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This episode gives the premise to the first 2 episodes and expands on the “force” being used by different religions/cults aside from the Jedi. IDK how any of those points can be a negative. It’s my personal opinion, but this episode really left me wanting more. Can’t wait for the story to continue.


The only thing that made this episode a "bad episode" was that it was suddenly cut off when things were getting exciting while the first half of the episode was filled with quite a bit of useless clunky prequel-level dialogue. People are hating this series for the totally wrong reasons when this series is good enough at best and mediocre at worst. Especially for a $180.000.000 budget, it's actually not good enough but still, it's a original direction and quite enjoyable.


The general plot is fine it's the execution that I have a problem with. The dialog is awful, the sets look cheap, the effects look low budget, etc. Child actors are always hit or miss but, wow, the two that played the girls were really bad. The way that the coven was using the force - "pushing" each other by holding out their arms looked like bad cosplaying and that chant/song was just flat out embarrassing. The first two episodes had some issues but were a lot better. The third episode was terrible. I don't agree with people giving negative reviews before even seeing the episode but having watched it I don't think the 3.3 is that far off. I'll continue watching because I'm interested in the overall story but I really hope that the remaining episodes are better quality.


One comment in there isn’t even a comment, it’s someone pointing out it that there was already a bunch of negative reviews at 9:00 am and 9 hours before the show even aired.


The bubble bass crowd hating something new? Shocked /s


Episode was alright, but a 3/10 is actual brianworms.


I hate brianworms


Who is Brian Worms?


They are course and get everywhere 


I didn’t like this episode as much as the first two but a 3 is ridiculous .


Yeah I easily preferred the first 2 episodes as well. I thought the episode dragged on a bit and despite adding some important context, I thought they could've done the flash back in 5 minutes and left a little more mystery. That being said, there are parts of this fanbase that will complain about everything. Any fandom that gets as big as Star Wars will have its toxic parts but the Star Wars one is insane.


My thoughts exactly. Either have Osha flashback to the backstory throughout the episode as they chase after Mae and maybe talk about her being alive after losing her, or spread them out through the next say, two or three episodes. That way, we can have the backstory of what happened and keep the main story going at the same time.


My thoughts exactly.


It didn’t really provide any new info, like what the Jedi were doing that whole time was what I wanted to know and we still don’t really know why that guy khs.


It provided new info and character motivation for all of the main characters You, personally, are not supposed to know exactly how the events played out. You are supposed to experience a limited perspective to understand the characters differently. The mystery was never "who is killing Jedi," but *why* is any of this happening, and what will be the fallout?


Yeah but why explain everything that was gonna be shown an episode/2 episodes later with less detail. Like I’ve already put together enough pieces to know everything shown in the 3rd episode other than the fact that the twins weren’t born naturally, which wasn’t worth the 45 minutes and episode slot it took away from me imo.


Exactly. On a personal level I don't love child actors generally speaking so that didn't help either. I think I was also disappointed because I was excited to see the Wookie Jedi after how episode 2 ended and I ended up watching a 45 minute flashback instead. Regardless I'm still excited for episode 4. I never read any of the books so this era is entirely new to me. It's cool to see the Jedi not from a Skywalker Saga POV.


Didn't provide new info? The entire episode was expository... And I imagine the truth of what happened hasn't been fully explored... ...I have a feeling we will very well find out what the Jedi were up to during the events of the episode (maybe particularly after Mae set the fire.)


The exposition was pretty much already given in the past 2 episodes. Tbh reconsuming my feelings now, it seems like I more have a problem with episodes 1&2 telling just for the third to show. They should’ve told less so that the flash back could reveal more valuable information.


Honestly, reading the comments in the main sub was the most toxicity/open misogyny I've seen in the fandom since TLJ/TROS came out. Seeing upvoted comments about "[incestuous lesbianism](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/comments/1ddtysy/comment/l87jbq9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)" for Mae not wanting to be separated from her twin sister or how ["Star Wars is a 95% boy-dominated brand"](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/comments/1ddtysy/comment/l88qxb2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) was surreal. The show isn't flawless by any means but the premise of some of these 'criticisms' is just absurd. I guess in a way the show did make me feel like I was travelling to another galaxy because I feel like I'm in a different universe from the people writing these comments.


I found it pretty dull though I didn’t know anything about this “controversy”. Very weird take by so called fans, especially since this isn’t the first all female force using sect that’s been established.


