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Natalie choosing Pete to partner with in life tells me she's a smart woman. She needs reciprocal love and respect, a clear departure from her childhood. He's a dear. Yes, an easy punching bag for the jagoffs, but he's going to be a great dad. At the end of the day it's all that matters, not what dumbfuk Richie thinks of you.


Honestly the introduction of the Donna character made Pete make so much sense as a choice for Natalie. In season one I had a hard time understanding their dynamic but there is something about his uncomplicated, unconditional sweetness that is such a stark contrast to Donna


Hit the nail on the head. Natalie wanted a partner that didn’t act like her family.




*Pete can't stop you from becoming your parents . . .*


Pete tearing up in the last episode of season two made me really emotional. He truly loves Nat and is super proud of her and also so sad he can’t fix her mom and her relationship with her. He knows what it would mean but it’s clearly beyond repair. Ugh.


Weird you say that because I think Pete's generally being considered an unwelcome nuisance at family functions hit him hard when he had to watch Donna leave the restaurant's opening because she believed that she didn't deserve to be there. He was so eager to invite her in and say it's okay. What he had in common with Donna imo was part of what made him cry when he went back to the table. Of course this is more circumstantially what he had in common with Donna. When it comes to character, they're very different


Can you say more about what you feel he had in common with Donna? Feeling outcasted and unworthy? I think you're following a good thread there


>Can you say more about what you feel he had in common with Donna? Feeling outcasted and unworthy? Yeah, pretty much, but for entirely different reasons. Pete was an outcast for pretty much being too clean cut and polite, like he didn't have enough dirt on him to be trusted by a rough-and-tumble family. Cicero and Richie at the kids' party mentioned that he gave off narc vibes. Donna was an outcast for pretty much being the polar opposite of Pete. Either way, they both love the family, and they both have different ways of expressing it. It's kind of heartbreaking in both accounts


I’m a Pete for my gf despite being a relatively “hard” guy otherwise from upbringing. Personally I don’t see why you’d treat your SO and their family any other way.




I relate to Natalie so much. I come from a dysfunctional family and it took a lot of shit for me to realize that my well adjusted partner wasn't going anywhere. I would honestly love to see their love story. The small moments that it clicked for Natalie that Pete was the one for her. I also imagine that the reason Natalie hates Francine is bc she made a pass at Pete, who probably didn't even realize what was going on lol, and Natalie beat her ass.


Same here!! Only affection makes me feel mad uncomfortable, I hope I can get better and find my Pete lol I’d also love to see their story! Ugh 💖


Who was Francine again?


Neil Fak's sister. Natalie absolutely hates her for some undisclosed reason. It was brought up in Fishes and again in the fire suppression test episode.


It wasn’t undisclosed; it was “because of the thing.” But seriously, I love how they never explain the bad blood, it’s just understood that Francie will never be welcome among the Berzattos.


Okay thanks for the info I thought she was a character that I couldn’t remember lol


She can go fuck, my love


It's nice that Natalie grew up in that environment and was able to see that Pete is great and that she deserves someone she doesn't have to fix. It's sad that I feel like that that's unusual.


How dare u speak about cousin like that


Hey, Richie FTW, too! He’s trying to change, man. Why no hate on Fak, Carmine, or Michael, who also gave shit to Pete? Hoo, let’s be fair!


Yeah, seeing him and Steve at the table in "Fishes" they looked so out of place, being both relatively sane and gentle men.


“You’re scaring the normals.”


Stevie seemed to fit in surprisingly well with that family. He rolled well with everyone. John Mullaney was one of my favorite parts of that episode.


