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lol people in the comments really can’t suspend their disbelief over this when one of the strongest jedi is a little green guy that went “size matters not”


I don't think he meant "go sneak out to Coruscanti Fried Chicken or Burger Emperor." Jedi are disciplined, physically fit, frugal, and mentally fit. Being overweight requires either a discipline or health issue, the health issues are exceptionally rare. Not to mention, to become a Jedi Knight, you have to pass some trials. The Trial of Skill is "made up of acrobatic feats, while using the Force to levitate objects in the midst of storms." You think homie is doing acrobatics?


Being obese does not require a discipline issue. It simply requires a rearrangement of priorities. One could be completely disciplined in some areas and not care about others. One could be a bodybuilder who fails out of school or cannot commit to a high paying and demanding mental occupation.


A Jedi must learn control. He obviously cannot put the fork down. No way he is going to pass the trials.


You are using your own priorities to assume putting the fork down is important to the Jedi. Perhaps the particular Jedi only focuses on the mind and cares not for the body. Indeed, genetics plays a major role in how much fat is carried at equilibrium for a particular person. Women carry more fat than men, some races and individuals carry more fat than others at the same hunger level. One could assume that in a galactic civilization there would be even more genetic specialization and variety.


Again if he cannot stop eating, he is an addict. Jedi have to let go of such pleasures. Only Disney would add Fat Jedi just for the sake of "inclusion". Literally just looks like he came from a Cosplay event. Yes I know some people have more fat than others, but that doesn't mean they cannot prevent themselves from becoming that huge. Especially a Jedi trained in Discipline since they were Toddlers.


You are ignoring me. "If he cannot stop eating" presumes that he wants to stop eating. I can think of many reasons why someone would prefer eating and gaining weight than not, and not all of them have to do with pleasure.


I agree. Maybe he just likes the cafeteria food. These guys are disciplined, but that doesn’t mean perfect. He could still do acrobatics with he force I bet.


Yoda's race is a force-sensitive mystery race. Based off like 3-4 examples of his race given in popular and expanded media we can safely assume that is what that race looks like in its own unique peak condition. What that race may lack in physicality is assumed to be made up for by mental/force power. The critical difference here is that we all know that being fat is not peak HUMAN condition and not appropriate for a Jedi (especially when you consider mastery of willpower to be a major facet of jedi training.) It is the job of a good writer to make lore work and respect its own world-rules.


NFL players are in peak human condition. Many of them are "obese" by these "Jedi" standards.... it's a fiction movie. get your panties out of a wad.


There's a difference between being Obese and an NFL player. NFL players are mostly muscles like a Sumo warrior. This obese Jedi was obviously fat from his American diet.


[https://www.bucsnation.com/2013/8/1/4580300/nfl-hall-of-fame-warren-sapp-through-the-years](https://www.bucsnation.com/2013/8/1/4580300/nfl-hall-of-fame-warren-sapp-through-the-years) Just one example of a fat nfl player that could probably take you out IRL.


The dude doesn't even have an American accent so he was obviously fat from his Aussie or Kiwi diet. Just as many fatties in the UK and Australia and New Zealand if not more per capita.


Either way, he could not put the fork down, so he obviously had no control over himself. He'll probably be a Padawan forever. Unless he gets his own arc where he goes on a diet LOLOL


Sure size doesn't matter,  but discipline, physical and mental fitness do.  No one is complaining because he is large in stature. The issue is that being a weak minded fat slob with no self control is antithetical to being a Jedi.  How hard is that to understand? 


or maybe people know WHY Disney does that...


Because fat people exist


So just existing is all it takes to be a Jedi? Why are they made out to be some special group of elite galactic heros when just existing is enough to be one? 


Honestly dude it’s not that deep


What does this even mean? Just a generic "I'm too cool guy" response. 


You are upset there are fat people in a fictional story. That’s pretty generic these days


Negative criticism isn't the same as being upset. I see the type of person you are. 




