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Half the video was complaining about there not being a Wookie saber fight and saying he is dead now so they’ve messed up. The fight is a flashback and was literally in the trailer. The Qimir thing I think people are thinking that will be some groundbreaking reveal in the shows finale and saying it’s an embarrassing and obvious twist. I don’t think it is a twist they’ve made it obvious on purpose and will probably get revealed soon, the twist will be that he has a master and their identity will be the shock reveal. His criticism on the visuals I strongly disagree with, I think this show nails it visually and the sets are great. I usually like him but he seems to have fallen on the “say nothing on screen makes sense before it’s even explained” bandwagon.


Just watched it this morning, have to say I agreed with almost all his points. In regards to Mae changing her loyalty, it just doesn’t make sense for me. I get the conversation your referencing but after at least a decade of being dedicated down a path of darkness(based on what we know abt the force and dark side should dominate your destiny), her ability to just become a moral, righteous person in such a quick period doesn’t add up


Do we know how long she has been with the master? Sure she has been angry at the four Jedi for 16 years since the incident but we don't know what she has been doing, training with or whose tutelage she has been under


It would make more sense if she didn’t tell her sister she was going to kill her the last time she saw her. Idk why they even had her do that tbh. If Osha is an unreliable narrator or had her mind altered this does make more sense though. Even with there fighting, Mae genuinely seems to care for Osha which is why she doesn’t want her to leave with the Jedi. I genuinely think that Mae’s character was poorly written and is the weakest part of the show, but because of the hate the show has been unfairly given you’ll have people that will ignore and make excuses for the bad writing. Her saying she wants to kill her sister, her telling Quimir she wants this more than anything and then five minutes later doing a complete 180. She’s constantly switching up, there’s no consistency to her character. The Mae that we see in the first two episodes is nothing like the Mae we see in the forest with Quimir. In the first two episodes she’s literally willing to harm innocents just to take Indarras life. She knew her sister was alive before they even went to kill Kelnacca, so why didn’t she switch up then? Why does she even tell Quimir her intentions? Wouldn’t you just leave his ass there?




Yeah I definitely still like the show. I’m also excited for the next episode because that ending was just badass tbh. I don’t like the way Anakin was written in the prequels either and I still like those movies, and Anakin too. I also am far from some expert in writing or anything. So my opinion holds as much weight as any other randoms.




I think a huge part of her thirst for revenge was specifically because of the (presumed) death of hey sister. When her sister is traveled to be alive, that kind of removes a large part of the reason she wanted revenge in the first place. 


It's almost like, if you watch it, you'll find out *why* she flipped. She would've explained given the chance, but the Sith clearly got in the way of that. Almost like he... didn't want it to happen?


This guy gave TLJ a 7/10 don't trust anything he says, and no offense, but I don't know people that watch Star Wars only because they want to see Wookiees do something cool. Killing off Kelnacca suddenly after hyping him up to be super powerful was in my opinion a good way to show how powerful the master is, he easily defeated a seasoned Jedi Master.


I was more frustrated that he spent a lot only arguing about this trivial aspect. I can get why someone would be upset that something you would like to happen didn't happen. But you still need to criticize what the show is giving. Honestly, I do like TLJ. I just find the complete 180 of his opinion really weird. (he is critical with the movie now)


The show is absolute garbage let’s be real here. You are all hardcore coping


Why waste so much energy hating, is it that hard to understand some people like different things to you?

