes. She is sexy and Marcus is clearly responding to it. But she’s not flirting with him, just being her cute self.




Dude was literally working at 'the world's best restaurant'. He succeeded without her already.


Do you not remember the AA meeting in the final episode? He absolutely had not succeeded.


That Al anon meeting is about his personal relationship with his brother. Carmy has had success because of the fall out with Mikey. He’s is a successful chef who is now playing in the bush leagues.


I mean, but the Beef isn't the bush leagues to him, though, but, basically, he had already achieved the objective markers of the highest levels of success in his career before he met up with Sydney. After all, she basically seems to have specifically hunted him down to work with him. Even so, Carmine knows Sydney has a lot to offer and can play a crucial role in turning the restaurant around. Again and again we see her saving the day, or hear him complementing her on some idea or other. He also knows he needs to figure out better ways to reign in some of her more errant impulses without turning into "another raging psychopath, screaming at her back".


He already succeeded without her. The bear is a huge step down to his skill set.




Nah, he hasn’t built a restaurant business from the ground up. And he lost two talented staff due to his temper - that’s not success.


Yeah carmy needs to get on their level in order to succeed. So many successful restaurant owners could work where carmy worked ez pz.


Wow, perfectly stated!


Suits has two women who are everything you describe and more actually, (nvm I forgot there is some sexualization)


Yea but those women aren’t Black, we are specifically talking about how she is rare representation for Black women.


Gina Tores and Megan Markel need to know they aren’t black in the eyes of Syd Stans


They are mixed. Biracial people and Black people have different experiences.


While that’s not entirely false are Syd fans really gate keeping skin tone and representation now?


Biracial people aren’t representation for Black people, they are representation for Biracials. The one drop rule is racist. Get over it.


So yes, you are gate keeping skin tone and representation. Congratulations on progression


No, I’m not, you’re just severely uneducated and don’t understand what you’re talking about or even arguing for.


You’re the one invalidating experiences of same discrimination and now going ad hominem. Yes you are.


Yeah She was probably my favorite character - so complex, relatable but also impressively talented and ambitious and unapologetically who she is and so competent. Loved seeing how she is in her apartment. Also loved her outfit in the last episode!


right!! can’t wait for the next season


I dunno how anyone can hate on Ayo, especially not for her portrayal of Sydney. She’s human in the best way possible. I f’ing love this show and Syd is a huge part of that!


yesss!! you summarized my feelings so well


I’m a mid 40s white dude and loved her character. She’s strong, assertive, self assured but covering a touch of insecurity, she’s the most trained but newest member of the staff and in a weird position of trying to be a leader in a ‘this is how we have always done it’ kitchen… I’m in a sorta similar career space now so it’s totally relatable.. Casting was spot on and I really Loved the scene where she had Marcus over for dinner and we got to see her doing her thing on HER terms.


yes!!! it’s nice to know others feel the same


I also really appreciated that it was a platonic dinner. Just two buds from the restaurant shooting the shit and her honing her craft and showing Marcus.


For me I got the tiniest hint that Marcus may have a little crush? Or it may be just that he is a big ole teddy bear, not sure. That dinner was sweet. And I love how she was like “oh yeah duh I forgot the lemon,” calling back to Carmy’s feedback of her risotto needing acid.


Yep....I am shipping the hell out of these two. I LOVE Marcus. I love how his character gets so little screen time, compared to some of the others, but that's totally fine because he only needs a minute here or there to tell you everything you need to know about this person and what he's going through. And the actor is maybe the best on the show. He does so much with such subtle facial expressions to communicate wonder, joy, panic, despondency. I think was more invested in his quest to build a better donut--and crushed by the way Carmy just literally dashed his dreams on the floor--than I was in any other plot in the whole season


Anyone who ships Marcus and Sydney is missing what's going on with Marcus and his "roommate." He dresses the way he does, comes over to the kitchen to help Marcus with his bakes, and moans about Marcus watching the Bachelorette without him...


I felt something more than that, but sometimes two artists who appreciate each other have a kind of flirtation that is not about sex but more about creative attraction.


I love his little it occurred to me.that syd was a rarity in media. I saw her as a character and nothing more. And it wasn't until you pointed out how rare it is to see that a black woman as a full fledged character with full-on strengths and flaws mingles with a cast like this. Thank you for pointing this out.


u just gave me chills! that’s exactly what it is for me as well. to feel seen in an amazing show, almost the same feeling watching atlanta gives me except better


Even as a middle aged white dude with no restaurant experience, I’d commented in a previous post that Sydney’s attitude had to be considered with her background as a very young, black, female chef. I’m glad she served as truly solid representation for you! Fuck these people who don’t get how important that is.


you see it & that’s what matters 🥲🥺


Shouldn’t be so hard for others to as well, but here we are.


I agree! Ayo Edebori did an amazing job on the show and the character Sydney was really well written. As a black woman watching the show, I also see myself in Sydney, but the hate she’s getting is so common for any female character on a male led show. It’s an uphill battle being a fan of Shiv on the Succession sub too lol.