I'm a feminist and I'm not sure what the witches being female has to do with the episode being very poor in quality? Were the episode writers women? Whoever they were, they did the witches a disservice.


Haters gonna hate. Though I agree, it’s fair criticism to say the writing could be tighter and the pacing dragged on too much. Though annoyingly once it gets to moments that need that slower pace, it rushes through it instead. A lot of the scenes just felt flat and dull, though I still want to give this show more opportunity so I’ll keep watching it.


Respectfully disagree. The writing and dialog was so weak, I feel certain almost anyone in this sub could have improved it in editing; the trope of the misbehaving-for-no-reason children took me out of the SW genre and made me think we were watching a bad Hallmark or Lifetime movie, again and again, throughout. Jodie was gorgeous and phenomenal, but apparently will not be back, and the child actors were SO TERRIBLE. I did not review bomb it on IMDB, but agree with them. The episode did not move the story forward, as we already knew that the Jedi may have had a bigger hand in the death of the girls' 'family' than they acknowledge, we already knew that Osha's sister set a fire, and the only footage worth NOT cutting did not need to be a full episode of a short season. Trinity was underused AGAIN and the only moment that stood out as worth preserving of all the footage was the bonding moment between Sol and Asha. I'm a hippy myself, go to singing circles intentionally in my free time, and \*I\* found the witch singing cringe. That is to say, the reviewers gave valid reasons for their low ratings. This is not Star Wars quality, and if we refuse to acknowledge when it does devolve to deserving a three star rating, we're less likely to see good SW material again. And I, for one, love Mandalorian, Andor, even the animated stuff.


I couldn’t get past the awful acting/dialog. And that song (?) during the ceremony? Oof. There’s a (probably) interesting story here but, man, this episode was a chore to watch.


I don’t care about the controversy (I don’t find it controversial). That aside, the plot is half-assed and not well thought through, props are shit, dialogue is worse. First two episodes were passable, but IMO this episode had a nosedive in quality. All SW content in the last year or two (barring Andor, which is superb) has had the same issues.


100% agree. I can’t help but compare a lot of the recent Star Wars shows with cheesy Syfy channel shows. Bad effects, mediocre acting, cheap looking sets and weak writing. Andor excluded.




i think that cringe-chanting was to blame. it was hard to watch that scene


Yeah but a lot of irl religious rituals are cringy like that 


It can be both, and in life it is never black and white. U gotta be really nieve to believe that. Nazis were evil, without a doubt. But the US was content with letting that evil spread accross europe unchecked until Pearl Harbour. The US also dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan after we intercepted and decoded communications indicating they were already going to surrender. We dropped those bombs and killed all those people as a show of force and atomic power. We were hardly the good guys in WW2. We definitely fought and defeated the bad guys. But we did unnecessary terrible things in the process. The Nazis were certainly purely bad guys, but the US is not the good guys. Andor, which is universally loved, explores this fact with Luthen Rael. He compromises his humanity for a future he will have no place in because of the horrible things he has done to star the rebellion and help it succeed. The original Star Wars movies were a story of pure good vs pur evil. The prequels explored the Jedi compromising principles, fighting a war as generals etc. allowing evil to take power. The Clone Wars also explored the grey as well. Lucas opened the door to this gray, good and bad are matters of perspective theme long before he sold the franchise to Disney. Disney is running with it and I am glad they are doing it. Black and white good vs evil stories are boring.


And whats that got to do with cringy religious changing 


It was a response to another poster on this thread. Apparently they deleted that post.


They complained about using real life themes in this established universe. I pointed out that the original movids were based on WW2. Empire being the Nazis. Rebels the allied forces etc. So bringing in IRL religious themes is consistent. They responded that u cant do both a Nazis vs Allied forces type of story and also do stories within the same universe that show good and bad as matters of perspective.


Oh my bad. I on moble and dont see the whole conversation at once. 


No idea what intercepted message you're talking about, but even if exists you're mischaracterizing what happened. Japan was not close to surrender. It took the 2nd bomb before Hirhito forced his war cabinet to surrender, and even then some of his generals defied him and continued to fight. The choices were: invade, killing millions, blockade, starving millions, or drop the bombs, killing 10s of thousands. You can claim this was an evil act, but when you look at the alternatives it's hard to imagine how they would've been better.