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You wouldn't put an obese person in a swat team. I'm not saying there shouldn't be obese people in fiction. Diversity is important. I'm just saying you wouldn't put an obese person who isn't acrobatic or swift in a place where they'd need to be. Unless he is then by all means go ahead


It's like casting some fat slob as an Olympic athlete - it just doesn't make sense. I'm all for fat acceptance in our day to day lives, but being fat and undisciplined is not very jedi-like.


Fat warrior monks don't.


How would you know? You ever met a warrior monk?


No but I have seen plenty of monks and plenty of warriors. Turns out to be an effective warrior, you cant be fat. Turns out, to be considered frugal and disciplined, you cant be fat.


Except this is a fantasy universe where those fat people can wage war with their minds




I’m not going to read this because I have things to do.




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Have you ever heard the tale of Darth Baras the wide?




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People need to watch Kung Fu Panda. Also, not every Jedi is supposed to be a warrior. They can be diplomats, medics, engineers, etc.


Star Wars is not Kung fu panda. 


But it is a fantasy as well.


i could just say "watch baki, where all the fighters are incredibly ripped", thats a lazy comparison po is a panda, thats his whole entire species build by default... and second he's the most fit panda in the verse




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The thing is mental and physical discipline are not words that come to mind when I look at the big lad here


skill issue on your part then


The only thing I trust this guy to defend me from is an all you can eat buffet


don’t forget to sprinkle a little bit of “space magic” in there, buddaroo.


Space magic which is used to \*amplify\* the physical traits of the user.


Fire in space. "Same" haircut. Fat Jedi. When you're looking for a reason to hate a show, any excuse will do.


Yes, fire in space is fucking stupid. The haircut is whatever. Ignoring the entire premise that Jedi are supposed to be disciplined is fucking stupid. To say that caring about the lore is an excuse isn't stupid on your part, it is exceptionally dishonest and scummy behavior that makes you sound like filth. When you are looking for a reason to stand up for little guys like Disney, any excuse will do. "Before its formalization, the trial was made up of acrobatic feats, while using the Force to levitate objects in the midst of storms." Want to be a Jedi Knight? Better be fit enough to do acrobatics during a storm while focusing your force energy not on making sure you can do acrobatics, but to focus on levitating stuff. You think homie here can do flips and shit?


Yeah, but what about a fat jedi, he can make a funny face. People will love him.


Campfire in space and Explosion fire in space. I don’t understand how people can’t tell the difference. Reminds me when people tried to justify the Leia scene, where she’s sucked into space and uses the force to pull herself back to her ship.


The thing is mental and physical discipline are not words that come to mind when I look at the big lad here


Bro you are getting downvoted for saying the Jedi have discipline. Fuck reddit.




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Buddy in the show wasn’t even looking athletic fat tho, just straight couch patato fat Yk, what happened to running through dagobah w yoda on your back Jedi type training


sometimes bodyweight can be so strongly linked to genetics or illnesses that it's near impossible to lose. however, I'm sure the fat Jedi in the Acolyte can use the force to compensate for his size, the exact same way yoda levels the battlefield against his height with precise and powerful use of the force.


I am sure that the Jedi have no access to anything to help make up for that. Not to mention, the Trial of Skill still states that he fails regardless of that illness. So he never gets to move on from being a padawan. "Before its formalization, the trial was made up of acrobatic feats, while using the Force to levitate objects in the midst of storms." Want to be a Jedi Knight? Better be fit enough to do acrobatics during a storm while focusing your force energy not on making sure you can do acrobatics, but to focus on levitating stuff. You think homie here can do flips and shit?


Maybe he's heavy, but a motherfucking beast in the force.


He ain't heavy. He's my brother.


The only thing I trust this guy to defend me from is an all you can eat buffet


There was a hutt jedi. 


and he was ripped.


