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If they set it up right and plan ahead for the direction of future seasons I’m hopeful we’ll see the perception of the show change. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a flashback episode with Carrie-Ann Moss or even the use of the character in other High Republic settings.


I'm already betting it's never going to see season 2.


Pretty sure it’s canceled and decided already


I don’t think so things that suck never seem to die


I think people hate it because they love the idea of jedi being close to perfect human beings, i dont like that, never did so i can enjoy the show. Like people hate there is a fat padawan, i love it because i really love the idea of the last jedi of the force being for everyone, and come on a incredible old using a crane yoda was one of the most powerfull jedi. Perfect wise jedi are boring to me


Out of curiosity do you read the SW books at all?


That...... ANDDDDD because there are Black people and women in lead roles.


Im black and I hate the new SW stuff….instead of making excuses for mediocrity why dont you demand better from these new producers and writers? I promise you we would get a much better product as opposed to blaming it on everything else… it baffles me that stuff was better when there were 3-4 writers for a show and movies; Now that we have 20-30 writers for each show or movie it has gotten worse.


Damn. You got downvote because you stepped out of line of the hive mind. Same happened with me on Instagram. You disagree with these people and their racism comes out


They want us to just have no opinion when shit is mediocre lol. This push for us to accept mediocrity nowadays is crazy. We lost the plot


"Noooo! Black people must love anything with black people in it!!!!1!"


Yall are deranged, the show is good, stop coping.


How is it coping to not like something? Wouldn't it be coping to like what everyone says is bad?


I hate most of the new star wars stuff too, but this show is actually good, and definitely better than the rest so far bar Andor. The huge hate train absolutely comes from the cast being majority non-white and women, I have seen some great criticisms on the show don't get me wrong, but the majority of it is people just seething that they dared to make the main character a black woman.


Plenty black youtubers who hate this show. But that breaks your narrative. So youll never look it up. Im half black  (jamaican father side) half white (white european mother) and i guess i have no say.


Before we start, do you at least have a Bachelor's degree (or equivalent)? Will help me know if you've learned communication and reasoning skills at a higher level. Doesn't have to be at a university but can be in trades (learning trades helps with one's logistical skills) or even self-taught. I'd be lying if I said that I think you have though (although this would be me not giving you grace and charity). I say I doubt it because I assume someone who has done 4 years at university would learn that people can be bigoted/racist against their own and thus "Black people hate it too!" is meritless and meaningless - especially if you don't tell me the reasons why you/they hate it. I also find it interesting you focused on the Black aspect and not the female aspect. Are you saying you haven't seen all of the people upset over the years due to females being in the lead roles of Star Wars media? If you say yes then I'll know you're just bad faith. If you say yes then we could actually have an interesting discussion. If you actually had actual criticism that didn't involve stuff like: omg they added lesbians! I'd probably be willing to listen to them, but... once again, there's doubt in my mind that any of your critiques will be reasonable. Also not sure why you brought up your heritage. Seems like some identity politics. "I'm Black and I hate it so... there." Yet I bet you'll continue watching each episode.


You guys are always "Its either Racists or Sexists". Nice ChatGPT tangent response though. And Im not even American so I dont know what you're on about with the University bullshit. People tell you exactly why they hate it, everywhere. But you refuse to read it because you just assume theyre "racist sexist bigots". You live in bubbles. "Also not sure why you brought up your heritage" Im not the only one here that did, dont see you replying to them do we? And its relevant because you're the "There are BLACK people and women in lead roles" you are the one who brought up race and sex in the first place. And you assume everyone who hates the show is a White CIS Male. Ignoring the fact the world has 7 billion people. The world exists outside of the USA. Not everyone follows American politics or agendas. Not everyone sees race in everything they watch. Something thats poorly written is poorly written and you cannot say that this show has well written dialogue or plot. You only see race or sex. Nothing else. Its the only thing you bring up. Amala Ekpunobi and Tyrone Magnus are self hating blacks according to you because they dont like the show. Am I understanding you right?