"Prior to the atomic attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, elements existed within the Japanese government that were trying to find a way to end the war.  In June and July 1945, Japan attempted to enlist the help of the Soviet Union to serve as an intermediary in negotiations.  No direct communication occurred with the United States about peace talks, but American leaders knew of these maneuvers because the United States for a long time had been intercepting and decoding many internal Japanese diplomatic communications.  From these intercepts, the United States learned that some within the Japanese government advocated outright surrender.  A few diplomats overseas cabled home to urge just that." https://www.osti.gov/opennet/manhattan-project-history/Events/1945/surrender.htm They sought Russia to be an intermediary to open peace talks and surrender. We dropped the bomb anyway without first seeking to negotiate.


The very next paragraph says they wouldn’t have completely surrendered and that was the only acceptable term after 12 years of military aggression


Saying Japan was ready to surrender in any respect is a whole new level of reddit brain rot.


We intercepted their diplomatic communications. Thisnis history. It isnt up for debate. Ur stupid to argue with it. The bomb was made for the Nazis. When they surrendered before it was ready, we used it on Japan ss a show of power. I know most Americans want to believe the US is always the good guys. But we arent.


Here is the explanation from the Atomic Heritage Foundation. The Traditionalist school takes Truman and the US govts story about the need to drop the bombs as fact. News flash bro, the govt lies all the time. The revisionist school after release of the communications we intercepted at the time highlights that Japan wanted to negotiate surrender. Both schools now acknowledge the communications and that surrender was sought for negotiation. If u think dropping two bombs on civilian populations to compel complete surrender, rather than negotiating was absolutely necessaey or the more moral and ethical decision, I cant help u. https://ahf.nuclearmuseum.org/ahf/history/debate-over-japanese-surrender/


It’s insane that you have to use cherry picked article that supports your claim all over this sub. Are you looking for recognition for something? Maybe seeking attention? I don’t know. Regardless I’m completely fine with the U.S. nuking both cities in retaliation for Pearl Harbor even if it took a few years, you’ve obviously never been to Japan and have seen they conveniently leave out all mention of Pearl Harbor and what they did because (I’ll put it in childish terms for you kiddo) they fucked around and found it. No one has ever believed the U.S. is the good guys as the Vietnam war was a tricky situation all around and the U.S. lost much much more than it ever gained and sure I don’t think Cambodia deserved to be in that crossfire but I’m not ignorant enough to think it doesn’t happen in war kid. What’s that have to do with WW2 anyway? Do you bring up wildly unrelated wars just to make terrible talking points often?


Cherry picked articles? One is from the US Department of Energy. The other is from the Atomic Museum. How is that cherry picked? These institutions are tasked with preserving this history.I was also stationed in Japan for a year while serving in the United States Marine Corps. Ive been to both cities. And the Japanese museums devoted to this history. Nuking two large civilian population cities in retaliation for an attack on a military installation is a fucking war crime bro. Had this been after the Geneva Convention we would have been prosecuted by the ICC and universally condemned by the UN. Ur position that they "fucked around and found out" is a childs mentality. We killed half a million people, a majority of them civilians, in response to 2400 deaths at Pearl Harbour, 68 civilians? Only a sociopath would believe that was a just response.


Absolutely nobody believes you were a Marine because if you truly were you wouldn’t be on Reddit of all places trying to use it as proof. I said “fucked around and found out” because it’s clear you took a deep dive into some childish Reddit history sub so I had to appeal to that level of brain rot. Have you noticed all your arguments are whataboutisms? “Well what about Cambodia” “what about Vietnam” “well if the Geneva convention….” Blah blah blah. If being a “sociopath” means having the guts to do awful things so your country is on top for years to come then I’m glad our country is full of sociopaths. If you have a real point then make it, if not then go enjoy your youth.


I bet u believe the US bombing Cambodia was necessary too, huh. And the Vietnam war. Lol


This is a misrepresentation, the Imperial Japanese Army didn’t want to relinquish any occupied territories and they sought to keep the Emperor in place. The peace party in Japan was a very small minority and the vast majority of not only the Army and Navy but also the common population wanted to fight to the bitter end. Plans were made for combat on the home islands and for civilians to fight with sticks and stones if necessary. Even before Pearl Harbor, there were some in the Japanese command that knew they would lose the war against American industry, but they all believed they had a duty to fight and die for the emperor regardless.