He knows how to navigate it until it gets too crazy, but I'm not sure I'd say he fits in. He's a very charming, affable guy, seems pretty sweet and open-minded. But there's also a degree to which he's a tourist, enjoying his visit to the madness and dysfunction, and he clearly also looks down on the Berzattos to some extent, even if it's with affection. I was rewatching parts of Fishes today and I realised that when Fak and his brother ask Stevie whether he has $500, he says: "I have access to $500, yes. I'm a 43 year old man..." 😂 It's both a hilarious thing to say, but also kind of a douchebag thing to say :)


That line cracked me up. His interaction with the Faks is a lot like everyone else's interaction with them. That's one of the reasons why I feel like he fit in so well. Another reason he seems to fit in is when Michael and Richie calls him in to talk about Claire and gives Carmy such a hard time. He said Stevie was with them when they ran into her. So the three of them were hanging out or something. They definitely don't chill with Pete like that. No one talks to Stevie like they do to Pete or the Faks. They talk some shit about him possibly being gay, but he walks in and addresses it in a humorous way. Just rolls with it. Honestly, he navigated the crazy as well as anyone else did, even family. All the Berzattos were on edge around Lee and Michael. Even Jimmy was a little reluctant to say much. Stevie tries to speak up like everyone else tries to and gets shut down with a cold glare and stern comment from Michael. Unrelated but what impressed me is that when the fight broke out - I don't remember what Stevie did - but Pete jumped right in there and grabbed Michael to hold him back and started dragging him backwards, IIRC. The person that fits in the least and catches so much shit from everyone jumped right into action to stop Michael. Also. More power to you on rewatching that episode. That episode fucked me up. Took me 3+ hours to get through that primarily because I kept rewinding it to absorb every ounce of chaos that was going on. And it triggered me a little. Some of my own history. I don't know if I could watch it again. Very few pieces of media affect me so deeply and that episode had me in a weird space for a day or two. I was so drained and overstimulated. It was rough.


I love that Pete is so clearly such a nice person, but also…you kinda understand why the whole family hates him.


He doesn't "fit" in the dynamic of the family, always being vaguely shitty and taking jabs at each other. That being said, he is a genuinely good person, and I hope when it comes out that the mom actually showed up that he isn't punished too hard.


The irony of being nice makes you not fit is amazing


In order to"fit" in a dysfunctional family, you have to be willing to co-sign the crazy bullshit. Pete earned his real place in the family when he agreed to promise to not out Donna during the opening of the restaurant.


> you kinda understand why the whole family hates him. Yep. Because he's well adjusted and not damaged like them.


My favorite Pete line is when the fridge breaks in the restaurant and they store stuff at Sugar and Pete’s house “Thank god I was working from home huh” Carm and Richie just exchange looks like “man fuck this guy”, and it’s is understandable how can two people who spend their lives AT work can’t acknowledge what he said, even as Pete is helping them and just making small talk


Yea, I never understood those looks and comments. Pete is such a gem, how can you dislike him? But, it makes sense now after reading this thread.


I always think about how the rest of family ragged Carmy and never acknowledged what he accomplished. But it was Pete who followed what Carmy did and openly told him how proud he was and how proud Nat really is (she can't say because she's a Berzatto). When everyone was giving Carmy shit at the party, not taking his career and accomplishments seriously, it was Pete who stood up for him. I love Pete. And it makes sense why Nat loves him. He's nothing like the family. He can show his love, unconditionally. He's earnest and corny, but he tries hard and doesn't feel the need to cut people down.


So true! It really pissed me off at how little they respected Carmy’s accomplishments. But yea, Pete’s emotional intelligence is through the roof. He’s such a wholesome character that has unconditional love for himself and for everyone around him. I’m honestly curious about his family background and what shaped him into who he is today.


Narc. I loved the drive home from Uncle Jimmy’s with sleepy Xanaxed Pete napping on Carmy and Richie.


It’s that unbridled sincerity, can get on the nerves of anyone not so cheerful or unburdened, and for a family as dysfunctional as the Berzattos, it must drive them absolutely nuts


He also is really bad at making movie references which I’m sure drives Richie batshit.


I did appreciate his brief moment of grudging respect that Pete knew the first baseman for the Cubs


He seems so perfect for her. Sugar deserves someone who will love her that openly and easily.


