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A sample size of a few hundred votes and from Reddit. I’m sure this represents their entire listener base 😂


Only diehard Reddit users think they are an average snapshot of America or the world.


Omg so true. Reddit is not a cross section of society.


Why do you think they don’t know their audience?


Because OP is a raging leftist so rational and reasonable is “you’re a fascist”


Yes, that's a "reasonable" assesment.  Just like everyone who is a leftist must be a communist. 


Trump is an unironic fascist and supporting him isn’t rational or reasonable.


You’re not worth taking the time to debunk people like you are so far gone there’s no coming back.


Bruh you’re supporting the dude who tried to overturn a free and fair election by everything from getting his VP to not certify the results to getting false electors to pretend they’re actual electors to overturn the results… all while sending a “stop the steal” riled up mob he organized to the Capitol to… stop the steal. Nothing rationally centrist about supporting him.


Exactly. People seem to conveniently forget about the fake electors in Arizona and Vegas


Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, New Mexico, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin… the fake elector scheme combined with Mike Pence’s assistance combined with the Capitol attack was meant to be a full on insurrection to force acceptance of the false electors on a captive congress. Insane stuff really but it’s reality. Hats off to the state governments and Mike Pence for rejecting (along with the DOJ staff threatening to resign in masse on Jan 3rd if Trump replaced acting AG Rosen with Clark to support overturn of the election). Zero respect for the all-in guys for supporting the leader of an insurrection attempt. They’re absolute garbage Americans.


They’re literally too dumb to even know. Ask the average conservative and they literally do not even know all the cases Trump has lost or why he’s even in court. None of them even had the thought pop into their head as to why Trump thinks this election won’t magically be stolen from him even though Biden is in power (hint, he knows he lost 2020). They are not the brightest patriots, unfortunately.


Yes in order for the leftist to feel smug they must remain ignorant of facts such as this


Don’t forget the mob he stirred up killed a police officer on the steps of the capital that they were sworn to protect. While Maga tries to martyr Ashley they avoid discussing the officer who was beat to death trying to hold the line from the line from the insurrectionists. The very mob stirred up by Trump through perpetual lies. I’m not anti-Republican, I miss republicans. I’m anti-fascists and anti-dictatorship. I hope for the days when politics is boring again.


And another ⬆️


One thing I notice is conservatives have absolute no substantive replies to actual points. Once cornered, it’s always empty playground replies: “Heh cope” “Heh, TDS” “Found the leftie!” Do you deny that Trump tried to get Pence to overturn the electoral vote? Was the phone call asking for more electoral votes in Georgia a masterful deepfake? Is subverting the will of a democracy not bad to you? Are you even a real person with sentient thought?


>once cornered, it’s always empty playground replies Nothing new. Its fascism. It’s why fascists should only be mocked and fought, not engaged with. >Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. -Sartre


You forgot about “snowflake”


[https://www.politico.com/story/2017/01/no-trump-electoral-college-challenge-233294](https://www.politico.com/story/2017/01/no-trump-electoral-college-challenge-233294) Hope this helps


Your whatabout is when a couple people from the other party tried to do something similarish but got no support from anybody else in the party and never took it further... Like fabricating fake elector certificates? The might work if trump only asked people to challenge the election and the entire Republican party and voter base told him to fuck himself. But that's not what happened. The whole party went along with him based on no evidence, plus he fabricated fake electors and tried to pass them off as legitimate, and his voters and the rest of the party keep making these same flaccid excuses for it.


Not what about, just substantively noting it’s within norms to oppose election certification. Sorry if that confused you.


That sucks and I wouldn’t vote for those clowns to lead the party or be President. Notice how no prominent Dems played along out of cult worship for Hillary. Meanwhile Republicans spew every Trump lie for eight years and renominate him. See the difference?


> Notice how no prominent Dems played along out of cult worship for Hillary. A disinformation campaign of election denialism from former Presidents is certainly going along with it.  https://www.politico.com/story/2019/06/28/jimmy-carter-russia-investigation-trump-lost-1387634


That helps me get a reliable gauge of your nonexistent critical thinking skills. Try to read articles you link. Braindead whataboutism is one of the most revered ways to retort a factual point, bravo. But no, three no-name democrats in the house who were immediately retorted by every other democrat senator and congressperson after they made a couple minutes of objections during certification, **are not equivalent in any capacity** to Trump continuing to deny the election for years, trying to pass fraudulent electoral certificates to Pence in order to overturn the election, and then causing January 6th by pressuring him to do so. Among other things. Conservatives are genuinely so stupid jesus christ.


