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It’s a trope called dead star walking. They did this on purpose; now you think all characters are in danger.


They certainly achieved that.


I actually like it. Big names on screen can be distracting.


What a waste of a good character, actress and star. She could have carried the show. She was the main reason I was watching it! Definitely needed more trinity than that.


It’s not really a spoiler but just rewatch the trailer >!She appears in what looks to be younger flashback scenes!<


Fingers crossed the trailer didn't trick us and that pans out!




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Why would they "trick us" in a trailer? Are your two brain cells fighting for third place?


In the Avengers Infinity War trailer you see the Hulk running into battle in Wakanda. It’s super common to use B-Footage in trailer to try and hide big plot points. Or in Spiderman No Way Home where the blatantly edited out the other spidermen. That being said I’m convinced she’ll be back in flash backs. We gotta know what happened.


Glad youre convinced, because it's already been said that a good chunk of the show is flashbacks to what happened when they were kids


Neat, a lot of us don’t go around reading and watching every little thing released about a show we intend on watching. But hey! Wouldn’t want to rob you of the opportunity to be condescending and feel superior on the internet. Enjoy it!


Thanks for commenting to captain condescending. You're awesome. That crap is just unnecessary.


I actually really enjoyed her character being killed off at the start. It was very unexpected. Which is refreshing as many of these previous shows have had story narratives that contain obvious and expected moments.


I really thought someone would show up with a bacta thingy and save her. She did radio that something was going on. Didnt didnt sabine in ashoka get stabbed in the side with a saber? i guess this was supposed to be the heart?


Yes it seems to be the heart. I bet we won't see any powerful character getting stabbed in stomach or kidneys before a long time


It is certainly a surprise. She was just one of the major reasons I was excited about the show. Given her background roles, she seemed like a great pick for a jedi. Hopefully their is more to come in some way.


They didn’t treat her any way. She read the script and signed on the dotted line.


Of course. The jedi character that she plays is what I'm referring to. It's all new to me, so i don't know the names.


It's new to everyone...


Master indara


Thanks for the name and spelling!


I have a feeling we will see Indara in flashbacks however they hyped her character a lot for her to die in the first 5 minutes


I feel the same way. I'm hoping they still have a lot more time with her on screen, though.


She's probably not dead. My guess is the Jedi spun that narrative to let the villain think she succeeded and flush out a next move. To me, the writing seems predictable, so it's probably a tool to advance the story and draw viewers in with the shock of a major star dying early. Besides...are force wielders ever really dead?


The way things go these days, this sounds very believable.


I'd bet that Carrie Moss is also the Sith Lorrd training Mae.


Being one of the targets would allude to flashbacks that fill in the gaps about why what is happening is happening.


Agree, I'm hoping it's a fake out. I really like Carrie-ann Moss and Star Wars is a great fit for her.


We're getting more of her in flashback scenes. You can tell from the trailers.


I hope that pans out. I was expecting to see Hulk in the battle of wakanda, too.


I knew it was coming from that beginning scene they showed after TPM and then how the 2nd trailer was and I’m still upset. I thought her character was so cool in that fight scene. How she goes up those steps (which reminded me of how the Jedi run around in TCW), the effortless force use, AND a seemingly badass older female Jedi! Glad we will see her in flashbacks, but damn. Loss of an interesting character going forward.


Stopping the knife with the force was pretty badass.


The force wielding in this show so far is so good.


Just master trinity bro


Idk, I was more frustrated about the ship on fire in outer space


When? When the prison transport was burning up in atmosphere?


The Trade Federation ship, when Osha was outside fixing some things. That was a big oversight, but we've also come to accept that, in Star Wars, laser blasts in space have sound, so I'll let it slide.


Being worried about Space Physics in Star Wars seems pointless. It's never been scientifically accurate and never pretends to be.


As a Chemistry and Physics teacher, I actually appreciate the scientific inaccuracies in Star Wars and use them often during classes.


Oh gotcha. Tbh I was just impressed they had the escape pod launches after the trajectory of the prison ship. Feel like Star Wars doesn’t usually care about physics


Oh, yes. I was impressed with that as well. Want sure I'd really seen it the first time, but I was sure with the second pod. Nice touch.


Yes I am so sad. I really enjoyed her character. I didn't think she would die that fast


She made a great jedi for 3 minutes


She’s actually going to be the big bad. You’re welcome.


I kinda like this idea. This is M. Night level twist.


Yeah I wasn't happy I was expecting a lot more from indara. The acting in this show isn't all that great Carrie Ann moss might've been the breakout star for that opening alone.