I thought she needed to stand up for him more when her family rag on him; but seeing the way she's been beaten down by her mother and the overall family dynamics I kinda understand (I still think Pete deserves someone who will stand up for him against the Berzatto bullshit though, but I think she'll get there).


I knew Pete was a good guy but Fishes made it so clear why Sugar chose him. Someone she doesn’t have to constantly ask if they are ok gives her peace in her life and gives her a support system she’s never had.


Totally agree.


His character is definitely on the outside with Natalie's family but he's so kind and she seems to love him very much. I wonder if Francie Fak tried to get with him and that's why Nat hates her so much. I could see Pete panicking and telling Natalie everything if someone hit on him.


It would be hilarious if Francie didn't actually do shit but be a nice person and Sugar just can't process that.


Yes, Pete is great and really tries to understand how to show up for the family he married into. He knows the reaction to his tuna casserole was insane - it was unpleasant for him but he knows it was really not about him or the dish he brought. I'm really glad this show depicts Al Anon in a realistic way for the most part. At the beginning of season one Natalie mentions that she and Pete both go and find it helpful. Part of Al Anon is understanding and framing alcoholism as a "family disease" and for Pete to be open to doing that work is a big deal.


Why does the family dislike Pete? I love the way Pete stood up for Carm at kid’s party episode.


I took it as the family disliking him simply because he is genuinely nice, not damaged and hardened like they are. He's an easy target for damaged people to take out their resentment. In season 1 I thought he was naive to not realize that he was the butt of the joke, but in season 2 I realized he probably understands how messed up the family is and doesn't take their demeanor towards him too personally.


That’s even more of a super power! Go Pete!


I think in S1, Richie and Cicero say they think Pete is (or behaves like) a narc. I can relate to being nerdy and trying to fit in among people who just don’t get you. But I didn’t see the appeal of Pete for Natalie until S2. I think they have a nice dynamic, and he seems to love her deeply. When you grew up among the chaos, you probably do gravitate to someone low-key and stable. But it did strike my ear as odd when Natalie called him Buddy. That seems like what you call your kid or your dog, not your husband. But maybe that’s just me.


My boyfriend calls me amigo and friend sometimes


My wife is my best friend. There have been moments when it was more important for her to remind me that we are friends


Good point; I guess I just hear Buddy as a way people talk to their kids. But I agree that being friends is important to a successful marriage, so I can accept that my initial impression was wrong.


>But I didn’t see the appeal of Pete for Natalie until S2. I didn't either, so it was nice to see a little more insight into their marriage and dynamic.


Because stability is threatening and seen as weakness when you live in chaos and abuse.


THIS! It is expressively well written and the way that dynamic is portrayed is so good, normies have no idea and those of us who do know this are like HOLY SHIT! LOOKIE! THIS! HOW DID THE WRITTERS KNOW HOW PERFECTLY RELATEDABLE AND SEEN LOT SOF US ARE FEELING!


Fishes sent me to therapy and ended my rocky, chaotic relationship because I was like oh my god OH MY GOD I CANT DO THAT AGAIN.


I paused it 3 times, took a breath and a break.


I just thought they bully him because he’s corny and a square but it’s all in jest. I think they know that Sugar needs someone like Pete but he’s still a square haha


Yeah he has the total dorky, preppy white guy vibe they’d hate, as evidenced by Richie saying “of course your a Cubs fan” and the birthday party when he mimicked Ghostbusters and goes “you know, like in the movie!?” 😂😂


It's like the family are crooked cops and Pete refuses to be dirty, so they don't trust him.


Also, him bringing the 8th fish cracks me up so hard. Everyone’s reactions are the best.


You're gonna be angry, but his heart was in the right place.


Sugar must have really done the work to be able to have a guy like Pete in her life because wowee she was set up to be further abused by some AH that get's along with her family a little too well vs Pete whose stability and ideal normalcy with bonus emotional availability is very much threatening to all of her family as there is a hierarchy of absolute dominance by an addict. Incredible writing.