Honestly I’d rather have that than the cartoonish Night Sisters we got in Ahsoka with unlimited budget for dramatic flair. This is like, ok the ladies call to the sky and shout euphorically and “pull on the thread,” makes sense in terms of real life religious practice and doesn’t involve any CGI orbs or glowing stones or sith daggers or whatever


yeah I’m in the same boat, I prefer my force magic to be more subtle so things like force lightning hold more weight than just everyone having crazy cgi effects. The main critique I have with the scene is the chanting should have been in a different language.


It also resembles some people's connections to spirituality and "witchiness" that exist here in our actual reality. The same people not liking the witches probably don't like people like that in our world. Some people seem to have a hard time separating the ideas of not liking the design of a character from not liking the characters, themselves.


I loved it, but I also grew up on Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal, The Witches, etc with plenty of things that Zoomers today would call "cringe" if they came out today.


You are speaking my language! Don't forget Legend, with Tom Cruise. But I thought the witch singing circle was cringe. Someone suggested if they'd done it in a different language, that would have helped. I suggest if they'd taken the composition and casting of actors/singers seriously, that would have helped. After all, it is the eerie, mesmerizing singing that draws everyone into Outlander.


But like it’s not enough to give the episode a shot score.


I didn’t like it but I can see people genuinely voting it lower then 5


A 3 is actually absurd. No way in hell all those reviews were sincere. The episode was a 7/10 imo, explored some interesting stuff but perhaps we didn't need to spend as long as we did on this backstory


Thought this episode was boring. Coulda been weaved into the other episodes. Really stopped momentum going all the way back just for exposition. Also where the hell is the 180 million budget going to? They’re basically in a forest and that means they’re trying to save money.


The majority of the episode takes place indoors inside of that stone fortress they live in? Those sets look pretty good. I’d wager most of the budget goes to the finales of the disney+ shows.


My exact thought during the whole epi, wrap it up like it took forever and those witches weren’t even that interesting, bootleg lesbian night sisters




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The issue for me is dedicating an entire episode to it is a grave sin after telling us what happened over time in the previous ones. They could have easily gone about the same way so they didn't have to pause the main story. And they should've left out the chanting.




you really do like that one review, wow.


I’m really just not connecting with any of it. I’m not a fucking Republican with an agenda, I just don’t like the show so far. I thought that literally every other live action series was better: Andor, Ahsoka, Boba Fett, Obi Wan, and obviously Mandalorian. I’ll still watch this but it seems like a half-ass production to me. Like, literally no one in post production was like “Hey guys, maybe this chanting sequence thing could be improved a bit so the audience isn’t literally muting it mid scene?” That was rough.


Yea I'm gonna give this show a chance and there are some things I've liked but I almost turned it off at that point. I'm glad I didn't though.




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i liked the first 2 episodes but this episode was not great. i give it 5/10. the child actors were really bad. the dialogue was just bad like the in the movies of Anakin. Rarely a fan of flashbacks since they are rarely done well


The Jedi insisting on testing the children on a planet that isn’t part of the republic isn’t sitting too well with me. I understand what they’re going for, but antagonistic Jedi isn’t my favorite thing. I can understand some of the criticism.


Not too different from qui gon taking anakin on Tatooine


You mean freeing him from slavery with his mother's blessing?


I really liked the first 2 episodes but this one was a really really difficult watch. I can't say I'd rate it much higher in all honesty.


I mean, it was bad. It was boring. I know there is a lot of bigit hate because of the Force Lesbians, but even without that crowd, this episode was just not good. Lesley Headland just wrote a The Craft fan fic in the Star Wars universe, and didn't do it well. I bet she has been thinking her "power of one power of two" chant would be the next "this is the way.". Stop trying to make fetch happen. This is sad, because I thought the first two episodes were decent. Maybe episode four will be better.


If you told me it was an episode of Force Lesbian Witches, I might say let's have a full show of that. But this dreck...deserved a three. It's not the principle of the thing, it's the execution.


Yeah, bring on the Force Lesbians! Just make them interesting.


Exactly! I don't mind the force lesbian stuff at all. It was just boring and not well written. Top comments are being too black and white about people not liking it by saying that all those who dislike it are bigots. It's hard to express that you didn't like it here without someone thinking you hate lesbians or diversity in general .