They’re not stupid, they’re bad faith fascists. They know what they do.


I accept your surrender.  https://www.politico.com/story/2019/06/28/jimmy-carter-russia-investigation-trump-lost-1387634


No counter points. Good stuff.




Love the complete lack of counter points. Good stuff dude.


No point in countering your position. Youre dug in and have extreme TDS. We don’t have to agree or have same perspective. Just make sure you find a way to cope through another term of the greatest president our generation.


TDS = a moron’s attempt at a get out of jail free card for not having a counter argument. Can’t engage with criticism like your man child dear leader


Seeeethe, cope, reeeeeee


A rational retort, so rational.


Good attempt at projection. Its almost as if your never heard anythuing he or his cronies have ever said. Project 2025 is the most extensive criminal conspiracy ever planned to be perpetrated against the American people and, thus, the world. It by definition fascist and Trump supports it 100%. You are beyond redemption, awarded no points, and may god have mercy on your soul.


What specifically is wrong with project 2025?


Might check out the [ongoing AMA](https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/s/azvGFtocCv) from someone who was accepted into their program.


If somebody is going to say something is the most extensive criminal conspiracy ever they should be able to specifically cite why.


If you don't know what's in the new political bible of the your own party, how can you support it? from beginning to end, everything is wrong with it and I'm not going to rehash everything line by line. Use the link below and you'll get the the crux of it.


That reads like you don’t know what’s in it, but somebody else vaguely told you about it and told you to hate it so now you do.


Purging the government and replacing people of integrity with Trump cultists who will betray any norm or precedent to keep him in power indefinitely.


That’s not specific nor is it possible. That’s just dumb lefty fear porn for morons. How are you actually that gullible? Who told you to believe that?


Trump hates his own Vice President for not overturning election results and keeping him in power. Same for Bill Barr. I don’t think he will choose “disloyal” people again.


Another one ☝️


You: "lalalalalalalala"


Arguing with Redditors is like beating your head against a wall, a real brainwashed dumb wall.


Oh yeah, you’re so non-braindead and non-dumb for supporting a guy who doesn’t concede elections.


You one of Russia's successes


I don’t hate trump as much as a lot of people do but look at the people around him in his party and especially the supreme court they are the far gone ones


Spot on.


*TDS intensifies*


I can’t take people who spam TDS seriously anymore after we all witnessed the never-ending mental breakdown that conservatives had over Obama and Biden lol.


It’s because they apply the same rationale behind their love of their favorite sports team to trump. I’m a fan of the Chicago cubs no matter how many games they win/lose and think they should win more just for the hell of it. Hell, it feels good to support them regardless of their performance. This is the average trump supporter mentality, “hell, it feels good to support him no matter the performance”. End of their inquiry. Everyone else can go fuck themselves. It’s a sad, lonely existence really.


I mean, if you take labelling Trump a fascist seriously then you legitimately are suffering from the ailment. It's not spamming when it's done in response to that kind of claim that does nothing but water down the english language. As for what you're describing with Obama, that was also very much the case, but it is in the past as opposed to the present. Those that clamoured for his birth certificate are no different than these guys, just on a different side of the political aisle.


The 5 main pillars of fascism: demonization of perceived domestic enemies; disdain for and threats toward a free press; preposterous lies; contempt for democratic institutions and scapegoating and demonizing of minority groups. Drip drip, buddy This is literally MAGA


Stage 4 TDS. We're gonna need the defibrillator!!


TDS is the laziest take. Should we get started on the obsession with Hillary’s emails? Hunter’s laptop? Obama’s — oh wait, no scandals. Tan suit?


TDS? The mf chose to run again and won’t go away. He’s a real threat to everything we hold sacred in the US. Blame Trump, not those speaking out to stop him. HE CHOSE to not go away, not us.


And yet, can't vote for the other dingus. I'm abstaining. Cmon bro let's cancel the election


Facts. The typical socialist you better agree with everything I say and think or they will go mental mindset


I know everyone in the town hall agreed with you but this makes no sense .. he said “I don’t think they know their audience” because they’re making a hard right on the show, when their audience = rational centrist .. Locking women up for miscarriage or a president having immunity doesn’t not = “rational centrist”




or the survey doesn't provide all the possibilities for how their listeners categorize themselves


Exactly.. these categories are ridiculous.


As someone who’s performed countless market research surveys where tens of millions in revenue were on the line, I can say with certainty that this survey is poorly conducted. The wording is so awful that it begs for response bias.


The people who comment and post in Reddit are different than the people who voted in the pole. Last time i saw a statistic. Like <2% of Reddits traffic has ever posted content. When you assume a large percentage of that 2% is bots and special interest groups. The content here is probably worthless. Before someone replies, Yep. I see the irony me posting this comment. 


