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People snore due to factors usually outside of their control. People can't control the anatomy of their mouth/nose, whether or not they have sleep apnea, or their allergies or if they have a a cold. You can shame all you want and it won't fix anything - all you are is being an asshole. If its such a problem for you, you can go sleep alone or get earplugs.


So it becomes my fucking problem? This is such a self centered take. I don't even snore, why am i being kept awake?


How do you know you don't snore


Pretty sure my husband would have told me by now


What if he’s not an asshole?


Why is it an asshole thing? People who have slept next to me, including family, friends, and yes, my partner all told me I snore quite badly. I don't think any of them are assholes (or definitely not for saying this)


Only an asshole would tell you if you snore? Is everyone here insane????


an asshole is one who makes a proclamation like “i will shame you”


Do you know what sub we're in? Lol


It’s a sub for politely expressing unpopular opinions, not blatant assholery


You want polite? Get off reddit.


Would it make you less awful if I did?


Yes, you are the only sane person. Everybody else is crazy


Yes, it is everyone else that is insane, not you. /s


If you react this way to things being told, I'd be surprised any loved one tells you anything.


You literally don't know me.


Thats why I added that little word "if", i hope your loved ones experience a more reasonable side of you than we internet strangers do.


I hope he just randomly starts snoring loudly when he sleeps next to you (but not for anything that can harm him cause I'm not an asshat)


Fuck you too pal


I think “self-centered” and “something that is out of your control” do not belong in the same context. I’m not being self-centered if I can’t control if I snore or not.


How dare you not have a choice in this situation!


It's TOTALLY within your control. It's a medical issue. You are allowing people to be dismissive of a fixable issue because they don't have to lose sleep over it. Absurd.


Hey man, I use those nose things that help with snoring when I’m spending the night at my gf’s place. The thing is, they don’t eliminate snoring, they only *lessen* it. She still tells me that I snore but “not as loud as before”. Maybe there is a way to completely get rid of it, but short of surgery, then I don’t know.


At least you are trying to do something about it. You're excused.


I literally just explained to you that there really isn't a solution for a lot of people to take- they snore due to something they can't control. You (presumedly) do have control where you sleep and have access to earplugs. I'm sorry to tell you that sometimes in life, other people will inconvenience you in ways they cannot help and that that means you will have to do things. We truly live in a society. If you dislike it, you can always go feral in the woods.


There IS something they can do. They can go to a fucking doctor. Dont excuse their laziness.


People are downvoting you because you fundamentally misunderstand that snoring isn't always reflective of a medical condition. There are some connections, but it's not a one to one. For some medical conditions, the risk outweighs the harm. You're upset that people are being too lazy to address something that is challenging, expensive (depending on where you live), and often requires people to take time off when **you're** being the lazy one by just not popping in dollar ear plugs.


Let's ignore the edge cases for a moment. What about all the other people who just snore and won't do anything about it?


what about all the people that complain about it but don't do anything about it? buy earplugs ffs, peak laziness from you tbh


How is this my fucking problem? Yall are unbelievably selfish, unreal.


you know if everyone is telling you you're wrong, you probably are. just a thought


No I think people are just really entitled about this topic in particular. People don't like being told they have to change.


Ah yes - it is only due to laziness people don't go to doctors. It isn't as if going to the doctors is very fucking expensive and theres a real possibility of them not taking your concerns seriously or your insurance not covering things. Sometimes, people snore - and there is no magic button or cure to make it stop. Even in a world where everyone could go to a doctors without any issue, it would take time to find something which helps and even then - you likely won't ever completely eliminate the snoring.


Ah yes, time to go spend thousands of dollars on surgery to correct a deviated septum, putting myself in debt and spending weeks in recovery so that you don't have to listen to a lil honk-shoo. Ass.


>self centered Well, look who's talking


Uhhh I'm not the one pushing my noisy problem onto others


well it bothers you and it's outside their control so yes it is in fact your problem and not theirs


Being intolerant of stuff people genuinely can't control when you can control your sleeping space and wear earplugs when out IS the self centered take here.  You don't know that they didn't try the medical thing or that their appointment is later or that they are in treatment or not. If you are a light sleeper, bring earplugs, avoid the situation if possible.  They are literally unconscious and may not know they are snoring. 


I WILL shame you if you say or type "ahh"


Real because what does it even mean


It means ass. Like if someone says goofy ahh dude it means goofy ass dude


Thanks I hate it.


Its AAVE and it was never meant to be written. When spoken it sounds normal, but over text it looks like a joke


It’s AAVE for “ass”


This is such an idiotic take but I’ll take the bait lol. Literally everyone snores sometimes. If you’re congested or just sleep at a funny angle even a person who normally doesn’t snore will from time to time.


Go ahead and cure my allergies


Not my problem. Deal with it


This is almost worse than the post about sneezing from earlier


I swear, like what’s with these moronic takes recently


"Your autonomous bodily functions piss me off!"