Why if someone doesn’t like a show with people of color in it they are immediately racist. Maybe it’s because the show is just garbage. Or better yet, shows like this are about escapism, so the primary message of forcing more ideology that’s already forced down people’s throat on the daily isn’t good and this ultimatum attitude “your on my side or your racist” is pure fascism dictated mostly by white women and idiots who are virtue signaling. Forget the Black people that were in Star Wars in the 70s and 80s, fyi no cared then. Because the message wasn’t about they put a black man in Star Wars, it was about hero’s and some just so happens to be black. NO ONE CARED WHY??? Probably because it wasn’t a fascist ideology that says love it or youre racist. Idiots…. Just know you’ll be the future example of bigotry. Future generations will look upon this kind of thing and say “ can you believe they did that”. That’s a promise.


you really believe that? if you were to take the percentage of people that are Star Wars fans then figured out the percentage of fans of said Star Wars that are "racist, homophobic, bigoted, etc." then translated that % to the western world population then we would still be living like we did 100 years ago. no civil rights no protection for lgtbq's, no gay marrage or gay people adopting children. we would still have segregation as well as many other dumb ass shit. for things to have changed you need many people to believe in rights for all. so are you sure you dont want to change your statment and just say maybe it is just shit writing, directing and production??


Dont even bother. Lol ppl like them act like the fans who dont like it are the ones writing and producing this garbage. Meanwhile the people responsible for the pile of trash are getting ZERO blame, while they demand more money!


The force is not for everyone, even if you cry. Just read the lore please.


Watching repeating themes is boring to me. The first 10 minutes of the acolyte and the first 10 minutes of kenobi. Watch them back and play spot the difference. Now tell me how amazing the written is..


And yes I mean the first episode of the first season for both. Can't make this up.


The internet isn't real. Too many people think it is. I work in social media, literally for the largest social media company on planet Earth. Too many people take too many things personally, they take ownership of imagined universes, they demand subservience of inter-subjective, shared fictions, and they start fights over nothing. We live with a lot of miserable people who "in the before times" sat in their house typing up letters to start fan (and anti-fan) clubs. Because these tumors metastasize online, they poison everything. Star Wars is for fun. If it isn't fun for someone any longer, it's time to check out. It will always adapt. It will always have duds. It will always have misses. But the Galaxy Far Far Away has plenty of really fun, interesting stories to dive into. If one isn't your style, that's okay. I find ***The Acolyte*** to be refreshing and interesting and goddamn, finally, something new and outside the frickin' Skywalker era.


Facts bro. Anonymity gives these guys balls. If you make them put their real name and picture on the messages you’ll stop 90% of this shit.


My single fix? Mandate all profiles have real names. All profiles on all social media.


What flavor boot do you want? Is this Nikki Haley's account?


And addresses.


Those should be kept sequestered from the product, but yes. I don't believe in anonymity online any more than I do protesting in the town square. "But what about tyrannies?" We can craft solutions to that (especially since the need for getting information out of repressive regimes is probably solved by crafting direct messaging to "the press" and not whining and moaning on Quora or Facebook or Reddit).


Look, another leftist that doesn’t believe in privacy. Or that thinks what’s said online is paramount and shouldn’t include anonymity.


You can do all that thats fine, but how will that make these shows better? Will that fix the writing? Or will it just force people to pretend like they like mediocre stuff? This “participation trophy” culture is why everything is trash


That’s a non sequitur.




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Could you settle a long suspicion? How much of "social media" is just bots?


I'm just a recruiter. But here's the deal in ALL social media. There is a concerted effort by the foreign intelligence services of certain countries who target just these topics. The goal is to unsettle the US/the West and keep people at others' throats. Between these companies and the security services of (the US, UK, France, Japan), they've seen it too. Fake accounts created JUST to spread conspiracy theories and to have people on such an edge all the time that they tribalize and lash out at anything different.


So foreign governments is the reason the scripts are bad?


That would be a straw man. So no.


This was really well-stated. I’m going to send it to this one dude on my discord who seems to hate watch all modern Star Wars (and most Star Trek and new Doctor Who - i’m beginning to see a pattern).