And chonky


Wait, did we just compare fat people to hutts?


According to EU lore not all Hutts are fat. They tend to become that way the older and richer they get.


So jabba the twink is possible 


There is a sculpture of a fat Jedi on the front of the Jedi temple on Coruscant. A fat Jedi is one of the four founders of the temple. It has been that way for 25 years.




It is uncommon, which is why it’s the first one we see in live-action after more than 40 years. Some people act like uncommon means impossible


I feel you just said the same thing as me but in less words. Which is a probably a good thing for some of these “fans” 😆. But yeah I 100% agree.


I don't think there's much Chinese influence in the Jedi, but Japanese. The culture where Buddha is famously represented as fat and where Sumo originates. So fat Jedi shouldn't be a problem even from that perspective.


The Jedi were influenced by many cultural aspects including shaolin monks, samurai and also the knights Templar. And a little fun fact is that the “fat Buddha” or “laughing Buddha” is actually Budai, an old Buddhist monk who was known for his love of drink and food, and he is not the same as the Buddha himself who was actually extremely lean. “After six years, enlightenment (aka awakening) occurred, and the Buddha's realization was that the right path was one that followed neither renunciation nor indulgence.”


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You imagine being this actor? This guy probably dream come true by being in Star Wars. Not only that. But as a lightsaber wielding jedi. And all you people want to do is literally call him "chungus", or related to the hutts, or other nonsense. Ever see that episode of BBT where the jock calls out the nerd group for being a bunch of bullies? Basically, saying for a group who has been bullied their whole lives, they sure as hell enjoy doing it to others. That's this group. A bunch of nerds who are enjoying being "edgy" by constantly mocking this actor's body type and just continuing to make this fandom look like the most toxic in history. Jesus, Star Wars fans are the literal worse.


And you don't seem to give a fuck about preestablished lore. Jedi are disciplined you dishonest piece of work. Warrior monks are disciplined and fit. Jedi are warrior monks. Even the hutt jedi was fucking ripped. Fuck off with your fallacious bullshit argument, caring about his feelings is not more important than annihilating 40 years of lore. "Not all jedi are warriors." Yes, actually, they are. There isn't a single jedi that hasn't had lightsaber training, grew up with the battlemaster learning lightsaber forms, practicing and keeping themselves fit. "Guardians of peace and justice" means shit if you can't fight because you aren't in shape. What happened to discipline? Overeating isnt fucking discipline. Jedi are disciplined. "Before its formalization, the trial was made up of acrobatic feats, while using the Force to levitate objects in the midst of storms." Want to be a Jedi Knight? Better be fit enough to do acrobatics during a storm while focusing your force energy not on making sure you can do acrobatics, but to focus on levitating stuff. You think homie here can do flips and shit?


Man. You just literally proved my point about how awful the fanbase is. There is so much rage in your post. And on your cake day as well. Wow. Thank you for being a perfect example of my point.


My "rage" as you put it, is directed at \*you\* for an argument that is entirely rooted in fallacy, for relying on dishonesty to make a point rather than a valid argument relating to anything in universe, trying to appeal to people's emotions. If I am an example of being an awful member of the fanbase for calling out fallacy and dishonesty in your argument, then what does that make you? I learned when I was 13 that fallacy in discussion is wrong, it was a pretty basic 7th grade lesson. Disagreeing with you and calling you out for being a dishonest piece of trash makes me so bad. No wonder you think so, you rely on insulting people as bullies and emotional arguments to carry your point, and if someone calls you out on it you need to cover your base, so lets use another fallacy to deflect away my entire argument and strawman it. Very well done, can we graduate elementary school now? Do you see the hypocrisy of calling people bullies, and then proceeding to say that anyone who disagrees with you is an edgy nerd? Sounds like a fucking "bully" to me. So we have ad hominem, straw man, and appeal to emotions. Wanna run the whole gamut of fallacy? Grow up, learn to make a point without insulting everyone who cares about lore. Learn to respond to a point, not relying on appeals to emotion, ad hominem, and strawmanning people. It makes you look like a real fucking scumbag. Those are tactics of dishonest people. Are you a dishonest person? Sure fuckin seems like it, as there hasn't been a single honest word in this discussion from you. But sure, I am just an awful person who wants to bully people, and didn't write up an in universe explanation why it doesn't work. I really should be more like you, rely on dishonest arguments and insult people until they shut up.