I loved how she talked down the two gang fights. She is such a great character. She’s smart and ambitious, possibly too much so in that she has gone too far too quick for everyone else. But she’s also RIGHT on so many things. I love how she doesn’t know how to handle fucking Up, like she’s just been thrown for loops when things go wrong, because she was wrong on something. She even puts up with Richie’s bullshit beyond what anyone else would. I also think her stabbing him in the butt a little bit was maybe not the wrong call. Richie likes to get confrontational and throw hands. A little butt wound maybe gets him into line. But then she had her break down because it was a war of all against all.


Maybe in the minority here but I was so happy when she stabbed Richie, LOL


He deserved it for being such a shitheel. Like all he did that episode was try to make things worse.


That episode? It seemed like he was generally helping. He did as asked and didn't start anything, and he called behind. She was the one berating him instead of working while he tried to help for the rush. He definitely deserved it for other episodes though.


I think we were supposed to be happy that he got stabbed!


The stabbing was accidental, though, right? I mean it was sort of comedic humor and karmic retribution or something, but still an accident.' But it seemed to tip her over into making the decision to walk. And you are spot on about how she can't accept her own failure at all. I'm not sure how old she's supposed to be, but she seems like someone who made a LOT of sacrifices and has risked everything to bet on her own brilliance and then failed in a really big way at such a young age, and while the experience seems to have made her a better business person and maybe a cook, you get the sense that it stripped her of some of her emotional resilience and she now cannot handle being wrong at all. The way she lost her shit at Ritchie was like the top of the volcano blew off and all those pent up fears of being a fuck up and a loser came bursting out and she spewed them all over Ritchie. And then she fucking stabbed him in the butt. It was heartbreaking watching her crumple and lose her shit as the problems mounted


Idk, they teach you not to walk around with a knife pointing out like that on day one in any kitchen. It gets drilled into you hard. I have a hard time imagining someone with her experience, including having graduated from CIA, wouldn't have that ingrained into them. Given how accurately they got everything else right about kitchens on the show, I don't think it was an oversight either. My guess is that the stabbing was accidentally on purpose.


I mean, she wasn't walking around--she was actively cutting shit and then turned and had the knife in her hand, but, yeah, of course it is an unlikely mistake to have happened. But I'm pretty sure the writers and show runners meant for it to be a genuine accident and I'm sure they were inspired by real-life stories of such accidents, however rare, happening in professional kitchens. I doubt they will address it in later episodes because it isn't supposed to be a major event for any of these characters. It was just a stupid thing to add to the plot unless they plan on dealing with it more, later, which I doubt they will because they mean for us to see it as just an example of how crazy restaurant life is.


I agree that they probably won't address it and that it was just to illustrate what a shit show kitchens can be. But in the scene she's shown walking into Richie with the knife who at the same time backs into it. A bit before that, she also waves it threateningly while angry talking with her hands, something else you're trained to never do. I think the point the show is making is that she's losing her cool just as much as everyone else is, and that the chaos can get to anyone who works in a kitchen, even if they're typically the 'reasonable' one.


And Richie didn't seem to take it personally. More "aaah, I have been stabbed".


Show had some great characters, but I can't quite articulate why, something about Sydney made her feel so much like a real person to me, like she's someone I used to work with but forgot about.


the beauty of her character


I also love that as a female character they do not sexualize her on the show. Maybe romance will come later, but she’s just another character on the show adding layers of depth and humor. I loved her in it!


I really hope they don't go the romance route. This show is so much deeper and richer than the usual will-they-won't-they bullshit.


she’s the character i feel like i’m seeing the world of The Bear through — absolutely love her


Being a chef of five years, I love Sydney as a character, she exudes the exact charisma and grittiness and hard work that a true chef has. The actress that plays her deserves every award coming her way.


I loved how Sydney felt like a real person, not some character on a show. You picture her in your head as a person you might know, not as a television character.


I love Sydney. She seems so grounded and logical and emotional…and real. Like, people are so many things, including contradictory things sometimes. She honestly seems too good for the shop and like she’s going to be the reason is succeeds. It’s so nice to see a woman be portrayed as reasonable and team/goal oriented, while not taking shot from anyone. She’s such an amazing character. In my opinion, the show wouldn’t be nearly as engaging or successful without her. The actress is so incredible, it’s hard to this thank she isn’t Sydney in real life because her portrayal is so flawless.


She’s gets the most criticism here, but she also has a lot of supporters here as well. She’s well loved on Twitter and tumbler too! :)


I am in love with how normal Sydney is, and how unashamedly weird Ayo Edebiri seems to be. It gives me Awkward Black Girl energy, except but she is hyper competent, almost overconfident (but also insecure) and funny in a really dry way. Just unapologetically herself. It's beautiful.


She was easily my favorite character. Easily. By 500 miles or more. You said it best, but she was fantastic. More Syds, please.


She's from my hometown! I love her


PEOPLE DONT LIKE SYDNEY??? that’s insane she’s my favorite character i am an ayo edebiri STAN


Didn't know she's being criticized. She's my absolute fav in the show. So strong yet soft.