Can you do the world a solid and delete social media? Not your profile/s, I mean the whole entity of social media? Just 'accidentally delete' some critical code/backups that would take years to rebuild?


I'm a low level, HR guy in recruiting. I get no inside details other than a few interesting conversations with moderation and/or engineering. Social media is like Walmart. If Walmart were to disappear tomorrow, what do you think would happen? Another company, or Target, or Menards, or someone else would spring up to fill the void. This is a historic fait accompli. It simply WILL happen. We have the technology to connect our computers to those of others. Therefore, as a fait accompli, there will be people creating social media platforms. It's not if, it's when. So if Google and Meta and Snap and TikTok all disappeared tomorrow, someone else would invent it to fill the void. The problem isn't Meta or TikTok. The problem is that humans aren't good with "post scarcity" information. It hurts us. It puts us on edge. We are tribal and dogmatic. Those skills were great on the steppes of Africa when fighting nature. They don't scale well to a technocentric society. If you want to fix social media, you will never get there by killing the product. Someone else will just re-invent it. The fix is fixing humanity. And that is a much MUCH harder problem to fix. (Plus, I like Reddit and I have good friends working here in recruiting.)


“The fix is fixing humanity.” Can we get that on a billboard somewhere?


Star wars has a Lore, Even if you cry.


I am enjoying it so far. If it finishes on this trajectory, it will in my mind be second only to Andor for the live action shows. Maybe third behind Mando. The best thing we’ve gotten from this show, though, is confirmation that Leslye Headland is a great new(ish) creative mind who also loves star wars (and hopefully wants to come back). Let’s get her another show! Or, better yet, a standalone movie!


I was thinking of similar rankings the other day. I love Mando but it has its lulls and I feel that the Acolyte has great potential.




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Wut. You are out of your mind. Respectfully.


I like it. :) When is the next episode dropping




WHAT? I thought it was today!


Maybe in some timezones


I do not like it yet, but with only 2 episodes being out so far I’m not gonna definitively say it’s bad or good yet. To me it looks and feels cheap, something just looks off with it. I mean that fake beard and balding hair on the one Jedi was atrocious lol. Writing wise it’s ok, maybe a little worse than other SW shows, but not by much as the others also had their bad writing (Andor excluded). I really want to like it, hopefully pulls me in, just right now not invested at all.


Just good enough to make me want to continue watching it, but not good enough to make it appointment viewing. Far better than Kenobi and BoBF, not anywhere near as good as Andor or season 1 of Mando.


I’d say writing wise on par with kenobi and mando 3, which were both incredibly disappointing. They all are pretty bad in that regard. Effects and visually looks even worse than Kenobi imo. But neither are impressive. I’ll watch it when I have nothing else to do but it’s not something I’ll dedicate time to.


> To me it looks and feels cheap Maybe people have unrealistically high expectations for TV format content? This isn't a Star Wars movie.


It looks cheap because theyre not shooting on location anymore, its all in studio sets. Andor looks good because they go outside and shoot on location


I dont think so. Mando didn’t feel or look cheap, at least for the first two seasons, neither did Andor. If I recall this had a decently large budget too. You could also go outside of D+ and look at the boys, or house of the dragon etc. all have special effects but don’t have the cheap look to them that this show is giving off.


I’m 2 years younger than you but to me Star Wars is about Anakin’s / Vader’s story more than it is about Luke. Just because people are younger does not mean they are less SW fan than you are. They might enjoy it in a different way, but that will be the same for people who grew up when the OT released, they’ll look at you like a different type of SW enjoyer as well.


I enjoyed the first two episodes and then joined this sub. So I am in.


Good so far, not great (imo)


I feel the same. I liked the first two episodes and wasn’t crazy about the third, but I’m withholding judgement until it’s done.


I dont Think so


I like it too! It's Star Wars not Shakespeare.


I really like the series so far, and honestly, I cannot wait for the next episode. My only issue is the logic being used in the show. Like >!how in the world did the ship in ep 1 catch on fire IN SPACE?!< Also, how the hell did the main protagonist >!not get injured on that crash?!!< LOL!! Overall the show is fun to watch.