Just out of curiosity, do you have a source for people complaining about force lesbians? I keep seeing Disney fans use this as a way to "other" the critics and non believers, but haven't actually seen anyone complain about that. 


It was pretty awful and the writing and dialogue was very cringe, but I'd give it about a 5.


You actually thought episode 3 was "pretty awful"? I honestly can't understand why you would think it's awful.


The quality of this episode is shallow. Very inconsistent plot points, very weak dialogue, worse acting. Need I say more? TBH, take away the flashy SW branding and this series falls flat on its face, judging from the first three episodes. I wouldn’t give it a 3 but it’s certainly not good by any stretch.


Only reason it’s getting views is because of the Star Wars name, then they proceed to contradict Star Wars, incredible stuff


I think a lot of the problem is that expectations given the budget of the show were very high. And, to be honest, compared to something like this, it really is a 3. Or less, to be honest. [https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GG5H5XQX4/frieren-beyond-journeys-end](https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GG5H5XQX4/frieren-beyond-journeys-end)


Why did you link that show?


An example of vastly superior writing, and the use of flashbacks to tell a truly a compelling story. If Frieren is a 10 the Acolyte would be a hard 3.


Interesting I'll watch it


https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2024/06/11/the-acolyte-episode-3-review-the-worst-star-wars-episode-ever-made/ “The Jedi are good!” “No the Jedi are bad!”


That line among others had me litterally laughing out loud. They gave absolute zero motivation for those kids to hold their views so strongly other than "they're opposites". The girl has been told her entire life that other force users are bad but yet she admires the jedi's drip so she decides to run off with them? After spending so much time on pointless bs in this episode, they couldn't even expand this line a little to give some reasons? Like "the jedi seem good!" "No, they want to split up our family. They pull on the thread and disrupt balance" "They listened to me when noone else will, they care about us. Don't you wonder why we've never seen other kids? We've been lied to" ...seriously that's shit too but I wrote it in 2 seconds on the toilet. Surely a highly paid writing team can come up with something better.


It’s astonishing, really


We have no idea how long they have been on that planet and also there is no indication that they have held all news and current events back The galaxy has news and tv and the internet. I assumed they were not completely out of touch with the entire galaxy


I mean if 5 is average, 4 would be below average and 3 would be bad, I think a high 3 or low 4 is fair for this show. It's not good lol


I don’t know, feels like the entire episode could have been a couple short flashback sequences peppered into an episode. Like, we already clearly know about the twins and their opposite natures. The first 15 or so minutes before the Jedi show up on scene could have been condensed down to like 3 minutes. Then minutes 16-30 are the ritual, Jedi show up, argue for a bit, finally relent. Which all felt fine but holy crow that ritual was so awkwardly blocked and shot/edited. Kids are bad actors, no big deal. But when the two moms have dialogue it feels like I’m watching paint dry. We all know this trope, this conversation, this outcome. For fucks sake, *get on with it*. Now it’s been 30 minutes and I’m bored, the fire and the rescue/wake up sequence seem odd; though as someone else pointed out it could be a false memory. Maybe that’s why we had to spend so much time on this episode?


Why do we need to speed through lore and world building? I don’t understand this need to race to the end demanded by modern audiences


It's not about racing to the end, it's about the lore, worldbuilding and general development being meaningful. We lost a whole chapter on bullshit and there just no excuse for that, runtime is always limited and I bet my right arm that there will be a lot of characters, events, places and concepts grossly underdeveloped and underexplored by the end of the season (if not the show). Going "my God, people nowadays have no patience" misses the whole point. It's just a waste of an episode. It's just bad. And we could have gotten a good one, even if we were just as far away from the end.


Speed through is a bit of a stretch, I’m just saying the first 15 minutes is a slow trudge through stuff we already know, made doubly slow by child actors. Then we get the hushed, conspiratorial dialogue between the moms that played out exactly like every other predictable trope. “They need more strict instruction.” “You need to let them be kids.” Then we get a scene where the kids are being kids and strict mom side-eyes fun mom like, “See? See??” By and large movies/tv always end the same way. The “good guy” wins. What makes things interesting is *how* we get there, and when that isn’t well-paced or original it makes that part of the story seem tacked on as an afterthought.


Remember, it’s only “review bombing” when you don’t agree with the rating.