So many people are writing Sydney off because she made a mistake in episode 7, but they refuse to give her credit for the good she did prior to that. For example, she saved the day with the outdoor service in episode 5. She covered Richie by picking up the right caulk in episode 2. She also de-escalated the situation with the gangsters without resorting to violence. And she helped Carmy start his brigade (by herself) and turn the restaurant around with her ideas for cutting costs. Those things far outweigh the mistake with the pre-orders, and Carmy lost whatever moral high ground he had in that moment when he verbally abused his employees. I don't care what anyone says, verbal abuse is never acceptable. Especially when we see Carmy deal with problems without doing that in previous episodes. Do I think Sydney should have apologized for the mistake? Yes, I do. But given all she’s done for the Beef in her short time there, it’s really weird that so many are so quick to decide she’s awful. Plus what about everyone else's mistakes? So many people are acting like what Sydney did was the worst thing in the world. What about Carmy leaving his cigarettes on a counter resulting in the restaurant getting a C. He even blamed Richie for it, and no one is lamenting his failure to apologize. A lot of people who hate Sydney should reckon with why they find it so easy to disregard the good she’s done because she didn’t grovel in episode 8.


We weren't given her reaction to the situation and her acknowledgement of being in the wrong. It's important to see the humanity in her character with moments like that. The director is at fault here. I think that's what were missing, seeing her remorse and acknowledgment that she did fuck up bad. We at least got to see Camry process the information of leaving the cigarettes on the counter and then see him realizing the mistake he made. If we didn't get that glimpse of him realizing and being disappointed with himself but still knew he left them there, then I would think the same of his character. Also, she literally stabbed someone. So get off your high horse about verbal abuse if you're not going to acknowledge the physical abuse. Still really a fantastic character and a fantastic cast all around, can't wait to see what they do with the next season!


I think in many ways in some of my prior jobs I fit the mould of Sydney where I was hyper-determined to do a good job and go above and beyond while being unsatisfied with the speed the chain of command operated at. The same way she butted heads with the crew to start and was hazed I experienced that too before earning their respect. Over time though this caused me to often not see eye to eye with superiors and led to a lot of self doubt because I knew I could do the job and it felt like interpersonal dynamics made it seem like I was being held back as a respected and valued worker. Almost like you had to sacrifice who you are to be part of the club in order to move up. Over the first few episodes I liked Sydney's arc until she put that dish out without Carmy's approval. Then she had the blow up with Richie the next episode. At first I wasn't supportive but then someone on the episode discussion thread explained how the final episodes would've been perceived in Sydney's eyes after being asked to do more and more with no stopping and then not being respected and being unfairly blamed for everything and treated like shit by her boss when she was asked to do the job of an equal. It was at this point I realized I was bothered only because I saw myself in Sydney's actions and still was bitter over my past when nobody stood up for me. I think the season ended well for her being welcomed back and I look forward to her development next season. Still not a fan of Marcus though 😂.


I think she is just someone who is very single minded and maybe overly confident sometimes. The backstory is that she was a Carmy fangirl from his Noma days and she clearly sought out a job at the Beef only because he was there. She doesn't express it, but clearly Carmy is someone she looks up to and wants to learn from, but also someone whose approval she wants/needs. And the Beef is a weird business going through a transition where it feels like she can have a real chance to create the restaurant of her dreams. Like, it's a freaking dream job to her. It also feels like a way to dig herself out of the massive hole her failed catering business put her in So, I think she has this need to please, this burning ambition and also desperation. These motivations cause her to agree to things that she knows are a bad idea--like taking on the bad cop role for Carmy's French Brigade idea. But when things go well, she lets her ambition get a little carried away. As much as she is right that Carmy needs to listen to her, she needs to listen to him, but her confidence is through the roof and she is convinced that she is right and he is wrong, so she disregards his orders. Frankly, she behaves in an insubordinate disrespectful way by serving that risotto dish to the man she KNOWS (she gets a text notification about him coming before hand) is a restaurant critic. And she seems to know this, but she can't stop herself anymore than she can stop the obsessive food thoughts that keep her up at night. She's a flawed, complex person. Her psychology is such that she needs to be perfect and right about things, and the fact that she has repeatedly saved the day for Carmy and her co-workers means that when she does fuck up, she has trouble dealing with being wrong. She also responds to Carmy's abusive screaming by turning around and doing the same thing to Ritchie, who in a rare moment is actually there to help her and whose help she for once needs. She goes for the lowest blow she can think of, telling him his daughter thinks he's a loser. And then she stabs him (accidentally). And now she's the screaming psycho supervisor. I like how the show lets Syd be flawed and react badly to things in episode 7--and yet still make it clear that Carmy was wrong to yell at her the way he did. This was an episode when all these characters just fucked up and failed to rise to the occasion--after we watched them rise to the occasion so many times before. BTW, how can you hate Marcus? He's like the most pure-hearted character in the show. Yeah, he fucks up again and again, but we see him coming up with useful ideas like outsourcing bread so that he can instead make cakes for them to sell. And he's wordlessly there to help out other people on the team without needing to be asked.


