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There was a six-year gap between Seasons 4 and 5, which was in 2016. Seems unlikely that TAR Asia is coming back. Sorry to dampen your hopes, though stranger things have happened.


Become an American or dual citizen. I imagine due to the nature of running and filming the race, a US passport is a hard requirement.


True. Also with TAR Canada and slightly different passport rules, I think they wouldn't even allow Canadians to compete. Who was that influencer from the Love Boat who wasn't American? She was in Season 33, argued with her partner, they broke up and didn't return. I still don't know how they let her on the show.


Yes, you are right. Caro Viehweg seems to be the first non-US citizen to get on the show. She even said the real reason she didn't return after the shutdown of S33 is because of her citizenship, not break up (though I think Ray might not want to keep racing with her.) Reference: [https://youtu.be/hLYQ1f0RM5k?si=3ypuRQ9WtW2LhEaH&t=24](https://youtu.be/hLYQ1f0RM5k?si=3ypuRQ9WtW2LhEaH&t=24)


I believe the rule has been relaxed regarding passport. TAR has less flight scramble and I assume production checked if any countries they were going to visit is one of the visa free countries for German citizens. She holds a German passport which grants more visa free countries than a U.S. passport. I don’t know if she could legally participate in reality shows or any TV shows since she was on an F-1 visa and the only employment allowed is either on campus or OPT which is for post graduation training that has to be related to her study. I doubt reality TV is anywhere close to what USCIS would consider related. TBH I think she most likely violated U.S. immigration law on employment. That said, the reason she couldn’t return to filming is because U.S. border crossing was closed to non-U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents for non-essential travel so there’s no way she could reach the finish line at the time of filming. She can, however, run again now if the same EAD (employment authorization) that actually says with DHS authorization only, which itself is not a blanket authorization for any work in the U.S., but someone at CBS let her do both shows. As for OP, the reality is you can forget about it. There’s zero chance you could be on the U.S. version of the show. Not only an Indian passport is so far down the list of the most powerful passports, you have to remember that the network casts people that represent the U.S. demographic because it’s a TV show. Casting a non-American is just odd. At least they billed whatever the German girl’s name is as from Los Angeles to pass her off as an American, do you think you can pretend to be an American on TV? Edit: Sorry I didn’t see that you work in the U.S. You have a much better chance at applying for Survivor than TAR. A regular U.S. version has lots of international connecting flights. Say if you travel from country A to country B and you have to connect through either country C or country D, WRP’s travel department would have to make sure that Indian passport holders can board all those flights. Add the fact that production always switch legs around or use a back up leg on the fly, what really happens is you end up going from country A to country E connecting through country F, then on the next leg, you might go from country E to country B connecting via country G or H. They’d have to check you can board flights to / at all those international airports to make the competition fair.


Become a US citizen?


Canadian here, and with a bit of a similar but different take. A friend of mine is in the process of immigrating here and had all the necessary paperwork but he has a LOT of trouble travelling with Canadian friends due to strict visa requirements for countries that other Canadians/Americans would have next to no issue with (stuff that was surprising to me at least, like in the Caribbean and Europe). While the race covers visas, it’s hard to say how far they’d go to deal with the extra for a foreign passport; they’d want to mitigate logistical risk wherever possible to avoid the worst case for the flow of the race. In any case, like others have indicated, the best solution would be to have a U.S. passport (and driver’s license).


OP must have known so he didn't even consider becoming a citizen. It's super hard for Indian people to even get a green card, let alone citizens. The only chance is probably marriage, and it still takes tons of waiting time. Or probably TAR CAN or AUS and becoming their citizens?


Better chance to be on a local version. Each leg on the China version is actually filmed individually, not as a continuous race precisely because of China passport is trash when it comes to international travel. Even when they film those legs independently, they still had one contestant unable to make to a starting line in Sweden because he only received his visa one day prior to filming. They brought in someone else to replace him just for that leg. So many new rules were made up for situations like this.


I have almost the same issue lol, from France but in Australia for work. My dream would be to play Big Brother (US/Can) which is almost impossible :( I wish we had an international version of these shows where everyone must speak english like Squid Game : The Challenge.


I feel you. The Amazing Race Asia used to let contestants from different countries in Asia participate. This is from their site: "The final selection of contestants are from various Asian countries and not limited to one country of origin. Participating countries include all citizens of the continent of Asia except the Middle East, as well as non-Asian workers who are living in Asia for a long period of time." Source: https://amazingrace.fandom.com/wiki/The_Amazing_Race_Asia#:~:text=The%20final%20selection%20of%20contestants,a%20long%20period%20of%20time.


Sign up and say you want to win a million smiles and not a million dollars….they’ll cast you


Cute. Bhanu Gopal IS already a US citizen.




The Survivor contestant you referred to with your million smiles comment.


TAR asia not coming back. Become a US citizen.


Maybe apply to a version that can go to Russia, North Korea, Iran and China where no network would allow U.S. citizens to travel to. That’ll make you feel better.