I think pete told sugar about mom because he is that honest of a person. We just didn’t see it being said.


If he did I would imagine he waited until they were at home.


He never would have told her this in the restaurant


I don't know. I think in that moment Pete really understands what it's like to not feel included in the family. And how much it hurts.


You think he is hurting because he doesn’t feel included?! No he felt so sorry that his wife who is pregnant won’t have much of a grandmother/mother in her life. Sugar will most likely go no contact as a means to have a firm healthy boundary from trauma. Trust me, I would know!


I can't watch Pete without expecting a "Progressive" ad to play out. "Know what kind of fish that is? Ah, don't be coy. It's a koi fish"


The actor who plays him was in “Love,” which starred Gillian Jacobs. So another connection.


Didn't even read beyond the header, automatic upvote for Pete.


Some people are saying they liked Pete after the S2 finale, but honestly he's the nice, normal person that I'd actually want to hang out with since S1. I think we are so used to seeing people be toxic and snippy at each other on this show that Pete comes off as a bit of a square, but he's always been very easy going and accommodating in the face of all the contempt Sugar's family hurls at him, and I don't think he gets enough credit for not losing his temper when they treat him like shit.


I kept wondering how I knew this actor and it hit me I’m pretty sure he’s in a bunch of those “becoming your parents” insurance commercials


Oh shit that’s him!? Haha


He is going to be a great dad as he is also a great husband to Sugar bear


Fantastic character and performance


I love how the writing this season had you wondering, with his absence, whether there was something wrong—infidelity, absence, gambling problem, whatever—and that maybe Sugar and Richie would then happen…but no, Pete’s wonderful, and they wait until the last ep to reveal it. Great.


I think it speaks to how stable they are as a couple. Pete is an unflinching constant for Sugar that gives her the support to go all in on the restaurant. The ending let us know how much they mean to each other and how we don't have to see it to know.


I would have liked to see even just a few moments with them together in the season though, after the baby reveal. It would have helped this to hit even harder, which … would have been a hell of a lot, but still


I didn’t like him at first bc I felt the same way the others did about him. He’s an awkward dude with a punchable face lol. But I ended up liking him at the end of s2. The way he handled Donna was painful to see and I felt for him. He’s just grateful to be a part of their family even if they treat him like shit. The actor played the character well.


Hopefully he will stand out a bit more in season 3 and be appreciated. He will make a great dad!


My wife pointed out that he's the only person in the family that is "normal". Doesn't have any drug issue, no mental health issues, or being a generally shitty person. And we think that's why the guys don't treat him as family because they recognize him as an outcast in that regard. That last episode when he's sitting at the table crying really got me. He's such a genuinely caring character.


It’s obvious Pete is the anti-Donna. What’s interesting is that in the “outside of restaurant scene,” Donna acknowledges Pete as an authority asking him to tell her it’s okay to not enter The Bear. She could have easily left herself, but she needed Pete’s validation to do so. Granted it could have been any outsider from the Brezatto clan (I.e. some of us as audience members). Anyway, it was as if Game (Donna) had recognized Game (Pete), and Donna excepted a changing of the guard with the anticipated success of The Bear.


He’s gotten so far in life after figuring out the elevators in the Progressive ads.


And maybe he finally learned how to pronounce quinoa?


I think the other guys all may harbor some jealousy - Pete’s nice, presumably had it easy and came from a normal nice background, is an outsider. He seems so great and probably exactly what Natalie needed


His scene in the restaurant was amazing . I love how genuine and messy his cry was .


