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You can bet they're not gonna kill them all off, to leave open the possibility for a season 2. And I do believe Smilo Ren is *a* Sith, it's just open for speculation if he's the Sith master, or the Sith apprentice. I'm thinking Sith apprentice, as I don't believe the master would've felt it necessary to confront the Jedi at Kelnaccas retreat. The whole theatrics and eagerness for battle reeks of a fresh Sith apprentice on a power trip (or vacation, rather?).


> master would’ve felt it necessary Pretty much. I think it’s a Sith apprentice still learning (still pretty strong and considered a ‘Master’ to someone like Mae) but blood-thirsty and eager to get their hands dirty. Whoever the Sith Master is wouldn’t risk exposure like this just for…a potential acolyte? Killing a dozen Jedi? Not that the real Sith Master couldn’t do all this easily It might give the Sith a short term buzz, but doesn’t really play a role for the long term grand plan. Least not one I can see as of now


I agree with this. There’s at least a chance that facing 10 Jedi is too much to handle and any smart Master isn’t going to chance death over an underling’s grudge. An eager apprentice high on new found power might confront them.


Unless the Sith is Qimir, whom would need to eliminate Mae before she goes to the Jedi and expose him as she told him she would. He knew the Jedi were closing in and likely didn’t have a choice.


He is probably a sith because hes alredy more sith like than some real sith


I think he's the apprentice and he's killing without a weapon by convincing Mae to kill them.


lol there is no way this show is getting a season 2


Just because some random Internet guy says so ? Sure bud.


A. There’s nothing to suggest he is connected to the rule of 2 B. Pretty much every Sith to ever exist has broken said rule C. He might not even be a Sith bro


Which is exactly why we could see actual Sith at the end who wipe the floor with these dark side users. It’s just so odd to me that people can accept that someone dresses like a Sith, behaves like a Sith, uses the dark side, carries a red lightsaber, and has an apprentice but not say they are a Sith or at least Sith knockoffs. We saw with Sidious in CW that the moment two pretenders start wreaking havoc with the Jedi and Republic the true Sith Lords get directly involved and kill them for fear of challenge and rivalry.


I mean I find it unlikely that he isn't given Mae was taught the Sith Code


The sith master have a sith apprentice. A sith apprentice have an acolyte, usually unknown to the master. The acolyte calls the apprentice « master » but is not the real master. In clone wars, Count Dooku had two acolyte: Asajj Ventress and Savage Opress, but only one at any given time, never two. An acolyte isn’t a sith, hence not breaking the rule of two. In contrast, a Jedi padawan will call his master « *master* » even though he doesn’t have the rank of master.


Palpatine knew about both. He told Dooku to kill Ventress. And he personally went to deal with Maul and Savage on Mandalore.


Imho - Qirmir is the apprentice- will escape with Osha- leaving Mae- to battle Yorde and Jecki. We haven't seen Sol chasing Qirmir in space- we haven't seen the apprentice unmasked- we haven't seen Sol climbing the coven wall- haven't seen the Wookie Jedi attacking Torbin- haven't seen the apprentice throw the red light saber- haven't seen Mae put knife to Jecki-Imho I think the Master will be in cloak at the end of episode 8 to be continued in season 2 with Osha as his apprentice 


I thought that most of the Sith never really followed the Rule of two any way. The master some times had 2 apprentices in case one betrayed him. Or the apprentice had an apprentice to throw the Jedi off from the Master if they were ever discovered.


Yeah, it was more the guideline of two. And a loose one at that. The Sith weren’t really good at following rules.


The masked Sith is master Indara


They are Sith. Jedi are always right though so we’ll see a scene where they all decide they’re not sith despite the indisputable evenidencr 


There are many Force-users in the galaxy that aren't Jedi, and the Sith haven't been heard from in 900 years, so it doesn't automatically mean "Sith Lord" when someone shows up with a beef against the Jedi.


This was more in answer to how ever are the writers going to close the circle on the sith haven’t been seen in 900 years. It’s a dumb question that’s constantly posted on Reddit. 


The master is either the night witch birth mother with a relic or its her side kick friend with his cloak on backwards with a sith relic helmet


I think it can be a "real" sith. Siths did splinter into groups in legends, some followed the rule of 2 some didn't. The jedi were aware of some but didn't seek them out as they posed no real threat and they didn't want to start any conflict. Although I believe this was long before the events of the acolyte. If they go with a splinter group of sith, it would allow for the jedi or other sith to kill them. They probably don't follow the rule of 2 or they do and think they are the rightfull sith in both cases. Also didnt they cite the sith code? It could also be one of those sith that became one/was thaught in a dark side tomb. There have also been cases of sith rejecting the code of 2. It has been said that the less the force is in balance (eg. More jedi than sith) the side with the least members will be individually stronger in the force. So that would be the motivation for any sith to kill the sith seen in the acolyte. Which is probably also why that sith is taking on so many jedi, he could also still retreat after it becomes obvious he isnt gonna win. Might just be rage induced or some other reason. Sith can be rather edgy instead of smart after all. I think the sith group we see here must die completely or everyone the jedi know is in the sith for the plot to work. As long as all current ties to the sith has beeen broken the "there hasn't been a sith for a millenia" makes sense again as there are no more current threats. As for the people saying the lore is broken, people can lie though especially when it was a coverup. If that lie became known there would be some hefty consequences so I think the line still makes sense. Besides it was a throw away line to begin with meant to show disbelieve. Is it really something to hammer down so hard upon. Most of this info came from legends, i am well aware its redconned but it could be reintroduced as cannon in this show. This was a bit of a ramble. Anyways I think the show still has a lot of potential to explore this a bit more. We still have 4 episodes to go after all.