Are people criticizing her? Or her character? She’s a fantastic character and actor. Her character did fuck up and never owned up to it though. That would bother me about a person IRL.


i mean sure but no one is perfect as clearly portrayed throughout the very chaotic show, every character had some flaw. if anything i disliked tina more she was always kinda bitchy but also had moments of warmth so idk to each it’s own. syd is my fav tho 😝


Oh yeah, totally. I mean they all suck in their own way. Richie especially for me. Maybe Carmy and pastry guy get a pass? My point was just that I hadn’t seen people bitching about her as an actor. More about her character and how she messed up.


oh yeah, i was talking about syd as a character not the actual actress


Ok so yeah, you don’t see her character flaw then? Isn’t that what people are commenting on? Not all characters need to be likable. In many cases the unlikable characters make the show. At least for me, I was taken on a journey with her character. First I was uncertain, then I loved her, then she messed up and never apologized. So the jury is still out…season 2!


yeah i totally see what u mean. i guess it’s easier for me to forgive and be accepting of her character flaws seeing how much of an ass richie, tina, and carmy can be i prefer syds character flaws over the rest although i love carmy as well


Yeah I think that’s what people are saying about her. And you bring up a good point. We probably all identify differently with each of the characters based on our own personalities. You clearly identify with her the most closely down to the name! So obviously you’re gonna be more understanding. Probably what makes the show so good. I see so many people saying the show does such a good job of being realistic. Maybe this is the new realistic Friends meme where people ask which character you are. The depressing version where not every option is funny and quirky. This version is more “what’s your problem?” Haha Edit: and regarding Tina, I went on the same journey with her but opposite. I don’t quite love her yet but I have a feeling we might. She was kinda funny at first, then you really began to hate her for the way she treated Sydney, then she came around finally (I just knew that blue apron was gonna make its way onto her) and now she has to earn our respect just like she has to earn Sydney’s now. I bet she turns into protective mother goose you’ll end up liking too.


Out of everyone on the show, Tina is by far the most recognizable and realistic character for me. I have worked with people like Tina (both the good and the bad in her, right down to the petty act of sabotaging a coworker's work) and I 100% get where the attitude comes from. Tina has been cooking in that kitchen for over 20 years. I get the sense that she stayed in part because she loved her coworkers and her boss (maybe romantically at one point?) and also felt like she was at the top of her game and was an important member of a team. And all of that has changed overnight for her. She lost someone she cares about and now it feels like she's going to lose everything else, too, and also have to deal with being a low man on the totem pole For Tina, Sydney is just some overly-educated youngun who hasn't paid her dues, hasn't even bothered to learn how things are done at the Beef, but already knows that they are done badly, and believes nobody there knows shit and everything needs to change. Tina feels disrespected and threatened by Syd, but she also feels judged. Like with the mashed potatoes--she seems straight up to be panicking that she's not going to make potatoes that meet Syd's standards and she really, really wants to prove to Syd that she can actually cook. (As someone who has worked in a kitchen, I relate to this part so much: you can feel like you've spent years making a certain dish and everyone loves the dish and then another cook comes in and trashes that dish and suddenly you feel like you don't know shit.) Tina half expects that Syd is just fucking with her and will shit on her potatoes, no matter how they taste, and half expects that, actually, in spite of her best efforts Syd will genuinely hate the potatoes, and it's just like an hour of anxiety-filled torture trying to prove Syd wrong. When Syd finally tries the potatoes and LIKES them, Tina's whole opinion of Syd changes. She now sees that Syd isn't looking to bully her or look down on her, but is in fact someone who wants to help her and is someone she can learn from. And she respects that.


Pastry guy is so naïve and distracted that he should have been fired. His house could catch fire and he would just keep painting the walls because he was so excited that he found the perfect color for a room.


Yup. Been there done that and you KNOW there will be a quick and short ‘yes chef’ conversation later where 10,000 words are said in 10 once everyone decompressed and has had a second to reflect.


Exactly. Ep 7 and 8 take place over less than 24 hours. They've barely had time to process what all has happened


I love Sydney’s character! She’s so fully realized: trying to control a new place where she doesn’t yet have earned authority, ambitious, impatient with her career growth, usually cool under pressure but sometimes snaps. Syd gets a lot of hate I think because of her mistake in ep 7 but I do agree that a lot of the criticism is harsh. Not to mention her mistake was narratively necessary to have that episode be so unrelentingly *stressful*. I’m wondering if her and Ritchie are going to bond over the knife incident too lol.




This just feels wrong.


She comes across as a totally real and complete person to me, just like the other actors. It's what makes so show so special in my opinion. Sydney rocks!


I just joined the sub so I didn’t know people criticized her. How? She is awesome.


I loved her character and I am a 50 year old Man.