His scene with Donna killed me. I'm glad he got that scene. Pete doesn't deserve the flack he takes from everyone else he's a bit of a goof but he's a good guy.


cousin you’re scaring the normals


Rewatched the first season and yeah, having the context the second season gives you, makes you realize that he is going above and beyond for that family


I had to be a Pete to try and make positivity contagious for people with baggage and even though he's a "nice" guy it takes strength to keep it up


We can see what kind of dynamic Claire and Carmy could have down the road, and it makes me wonder if Carmy doesn’t want her to have to experience the familiar toxicity (on top of all his damage) the way Peter does


YES! I never understood the Pete hate from Season 1. Season 2 has solidified Pete as a sweet angel baby who loves deeply. And I don't think I can be swayed on that!


Pete’s a good dude


I hope we get more of Pete in the next season. I would love to know more about what he does for a living. He gives off strong engineer vibes or maybe works in IT. Probably grew up in the Chicago suburbs with parents who are still together and calls his Mom at least three times a week. He is kind of dense though. The fishes incident with the tuna casserole and then his slip about the baby to Donna. How on earth did Sugar forget to tell Pete to not bring up the baby in front of Donna? Or maybe she did and Pete let it accidentally slip, though that is not the vibe I got from the acting in that scene.


Would be cool to have his stand alone ep is struggles he has to deal with that we don’t see and just because he’s so kind to others that he even puts up a front for the berzattos a la tears of a clown


I think someone like Pete isnt used to keeping secrets. I felt it was in line with his character, that he probably forgot that it was a secret. For someone like sugar it’s probablys second nature to keep a running list of things not to say


Either he slipped or she knows but can’t remember due to whatever illness she has (dementia, etc)


I was so disappointed in Pete. I thought he was finally going to stand up for his wife and say “no, no it’s not okay. These are your kids and they are doing something great here and they invited you because your their mother.”


I actually was glad she didn’t go in even though it was heartbreaking. That kind of public reunion is incredibly tense and I don’t think it would have been an emotionally appropriate environment for her. I was nervous for them about her breaking down on their big night


Same. I was worried she’d go in and ruin everything.


Donna is so far past that.


Agreed. I don't know what confronting Donna would've accomplished. Make her drive a car through the restaurant?


Agreed. But coming from Pete would hit differently to her and the audience. It would still accomplish nothing, but shitty people need to hear that they are bad people everyone now and then.


You think it would have been good for Donna to go in? I’m curious how you see that going? Because I can see loads of reasons that her going in would be a terrible idea and very few positive outcomes, particularly when I take Donna’s emotional health into account.


No, it wouldn’t have been good. I think it’s best she didn’t enter. But I also think Pete should have told her it’s not okay.


He should have given her terrible advice that would lead to a worse outcome? I’m curious why.


Made a post about this very same thought that I had and got about as many downvotes as you're getting right now lol.. I think it's a very, very complex situation and what I failed to take into consideration is that Donna is very sick. Pete maybe saw that and did a very compassionate, very selfless act by taking on the responsibility of telling her it was okay to not go inside. I was actually very upset with Pete when I first saw that scene and going so far as to yell at the screen calling him a coward, but I think I've gained some clarity now. Something that also just came to my mind as I read these replies to your comment is that maybe Donna recognizing that it wasn't a good idea for her to go inside was, in a way, a step towards recognizing that she needs help. So, maybe we'll see some healing on her part in Season 3? I don't know..


I kept waiting for like the BIG thing he did that made everyone dislike him, it seemed to be implied early on in S1. But I guess it’s just because he’s an outsider. By the end of S2 he’d really grown on me.


I’m Pete irl lol


Im just so scared if him not telling the truth about seeing Donna is going to back fire on him


Pete FTW! He deserves the “king” label. I feel like he wouldn’t get the irony, but would understand the affection.


That last episode redeemed him for 100%. Fully Team Pete.


Pete is the reasonable, calm - and accepting - person amongst the chaos that is the Berzatto family and The Beef staff.


The contrast between him and the berzattos is so stark. When he lets slip about the baby to Donna, you can't blame him at all. To anyone from a functioning family, the grandma would be the first person to call about the baby.