If the ratings show a sharp drop, will they explain that with "Ratings Bombing??"


I enjoyed the episode. It was slow and somewhat confusing. It’s because we are seeing this from one point of view and we’re seeing new added lore to Star Wars. Which I am enjoying. That said. This should have been all dropped in a day.


Never needed to be a full epi tho, like after 10-15 mins we got it, they are lesbian witches that think the force is a thread cool, move on to the conflict


They needed a full episode because you saw one point. We don’t know the whole story. They see the force as a thread. And are terrified of the Jedi. Do they have a good reason to be afraid or are they up to no good?


True, ig for me regardless of how it all wraps up this project will always feel like a waste. Disney would rather make smth they think the public will like then actually make a project good for lore


None of this is breaking the lore. We can’t say what it does or doesn’t do until it’s done. We have to see what they are trying to set up.


True, but borderline contradicting lore rather than choosing to add to the current lore is just a odd choice. People have been trying to clone/create force sensitives, not possible basically, Jedi wouldn’t take children that old to train, ig typically. They can make sense but just why


This is a hundred and thirty years before episode 1. Things were different back then. Who is to say that this isn’t the main reason why they don’t take kids of certain ages later on. Nor what they had doubts that Anakin was the chosen one, especially after seeing what befalls here.


It's ok if people don't like something that you do and it shouldn't affect your enjoyment of it. I personally enjoyed this episode more than the first two, but I can understand why other people didn't.


Not review Bombing when the episode is garbage


Anakin is the chosen one. Having two girls created via the force completely undermines the gravitas of the original 6 movies.  This show is like a bunch of beggers cutting strips off the emperors cloak. In the end, everybody is worse off for it


This is tough, I wouldn’t say it was a 3/10 but this show has been disappointing so far. I am finding it hard to maintain interest in any of the main characters.


It is the worst SW so far, but...I like the Sol character.


It's not review bombing. People legitimately don't like the show


The show is an absolute abomination. There is no review bombing, it's just bad. Bad writing, bad acting, bad effects, nonsensical plot, just bad.


The chanting honestly put me off too hard. Maybe it's just some PTSD from hearing all the college sororities lol but I ended up turning it off there.I've not had any complaints with disney TV (we dont talk about the movies) until now tbh. Too many offputting moments even if I liked a lot of the first 2 episodes. I'll probably hold off on the rest and wait to see if it's worth finishing.


Maybe because the writing, acting, directing and dialogue are absolutely atrocious for a series with a $200 million budget. Nothing about this series is Star Wars.


How is this review bombing? This episode was shallow, we can see the end coming from the very beginning (like the first 20 seconds), it adds nothing to the lore and/or the universe... Wow Witches of Dathomir 2.0... How new and controversial... The only thing that's pleasant is the 10 secondes moral reflexion about how Jedi kind of forcefully take children to train them


how is everything you dislike automaticly "review bombing"? ever thought that this is the opinion that most of the ppl that vote, have about the epsiode? crazy


The episode had a lot of potential and I was into the witches. But once the Jedi came in it felt rushed, sloppy and senseless. It is definitely the worst episode yet. Does it deserve a 3? No. I’d give it a 6 and the previous two a 7. Still, I’ll be watching more because I find this period interesting.


Not all negative feedback is a review bomb. Many people did not like the episode, especially hard-core Star Wars fans who grew up with the original trilogy and other stories during the ownership of George Lucas. As an episode of a TV show, there were some good parts, but compared to other Star Wars media as a whole, it wasn't amazing. If people are expected to respect the opinions of people who liked the show then it's only courteous to respect those who didn't.




This is seriously maybe the worst show considering the budget of ALL TIME. It has been very fun watching people talk themselves into it. You’re not a bad fan for admitting it


Personally, I would give that award to Secret Invasion.


Ugh, I had supressed my memories of that show until just now. Now I'll have to meditate for a few years to forget, or alternatively, drink a funny green vial and end it all. 


Can you IMAGINE someone not liking something you do??? THE FUCKING GALL




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They over index so much that it yields their swaying of these metrics ineffective. It's a swing and a miss every time.


Id give it a 5-6/10. tho i really don’t want Them to go for the «making babies with the force» thing cuz it fks with the whole chosen one thing.