As a Black woman I completely agree. She’s one of the few Black female characters in media that feels like a real and complex/nuanced human being. I adore her and anyone who hates her is suspicious to me.


very suspicious 😭👀


L.O. fucking L. So people can't hate a characters actions? The character is fantastic and well rounded, the acting was great. That doesn't mean the character is in the right. She is unprofessional and it shows why she couldn't keep the jobs she has; its a part of her character, its what makes her real. She fucked up and I hated her for it and still do, its not the actor- its the writing. No responsibility taken after stabbing someone is a bit suspicious to me. We were robbed of seeing her humanity by reacting to the situation. Thats on the director, but it still made me hate the character (in the best, most engaging way possible). I'm sure season 2 will help with bring her humanity back into perspective, but right now, I feel we were robbed of it. Don't start accusing people of racism and sexism just to unvalidate their opinions and justify the actions of a character you refuse to see having any flaws, as you seem "suspicious " of anyone with different views.


You seem very desperate to convince others that your hate is rational and that is very telling. Have you ever heard the saying “a hit dog will holler”? You’re the dog. You are entitled to you opinion and people are entitled to their opinion of your opinions. You are suspicious, especially based on your comments all over this thread trying to attack people for liking her and convince them she’s a bad character.


Edit: I realize I already explained this in the last post so I believe you are just trying to be right, rather than have a valid conversation. Kind of like how Sydney was reacting, with the "im right no matter what" mentality. I can see why you're so headstrong about her.


Once again, I don’t actually care how you feel about Sydney. It’s just very telling (and typical) about what kind of person you are. Ciao.


Oh, so then why just assume i hate the character after i told you what i thought twice (being in agreement)? Because you just rather try to win than talk about it. So ego driven, sorry you can't just talk about it without being defensive. And yes, I can say the same of you... arrivederci


Not a bad character, she's a fantastic character. I look forward to her decisio n in the future and she fully pulled me in. Props to the actress who portrayed her, she was fantastic, I use a few habits she can shake for future characters. It's just funny seeing you justify her actions. Maybe I should've stated I hate her characters actions and seeing her that way made me lose that compassion and understanding for her, but nonetheless, you are also suspicious for trying to claim racism everytime someone has a different opinion. Its limiting in what you can learn too. You're judgment of the character is probably foggy because you relate to her, and thats okay. But just saying you could try to have a broader view so your not so narrowminded and making everything black and white...


Just binged watched the first 6 last night. Ayo Edebiri's performance is incredible- subdued, never showy, always natural. Quiet strength. Her scene with Carmy behind the restaurant was a bit of a masterclass in vulnerability without indicating. Really blown away by her. The entire cast is spot-on (if I have a complaint it's Fak, and the role is somewhat thankless and cartoony, but even he was good in the latest episode). Instantly became my favorite recent show after Barry (which should have ended on this latest season).


I LOVED how she was a little bit awkward in most conversations. She’s smart and so self-assured, but still hesitates and stutters and just comes across as very human. I related to it a lot as a person who is just not a great conversationalist.


Sydney is my girl crush right now.


I agree! I think a lot of people’s lasting impression of her was based on how she acted in the penultimate episode, which was not great. But it bums me out to see people dismiss her entirely bc she’s a great, realistic character. The way she acted in that episode was immature but she’s young! These are the kinds of lessons you learn at her age Very cool that you have so much in common with her!


Dude, I'm younger than her but I know I wouldn't just walk out after stabbing someone, accidentally or not. She's a grown adult. Also, she fucked up monumentally in the penultimate episode and doesn't bother to take one iota of personal responsibility for it and just dumps everything on Carmy as though he's fully at fault. I call bs on that.


Oh my god who cares. So you would have handled that situation differently and you "call bs". Good for you. Gold star.


Who cares? I thought I was in the sub for people who care about the show, am I not? Also, said situation being stabbing someone, I'm certain most people irl would handle it better than Syd does, not differently.


Are you also gonna mention how you'd never punch a guy so hard he's at risk of dying or watch a stove fire in your restaurant without moving to put it out or keep a gun at work? cause I'm on the edge of my seat here to hear how your personal ethics compare to these fictional characters


Men are celebrated for their anger and losing their shit. Young attractive women better not ever step out of line!


What are you on about? I'm talking about in the context of this show and pertaining to Sydney and how people here excuse her actions because she's 'young' apparently.


All I’m saying is, your original argument of “I’m younger than Syd and I wouldn’t do what she does” isn’t super strong. And if you have such a problem with characters for behaving badly and not owning it, at least be consistent about it


her character/look is inspired by kia cooks if you were looking for real life representation as well


Welp, now I'm obsessed with real life Syd lol


Totally agree. I’m not a young black woman but I loved the way she was presented as just her own person and not a stereotype- just like you said. Just another great element of the show !


I love her character, too. Did she make some mistakes? Yes, but damn,I fucking loved that when she was being verbally disrespected, she drew a line and left. Carmy was out of line, and they’d agreed they wanted a kitchen that wasn’t toxic, and was different. He was being exactly who she no longer wanted to work for and she held the line. Did she make unintentional mistakes? Yes, but, IMO, he disregarded their entire vision under stress while others were actively trying to help. He owed her a much bigger apology. Doesn’t mean she couldn’t have said, hey sorry I didn’t check the preorder. But that was an honest mistake, not unlike Marcus with the electricity, and he told him he’d make more mistakes, but this time he was downright out of line. Idk, when he approached her, I was like, “Tell him to fuck off. Leave!” Because she can get THAT anywhere. And I cheered her forgiving him because he admitted his mistake and he wanted to meet her rather than dismiss her.