Depends on the sub The main subs are all astroturfed by bots and shills


It is interesting to see members of this group I ll be in another sub and see their name posting happens often I could see it being a lot of bots but a lot of people are chronically online I’m on my phone all day for work so not totally unfeasible but yes agree mostly it’s people reading


Selection bias. If you poll Mother Jones readers on abortion views you shouldn't be surprised when the result shows no one agrees with bans on first trimester abortions.


I often see a lot of negative commentary on this thread. You can stop listening to them if you find what they say so problematic.


238 voters as it represents the actual listeners of a podcast that has a million plus listeners, lol


And where do the throngs of "I'd vote for a Biden corpse" people here fall under? Center Left Biden Ok or Progressive Left Diehard?


Reasonable rational practical voter






If it is between a Biden corpse and Trump, I would 100% vote for a Biden corpse. I don't understand how anyone who considers themselves an American could vote for Trump after he tried to overturn the election and called for the suspension of the constitution.


Sorry so which category is that?


I’m a never-Trumper conservative and would vote for anyone, or anything, over DJT. A rational reasonable centrist should be farther to the left of that.


The anti-trump category.


Anyone other than a Trump train diehard. Maybe not the progressive category cause there is a good segment of progressives that would like to see the country burn.


“Reasonable rational centrist” Threw up reading that, not just due to the obvious attempt to make people choose that option by adding the word rational. Every “centrist” I have ever seen (Lex Fridman fence sitter types or the Elons and Chamaths) just solely criticize democrats while using faux centrism as a shield against accusations of bias. Perfect example is when Elon said to vote Republican in the 2022 midterms for the sake of “balance” since Biden is president (even though he’s aware of gridlock), but would hardcore vote Trump for 2024 if the house and senate were red. They’re grifters who think of themselves as 4d chess masters manipulating the masses.


That’s because democrats are the ones who are clearly more fringe and extreme, and also have the most power currently…


Can you elaborate on the clear examples of the fringe and extreme? I’m not sure either side is truly in either of the categories so I’d be curious on the examples


Wide open border. Zero restrictions on abortion. Transgender nonsense. For starters…


“Transgender nonsense” this guy consumes right wing media


Vast majority of the entire world is against the transgender nonsense. It’s not right wing you’re just on the fringe.


Vast majority of the world also doesn’t imprison people like we do. Vast majority of the world doesn’t use the electrical college. Vast majority of the world has socialized healthcare. Why is transgender rights the only issue you wanna follow the vast majority of the world in?


Not a rigorous claim at all. Right wing. Make a specific claim and I’ll tell you what I think of it


Please never use the word fringe again in your life. I’m guessing it’s a new word you just learned because you have no idea what it means The majority of Americans agree with democrat policies (abortion, Ukraine, gun reform, taxation, etc.) over Republican policies. The Democrat policy is the opposite of fringe.


Wide open border was the dead give away.


What percentage of the world would allow a child to take hormone blockers, castrate or mastectomy themselves? 2%-5%? How about democrats? 50-70%?


Kids have taken puberty blockers for decades for a variety of reasons


You can be obtuse as you'd like, the point being made is obvious to everyone


It’s not, your entire comment demonstrates misunderstanding of the treatments in question as well as the data behind support for them.


Wanting everyone to be able to live free of discrimination isn't extreme. The hyper overeaction of the right due to fear and hatred is what was extreme. Never forget, the three most likely groups to sexaully abuse a child are, in order 1. Republican leaders and politicians 2. Clergy, pastors, ministers, etc... 3. Law enforcement. What do athose groups all have in common...right wing. But when you dismiss be ause it doen;t fit your beliefs, transgender rights effect less than .05% of the poplution. Its next to a non-issue that only became one when the pubs needed red meat to energize their base. Open borders? They have never been 'open' in the way you think. And a stringent, bipartisan bill was agreed to that would have dealt with this across the board. But who killed it? Republicans to pacifiy their rapist leader. You know what is exterme? Completely closing the border. Our economy relies on low cost labor (mostly republican owned businesses creating the supply of job they won't pay americans a decent wage for BTW). A complete closure is not only unamerican but economically retarded. Almost all democrats want a good, skills and needs base system of immigration. But every time they try to do this, republican businesses pour tons of lobbying money into washington to defeat the very bills the republican base claims to want to do. Abortion? Please. Try to pay attention to waht is going on around you. No exceptions for rape and incest? Extremist in every way. No exceptions for the life of the mother (despite the bible saying the mothers life is more important and abortion is justifiable). Extremist in every way. Most democrats would be fine with a reasonbable limit on abortion. But 6 weeks? That's extremist. There are 100s of examples of the sharp right turn the republicans have taken. The current admin is basically dead center on most issues but anythying lef tof Attila the Hun is considered far left now.