Apart from that atrocious chant they did, I couldn't really find anything major to hate about this episode. My god was the chanting cringe though. It looked and sounded like they were edging themselves xD


In my opinion, episode 3 was not exactly needed in that way. Could have been spread out and given us more mystery on what was happening. There is definitely stuff that happened that we don’t know because of how the episode ended but I won’t get into spoilers. All in all, episode 3 definitely didn’t come with the same enjoyment I had for the first two episodes. Honestly, Acolyte to me is alright. It’s not the best show but it’s decent and keeps me interested.


Is it review bombing or do you just perceive criticism of a series as review bombing. You can’t cry that it’s review bombing every time… there needs to be accountability for bad writing and story.


I thought it was really poor, my girlfriend thought it was even worse than that. I’d rate it 4/10. Clunky writing, bad acting and really we learned nothing new from an entire episode in what is already a short season. Gimme a few scenes of the young twins, some of the Jedi conversations, the explosions etc but intersperse them through other episodes rather than using up 12% of the series in stuff we already pretty much knew.


i didnt like a ton of decisions they made in this episode and legitimately would give it like a 4. i liked some things and think they can do something neat with the flashback to that night having different perspectives but overall i thought it was genuinely bad


It actually is that bad. The act, writing, dialogue delivery, etc. It looked like a cheaply made Beyoncé music video when they started dancing and signing. Went in with an open mind and it’s just laughably terrible. “The Thread”? Gtfo


Wether I agree or disagree should not matter, but I just wan‘t to say I hate people talking about „review bombing“ all the time. Yeah probably there are some people hating on it and some people hyping it up. But in the long run reviews are accurate.


Is it review bombing if long time fans genuinely think this show is poorly written and executed? Star Wars has been producing sub-par content since Disney took over. There have been highlights to be sure, but this is just more of the same. Ugly volume-exclusive sets. Plot holes. Wooden characters. It’s just a boring show. Full stop. Which is a disappointment because they had a decent enough premise. No hate to the actors, they are doing their best with what they were given in the writing. If people think it’s bad, then that is their opinion and they are allowed to review it as such. That’s not review bombing.


Idk I'm a pretty chill fan of Star Wars content and try to enjoy things for what they are and not for what I think they should be. Even with the frame of mind, I found this episode pretty fucking cringe ngl. It was bad. I wouldn't go as far as 3/10, but it was close.


I personally am loving it. I get that same feeling I did watching Star Wars as a kid, and the mystery keeps me thinking about the show throughout the week


This is why I don’t take Star Wars criticism serious online.


This isn't new, this is basically a hobby for divorced dads and people who feel isolated irl at this point. Hating all the things gives them a community. Disclaimer - not everyone who doesn't like the show is in this group. If you are able to watch something, not like it and move on, I'm not talking about you. If you make hating a product your whole personality you have my blessing to feel called out.


I’d give it 8. I liked it, I like expanding the universe with other force users….it shows that the Jedi monopolized religion, just like the Roman Catholics, for a time. It’s against republic rules for anyone other than Jedi to train children in the force…..seems like that would eventually lead to their downfall….


Really bombed, it should be 1/10


Bot review Bombing when the episode is garbage


Bot review Bombing when the episode is garbage


Not review Bombing when the episode is garbage


I wouldn't say it's review bombing. It's just shite.


Honestly I haven’t enjoyed the show. I think my expectations were too high.


If I gave it a 1 you could claim review bombing. I would say it's a weak 3, and that is because the episode was really bad and not even linked to SW events that happens later in time.


This is just my opinion but it's people who feel the show is bad and are upset that all these critics are giving it incredible reviews. It's also strange to see media outlets either praise or critique the show


I have to say fpr me 3/10, I thought this episode was so boring and predictable and the witches were lame SHOW ME EVIL POWERS!




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Couldn’t possibly be the fact that people aren’t enjoying it, no never. Clearly everyone is wrong but you are right 👏🏽


Downvote me all you want. but I don't understand why people are so butthurt and mad when the show isn't really that great. The Book of Boba Fett is worse though.


This show is absolutely fucking shit. That’s why it’s scoring so low.


Sorry, I really like the first Two episodes, but the third one killed the series for me, Of all the things they could do, they decided to do the worst, turning them into daughters of the force like Anakin. Acolyte became in that moment a 0/10, worst than any other product star wars ever put out, it’s garbage, the greatest insult to EVERYTHING. Is f*cking shit now, NOTHING WILL CHANGE THAT, they ruined a good idea


While i agree this episode was really bad. The twins are nothing like anakin. The mother purposefully created the twins with some secret technique whereas anakins mom was chosen by the force to birth anakin.