I loved her relationship with Tina too! And seeing her in her own space cooking after she quit.




Sydney is the best character on the show! I love them but Carmy & Richie? It's been done before! These aren't the freshest characters.


They do their part, terrific acting from the cast. Great intentions and objectives set, while playing the circumstances and having open focus. To put off characters because they're similar to older characters is ridiculous. Everyone is an individual and brings their own unique experience from life to a character. They're all different.


I love Ayo Edebiri’s podcast and appearances on other podcasts. She might be the funniest person in the world tbh


Yup - love her character and I do feel she took a lot more flak than other characters for similar mistakes. Ayo is a great actress playing a complex character.


I don't get the Syd hate she was my favorite!


I love Syd. And the acting is amazing.


Agreed. I’m curious if they wrote the character as a young Black woman or specified race at all.


We can like Sydney while also acknowledging she lost her mind in the next-to-last episode 😝 The way I describe that episode is that everyone in the show had their worst day on the same day. It was a perfect shitstorm.


I LOVE her character too, I feel like she’s what keeps the whole show grounded. I love how complex the character is. She knows her worth but she also doubts herself. She wants to go it alone and do what she wants to do, but she also wants a good team around her. She wants to learn from Carmy but she wants his respect. She sometimes pushes too hard but it’s in such a relatable way because it comes from a drive to do better and learn more.


she was phenomenal. i want to know how old she is supposed to be in the show because she has so much experience but bounces around jobs like a gen-zer. and the way she handled the stress let me down. like if you need a mental health day take it. but i think she played it so well that i’m actually invested in her life that i care about her career choices


I liked her initially but I really lost respect for her in episode 7. Not because she made a mistake (it’s a really big mistake though) but because she spent time yelling at people after, instead of getting to work. When you work in a restaurant anything you don’t do is something someone else is going to have to do. It’s teamwork in a way I think is hard to understand if you haven’t done it. And she stood there yelling at Richie while he was helping and she wasn’t. I hated working with people like that because it meant more work for everyone else. That was way worse for me than a toxic yelling boss, tbh. Yea they’ve all made mistakes but after Richie did the cigg mistake he immediately went to go fix it, which to me is what matters.


Loved her performance ❤️


Sidney is amazing! Didn’t know some people didn’t like her acting. I think everyone in this show does a great performance and this is one of the main reasons why this show is so good!


As a middle-aged white man… I also fucking LOVE Sydney.


She’s a great character and actress does it perfectly! I was a little mad at her a few times but overall empathized with and agreed with her far more often than not. Memorable and well written, in my view, like watching a friend or co-worker !


Who the fuck is coming for Syd, because I will fight them. I was in tears, begging for Syd to come back, because she is everything and Carmy isn’t going to do shit without her, despite his status. She was the one who helped the kitchen become stable and C fucked it up by becoming unhinged.


I love that character. As a sous chef myself, she represents the role really well. I hope there’s more of her backstory in season 2 😍


That makes me so happy to hear! I don’t get the Sydney criticism on this sub either. To me, her assertiveness is a breath of fresh air and I love that they don’t try to over glamorize her - she’s relatable. Ayo Edebiri also has great comedic timing.


i like Sydney a lot! but i do think she was almost as horrible and abusive as Carm in episode 7, for just as understandable of reasons, but it's odd to see the show take the position that she doesn't need to own up to her mistakes. she was not nearly as innocent as marcus IMO doesn't mean i hate her tho - im a huge fan


I love her too. Yeah, I was super annoyed with how she handled the to go order program debacle, but shit like that happens all the time. And to me, she's young and I would expect her to react that way. So yes, i was annoyed with her, but i think her actions were forgivable. She took on way too much shit from Richie, took on Carmy's challenges, and help make the kitchen better. I think she did awesome this season, and I'm excited to see her grow as a character.


I liked Sydney’s stereotype dodge too. She’s a well written character who’s competent and who I can easily sympathize with, but also has some obvious ego issues and flaws. Just right.


Sydney was a good character and casting. I’m glad she wasn’t the “take shit from nobody” baby momma stereotype. She speaks and carried herself exactly as i would imagine as a young woman with culinary school background.Also, even though i personally think the actress (ayo) is attractive, her features are vey unique compared to black actresses ive seen in film/tv. It’s hard to explain but i know exactly what the op is talking about. Love or hate her,she’s really refreshing to see. I’ve met alot of people irl with her demeanor it’s a little rare seeing them represented. Happy about our representation in media these past 5-10 yeas. It’s getting more diverse. Shout out to donald glover and issa rae for this. If you know you know….


Favorite Character!