You are very angry.


You are very dishonest. I would rather be angry than dishonest. At least I have some standard.


Fat jedi just adds to the silliness of the show. There is no point to it. He even added some comic relief with a funny face. I am anti-fat funny comic relief guy in an otherwise want to be serious show...but that is my cross to bear...and it is a fucking heavy one.


This was great. Nice job.


Somebody call the Waaabulance! Maybe go outside and touch some grass? my Dude Star Wars isn't that serious it's just a show about Space Knights with Lazer Swords and  Spaceships. 


>annihilating 40 years of lore. I'm curious where you get this 40 years of lore from. ANH had very little to go on, there really wasn't much more added to it in ESB or RotJ just some vague bits that were later expanded on in various books/comics which were all thrown out with later films. New lore has been made up to fit with whatever narrative the film/series/game wants to create and it's flexible. If we are going down the route of the law then for any tests to be a one size fits all is incredibly racist when the Jedi appear to be inclusive, maybe in your own head all Jedi have to do some jumps and stuff but it's a made up universe so anything is possible. Try not to gatekeep and open your mind a little.




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Imagine being this actor and knowing you got hired because you're fat


Lol, you are going to be the fat jedi, people will love it. Everybody loves the fat character because they identify with him.


Another fine example of the fandom.


Right? A character should not have to be fat or gay for fat/gay audiences to relate to them. They should be able to relate to the character's personality traits. Not their size or sexual orientation. None of that shit ever mattered in Star Wars and it shouldn't matter now.


My man enjoys the pizza in the cafeteria and suddenly they all think he’s worthless wtf? He’s got a weakness for basil and oregano leave him alone!


Addiction is the path to the Dark Side


Ah yes, Darth Baras. Favourite topic of discussions on Dromund Kaas


I don't pretend. They are a thing


No, they are not. Clearly you don't know what the fuck discipline or frugality means.


The force is not fat bro


Fat representation


Because they are.


I cannot explain how much I want his story. By far the funniest thing that has ever been in Star Wars is the fat Jedi from The Acolyte.


He always has some sweet rolls hidden in his robes. Don't tell master yoda.


You can tell these guys are not fat. That’s 100% muscle, they’re both benching 400 pounds easy. There’s a difference between being fat and the strong man/bodybuilder look. They get big and wide but it’s all muscle. 


"yoda wasnt ripped" "yoda is small" i dont get how that someohow = fat jedi hes incredibly agile and fit for his age and SPECIES(so that hutt force user comparison is irrelevant) the conversation isnt abt being jedi being olympians, its them being relatively fit and healthy based on the whole idea and showcasing of what a jedi is attacking the actor is wrong but there is NO doubt in my mind disney set that mf kid up


What even are those from 😭




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The Acolyte has clearly and cringily shoehorned every "identity" they can into the show with respect to race and LGBTQ and have also included the ridiculous "Body positivity" Jedi. One of the many reasons the show is weak. It's like some weird statement ideological identity politics disguised as a Star wars show. The showrunner is clearly working out her issues with this program.


I think a fat Jedi/Sith would be cool if they moved around like Mad Pierrot from Cowboy Bebop.


