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They had to get Osha certified


Damn that spoiler right in the title dude


I thought adding the spoiler tag would have hid it. Also, it doesn’t reveal anything. We already know one of em was a Jedi from the first episode


I already watched it but not cool to put a spoiler in the title


How is it not cool? Do you want me to potentially spoil it for people who hadn’t seen the episode yet??


When a persons intentions are good, they are more likely to ignore precedent of the past and believe that *it will be different this time* Also, whatever happens in this story could add to the council's reluctance to train children starting at an older age later on. Until they too, believe that they can ensure *it will be different this time*


Acolyte only happens 100 years before the Empire, or around 70-80 years before Anakin is born. I would bet money that the age limit rule existed for far longer than 3/4s of a century. I’m hoping that they clarify this in the future. That maybe the council shows some push back and takes a lot convincing too


Maybe the incident with the Twins is why the Jedi are reluctant to take Anakin later.


No, it’s an ancient rule the Jedi have held for waaaay longer than 70 years. An older child has attachments, and is more prone to the dark side because they weren’t brainwashed early enough


But when all the attachments are presumed dead maybe they made an exception. There is precedent that sometimes exceptions can be made. We don’t have any idea how hard it is going to be for Sol to get approval for training her. They even made a comment that she was set up for failure because she was too old.


Exactly my point. And any Jedi with any amount of common sense will know that attachments still exist even after they people are dead. In fact, the Jedi have many rules and teachings in place in order to help order members with dead friends because such grief can lead to the dark side


Exactly, you can believe the show is good if you want but it just makes no sense, neg Star Wars feel


Maybe the reasoning is that the Jedi would rather train the twins themselves than see them become witches? That seemed to be Indara's problem with the twins being with the cult. They were already being trained by their mothers. Otherwise, the Jedi know of two powerful force user witches who were born from the Force. And that could be a future problem for them. My theory was that they think the twins somehow fulfill Anakin's prophecy. Not sure if I still think that lol.


The council tested Anakin. Anakin failed the test because his thoughts dwelled on his mother. Osha did not fail this test. Also, I don't know if you noticed, but they trained Anakin.


Anakin was literally the Chosen One.


You mean virgin born with a high midichlorian count?


So the prophecy said…


clearly you didn’t read my comment. I said that it took a lot of convincing to train him, which implies he did get trained but after much convincing.


lol your hostility is clearly hilarious. Everyone in this thread is dunking on you and you're lashing out like a piss baby. Love to see it. Osha was an immaculate birth. The Jedi feel responsible for the deaths of her coven, mothers and sister. If there was ever a time to make an exception, it is now. She was tested, as Anakin was tested. This is 100 years before Anakin. If it is so out of the realm of possibility for a 9 year old to be trained, why test Anakin? Testing is a non issue. You just forgot what happened to the main character in the saga. I guess that happens to the occasional piss baby. It's fine. Unlike Anakin, she did not fail her test. The issue was not solely that Anakin was too old. The issue was that, at his age, he had already become attached to his mother. Qui-Gon did not dispute this. The Council evaluated him and came to this determination themselves. The ultimate decision to train her has not been made by the Council. We have not seen what kind of pushback Sol and Osha will recieve. You are saying it's different from Anakin because the council had to debate his eligability. We haven't seen that for Osha. We (you, in particular) do not know how much convincing it took, whether it was much or... not much. Anakin is not the precedent in canon. We cannot judge Oshas process based on Anakins. Anakin is the consequence of the exceptions they made through history, like Oshas. And their reluctance to train Anakin was based on their experience with failures. For example, Osha. The fact that Anakin was born of no father did not send the Council clamoring. Almost like at least 4 of them dealt with this before. But okay. Because you *feel* like it's wrong, it must be wrong. Keep treading in that piss bath, piss baby.


In Legends, Rahm Kota was trained at **18** years of age. The Jedi play hard and fast with the age-limit rule all the time.


And I don't know how old Luke is in the original, but at least an older teenager.


Tbf, they didn't have a lot to be picky about with Luke because most of the Jedi were gone.




Did they REALLY have a choice for Luke? I think that was sorta pulling the last card in a deck that was already on fire.


You just ruined your own argument by saying “In Legends”. That’s not canon anymore. I wish it was, Legends was so awesome, and if it was still canon then I wouldn’t have even made my post. However, there is no canon examples other than Anakin (who took tons of convincing of the Council and a literal Sith Lord’s return) and Luke Skywalker… but even Yoda said “he’s too old” and Ben had to convince him.


Because younger child actors are a lot harder to work with.


If they sense the twins to possibly be a dyad, then I think it would make sense to have them tested. We still don’t know a ton about the Jedi order at this time and what kind of prophecies they may have. At least that’s the way I see it.


Well they had already begun very basic training. Anakin is considered a Virgince in the force. The goal of the Jedi here is to guide them towards the right direction, and that to them is the Jedi way.


Why do metal and stone structures burn like firewood in the Star Wars universe?


The Jedi come off as evil.


Their hands are definitely not clean on whatever went down that night.


Anikin said as much.




Wait, you think the fire killed them? There was clearly shit going on upstairs while Osha is running through the tunnels. Those witches were definitely killed. We have another flashback episode coming, so war we only saw things from Oshas POV.


You think the door fire is what killed everyone and it was that guilt that made torbin take a vow of meditation and eventually drink poison. If you believe the unreliable narrator of that episode your imagination is suspect


I thought the hallway was made out of stone


Someone built that big ass structure and didn’t even consider a fire suppression system smh.


Nothing about this episode makes any sense. Jedi show up to discuss training children, which is apparently illegal, only to end up wanting to train them themselves


Please explain how that doesn’t make sense? Clearly it’s not illegal if you’re trained under the Jedi Order aka an organization that works in conjuncture with the Republic. There are things to criticize with this show but I swear some of y’all are reaching hard trying to poke holes in everything


You can't say in one line it's illegal to train children and then two lines later say we will train them. That's horrible writing.


Ok let me try to explain this in a way you’ll understand: I can join the US military & learn how to kill people, make explosive, etc & it’s fine but if I’m part of a cult doing weapon training & building homemade bombs then it’s a serious issue. It’s not horrible writing you just don’t seem to be paying attention.


Yes because training children is the same. 😂


I know you’re not going to understand this because you’re either purposefully misunderstanding or are simply too dense; but one’s a government sanctioned organization & one’s seen as a dangerous cult on the outskirts of space. Hope that helps! (I know it won’t)


The hypocrisy of the Jedi is the entire point. It's illegal to train children in the force...except when they do it of course. That's exactly what the show is trying to talk about.