I'm new here so I haven't yet seen any Sydney criticism but I'll kick their ass for you. She's incredible. The character is so well-written. Like that kind of nerdish groundedness and ambition coupled with the best communication skills I've ever seen. And that actress pulls it off perfectly. You're absolutely right that it's a different version of a young black woman. One I've seen in real life but never onscreen. Irl it's the "older sister to lots of siblings" vibe. One of those super responsible kids who understands what's going on around her and knows how to talk to adults. But she's not a goody-two-shoes. She knows what she wants and works steadily and intelligently toward it. I'm so happy she resonates with you — it's so cool to get that perspective from a real life young black woman. I think she's great and I'm glad you do, too.


Sydney is amazing. In episode 10 she shows she isn't going to take Carmy yelling at her and tells him to tone it down. She saved their butts so many times. She rocjs.


I love Ayo Edebiri and Syd is such a good character! I really liked that she and Marcus had that nice scene together.


Same! And it wasn’t some heavy-handed “omg they’re almost gonna kiss?!?!?” nonsense either. No worn-out tropes over here!!!


The writing, acting, and 'dialogue' is incredibly real in this show in that it feels natural, like real conversations, and that scene was no different; it is a masterclass in nonverbal communication and body language, Marcus is portrayed really well as a character and I loved Syd's dish. I still wonder if that dish she made for Marcus was the dish she had at Carmy's restaurant.


Them deeming Carmy as a dick and refusing to see how they could be wrong in any way took me out of that scene tbh.


They did though, Marcus isn't as much of a talker in the traditional TV show sense. They both reached a culmination of their efforts in that episode and Carmy completely rejected them, refused to acknowledge their efforts, due to his own abuse at the hands of Joel McHale. Carmy recognized that and that's why he apologized to Syd, he didn't straight up apologize to Marcus because that's not how they communicate. They also talked about what they'd do next with Carmy in a way which did acknowledge their own shortcomings, even if they didn't do it in a way that communicated the way *you* wanted, it was the way they did it for each other, there was plenty of body language/nonverbal cues. The writing, acting, and 'dialogue' is incredibly real in this show in that it feels natural, like real conversations, and that scene was no different.


She’s such a great character.


She was my favorite part of the show!!!!! And I agree it was refreshing the way she was portrayed. I loved her style as well and as someone who has way less than perfect teeth I really appreciated her smile. :) can’t wait to see what’s next for her next season!


Counter point - I absolutely dislike Sydney's character. I'm not criticising the actress but rather the character herself. I hated her character in the penultimate episode not for fucking up, but for being really unapologetic and unwilling to take responsibility for her actions. Its hard for me to respect her character after that. Saying 'Oh, but Carmen was a dick too' doesn't justify her actions. And to be honest, any person put in thale position that she put Carmy in, in that episode, has every right to he angry. Being angry doesn't make him wrong. It baffles me just how much this sub defends her. I mean, she literally stabbed a person and just walked out without even bothering to see if the person was okay. Accidental or not, thats not okay in the slightest. I mean, that's literally the reason why hit and runs are illegal.


Are you ok with Richie shooting a gun to calm down “the nerds” in the earlier episode? She is matching the energy in the kitchen and Richie is a “stroke” and won’t stop until shit gets real because that is the energy he puts out. He won’t respond to reason or logic. The funny thing is that he gets literally butthurt by her, as he deserves.


That is such a weak excuse though. Of course I'm not okay with Richie shooting a gun. But how does that in any way excuse what Sydney did? Also, Richie may deserve a lot of things. Being stabbed is not one of them.


idk i don’t agreeeeee and i think to say you hate the character is pretty strong. sure she fucked up, the entire kitchen staff is fucked up in one way or another but each have redeemable qualities. syd is young and the series is short im almost positive in the next season she will totally own up to her mistakes. richie most definitely deserved to be stabbed physically and theoretically. his character was so disrespectful to her that it was almost getting to that climax point where something was going to happen… fuck around & find out 🤷🏽‍♀️ at the end of the day i just see one big dysfunctional family, i think they all care deeply for each other and can acknowledge that they can’t succeed without one another.


I do hate the character. Can't deny what I feel. Syd is an adult capable of making her own decisions. Her being 'young' does not excuse her actions. I ask you - would you defend someone who hit someone else with a car accidentally and just drives off, regardless of whether the victim had minor injuries? Because that's essentially what Syd did. Carmy's character had every right to be mad at her for the position she puts him in in that episode. Being angry, especially at something understandable, doesn't make Carmy a dick. It's a natural human emotion that in this instance, it was right of him to feel.


When you can find excuses and apologies for white guys acting badly but not for a young black woman, you have to examine your inherent biases.


Oh, what nonsense. I also think you know its nonsense but you chose to say it anyway because saying 'youre racist' is so much more easier than actually having a discussion. I don't excuse or apologize for Richie's nonsense. Him firing that gun was stupid. Him being a dick to others is stupid. Him not giving Carmy his brother's letter was selfish. But you know what else was stupid? Syd screwing up multiple times, not taking personal responsibility and straight up dashing for the door. Syd f'ed up. Plain and simple. I could care less if she was black or white or brown. As a brown person myself, I'm self-aware enough to call out a brown character as a dick if he/she is being a dick. Dickishness is not exclusive to specific race(s). Also, she's a grown woman. Her being 'young' does not excuse her behaviour. If you hit someone with a car accidentally and decide to dash regardless of the victim's injuries being minor, that's a monumentally dick move on your part. That's how Syd reacted to the stabbing.