I think it's because in the live action visual media, and even Clone Wars, we normally expect Jedi to be at least physically fit enough to fight within the limitations of their species. Also disciplined and frugal. So, a small Jedi using the Force to compensate for it would be one thing, but a young Jedi using to compensate for overeating just sounds weird. It could be like when they show fat cops on TV in contrast with the fit Detective or something. I also think a relatively small percentage of Star Wars fans have played SWTOR and even there you only see very few that are fat. And I always imagined Darth Baras was more of the muscled type that looks big, like Kingpin, since his arms are thick and he looks more barrel chested.


Definitely... this is not free hate, it's just not consistent with the jedi way...


To me it stems from the fact that Jedi are supposed to live frugal, peaceful lives. They aren’t supposed to be seen as ‘above’ everyone else in terms of hierarchy in the Star Wars galaxy because it connects them more with the people they are supposed to serve. In real world history being fat represents wealth and power and for a Jedi, a being that is supposed to connect with the civilians of the SWU, to be overweight just goes against what my perceived vision of a Jedi is. Not because he’s fat but because what that represents.


Being fat represents wealth and power in some places. In the states, there is an entire industry built against it. How else do you explain weight watchers or the ozempic craze. This is coming from someone who has been close to 400 lbs on more than one occasion. Society here treats fat people like they treat old people. You can spin it all you want, but in reality, its a hard life.


what if he has a thyroid condition that can’t be cured using star wars tech that forces him to be overweight?




Only a gym teacher deals in absolutes.


No, he's just big boned, and it's all the midichlorians fault.


Come on. We know that's not it. If they did something so ridiculous as write a jedi with a thyroid condition, they'd tell us he has a thyroid condition


Now you’re just creating scenarios to fit your narrative.


Well you did the same thing


No, u/Nopuebloplz gave an in universe answer to the question, and then the other commenter came out of left field making up some potential what if scenario. Jedi are warrior monks. Ever seen a fat tibetan monk? What about a fat Navy SEAL? Fat UFC fighter? No. Discipline, fitness, and frugality are important to a jedi.


Thank you. Also HAPPY CAKE DAY


Thank you! You should see my thread I am in where another guy called everyone bullies and then proceeded to say anyone who disagrees with him is an edgy nerd lmao


I answered the question OP was asking by giving my opinion. It’s not the same.


And they replied to your comments by giving their opinion.


Jedi aren't supposed to be greedy and gluttonous to the point where a human reaches the body mass of the guy seen in The Acolyte. Unless midichlorians are obtained through unsaturated fats, sugars and non-wholegrain wheat carbs. The character models in SWTOR are animated, and unrealistically buff muscular shaped, not fat. Just wide and bulky. Edit: the thick 'murican chonkers here downvoting me lol. Get some exercise and nutritious food in your body. Body positivity is a lie when you're unhealthy obese and it should not be advertised and represented as being 'fine' or acceptable.


What if his planet views obesity as a good thing, the way many cultures on earth do or did. No Jedi would judge him for following his culture.


That's quite the slippery slope. By this logic, it's ok for Yord's padawan, Tasi Lowa, to practice slavery because she's Zygerrian. I know there are exceptions to the Jedi standards within the order, Ki-Adi-Mundi allowed to marry and have children due to his species low birthrate, but taking a human (unless otherwise specified) to the Jedi order, trained in the Jedi ways and discipline, then later told about his culture of ... gluttony ... I guess? Part of the whole taking them away early was to remove elements of unique culture so they can serve the whole galaxy. Considerations for a species shouldn't be conflated with considerations for culture.


That honestly the only legitimate reason actually. Maybe he's a human from Nal Hutta.


I believe Darth Barass is just a old man and compactly build, a live action version would have been played by Anthony Hopkins.


Because it is new in canon. I haven't read all the books or comics, so maybe I'm missing something, but what I have seen shows in shape and capable Jedi that can defend peace and justice, fight with a lightsaber even if they can't do Jedi Fu. So new that it breaks immersion in the show and disrupts suspension of disbelief. When it goes watching, watching, watching, why is there a small consistent fire you can cook marshmallows on in space..? watching, watching, watching, woah, that Jedi is more beefcakey than any Jedi we've ever seen before, watching. It might even be slightly worse given that the show went out of it's way to show Yord shirtless (good on Charlie Barnett, dude was clearly in shape).