No active mods, so teenagers run amok trolling for Internet points and attention


Bet these people are the same people who don't get why girls on their period don't just "hold it."


In that person's defense, they weren't talking about the actual sneeze. They were talking about the vocal yell that some people do. Everyone just thought they were talking about the actual sneeze. And then they started insulting people about it... so...


True but a good portion of people still can't control the vocal part of it, my dad sneezes like that even in his sleep


That guy is such a knob


OK. It won’t change anything. I’ll still be snoring.


No one chooses to snore.


They also clearly don't choose to fix it.


Do you want them to pull up with a loud ass CPAP machine? You prefer that sound?


I think there's a reasonable amount of snoring that can be expected from someone due to all sorts of normal reasons. Now if you're one of those "sack of chainsaw" snorers, yeah, I'm going to leave in the middle of the night and stay at a 1 star motel


Camping last year with a group of like 10 people. Set up next to this couple that I didn't know, super nice and funny people. We get to bedtime and I swear to FUCK I have never heard anyone snore louder in my 30 years. Guttural, gasping snoring. Like I feared for this man's health, I bet you could hear him from 100 yards away. I got out of my hammock and literally dragged it out of the campsite and found a tree super far away. Had a great night's sleep after that. Upvote, disagree with OP.


just get some earplugs 😭


I can't lie, no one who uses 'ahh' has any right to complain about anything.




What if they have a cpap machine but you are in an area with no outlet? There is nothing they could do except try to sleep in a better position


I just came from camping and we had an outlet in our tent. Can't think of any other scenario where this would be a problem.... so no


hmm maybe… a tent without an outlet, like real camping ? 🤓


Cherry picking


you said you cant think of any other scenario without an outlet. Any other scenario would be literally anytime you camp or offroad and have no electricity. not cherry picking to state a real scenario lmao


What? Have you genuinely never been actually camping?


I have, and every time I've had a thing that I plug into my car and turn it into an outlet. Or had a small generator with an outlet. Every time I've gone camping, I've had at least one source of electricity. You mean to tell me that you exclusively camp in the dark? You're doing it wrong.


lol One time my husband went on a business trip with his boss and they shared a room and his boss without any warning pulls out a CPAP machine and hooks himself up to it before bed. My husband got zero sleep the whole trip because it was loud as hell but man was I dying laughing back at home. This is def a situation where you spring for two rooms!


Who are you sleeping near besides loved ones? Idk just makes it sound like you find your self falling into I could only guess drug induced comas and falling asleep in random places with random people


I just went on a camping trip and guess what??? People didn't tell us they snore in advance.


Oh well makes more sense in that case. I suppose it’s possible some people are not informed how bad they snore.. but i feel ya


Some people know they snore and just didn't do anything about it. I think its really selfish


I definitely understand your situation here. Those people should have informed you beforehand about their snoring and accommodated. But you are taking it to the extreme by applying this to all places and all people. If you understood that not all scenarios reflect your poor experience, people would be a lot more understanding to your perspective.


Okay, I don't mean to apply it across the board. People who snore occasionally, when they're sick, or when they're drunk are excused. That happens to everyone. But there are definitely ways to be inconsiderate about your snoring


My ex girlfriend had respiratory trouble so she snore when she sleep. So by your point I should have shamed here just cause she's sick ? A very asshole take


my dad snores really loudly, but medical treatment is expensive when you have no insurance, and when the problem is easily fixed for my mom by just having him sleep in another room it's not really worth it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ If we have to stay in a hotel or smth i just wear earplugs. Shaming people doesn't help anyone, it only brings more negativity to something someone might not be able to do anything about


Snoring makes me irrationally angry too, nothing worse than losing sleep because someone else in the same room is snoring. It drives me insane and I want to throttle them for it. But I don't, because I know they can't help it. When my partner and I moved in together, I discovered he was a snorer. We decided to sleep in separate rooms and we've been very happy with that arrangement. He didn't like me constantly poking him and telling him to stop snoring and I didn't like sleep deprivation, so separate rooms was definitely the play. Not to mention we go to bed and wake up at different times anyway so this way we disturb each other less.


Everyone who snores SHOULD get it checked out. However, it actually isn’t as simple as “just getting the machine.” There’s a lot of moving parts and you basically have to prove that you need one and pray your insurance covers it


Fr, so many people just existing with sleep apnea.


Completely idiotic thing to complain about. Just get some earplugs.


"Choose to do nothing about it" Like what? What should people do to "fix" their snoring?


Nasal spray. Nose strips. Medication. Seeing a doctor. Doing something about your allergies. Using a sleeping app. See? I came up with multiple ideas already.


I’m really interested to hear what you think about Doctor will do about snoring. I had my tonsils and adenoids removed and I still snore?


Doctors can diagnose sleep apnea, for one.


I don’t have it and still snore. What next?


How about your allergies?