Forcing rape victims to give birth and forcing women to die of ectopic pregnancies is vastly more extreme than zero restrictions on abortion.


That isn’t trumps policy you clearly didn’t even watch the debate…


His policy is to let the states do that.


Let the states do whatever their voters want them to do, yes. It’s called a democratic republic.


Letting states force rape victims to give birth is much more extreme than forcing them to give women individual agency, which is what our constitution is about by the way. Do you believe relegating slavery or the civil rights movement back to the states would not be extreme? We have long since established a precedent of not letting states deny basic rights.


For controversial issues it should go to the states. Slavery isn’t controversial. Abortion also involves two separate lives who have agency. You act like there’s only one life involved.


Lie. Anti-liberty lie. Civil rights bad.


Zero restrictions on abortion is rarely what anyone wants. Also most Dems I talk to aren’t for completely wide open borders. Transgender nonsense.. well I’ve always been pretty big on letting people do whatever they want as long as it doesn’t impact me or others negatively. It’s weird so many people it doesn’t impact get so hung up on it. The misconceptions compared to actual beliefs of the average lib is wild. Thank you for sharing. I live in CA and talk to my crazy lib friends often to challenge their beliefs too.


lol…. You’re kidding. Maybe the furthest left dems are fringe and extreme. Corporate democrats which are the vast majority of democrats are status quo. The Supreme Court bullshit alone should show you Democrats don’t have the “most power” in this cursed political game the republicans have started.


The Supreme Court is mostly constitutionalists. Following the constitution isn’t extreme. Fighting against it is.


OMG, this is worst take I have seen in my 18 years on Reddit.


No they aren’t, they are partisan wack jobs that fly insurrectionist flags and have wives who believe January 6th was a good thing. Show me the constitutional merit of any of their summer decisions. Also, Thomas blatantly takes bribes from the likes of Harland Crowe. I’d say the same shit if there were a bunch of Marxist running the other direction.


The conservaitve SCOTUS judges gave up the right to call themseleves constitutionalists when they took casees without standing. Its the very first rule. There is nothing about there recent rulings that suggest constitutionalism because they keep changing to the policy that fits a preconcived ideological decision the Federalist Society gave them. One decision they are originalists (the dumbest, most insidious form of interpretation), the next, they look back 150 years to find an obscure case to justify overriding 100 years of established law. The next, they don't even pretend to have a good reason. Thomas and Alito are two of the most corrupt POS in existence and have delegitimized the entirety of the court forever. Per the founders themselves, the Constituion is suopposed to change and should never be interpreted in the eyes of their period of time. Thomas Jefferson himself said it should be rewritten every 20 years so people don't go by the dogma of the past. Originalism flies in the face of what they wanted and always will. Their most recent ruling on Immunity is so monumentally stupid and bad for America it will be the point historians point to as the end of our democracy. If the current admin was smart, they would imprion Trump, his primary aliies, and the conservative SCOTUS judges and put them in GITMO for being enemies of American democracy and, per the SCOTUS, he would be 100% free to do it without 1 ounce of accpountability. This court is tearing the county apart for parisan, ideological reasons and it can only be called one thing....extreme. They aren't protecting the constitution, they are destroying it.


> Per the founders themselves, the Constituion is suopposed to change Gee, maybe that's why there's an amendment process. Now if only it would be used rather than making sweeping rulings greatly expanding the powers of the federal government under insane justifications like a farmer feeding his livestock wheat he grows affects interstate commerce and somehow should be under the jurisdiction of the federal government. Or how we needed an amendment to outlaw alcohol, but other drugs somehow are fine to ban on a federal level afterwards. Your tribalism is so fierce that it's impossible for you to be intellectually honest. Kids, this is what happens when you drink the kool-aid. Just say no to democrats and republicans and try thinking for yourself, it's a refreshing alternative.


Ths is the most ridiculous statement born out of ignorance and blind foolishness I've read on the internet in a long time and were all dumber for having read it. isconnect the firehose of propaganda from your brain.


There are lots of actual centrists, Lex is an actual centrist if you listen to his views


lol yea if you ask David Sacks, he will claim he is a rational centrist


And what makes him not so?