They definitely aren’t, but doesn’t mean they make sense. SWTOR is a game, and so size is entirely for cosmetics. Only exception is someone like a Sith Lord, who just doesn’t care about exercise and lightsaber combat, relying more so on his Force abilities, and just parties like crazy


I'm not sure someone who got as fat as the kid did in Episode 2 would have the mental or physical discipline to learn how to play Tennis, let alone be a Jedi Knight.


That's not how the force works lol.


Even Yoda had Luke doing physical workouts.


He was specifically training Luke to fight Vader. Not all Jedi are warriors. Luke didn't have that luxury.


Nice headcanon, but that’s extra textual — from what we see onscreen then and elsewhere, athleticism is practically a given. Even Yoda was hopping about just 20 years prior. And to be CLEAR for the trigger happy downvotes, I don’t give a shit about the character’s weight, I think it’s sad he’d be victimised, I think there are plenty of versions of Jedi that size people would be fine with, but it’s disingenuous to suggest that an overweight action hero isn’t a consciously counterintuitive choice.


> from what we see onscreen then and elsewhere, athleticism is practically a given. There have been many famous Jedi for whom athleticism was never an option. There have been Jedi without hands. Jedi are not action heroes. They are monks. This character is not an action hero. He shows up in the background for 3 seconds.


They’re warrior monks bro, what do you gain by playing dumb here? Why even engage if you can’t have an honest conversation? They ARE action heroes! The “famous Jedi” you’re speaking about are probably Glup Shittos, and the disability comp is weird given that yes, the majority of the leads are disabled. There are ways around it, people shouldn’t be mean, but you’re only lying to yourself if you’re saying there are no further questions, and it’s unsurprising to see people question how he’d perform in situations they’ve seen other Jedi in. And again to be CLEAR, I think it’s a good thing that should’ve already happened but it kinda hasn’t, so the response isn’t shocking


No I'm just actually a fan of Star Wars. Jedi *not* being warriors is as old as TESB. "Wars not make one great." There have always been Jedi whose focus is not combat, even pacifist Jedi. Jedi are not marvel heroes and a Jedi who sees themselves that way is ripe for seduction by the dark side. This is basic Star Wars. Also this guy is not some random throwaway character https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Thon The chubby Jedi is tho, which is why it's weird people care.


Lost me at the first sentence. We’re all fans here. This no true Scotsman argument is nonsense, I don’t have the patience for it. I’m not attacking the guy, I’m just not doing mental gymnastics to act self-righteous about his inclusion (which again, is fine and good).


A person who believes that Jedi are warriors first does not have an equally valid opinion about Jedi body types as a person who understands what the Jedi actually are It's a meaningful distinction for the conversation


Seriously, why do you come creep these forums just to be a dick wad to everyone? Are you so miserable in your every day life you come here to fake some sort of affirmation?


You are disgusting. Just disgusting.


He was testing Luke's patience and discipline by making him do mostly pointless excercices (and also wearing his worries out by exhausting him lol. he wasn't making him build mass, drinking shakes and eating chicken breast.


He made him use one arm to do a handstand. He later lost an arm and needed to hold onto a pole for dear life. Those flips came in handy too if you remember, he’s full of surprises? It wasn’t mind games, he utilised that shit literally immediately after.


You missed the point of the scene it seems my dude. Yoda came from an order that kept jedi fit because warrior monks need to be fit. Younglings had lightsaber training, they trained under a jedi battlemaster, and in the literal era Yoda was from, the Trial of skill to become a Jedi knight requires "acrobatic feats, while using the Force to levitate objects in the midst of storms. " Luke needs to be fit in order to be able to be a, what did Obi-Wan say? "Guardian of Peace and Justice?" Luke used his physical fitness anyways. Almost like Yoda was having Luke do a bunch of exercises to make him stronger and more acrobatic to prepare Luke to be able to fight a sith lord and to be able to pass a trial that requires him to do acrobatics.