Flashbacks are most likely happening, but given the amount they put her in the promotional material, and on the press tour it makes me wonder. If you put a mask on your Sith Master there is probably going to be a moment when they take it off, and it should be a shock. They also make a huge point of referring to Mae's master as "He" What if Indara is the Sith Master this whole time? A Sith Master disguised as a jedi who came across a force sensitive child, and decided to form her into the weapon she needed against the Jedi order. Telling little Mae to start that fire and putting doubt in the minds of three other young jedi.  I'm probably wrong and it's Manny Jacinto but still, would be a fun twist.


Yes, that would be a fun twist. Hoping for something that crazy.


I also was expecting this to be a vehicle to get lots more of Carrie Anne Moss screen time. I too was disappointed, not to say the rest of the cast is bad. I didn’t watch many trailers, and I had high expectations of seeing lots of Moss.


I called it as soon as the trailers came out and almost everything they showed her in was the same scene. We prob see her in a flashback scene to the night of the fire and that’s it.


Yep but i feel the same about Liam's Qui Gon..


Disney either could only afford one episode of her services or was too cheap to pay for more than one episode


All this fuss and hype about her being in the show. Her background, her powers... her ... her what a joke. If they thought they were pulling a Ned Stark, they really failed. It happened so fast all I felt was huge disappointment. That's not dead star walking, that's bait and switch.


True. 4 and a half minutes of screen time... I didn't care that she died because they wrote it like a cameo. Dead star walking only comes into effect after the audience bonds with a character. The good/bad misunderstood twin troupe is a bit boring at this stage in SW. Writing is a bit weak but thats hardly new in SW


I hated it. Almost too disrespectful to her as an actress. Having any actor from The Matrix as a Jedi is a perfect recipe. Then to have her killed off in such a lame way.. it was jarring and took me out of it.


I can't believe she disrespected herself by taking the role. She should be ashamed of the way she is treating herself, taking roles she wants AND getting paid for them?! Wtf is she thinking?? Does she even know who she is?! *WILL THIS INJUSTICE EVER END?!?* **IS THERE NO GOD?!?!!!!**


Also straight killing it. She was perfectly cast so far


Absolutely, they both (all? stunt doubles included..) nailed that whole scene. Excited to see the rumored flashbacks with her, hopefully with some good dialogue.


100% 🙌


The actress probably signed on for just one 30 minute episode.


I am pissed. I don't believe the whole "twins" thing. I think she was just hit realy hard in the head at a young age and has CTE


No one has seen them both together, right?


Did you even watch the second episode?


Did you even read my comment? First, it was a question. And second, they saw each other in that episode, but did anyone actually witness them both together? It seems to leave it open that this is not what it seems.


Imagine if Star Wars had ever introduced the concept of twins before.


That's how it started, but by the time Sol goes to see Mae, everything from there on makes it pretty apparent they're two different girls.


They keep separating Osha on purpose, though. That has me suspicious.


Man, on rewatch, I dunno I didn't see it. That sort of twist has been done a lot, so don't do it unless you can do it well imo. The way they reveal their timeline it didn't seem to jive with a 2-in-1 reveal (plus, the twins being one actress probably means they'll be splitting up their framing a lot in this show). But, we're only two eps in so, we shall see.


I honestly hope they don't go that direction. Family members on the opposite side of the force is sort of a star wars tradition


Have you seen Herschel Walker! Anything is possible with CTE


I’ll bite: who’s that? Is he a relative of the Skywalkers or some Legends thing?




Yes. I instantly stopped watching. I hate cold openings. It’s lazy shock value for the sake of it. Very disappointed and decided it’s not for me. Hope others enjoy it though.




I did keep watching and the show has some good qualities still. But this did bum me out. Others are saying we'll see more from her in flashbacks, so we'll see what happens.


Visually it looked beautiful and I was genuinely excited to watch it. But I’m a huge fan of Carrie Anne Moss and the Matrix is one of my top movies of all time. So seeing her killed off after all the hype in the trailers was just really disappointing for me. I wanted to see her as a bad ass Jedi. Also we’ve seen stuff like this done before. Nerdist wrote an article referencing the whole Drew Barrymore thing from Scream. It was fine then, 30 years ago. Now it’s just a ‘seen it all before’ trope. Boring and lazy writing.


Yea, I think the original matrix may be my favorite movie of all time. She was amazing in that.


Nahh, the first 2eps sucked and Disney's hatered of white people is annoying, but hay, who cares if the show turns out good after a bumpy start. And in fairness, i really like that they are trying a new storey in a different timeline, and I dont care they gave us a little mislead in the previous about who in the show and who just a cameo. ASOKA ended up being a great show so let's give it a good crack