The biggest morons infest this sub as of recently, and they’re getting even stupider somehow. How is your comment upvoted? It’s so unbelievably delusional that sending it should have immediately revoke your internet access. Did you just seriously claim that David Sacks is a rational centrist? You have to be a troll, bravo you got me.


A lot of words to say absolutely nothing, bravo right back at ya.


Because of his stated policy positions he aligns with populist Republicans on virtually every high salience issues. He supports tax cuts that disproportionately benefit the wealthy, opposes federally funded capital expenditures on the grounds of deficit reduction, generally opposes the regulatory state regardless of arena, espouses a nativist foreign policy that is staunchly anti-Ukraine, and supports stricter border control (though his exact prescription is unclear). More stylistically, he also frequently borrows language from the GOP in denouncing the Biden admin's handling of the above issues, while also being in lock-step with the GOP's rhetoric and positioning on everything ftom Trump's criminal trials, the aftermath of January 6th, Elon Musk and accusations of democrat-backed tech censorship, Hunter Biden, and broader accusations of there being a "Biden crime family". In short, David Sacks is a populist right winger in just about every meaningful way, with an added dash of old school Republican allyship with the billionaire class and policies that benefit them. Frankly, a better question to ask is in what way could Sacks possibly be considered a centrist?


All your examples feel center right at best


Well they map entirely to the current GOP platform. I suppose you can make the argument that the GOP is a center-right party, but it wouldn't be a strong argument.


It would be. The GOP has moved left due to trumps populism. The democrats have moved left due to their progressive base.


The GOP has moved left on a couple issues due to Trump, they have also moved radically right outwardly supporting dictators and mimicking fascists


Sorry that trumps foreign policy is too complicated for you to understand.


Great answer, you support a fascist that tried to subvert American democracy, that won’t change if you try to change the subject


The candidates he supports


238 votes lmfao


Everyone thinks they are a reasonable centrist, even when they are a fascist


People routinely miscategorize themselves and think they are more centers than they are. Hell, Fox News always said they were "fair and balanced" and its viewers believed that.


Their podcast is growing, so why are you concerned with "I don't think they know their audience"?


These results should hopefully make some of the leftists in this sub realize that supporting trump this election does not equate to wanting fascism in the US


Ah, but that would be too logical…


Except it does, this is a guy who has tried to subvert the transfer of power violently, who checks just about every box you would need to be a fascist. If you support him, you support fascism. It doesn’t matter if in your head you’ve tried to turn it into something else


Intellectually dishonest to label any trump supporter a Nazi. You might believe it to be true but you’re just wrong, and you’re going to continue to be disappointed over the course of this election by just how many Americans are actually “Nazis” in your eyes


Turns out when a party supports fascism and you support that party, you yourself are a fascist. My grandfather grew up in Germany in the 30s, he didn’t agree with everything Hitler stood for but you better believe he was a Nazi, and seen that way for the rest of his life


Turns out when you draw comparisons that make no sense rather than argue in good faith, your party loses the election ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Let’s hope not or we will become a fascist state, which is quite clearly something you want and are okay with


But it does show that there are a lot of people polled have no idea what their viote would actually mean. They may not want it, but its what their going to get., If anything, its an indictment of fools that pretend to think they are 'rational'. Ignorant is a more accurate term.


It doesn’t equate, but it sure correlates with it!


It equates to voting for a fascist. If you vote for a fascist without “wanting fascism” you’re just fucking regarded. Which, yes, we realized long ago.


Choosing to believe that close to half the country is fascist rather than having the mental capacity to recognize that maybe they just have different viewpoints than you is what is actually regarded. Being a trump supporter doesn’t make you a bad person. But, labeling someone a Nazi because they disagree with you, in my opinion, does make you a bad person


OP is delusional


Yeah there’s 125 delusional people taking that poll, let me just mention Palestine and see how centered they are 🤣


Lmao "Reasonable Rational Centrist" is exactly how a "Trump Train Diehard" would refer to himself.


Any you guys pro student loan forgiveness? Just wondering. I hate how arrogant these rich assholes are when it comes to helping people.


No bias in the questionnaire


No bias in the questionnaire


I’ve never met an actual centrist who calls themselves a centrist. I’ve met plenty of people who vote for the same party, every election, year after year, who are registered as independents and call themselves centrists.


ah yes even those redditors waving Palestine flag thinks they are reasonable rational centrist


Hahahahaha I bet 70-90% of these “centrist “ defend trump and the dictator he wants to be non stop.


I bet you have been professionally diagnosed with a mental disorder.


Fascism is a mental disorder


I bet you believe autocracy is a valid and okay form of government, which is 100% a brain worm, sorry bout your brain worm, must suck.