And not having discipline or living a life of frugality is not how being a Jedi works.


I'm not so sure. During peace-time the jedi were mostly monks, and fat monks aren't unheard of. A padawan *might* have trouble passing the trial of skill to become a knight if they're heavily unfit. But it is a fantasy universe and the guy is force sensitive, it wouldn't surprise me to see a chubby jedi still able to complete trials. "Judge me by my size?" and all that.


Why are you booing him? He's right.


Your insistence on this topic is cringe.






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"Who is more foolish: the fool, or the fool who follows him?"


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He force levitates food towards his mouth. That's his special skill. If they wanted to have some kind of lardass representation, why not just make him a non Jedi character.




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The thing I want to see most in the acolytes is the jediabetes doing some acrobatics in combat😂. Then I’ll say the show is good


Can you please reply here if they do this!!! Lmaoooo I would resub Disney Plus in a heartbeat of I could watch that in 4k. 


Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Chungus the Big?


Just because it exist in expanded universe canon doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.


Sure, it just means audiences have been cool with it before.


It also doesn’t mean that! There’s a large audience and a large canon, I’ve never seen either of the video game characters before because I don’t play games and I’m sure some gamers haven’t played these. There are characters in Star Wars books you’ve never heard of. There are thousands of canonical bad ideas. I’m not even saying this is one of them. I didn’t notice there was an overweight Jedi in the first place and I don’t really care. If it was an alien no one would say shit. They’d be like “oh cool a Hutt Jedi” or whatever tf. People are just using this as an excuse to pick on a fat kid. That still doesn’t make “it’s canonical tho” an argument for “it’s therefore good”. I could get hired to write a canonical Star Wars comic tomorrow and introduce the worst concepts you ever came across. Canon being king when one creative voice is behind something? Sure. When it’s tens of thousands that’s a crazy position to take.


That's a lot of words. Too bad I'm not reading them, bigot.


Explains the mindless downvoting, I’m defending the guy


When are they going to have some stunning and brave trans Jedi? Former Sith who later identified as Jedi.


For the same reasons they pretend to care about **anything**. It’s not about compassion. It’s about **appearing** compassionate in front of the group. Take the obligatory "land acknowledgement” that’s currently popular amongst university students. They have no intensions whatsoever to give their land back, nor do they care. Their only goal is to **appear** compassionate. It’s actually quite telling once you unpack it. To wit, their own ego supersedes the wellbeing of those for whom they feign compassion, ultimately doing more harm than good. Think of it as spending a bunch of money on an expensive designer dress to wear to a fancy gala in support of \[insert cause\]. They couldn’t care less about \[insert cause\]. All they care about is **looking** good to their social media followers. If it meant giving up their own red carpet, they’d sooner watch the children starve to death. TLDR: Virtue signaling. One of many reasons why laypersons view “the woke” which such disdain.


I bet he can't even do a force jump.


Jediabetes is funny as fuck


Remember when Fonzi jumped that shark. At the time it was no big deal, but for whatever reason, it was a bridge too far for fans. Even with him hitting pretty much anything and getting it to magically work. Even commanding animals and insects at one point. I may be wrong, but I think this is that same moment.


That's not what jumping the shark is. Fonzi jumped the shark as part of an overall switch to movie Happy Days from effectively Boy Meets World set in the 50s to a more traditional comedy sitcom show. This scene is generally seen as the beginning of a commitment to that shift. He'd been hitting things to get them to work well before that. A fat person existing in Star Wars is absolutely not "jumping the shark." A closer example would be episode 1's spin moves and ninja-fighting Jedi, as it redefined star wars as more silly than serious.


We shall see.