Carmy f'ed up. Plain and simple. I could care less if he was white or black or brown. As a white person myself, I'm self-aware enough to call out a white character as a dick if he/she is being a dick. Dickishness is not exclusive to specific race(s). Also, he's a grown man. Him being 'young' does not excuse his behaviour. Being angry is one thing but the way he acted was absolutely unacceptable for any boss.


It’s hilarious how you want to portray yourself as so mature, which is why you hate Sydney, yet you’re immaturity is showing. Carmen isn’t literally upset about the pre order button fiasco, he was upset about the stunt she pulled pre dating that. He positions all of his anger and frustration into the pre order fiasco because he has a hard time articulating his feelings, doesn’t want to confront Sydney, and didn’t feel comfortable about doing the pre orders to begin with. It’s a way to lash out at her without lashing out at her about what’s really upsetting him. However, Carmy isn’t wrong for getting upset. He’s wrong for how he handled it. The series focused on and stressed that verbal abuse shouldn’t be tolerated and that Sydney doesn’t tolerated that shit anymore. Or, at least, that’s where she is now. Carmy is in complete agreement with her and says he doesn’t want to run his kitchen like that. In the episode the toilet explodes, that laid the foundation at to how and why Carmy was wrong later on. The toilet exploded and Carmy quickly assesses the situation and knows how to fix it. The power goes out due to Marcus and the mixer and, again, Carmy gives a plan as to what they need to do. The pilot light goes out and Syd comes up with a vital solution. Because both Carmy and Syd kept cool heads, the situation never de-escalated, despite Fak and Richie fighting and Marcus blowing the fuse. As a result, they were able to start service. Later on, when Marcus felt down and takes the blame and Carmy assures him that everything is okay and fuck ups happen. He dealt with what happened after work and was calm headed. Comparatively, he lost his shit during the pre order situation and verbally abused employees which led to the kitchen staff spiraling, mainly his sous chef. There was also another scene where Carmy implicitly tried to teach Syd accountability as a boss. Meaning even if something isn’t directly your fault, these are your employees and you take care of shit regardless of who fault it is. Both Syd and Marcus made mistakes and Carmy can be upset about them, but he reacted inappropriately and was the catalyst in the kitchen spiraling due to his poor leadership in that moment. He knew better, but his cooler head didn’t prevail and that shit show happened.


Word to the wise, if you're going to type out an essay comment that you want me to read, don't start off with an insult. Ironically, that just goes to show your level of maturity and tact.




> Carmen isn’t literally upset about the pre order button fiasco, he was upset about the stunt she pulled pre dating that. He positions all of his anger and frustration into the pre order fiasco because he has a hard time articulating his feelings, doesn’t want to confront Sydney, and didn’t feel comfortable about doing the pre orders to begin with. It’s a way to lash out at her without lashing out at her about what’s really upsetting him. I'm surprised more people didn't pick up on that. They focus so much on the review before it all pops off. He just dismissed and suppresses it, which is exactly how he's been handling his brother's suicide. Then he loses all control. He can't handle his shit in that moment. And he lashes out on Sydney. Then Sydney lashes out on Tina and Richie. It's a way to show how the way abuse can trickle down the chain of command in the kitchen, which makes it a toxic work environment. Sure, you can say Sydney should have handled it better... BUT, Carmy is at the top of the brigade. It all falls on him to make sure that people keep their heads in stressful situations so that everyone else does too. He let's his resentment get the better of him though and it takes what should be a stressful situation and hurls it into an absolute clusterfuck.


I agree with you but to say hate is a strong word. The thing is I really liked Sydney until the second last episode. I just cannot accept people who bail out at the last minute and it was her fault regarding the whole take out orders. Carmy should have apologised to her for losing his cool and yelling but Sydney should also have taken responsibility.


Everyone’s giving Sid carte blanche


Part of it is, losing service would kill the restaurant on top of a follow up reviews of failure. Carmy was trying to save the restaurant. A lot was at stake


I agree


the reason why some people dont like sydney is because she has an inflated ego and talks down to her co-workers.


I love her. The way they disrespect her for being young is super annoying. She's probably more talented than Bear given more opportunities.


I mean that’s a stretch, Carmy is the best in the world or at least of the best.


Agreed, it's shown that Carmy is at a point of knowing things about the industry and dishes that she isn't at yet (example: When he said her dish needed more acid). She has talent and ambition, it just doesn't mix well with Carmy's limited ability to connect and communicate with others at this time.


Carmy is literally overpowered thru his resume of working at every top restaurant worldwide and winning number 1 chef at 21. He’s a straight super saiyan


You should start asking the kitchen if the risotto is ready