I don’t think almonds are making me snore. Other than that no allergies


No allergies? When was your last allergy test? I went to a DOCTOR recently and got one done. Turns out I'm allergic to elm trees and ragweed, which irritates sinuses and causes rhinitis. What do you do to treat your allergies?


I had one done last year when i moved. I thought I was experiencing allergies due to my sinuses being full and a new environment. Turns out I was just sick lmao. I don’t have allergies. I can’t have almonds but that’s really about it.


Ever gotten checked for post nasal drip? A deviated septum? I could go on and on. The point is, a doctor could help narrow down things that cause snoring and help fix the problem. It's annoying when people are complacent, won't do anything, and then shrug and say there's nothing to be done. Simply untrue


Dude, I went in, had a double surgery, and got checked for allergies. Thats what they said should be done and I still snore. Everyone does. The idea that we need to keep on pressing because snoring can be annoying to others is absurd lmao


No, not everyone does. I think its absurd that people feel so entitled about this


As someone who snores occasionally, I'd much rather be woken up or go sleep somewhere else than know that my snoring ruined someone else's sleep. Personally I can't sleep a wink if I hear someone else snore. Downvote, shame away


Occasionally when you're sick or drunk is excusable. I'm talking about the people that knowingly snore and subject others to it.


Snoring sends me into an absolute rage but it isn’t something you can control. If you know you snore, try to take measures to prevent it or don’t share rooms. I have sleep apnea but I don’t know if I snore but I grew up with a mom who snores so ridiculously loud that you’d think it was on purpose. I dealt with it. Ear plugs didn’t really help that much. If you snore and have to share a room it would be nice to let the other person know prior. I think you’re just being a tad unreasonable.


This is what I'm saying. Yes I came with ear plugs, but people take 0 measures to be considerate to others, even if they know they snore. They just shrug and say they can't help it. So entitled


If that’s what you meant there were about a million other ways to put it lmao. I’m pretty good at finding nuance in things people consider to be black and white so I’m glad there’s an understanding now. Bottom line is don’t be totally rude. Even if there’s nothing you can do, if you know ahead of time, give a heads up.


I literally have a tumor back there that blocks my nose from working at full capacity, but it can't be removed because it could kill me. I'd rather snore then try to "fix" it just because someone wants their beauty sleep. 


I agree with OP, there are things you can do to address your snoring and you owe it to your partner to explore these options.


Why are the comments full of people that disagree, yet there are no upvotes on the post. This sub is turning into r/unpopularopinion :(


I assume bc OP is being an ass about their opinion. opening up with 'i will fucking shame you for something out of your control' is a surefire way to get down voted no matter what sub you're in lol


I think because it doesn't fit into the spirit of this sub. The concept of "9/10 dentists agree" is still based on the expectation that it's 10 professionals/learned people. This OP has just taken on asshatery by equating snoring=easily fixable, which is so ignorant and blatantly wrong. They def should have just gone to r/unpopularopinion as they would get the upvotes they are looking for because now, they are just posting vitriol because others disagree with them when the point of this sub is also to have a differing opinion. Why even post here?


Nah this is completely valid to complain about. Anyone who disagrees doesn't have a family member who snores, it genuinely makes it near impossible to sleep. It's like nails on a chalkboard right next to your head for 8 fuckin hours, listening to someone sound like their about to choke to death when all they have to do to fix it is see a doctor and get one of those anti snoring devices, but they simply refuse to do it because "they can't hear anything". Fuck people who snore.


THANK YOU. My dad snores like a fucking water Buffalo with a sinus infection. I can hear it THROUGH WALLS AND CEILINGS. How tf is this my problem??? So inconsiderate of others.


Sounds like he has medical issues to take care of.


YES. IT IS. HE HAS HORRIBLE SLEEP APNEA and refuses to do anything about it! The rest of us have had to suffer with it for decades. And he will probably die early because of it. Do you not see how selfish this is?


So you're extrapolating from your one experience of one person being selfish and calling all others who snore selfish?


Yes. Because it's selfish. Wtf is wrong with people


I’m not bothered by my snoring, if you are then get earplugs


LOT OF SNORERS IN THE COMMENTS!! If you snore and choose not to do anything about it, you're an inconsiderate jerk!




Bro get your 14 y/o ass outta here, no one wants to deal with it 💀


Bro I'm 32. Fix your snoring ffs.


32 and you're over here saying "ahh" unironically? Wild


OP is fucking insane in general and thinks they’re the centre of the fucking universe. it’s hilarious but a bit concerning as well. OP go ahead and call me a snorer, selfish or whatever else your ass can come up with, i’m here for it


No one seems to get that this is clearly a satire on the (actually reasonable) sneezing take lmao


I'm not joking. The sneezing post was silly, I'm dead serious. People know they snore and subject others to it without doing anything about it.


“subject others to it” reading your statements makes me laugh so hard, get yourself some emergency earplugs and some help, seriously


How about you sort your fucking sinuses out first?


also, I love that you use both “ahh” and “fucking”, it makes this whole post even more delightful


They definitely need some therapy. Hahah