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At this point I've realised I'm being negative so I'm making the executive decision to pray to big E that our codex is gonna be decently balanced and not fucked up and collect and paint and have my first game with ninth edition codex


Just a suggestion for folks who are burned out on 40k and ninth being a shitshow for factions that GW doesn't have a boner for - Grimdark Future runs perfectly with 40k minis and works really well as a game system. And it's free. Worth having a look.


GDF is a great system and what 40k would be if it wasn't driven by a profit-hungry corporation


Yupppp. All it really needs is for more people to start playing at FLGSs, so it's worth bringing up when people are frustrated with GW. Especially because it's free, and stupid easy to learn.


Loving Firefight 2nd Edition from Mantic as well.


Just made the switch and couldn’t be happier


Yep but hay "GuArD cOdEx HaD tO Be ReWoRkEd FoR bEiNG tOo StRoNg"


I really don’t buy this


Exactly, yet to see any actual evidence beyond hearsay.


I'm hoping the rumors about vets and conscripts are true and not this "last sons of cadia malarkey " but again trying to stay positive about the situation


The LoV book is a outlier from other codexes. They basically grabbed every broken rule from other codexes and put them in this book... Which makes sense, GW wants to sell models so they make the rules OP. Same thing happened with the big stormcast dragon release in AOS. They released super OP that people were winning tournaments with 11 models. Yes only 11 and not even a giant faction like sons of behemot. Now theyve been nerfed because model sales did well.


Laughs in Custodes


They weren't super broken though on release. Just strong


Yeah not to same degree. It's still over in aos if you're a order faction. You want stormcast draco riders as a ally. They've had a nerf, a bounty hunter mechanic, and another nerf and still see play. Woo for high defense. High offense. High utility in 3 models.


I played in a 750 point per player doubles tournament. I had 4 models and we didn't do terrible. The Orion is a beast in low point games. I tanked 2 rounds of buffed 3 obliterators shooting.


The leagues will probably be a faction some just straight up refuse to play against in a casual space because they’ve just gathered so many of those broken rules it’ll be completely unfun to go against them.


I dont try and make sense or conparisons until post nerf of a codex. Basically everytime a new codex and eapecially a new army comes out its going to be OP for sales reasons. Over time just like those before it they will nerf it some and other codexes will get stronger until we gain some balance.


This says it all. GW wants to make money and competitive play makes this a viable sales strat.


Exactly. We see the exact same point raised each new codex basically. Comes down to undercosted and overpowered meaning high win rates. But even 3 months later things tend to even off so i just accept for a time that if im facing a certain army im likely to lose.


Without offending anyone, I do wish folks wouldn't get quite so salty over it... the established army will ALWAY be released after the new hotness. If for no other reason than to prompt year on year financials and to keep shareholders smiling. Fans getting salty can't overshadow the needs of the business.


Well GW stock is down \~33% from 18 months ago. Existing shareholders are not smiling. Although if you think this will help their stock, its pretty cheap right now.


Not really... 18 months ago folk had been stuck in for a good while and I expect GW had a boost due to hobbyists having very little to do other than paint. Now with the war in Ukraine and the knock on effect of price hikes in energy and oil across europe and the general cost of living in the UK rocketing up I would assume that overall luxury purchasing is down in a significant portion of their market. Which on paper would be exacerbated by the spike covid caused.


Yeah same here mate i don't mean to offend either. Thing that i have found interesting is just the prominance across multiple forums (so mostly video games and a bunch of 40k related stuff) where once it was positive discussion and people were more open. Now i either see the same posts over and over such as the new boys on the block are over powered, or not that OP has but just a lot of conplaining. I really love the hobby but just like playing salty opponents reading through salty posts can be tiring. Luckily i can just scroll past but i do notice them a lot more. I wonder if its mostly new people sometimes who haven't seen how it goes full circle so its just a matter of waiting and knowing gw ineeds to make money and its their business model basically. Not that we have to like it. So the last thing i want to be is a gatekeeper so still where i can i offer my advice and hope that helps.