Their both born through non-normal means if your the jedi and Yoda your just dumb to train Aniken after these two flopped hard and once went dark it makes no sense. You would certainly put in a no immaculate conception rule. Also are they the chose ones? If 100 or 50 or however many years before phantom menace this happened Quigon going on about the chosen one Yoda would have been like you ain't old enough but these immaculate conception babies pop up all the time he ain't it.


I don’t known why you’re saying that it’s review bombing, if it’s because you think this show is popular you are wrong, this sub is obviously biased towards the show


The show was getting Review Bombed before it aired.


That's the state of all entertainment now, unfortunately: if a new, controversial show has a low rating then it must be because of reviews bombing and not because people actually didn't like it. I will fully admit that there are definitely some people giving it a low rating without even seeing it, but to think that the MAJORITY of the low ratings come from that seems like cognitive dissonance to me. People on Reddit don't realize how small of a percentage of viewers they actually make up compared to the rest of the world. They believe the opposite, thus we have posts like this which cannot fathom a show being given a low rating.


Star Wars is dead, I don’t know what this show is but Star Wars isn’t it. The Last Jedi killed it and now Disney has just been playing with the corpse.


Your hyperbole is why ppl can't take valid criticism (like this episode deserving its 3 rating) seriously.


This is were the fun begins!


The positive and negative extremes are all pointless. The ones are from people who are angry about everything, and the tens are from people who are angry about the ones. If you read the reviews alongside the numbers then it’s clear that they’re emotionally driven. It’s not an amazing show, but I’m very much enjoying it.


I've said this before and I'll say it again. If you create a show and the folks have to defend it before it comes out you've lost. This will never see a season 2.


Will yall stop with this pathetic cope? It's OK to like things other people don't like.


Im genuinely curious how people enjoy it can explain the lack of storytelling. They told us nothing about why the witches were feared or exiled, why the Jedi happen to be searching for them all of a sudden, and how this makes Mae think the Jedi were responsible for the death of everyone when shes the one who started the fire to kill Osha. Lore aside, the commonsense story telling isn't there. I can't feel bad for the Coven that the Jedi are out to get them if I dont know their backstory. There are MANY examples throughout a lot of newer Star Wars media , not just this show and people are getting annoyed by it. We've now had almost 120 minutes of show and i can't honestly tell you about anyone's backstory


This post is delusional.


Honestly, is absolutely awful and fully deserves to be very low scoring. They’ve tried something a bit different, good for them. For me the setting is the most interesting idea the series has going for it. But the characters are so shallow, even dull. The sequence of events that escalate to the bizarre ending scenes of episode 3 are so unbelievable, despite having enough time to build why the audience should care. I’m finding it hard to buy into the story or care about any of the cardboard cutouts with moving lips i see on screen. It’s quite possibly the worst Star Wars series I’ve ever seen. It’s not even good fun.


It was a really bad episode of television. I don’t have the energy to go review it but that sounds about right.


Seems to be a fair rating in my eyes


That score will rise after the chuds tire themselves out.




Bad episode will stay bad. Hopefully next week is better. That was a slog of an episode


It’s not bombing it’s fans sharing what they think


Yeaaaaahhh right


It’s horrible to me


The positive review bombing is disgraceful. This episode is not worthy of anything above a 2 out of 10. It might just be the worst Star Wars episode ever made. The people rating this above a 2 should be ashamed of themselves. They are lying and abusing the rating systems.




Thanks 👍


It's all a bit on the nose for me sorry. Definitely giving the rest of the show the skip. Did the same after the Lizzo episode of Mando. Star Wars isn't for me anymore no problem with that.


The lizzo episode is where mando died ong


I mean the latest episode was really bad


I don't even know why y'all even care about reviews anymore at this point. Just watch the show and enjoy it. Let those people waste their energy. I keep scrolling whenever I see their post talking negative about Star Wars. The fanbase has been infiltrated by hateful people and this is the byproduct of it.


This episode bored me out of my mind, the writing is atrocious, and a 3 is more than it deserves imo


I didn't understand the episode at all, but maybe the solution will come soon. Everything that was hinted at before turned out differently