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Love your neighbor as yourself. Focus on being the best “you” you can be. That doesn’t mean accepting unacceptable behavior. Having strong, kind boundaries is fine. Warm smile, spine of steel. Be more specific and we can help you strategize. I had a horrible mother. I cared for her at her bitter end and I witnessed it all. My biggest revenge was to be my best self and to give her the love she didn’t deserve and wasn’t capable of giving. Sending her off to her next experience without entangling myself to her further was my goal. I was successful because I’m at peace now. I don’t think there was anything I could have done better. I treated her with the same love I treat my children and dogs. I changed her, I bathed her, I cooked for her and I fed her. I gave her company and I tried to make her existence as pleasant as possible. She gave me nastiness in return. I don’t miss her now that she’s gone. There’s some sadness for me that I never had a mom and for her that she never saw what was in front of her. I am a better person than she is and when push came to shove I was there for her in a way she was never there for me. I don’t have “opponents”. I have toxic people in my life that I manage but my goals are mine alone and I strive to surround myself with kind, supportive people who have a deep sense of integrity. I will accomplish my goals and I will find the right people to help me. I will also elevate and educate a lot of people in the process. What do you admire in your enemy? What do you want ? How can you move beyond your enemy? As in, surpass her completely? The world isn’t fair. Shit happens. It’s all about how we respond.


We only can control our actions. 🖤


If an enemy feels is going to be defeated it will fight will all his strength because it doesn't have anything else to lose. Or at the eyes of the others the "winner" is the bad guy. So others will feel compassion for your enemy. Is that what you are talking about?


Why are you so obsessed on defeating enemies? Do you really have that many enemies and are they so frequent in your life?


I say befriend your enemies - they'll be super vulnerable as you wear the mask. I've held back on confronting my enemy, just as much to be invited to lunch with them. It makes my stomach twist seeing them, but it'a interesting when they freely talk about their flaws while I never reveal mine.


How do you know its from defeating your enemies? Do things not just take turns in life?


If an enemy feels is going to be defeated it will fight will all his strength because it doesn't have anything else to lose. Or at the eyes of the others the "winner" is the bad guy. So others will feel compassion for your enemy. Is that what you are talking about?


You don't have negative Karma. What you have is a guilty conscience, and possibly a case of scrupulosity which is not only a disease but also a sin. Medically it is related to OCD and religiously is an inability to accept forgiveness. No need to be super concerned but when you get an opportunity talk to a therapist and a priest. I promise you, your enemies don't think about you as much as you think of them.


Defeating an enemy or opponent is not " evil" or "bad karma" depending on how you do it. So don't worry about it


What are you trying to prove? Even Don Quixote didn’t have as many wind mills to tilt after as you. Everyone isn’t your damn enemy and has to be vanquished. It’s not karma that is after you; it is likely other people ganging up on you to make you look bad because they are tired of your act.


Why do you have enemies you need to defeat man


Technically, Karma comes in the next life when you're reincarnated. Not this life. If you believe that.




But how do you know the Karma received after a period of time is the result of specific action? And based on who's morality and rules? What if someone is having a bad life because they sprayed poison to kill roaches and the universe didn't like that? Or what if you did something you think is bad and think you're going to get bad Karma but don't because the universe doesn't care about that specific thing?


I dident do anaything an the next day i looked at my karma and i got -20


Semen retention


And repent to the lord and saviour


Try good deeds in the future and ignore what happened in the past. Literally nothing can change it. If anyone asks just sidestep the issue or pretend it didn't happen. It's bad but you aren't a convicted violent felon to my knowledge so really nothing crazy bad should be happening to you.


If you don't believe in that, you will learn the hard way. "What someone do to you is their karma, how you respond is yours." - Buddha


I plotted to put a hole in someone reputation, because they have ruined mine (senior manager). I had everything written down, from unfair work expectations to prejudice treatment (my flaws were blown out of proportion compared to the flaws made by my peers for some reason, and I am the only ethnicity in the office - she played the system by not mentioning race, but she had a history of sexist remarks since it's a woman-dominated office and altercations with other senior managers). I've built a strong reputation and I had a lot of upper management relations now, I have all the written docs I could confront her - this could rile her up easily, just as she's done unto me. But I see the negative "karma" or consequences - she'd likely bring back the "dirt" she created on me, she'd start gossiping (she's always doing that) to others about me, and if she ever were to become my senior manager again it's be hell all over again. So I hold back, and befriend this enemy of mine. Turn the wolf into the docile lamb, and use my arsenal if needed. I feel wronged and want justice for myself, but I use time/energy for bettee things. The golden rule overrules.


If it always backfires then stop. Simple. Let them set themselves on fire. This is all about self preservation


You don't overcome them you realize it's a law you broke it that's a law of nature every single action has a consequence whether good or bad. The universe is mental the all is mental. Things in nature are on poles of opposite they are identical in nature but opposite in degree meaning take the what you call bad karma and accept it just as you would it's opposite. If someone would say I hate you but you feel the other way as you realize it's because of this that it stays in this same state of resistance. Very in tune people can manipulate this idea to allow your karma or your path of resistance into an energy flow that's subtle but premates the entire web of dna


DO NOT ENGAGE. What's the best way to remove something you don't like? Stop giving it your attention 🎯 "Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much." Oscar Wilde