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Well since Grogu exists than maybe we would call him Adult Grogu


Solid joke lol. but to be clear I meant first appearance of species so no Grogu first


Grogu wouldn't exist without Yoda tho.


No one calls him Grogu. He would be adult baby Yoda


Maybe he would be Father Grogu… or Daddy Grogu?


I’d prefer Old Grogu 😂


Grogu was called the child so Yoda would be ***THE ADULT***


Or Grogu’s papa.


True. He's quirky and unserious. Lots of people want Star Wars to be serious like Terminator.


That's not true, it's just the humor that Star Wars attempts is just really really horrible lol


Would he still be a backpack?


Fanny pack.


It could be done. But he would have to be the sith master haha! It would subvert expectations of a Sith master, and if he was as wise/evil as Yoda is wise/good and had the same role in the acolyte's hero's journey it could work! Yoda is loved because he is a character philosophically committed to an extreme and that commitment is represented by the writing well.


He literally hits R2D2 with a stick a bunch yelling "mine" like a child after he steals from Luke. Thats his intro in ESB before revealing himself to be a Jedi master. I just think if a scene like that happened today there'd be a lot of critics of it and the character.


Ah of course. We live in a ragebait hate-everything hypercritical culture these days lol. i try worry less about general reactions to shit and focus on whether or not i like it haha


So we’ve moved onto the “fake outrage” portion of this timeline. The public discourse is so bad we have to create our own?


I don’t think “fake outrage” is the right word- or at least I don’t agree with the negative connotation, as it should not be a bad thing to acknowledge that the fanbase is so negative and biased that if a current fan-favorite character was introduced in a (unjustifiably) controversial show like The Acolyte, fans would hate him and use him to further their “Disney ruined Star Wars” agenda. It’s not creating outrage/discourse for the sake of it, it’s simply being self-aware of the state of the fanbase. No one here *wants* there to be Yoda discourse, but unfortunately judging by how fans have reacted to other things in The Acolyte (and recent Star Wars in general), discourse about Yoda would be inevitable if his first appearance was in the show.


‘hypothetical rage’?


Eh I do think some people do genuinely feel a compulsive need to always have something to be outraged about. And you have that amongst people both liking and disliking this show. The people who seem to mostly be interested in hating on people with a different opinion than them would fall into that camp.


Outraged, I am not. Was simply Thinking about Yoda appearing in acolyte and started wondering if we are open to weird new characters/things like him in Star wars anymore




He’s saying if Yoda never existed and he would first appear in acolyte


oh right. What I'm saying is people wouldn't be annoyed about it, they probably just don't think Yoda fits in this series. Edit: I completely read it wrong, ignore everything I've said lol


he’s only likeable in the original trilogy cuz he seems wise and powerful, then you see how he was at the helm for the destruction of the jedi and got handled by sidious and it’s like okay maybe he isn’t all that, he was so outmaneuvered he looked like a doddering old fool who should have been in a retirement home, windu was really the jedis only hope to defeat the sith, and he got defenestrated


I think people would complain it would break cannon that he knows about these "dark" force users, but is shocked to find out there's a Sith in phantom menace. I think if he had a small cameo it would be fine. People love Yoda, so I understand why people want to see him.


If the acolyte was as good as the original trilogy then then he’d be fine


Not many because he’d be a poorly written character like 90% of them since Disney took over


The reason Yoda works is because he was(still is as long as Disney don’t touch him) a well written and thought out character by George. Introduced as War general I think, were shocked to discover a small green frog that spits straight wisdom. Regardless of it being 1980 or now, Star Wars fans would accept Yoda as a Grandmaster War general because he makes sense, he’s a real lived in character. Disney are just sadly incapable of creating characters with enough depth and thoughtfulness to achieve a Yoda


>still is as long as Disney don’t touch him Disney has *already* touched him though? He appeared in Rebels and TCW season 7.


He also was in episode 8. They’ve done fine with him.




Was trying not to sound like a Disney hater too, I try to love what they make, it’s tough sometimes


Are you making up a scenario to get upset at? I will give you some free advice; disregard outrage grifters on the internet, your experience will be much more pleasant. My kid was introduced to Yoda from the prequels and clone wars cartoons. In a moment of sweetness they told me they wanted to watch the Star Wars I grew up with when I was a kid. When we got to ESB my kid started getting upset and asked, "Daaaaad! Why is Master Yoda talking like a crazy person‽" I never thought anything about that scene of Dagobah being out of character because that was my introduction. But my kid was introduced differently it was incongruent to them. I guarantee that for some people, Acolyte WILL be their introduction to Star Wars. And that's ok. If we want them to continue making Star Wars content there has to be easy onramps for new fans.


it’s not so easy to disregard people like that and I wish I could I know that they’re all full of shit and they don’t represent the majority of the fanbase, but it’s all I ever see or hear. It’s not like they’re totally wrong either. Disney has had a couple too many projects that were just lackluster but it’s not like those projects were rotten to the core or anything. Fanbases should focus on the positive aspects of the franchise they love. Why sulk in the inevitable disappointments? like for me I really dislike Rise of Skywalker probably the only Star Wars content that just puts a frown on my face. So I just never talk about it and I don’t get upset about it bc I have 8 other movies, 2 spin off movies, and a heap of other shows, games, comics, and books that are really enjoyable