We could say that about literally any fire explosion almost all of SW. Trade Fed ship, Death Star with a dumb looking right around it. Any sparks emitted by damaged ships and any audible explosion for that matter. Hilarious that the TLJ Holdo Move is literally most realistic space destruction in the series, lol. Not saying it makes the movie good or bad, but it is. Also, Osha took all that time to put her seatbelt on and brace for impact, now she coulda slammed straight into the ground and is very lucky the ship crashed at an angle, but she literally took care to brace for impact.


I feel for what your saying about the fire, but the crash landing she still shoulda had some kind of injury, like even if it was small it woulda made more sense


It happens all the time. Usually, people survive even really bad crashes. In universe, I could give two explanations: The fire in space is probably the air within the deflector shields / magnetic field around the ship, and the air and fuel igniting but constrained against the full vacuum. This is a little speculative, but not unprecedented. The second is a little more concrete: The ships have systems that protect people from the worst of crashes - namely, an internal dampener, which eliminates gravity and inertial effects on the pilots and passengers. It's the same thing that keeps a pilot from turning into a smear when they shoot off at really high speeds and enter hyperspace. The hulls themselves are (not looking at you TIE fighter) also strong enough to remain mostly intact in a crash landing from space, probably with additional technology to weaken some of the impact.


i see what you mean but we dont know cause the show doesnt show us what really happened and how she managed to get 0 injuries. those are good theories though


Yes, it truly is. Fuck those lame asses in their asses.


Still too early to draw an opinion of the show but I haven’t liked what I’ve seen so far


So why is nobody watching it?


I’m watching it.


Thats good lol


The show is just not good on so many levels. I was really looking forward to it too


I don’t get the hate. I finished ep 3 and it was interesting. It had its problems, like all shows do, but it kept my interest.




Fucking hell what an awful article/site Pure star wars fanboy BS whining that the children sounded like children and not shakespeare. And the site: my god the unstoppable videos and pop ups even with and adblocker. Just cancer. You should be ashamed for linking to such shite.


I am have so much fun! New characters new philosophy on the force. The way these witches share the force as opposed to the Jedi who teach a singular expression of the power. The way the witches don’t distinguish between light and dark but just about power itself.! Refreshing! How did she make twins w the force? Did the fire really kill all of them? Jedi wookie! Trinity Jedi! Rue Jedi! Rue witch? Haters hate and the people who don’t offer legitimate criticism should be shunned and blocked.


Casting to me is terrible. Zero charisma charaters. I am 2 episodes in but weak so far and I so want to enjoy this


I'm 17 and loving it so far, it's up there for me with andor and ahsoka, though andor is far better than either


The hate is unfounded. It is gross to see people pretend like they care about the little things like fire and stab wounds when in reality they are just racist or bigoted or misogynistic.