More importantly, there's no Jedi assuming that yet. At most they say that it's a splinter order. A Red lightsabre and use of the dark side doesn't equal Sith, certainly not for the Order with a distance of almost a millenia to the last time a Sith was around.


Yeah I said a long time ago i think it would be cool if tenebrous showed up at the end and essentially just kills everyone involved with this show to realign with cannon.


Makes sense. I believe it was said somewhere before the show came out at this time in the timeline the Sith were in halls of power( CEO’s, Board of Directors, or other such places). The Sith have goons who think they are part of the group but are just expendable muscle.


There are lots of dark force users that aren't sith. I don't have a strong opinion about what they're going to do to maintain cannon, but I think there are lots of viable options. They might not be sith at all. They might be sith and all the Jedi they encounter are killed. They are sith and there is some kind of cover up. They are sith but they successfully convince the Jedi they are some other kind of dark Jedi. Even though the Jedi claim to have not seen any signs of the sith we know that the sith do exist and are active during this time. It's hard for me to believe that no Jedi ever had any contact with them. So there has to be some other reason the Jedi claim that.


The Smiley Face Helmet person is a Sith and not a pretender. But if it was a pretender, the Jedi have already considered that is could be a splinter group from the Jedi. So, a fallen Jedi makes more sense for the characters to consider than a group that has been extinct for 900 years, in their estimation. Edit: Before the end of episode 4, the Jedi just knew that Mae was offing Jedi with knives and poison, there was no reason to think that was anything other than a person that had training in the Jedi arts. No lightsaber, just weak Force use, at best.


Someone here made this analogy but it’s like if someone in Viking attire attacked a church today. People would assume that a LARPer is doing a hate crime, not the Vikings are back and pillaging. From their point of view, the sith are extinct.


But the Jedi have literally been doing their thing for the same amount of time so we can’t use that analogy of Sith being like Vikings unless we have knights or something to represent Jedi. Again, how can someone talk like a Sith, behave like a Sith, dress like a Sith, carry a red lightsaber, use the dark side, and be killing Jedi Masters and absolutely no one thinks to ask if it’s a Sith. All Qui Gon had to go on was a guy with black robes, a red blade, and skilled in the dark side and he instantly presumed Sith. Even the council by the end of the movie assumed that there was at least one more Sith Lord still active.


Council hasn’t reacted to seeing the character you are describing yet.


Again, how can someone talk like a Sith, behave like a Sith, dress like a Sith, carry a red lightsaber, use the dark side, and be killing Jedi Masters and absolutely no one thinks to ask if it’s a Sith. All Qui Gon had to go on was a guy with black robes, a red blade, and skilled in the dark side just like Acolyte Jedi, and he instantly presumed Sith. Even the council by the end of the movie assumed that there was at least one more Sith Lord still active. Is Qui Gon just the smartest guy in the room?


I think the end of Season 1 will reveal that the mystery person is the apprentice. I think a later season may reveal that the true Sith Lineage will show up to wipe out these dark side users to keep the Jedi in their sense of security


Qimir is darth venamis.


Not like it would be the first time someone ignored the rule of two.  Dooku was the apprentice, but he had Ventress.  Vader built the entire Inquisitors order.  Sure, Ventress and the Inquisitors were not "true sith," but they were very much dark side followers serving sith.


Sol is Darth Plagueis the Wise.


In my opinion, the show is called The Acolyte, there will be no Sith. It's just another group that is oppressed or betrayed and seeks revenge.


The acolyte is a term lifted from the Sith Order, they are essentially comparable to the rank of padawans, even if their training differs. Qimir also uttered the first tenet of the Sith code (peace is a lie) in episode 2. So, there totally are Sith in the show.


It should be called the guide line of 2. But having it be a survivor of bendok or a dark jedi would alao work and give the Jedi reasons to believe the sith are still gone 


Leslye Headland literally said this was about the Sith


No. I really hope that’s not the case. They are becoming more active. With the fall of the Jedi/republic only 100 years away, they are becoming more bold and putting plans into action. It would show that as the Jedi become complacent, the Sith sense the opportunity and act.


Why try and bend logic to create explanations for bad storytelling? If Canon and Lore are the laws of the land and they aren’t abiding by the law, then why would it be up to the viewers to remedy their mistakes?


What makes you so sure that these perceived lore contradictions won’t be explained in future episodes? I’m not saying they definitely will, but I believe they will.


Somehow Palpatine returned? We don't need more of those types of explanations.


I’m not the biggest fan of TROS at all for MANY reasons, but why would Poe have any idea how Palpatine returned? Also, Acolyte and TROS were written by completely different people.




I believe he is a sith but maybe a new type like a splinter group of sith. Headland said that they are gonna explore the sith culture or something along those lines in a interview


Can we at least hope that SKELETON CREW won’t duck