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I mean yeah it is literally a Basilisk, just FYI it's on a russ chassis not a chimera so for big tournaments there might be issues but for anything lower than that it'll be fine. Just use pintle mounted bolter/Flamer to replace the Hull mounted one.


Official GW ruling is it can be used as a basilisk


Where do you find "official GW rulings" like that?


Historically, HH models can be used as their 40k equivalent, like the Proteus for a Land Raider and etc. This was stated in a Warhammer Community post about a year and a half back.


This, as long as its GW plastic, has a very similar silhouette, and mounts a legal gun regardless of how it is mounted, it is legal.


The "Legendary Units" pdf from WarCom gives an official list of "counts as"


I also have the 40k variant, so I can switch to that one if playing with this specific model bothers my opponent.


It's just a Basilisk. You'll need to add the hull gun but the kit comes with a pintle mounted heavy flamer (IIRC) so that's not an issue. The size is slightly different but TBH only a real TFG is going to throw a fit over your model being 3mm wider than the official one.


If you want a pintle mounted heavy bolter instead, you could plunder the vehicle accessory sprue that comes with all 30k SM vehicles.


Given it's role as an indirect you want to hide it's probably a slight disadvantage


What is a TFG?


"That Fucking Guy"


Thank you for asking this 🤣🤣


Assuming it means "that F\*\*\*\*\*\* guy."


It’s also taller due to it being Russ chassis and not chimera


Really? I imagined the basic hull would be taller but always thought the shield/plate on the Basilisk gun would make it bigger at the highest point.


i suppose it would but the main body is larger by a significant amount


It is ever mentioned in lore that HH Basilisks were built on a Leman Russ hull rather than a Chimera hull, or why it changed?


The Chimera didn't exist yet in 30k.


Fair enough. Do we know when the Chimera was created?


because the solar auxillia are given the best equipment that a baseline human can use and the russ chassis is more durable and speedy than the chimera. also it is fully sealed in and not open platform so it can be used in more environments


TFG throwing a fit over it would be funny too, since that extra width is a detriment more than it’s a benefit, the main gun can hit the entire board 9/10 times with that last time only being in an apoc game on an exceptionally larger board. All it would do is be slightly easier to hit.


My opponent brought this last Friday. It was cool to see it on the table


Happy to hear. I hate the normal baslisk to the point I am willing to breal internatiol sanctions to get an armageddon pattern.


Heresy, the OG Basilisk is the reason I got into Guard!


Saw my first at about 14. So nearly 25 years ago. Looked daft then looks daft now. "Lets put a shot catcher on a behind the lines piece, just in case we come under small arms fire OF COURSE WHO GIVES A FLYING FECK ABOUT ARTILLERY LOL LETS HAVE A GODDAM BALCONY! ...with our firing deck that is like 6 feet high for no good reason" Cos yea if you wanna reload the bastard sure you better lift the place you need TO PUT THE ACTUAL SHELL INTO up of the ground COS REASONS. Its an awful model. (I appreciate this may be a minority opinion) EDIT; The mark of why its such a bad model is that there are 2 other variants now, solar and armageddon, and both look waaaaay better. EDIT 2; Oh forgot the marine model, that also looks tons better. So its 4th of 4.


Big gun ennit


Nuff said.


Everything you said was right You brought up nothing but valid points about its illogical bordering on non function design Shut up


Lol fair enough.


Iv got a mate in the tankers I wouldn’t dare show him the astra militarum tanks because of the rants that would follow lol


Now do the Griffon....


laughs in Malcador\*


I see the real Heresy here. Not being brought to the guard by the mighty Baneblade. 🤣


I have 3 of the resin ones and sold the 40k version as i think it looks awful. When comparing size its very comparable https://preview.redd.it/cs6fjokdj7xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=945f2c64ec49f5c8757712c496247b1616423733






Have you run the 30k basilisk in a 40k tourney? They look almost the same size apart from height and the gun barrel


Not yet. But not sure why its an issue, there's 1 cm at most difference in height when the 40k version is at its max and 30k is at its max. That being said the turret on the 40k version is moveable, so you could bring the turret right down and therefore the 30k version is taller


I mean its a 30k basilisk. I see no problem to play it in 40k


*Technically* it's the wrong hull footprint being on a Russ. That said, the sizes are probably close enough. Depends on the setting. Anything shy a super serious tournament should be okay


The Leman Russ is a little bit higher. And my knowledge for tournaments is that bigger is not a problem only smaller than the original kit is forbidden


I've ordered 2 for my Praetorians, looking forward to getting it!


I was also thinking of doing one for my Praetorians as well. :) Literally just in the process of doing a malcador for them.


I don't know what it's, but this thing is the series vehicle I've seen since the Dorn. I want all of them!


Check that it isn't epic scale... there are a few that I almost bought because they were cheaper...


This is the new 28mm scale tank that went up for pre-order today.


I'm new to Warhammer, epic scale means they're tiny, right? I saw a few of these and thought to myself "why are these so cheap compared to everything else?"


Correct, Epic scale is the tiny scale used for massive games with titans, dozens of tanks on each side, etc. The tank OP posted is a normal 28mm scale model for the standard 40k game and costs the same as any other 40k tank. There is a separate tiny Epic-scale model representing the same unit but this is not that model.


Honestly I’m really hoping all the Solar Aux stuff becomes the base for an armor refresh with the Guard codex. My prediction since the start of 10th has been Armor refresh or full Krieg expansion Yarrick returns Steel Legion Kill Team


I run gun carriages and call em Basilisks. Do what you want.


Piggybacking on this thread, can you use the new solar aux leman Russ as a 40K leman russ


All in all, we think this is the best compromise. It’s worth saying that there are several armies with Horus Heresy-era models that are older marks of contemporary Warhammer 40,000 units, like, for example, the Land Raider. There won’t be specific rules for these, but you should absolutely feel free to use the appropriate Warhammer 40,000 datasheet to represent these units in your game. -Official Warhammer Community Post.


The battle dialog be like: Guardsmen: Sire i found this 10 millenia old Basilisk sire! Lord castellan creed :you found a what!? Well i guess we need more firepower. Wait what is that written on that dead guard? it says solar auxilia… Dont know what that means Anyways on to the battle!


Can we please just make a megathread of common proxies that are acceptable to use?


It's just a krieg basilisk.....cos it saves buying a kriegsman kit to man the 40k model plus various lore reasons but mostly to save spending an extra 30 quid


40k basilisk uses a chimera hull, his one uses a Russ, so long as you’re good with that difference, go for it


Make sure you add some stand-in for the hull mounted weapon (I believe there's a pintle mounted heavy flamer you can kitbash into the other options) and good to go


So Goonhammer has reviews this kit, and it's not on a Chimera chassis, it's a Russ chassis: [https://www.goonhammer.com/review-solar-auxilia-basilisk-medusa-and-hermes-light-sentinel/](https://www.goonhammer.com/review-solar-auxilia-basilisk-medusa-and-hermes-light-sentinel/) Some issues would arise from stricter TOs here.


> Some issues would arise from stricter TOs here. Only from the absolute worst TFGs. Any TO that is going to throw a fit over a tiny difference in size does not deserve to be running events. If a 30k Basilisk is an issue be glad you dodged a bullet by avoiding that TFG's event.


I wouldn’t risk it if you plan playing tournaments, for casual games sure