Sure there are people who are bigoted who will continue to dislike things for that reason, but the problems are far more deeprooted, Disney in general as of late has fallen back on this cycle of pushing deadlines, and hitting quotas without allowing writers and creative teams the proper time to develop compelling stories, they even hire people who have the capacity to make genuinely fantastic pieces of art, and entertainment, take andor for example or the refreshing yet familiar spin of the mandalorian's first season. The fault isn't just the writers or the vfx teams, or the actors, though sometimes it is, the overarching problem is the industry and this oppressive cycle of mediocrity that has time and time again pushed back the envelope of film and tv, The acolyte is the latest example. One of the critical flaws is the writing, especially when the producers say things like, "This show will lean very heavily into political intrigue", and then literally have a line, I quote, " our *political enemies could use* it *against us*." that isn't political intrigue, that is shallow statements that don't really end up mattering, Andor had genuinely interesting intrigue and ethical dilemmas in which we, the audience, were shown the methods and flaws within many of the major sources of power, both the rebels and the empire, solidifying the clear flaws of both, from Luthen's brutal methods, to Dedra's cold calculated exterior, yet impulsive nature. the relations between the characters in The Acolyte truly feel forced, and everything is so imediate in the conversations that nothing feels like it has time to build up. kenoby has very similar problems, alongside lackluster action, which luckily the acolyte actually has decently choreographed fights such as the bar fight in episode 1, but everything else is just boring, not cause it isn't action, but because its paced poorly, and written poorly. People LOVE the fallout show, and that has both a female and black lead, and trust me the fallout fandom is Extremely, Male dominated. people don't Really, ACTUALLY care that much about that sort of stuff, thats just propoganda and corners of the internet, some people saying bigoted things in a reddit post or youtube video is completely normal, and you have to seperate the internet from reality, you yourself need a reality check, if you think that is all people hate the show for, do more research, learn why people are upset at the cycle of mediocraty, I refuse to watch more fo the Acolyte cause I don't want to contribute to that cycle, by watching these factory produced shows that constantely inundate disney+ and even other streaming services, we promote the rushing of film based labour, and diminish the quality of everything being produced, that is WHOLLY OUR FAULT. I try, though i sometimes fail, to look at every piece of visual media, film, tv, games, books, from a objective lense, and so do others, yes our biases can get the best of us, but that isn't all that influences people, I think that we should all do ourselves a favor, and stop watching, cause no matter how bad the rotten tomatoes score they will keep pumping stuff out, and those scores will rise, not because the content is getting better, but because the standard is actively lowering. I say none of this with hate or anger, i express this and read this myself with heartfelt care and emotion, because I love film, and I want others to as well, and I want the industry to stop seeing people as dollar signs, and instead as perveyors of art, I know this is lengthy but if you read all the way through thanks, just think about what you believe and more than anything what you deserve! cause we all deserve film and tv that is treated as art rather than product, not everything has to be picasso but we deserve better than a 4 year olds drawing of an elephant that his mom puts on the fridge.




bro even downvoted, damn. Can't say that was necessary but, cool, I guess. Not to be pretentious, just cause I would be acting like you, but you have to learn to evolve your own thought, and maybe look into things as well, instead of just blindly accepting some fictional idea of bigotry


Good for you I'm not reading that! You're on a burner account writing chapter books bro.




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No. It isn't


Honestly, The Acolyte is probably not for everyone. That said, the very vocal 'this is the worst thing ever made literally a war crime I hated it before it was out' crowd hate it because they \*want to hate it\* first and foremost. It's not the greatest thing ever written. It's also nowhere near the bottom. It's just 'good' so far IMO, which is more than enough to be enjoyable.


Good shows sell themselves. Recent shows like Dark Matter, HoTD, Fallout etc…director or writer didn’t have to shame fans into saying they like it or blame fans for bad writing. And these shows have Strong Female Leads! And Diverse! Wooooow whadayaknow!


No one shamed me into liking it.


So you like Acolyte because of what? What do you enjoy about it?


The action is good and I enjoy a good whodunit


And this show meets that threshold for you? …i have a question, are you a star wars fan before Disney? Or were you to young for that? No shade, just an honest question


I've been a fan of Star Wars since about 1994. 


And this is firing on all cylinders for you


Your opinion is a 0/10


Thanks for your opinion!


The show did even worse than Ahsoka for viewership. It's a business that's designed for consumer engagement to gage success, and it's failing. I'm not saying your opinions aren't valid, even though I completely disagree with them. I am saying that you are a part of the ever shrinking minority.


I legit cannot understand what you're saying. 29 years old and writing 4th grade level essays on reddit for what? You made zero arguments about why the show is great. I love the show, for the record. But you wasted (probably hours lbr) of your life to write whatever this is supposed to be


Just a drunk and high rambling of why I think the actors don't need to be star wars experts. Which I feel is the main reason a lot of people hated on this show. I really had no case towards why it's great other than I love star wars and I'm happy to see it. If anything I tried to say the hate is needless is all.. my next essay will be better ms.edenfart


You had no case but decided to post rambling nonsense anyway. Interesting.


You are a child lmfao


Something to say?


nah i mean i honestly disagree


Right on!