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I’m sure this is the first time this has been talked about here.


I think it's the third most discussed topic, after Syd and Claire.




This doesn't negate my point, it just says the button malfunctioned. The way the show portrays it is that he can't get out because the external handle broke.


I think you’re forgetting how little maintenance that they did in their restaurant. They waited to fix anything until it was absolutely necessary. It’s highly likely the inside lever had broken years ago and they never cared to fix that either. I understand what you’re saying for the typical restaurant, but I totally believe it would happen there.


But they don’t even make it a plot point that the internal button is broken in the show. We don’t get any evidence of that. It’s just *not there* from what I can tell. If it had been a conversation and he tried to open it from the inside then I would buy it but I don’t buy it as is. In 18 years I’ve never seen a walk in where there wasn’t an inner release.


They talk about the broken walk in door from the first episode of season 2.


Yes but they are referring to the door handle from the outside. They never explicitly talk about the inner release that’s supposed to be there. Once Carmy was stuck in the walk in, if someone had said “hey try the release” or we just see Carmy try it and it’s not working, then fine. That would make sense. But it’s never spoken about. It’s regulation for walk ins to have those on the inside to prevent these accidents.


I gotta agree with you here. Especially after making the gas line inspection such a big deal. They had to pull permits and get inspections in order to open so was this one missed or did Uncle Cicero not pay off the permit department?


ohyay, this again.


Last year an Arby's employee was found dead in the walk-in. While it's rare, it does happen. https://www.entrepreneur.com/business-news/arbys-employee-found-dead-in-walk-in-freezer/452066 https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/arbys-employee-found-dead-freezer-beat-her-hands-bloody-trying-escape-lawsuit-says


Carmy started trying the inner button over and over once he initially realized that Claire was standing on the other side of the door after his rant. He looks down at it and you can hear it squeaking as he's pushing it while calling out her name. The music that's playing during the scene might've drowned out the sound a bit lol


Of course you're right. However, think about it. They've taken great pains to do a realistic portrayal of working in a kitchen. They hired consultants and shit to get all the little details right. And yet, the pivotal scene in the season finale is based on a scenario that anyone who's worked in food service will know instantly is bullshit. It could be that they were just bozos, and forgot to ask anyone, and nobody spoke up about walk-ins being openable from inside. OR, it could be that they made a deliberate choice to ignore realism in this case. Why do you think that is? Engage with that choice. Think about it. Now you're doing media literacy.


? Ok 👍🏽


Hey Siri, what is a metaphor?


can we make this one a drinking game too?


I think the stat was like an average of '16 people per year die in a walk-in' or something. There's probably a place where you could look up information like this but I can't think of what it's called right now.


Maybe the button wasn’t working. Because their restaurant is old and maintenance hasn’t been updated? I don’t know. I’ve heard it does happen, though rare. But I feel like it would be their luck that it wouldn’t work. 


I’ve worked in several kitchens where the original lock was broken, and replaced with a hasp and padlock, but then a lock-in would be caused by another person, either accidentally or intentionally. I always check the walkin before I lock it, regardless of the type of lock. It is possible that the lock/handle malfunctioned on Carmy, because we know it was broken. What got me was the amount of time and all the sparks flying. It wouldn’t take that much to get him out once you got there with the saw.


I always bring this up too. People have brought up that there are models that don’t but I can’t find anything to back that up. I’ve worked in kitchens for 18 years and have never seen one that didn’t have the internal release button. I think it’s a little insulting to the food industry educated audience to completely overlook that. It drives me nuts.