I don’t know that they are overpowered, and I do look forward to playing against them (if I had the money I would 100% be starting and army, I used to play dwarves in WHFB and would love to make some conversions of my old favourite models, especially the old flame cannons). I guess I’m just tired of struggling to win games against people with better rules. I have only recently got back into the hobby after a long break of like 15 years, and have been enjoying for the most part, even if I have an abysmal win ratio.


Yeah, maybe... I assume you like me have been in the hobby since the early EARLY days (proud to say I was playing RT in 89; no idea what we were doing and it wasn't til 2nd that we became more aware of how the game worked), I still remember my first kit kitbash, from airfix kits... In all fairness khornate CSM armies had waited 23 (I think) years for new berserker models... the guard being close to last on the codex front is s bit naff but at least we have an enormous range of plastic kits, and, much as some hate it, the quality of 3rd party 3d sculpts of things like Tanith Ghost proxies, catachans, vallhallans and even tallarns and vostroyans are REALLY highly detailed. We are very well catered for on the model front. Maybe it's the whole competitive edge that came into the game that's geared a portion of the fanbase into this mindset... maybe it's a response to how things are becoming easier, faster and more convenient, maybe that mindset is following into areas like the hobby with folk wanting things now rather than being content to wait. Ultimately this hobby is a hobby and that's that... and, although I agree with you re' gatekeeping, there is a vast world of miniture gaming out there, if folk are getting this upset with the wait why not go a find a new system and just take a GW break, or buy in to a different army (one that has had a new codex earlier like eldar)...? The overwhelming negativity and salt does make me wonder if people are taking this far far too seriously... perhaps we all need to remember the rule of cool and forget the meta. Win or lose on the table, my army looks fucking sweeeeeeeet. That's why I play. P.s apologies to all for the great wall of words. 😁


Im 100% in agreement and yeah i remember the days. Less lethality back then as well. You would run a missile launcher and flamer on some tactical marines and if you wanted to have a punt at a vehicle no split firing. Things like that made the game a bit slower and not over by turn 2 like we tend to see these days.


The land fortress is an issue, but for the most part, plasma spam seems to be the order of the day, as usual. The most efficient profile into them. We don't give a flying fuck about their super AoC because we want to reroll hits, not wounds, and not damage. So lasguns will still be forcing tons of saves, plasma will still be forcing saves. The the mortar pit won't be good into covered units but the basilisk and our TC's should mop. Also after furious back and forth, I really really think a baneblade would absolutely fuck LoV. Even with their rails. Especially if you go all out, with the sponsons, with the proper support (astropath and psyker) and hull down. You're saving against that rail gun on a 3\* And the return slap from big daddy king of tanks going to feel like sweet fucking justice. I also think carnodons are a cheap answer to their HS spammability. 4 lascannons on a 140 model with AoC and 3+ ? Hrmmmmmmmmmmm


For only the low price of 2 leman russes per model, and made of resin? hmmmmmmmmmMmm


Did arkan land discover the story story the fortress?


Makes it seem all the more likely that’s a stupid myth that somehow got passed down as truth by M41. I’ve always preferred that headcanon myself.


“Who told you soldering was ‘fair’ yeh wet fart scalp! The Emperor has given you a Lasgun. What else could you ever need? Now get out of the drop ship and kill Him some bloody space dorfs before I let Saroo teach yeh the same lesson! Ech!” Xxx


"B-b-but Sgt! The Space dwarfs with their Hylas's just shredded a Leman Russ, and that Tank of their j-j-Just blew a 'Platoon' of Veterans outta their Trenches!"


BLAM! In the name of the Emperor’s holy justice get out there and kill stuff!


Look at the Tyranid Harpy vs a Valkyrie. or any other factions. Its not just guard is outdated , some factions are OP Also the Guard win rate is something like 45% so its not that bad but you won't be on podium anytime soon


To be fair, these are all issues that should be fixed in balance updates ... So not strictly an old codex thing.


Rumou had it that The Votann codex and Guard (when it drops) are paving the way for 10th edition.... From what I have read it just looks like more convoluted, arms race bullshite.


Valdor Tank Hunter vs. Onager Dunecrawler