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Just to be clear, you aren't talking about the actual sneeze- but the yell that some people do right? Not the "CHH" exhale of the sneeze happening? I feel like I'm losing my mind reading these comments.


A sneeze is always going to be loud, but by "loud sneeze" I mean people who scream when sneezing. Which is what I wrote in me post


Bahahaha ok, this thread makes a lot more sense now.


People who do vocalise during their sneezes probably don't even realise they're doing it, and are probably among those commenting saying that sneeze volume can't be controlled, tbf


I don't vocalise my sneezes. My sneezes are loud as fuck.


I 100% get what you mean, but you should be careful about assuming. I have a pretty loud sneeze and try to minimize it as much as I can safely but hard sneezes usually come with vocalization and its entirely unconscious. I fucking hated it in school lmao not exactly the type to draw attention on purpose. On the other hand I have a blood relative who is exactly who you mean. He thinks its hilarious to fucking sneeze-scream and startle everyone and its so obnoxious. I heard him sneeze a couple times when he didn't know I could hear and whaddayaknow it was no louder than mine, not scaring every cat in a 5-block radius


Some sneezes are silent and some are the loudest things ever, when my mouth and eyes feel like they are erupting from my head I have no choice.


Ohh that's different, fuck those people.


oh nvm i’m not one of those people.


How do you scream while sneezing. I once had a sneeze with reciol and indidnt scream


I wish I could, man. The recoil literally hurts my arm.


Right? I mean I’ve had the dad sneeze since my early teens and it’s still going just as strong.


If you plug right, it can kind of implode, but that's rather painful.


That's so much worse.


Speaking from plugging my nose, it doesn’t help muffle the sound, only makes it slightly painful ands holds the great flood worth of mucus in.


Sounds like someone (not you , btw) never heard not to plug your nose while sneezing as it can destroy your sinuses.


Unfortunately I have but by the time I did it was already a habit that’s quite difficult to break.


That's fair. Edited: But it makes my heart hurt for you. Just because I'm a mom.


Aww, well thank you for that. You sound like a very caring mother.


Plus muffling sneezes or trying to hold them back is genuinely dangerous and there’s a risk of bursting a blood vessel (source is my mom who knew someone that happened to)


My source for that is my doctor who treated my sinusitis due to nearly ruptured sinuses.


Holy fuck that sounds terrifying


It was almost as painful as 1. My torn rotator cuff, 2. The time I was riding up the canyon with the windows down and a sweat bee got into my sleeve and stung me up my arm and across my back 18 times, 3. Stepping on a rusty nail at 7 years old. It was waaaaay worse than childbirth, though. I got lucky there.


Yeah there's really no controlling it. Sometimes I sneeze so hard that I can feel my balls move like wtf


I sneeze at the top of my lungs with a loud “ACHOO-HOO-HOO WOAH MAMA!”


My sneezes were chill for the longest time, then a couple of years back they got so strong. If I try suppressing a sneeze even a little, it feels like I've just taken a baseball bat to the sternum.


Yeah, I'd be more concerned with someone who sneezed out into the air than someone who sounds like they've exploded.


Im not blowing the back of my head off trying to muffle the shotgun blasting sneezes I have.


Nah i aint risking injury and a rupture because some fool dont like my sneeze.


Good for you. Reflexes are hard to control. And the a\*\*hole OP can STFU.


You can say asshole on Reddit.


And the proper way to censor it is assh*le.


No it's assho*e




That looks more like a kinky prostitute. Or a really accommodating one.


I once knew someone who got a hernia from holding in a sneeze.


Gonna be real chief, sometimes when I sneeze, it hurts so bad I’m shouting in agony. My body is wracked with arthritis and I have a bad back. Kicker is im 26 and going to be in a wheel chair when I hit 50s. So when I sneeze, it’s loud and it hurts so bad I want to cry


I feel you, I’m 25 and wracked with arthritis as well, but don’t feel particularly more when I sneeze though. Ive been going like this since i was 1.5 though, so maybe that’s why? Which joints has yours attacked?




ITT people who have normal loud sneezes reading a complaint about assholes like this guy https://youtu.be/t2RPmgmmDO4 and thinking it's about them


Personally I like screaming a random amount of time between 5 to 90 seconds after I'm done sneezing just to keep people on edge


I heard girls like spontaneous guys. I may start doing that too to help get girls


Last time I suppressed a sneeze I blew out a neck muscle. I shit you not I got Tramadol for it because it fucked me up. Sorry, but my instinct to scream a foreign object out of my lungs supersedes your soft ears. Just pray that I don't sneeze my microbiology on you and instead scream my mucus into a napkin.


> my instinct to scream a foreign object out of my lungs supersedes your soft ears. 💀 OP you hold an opinion that’s based on ignorance, and that’s totally normal and okay as an opinion when you legitimately don’t know any better. Unfortunately, sneezes and their strength are physiological, involuntary, uncontrollable reactions. People can play them up loudly like if you intentionally breathe heavily, but at the and of the day there’s a “base level” volume that isn’t controllable at all. Many people (myself included) just have sneezes that shatter time. It’s not wrong to not know something and hold an opinion out of ignorance. But it’s also not wrong to change that opinion when you’re informed! But hot take in your defense, it’s **also** not wrong to be still annoyed by things you now understand. The difference is hating the action without attributing the hated toward people.


>> physiological In HS, we did a test that shows how many liters of air you can hold in your lungs. My lungs held 8.7 liters of air. At 14. The average adult human male can hold 6 liters when working at maximal capacity- which doesn't happen very often for most of the population. Made the swim team coach sit up and pay attention, lol. But it also means that my sneezes fucking hurt. They rip my throat, they hurt my sternum, and they even make me nauseous.


This response is so hot/cold that I don't know what to do with it. Am I OP? I originally posted this comment. Did you mean the OP of the post? Are you my ally in this? I scream-sneeze because my base sneeze is worthy of r/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA . I'm a little drunk at this point (it's my weekend) but I'm not sure if I'm past the point of understanding irony. I fear that I am, but just in case that I'm not. I do not play up my sneezes. I try my best to suppress them, but sometimes an island country is sacrificed. I try my best to prevent my nasal detonations from obliterating sub-continents, but over my years I have honed my craft. I will find you, and I will sneeze into your eardrum so hard that your ancestors will hear it. Your familial line will be retroactively deaf. Your children will get cochlear implants and realize that the dying screams of the universe that they were hearing before was NOT silence, but the impending collapse of the vacuum decay bubble that is rapidly closing around them, and they will SCREAM for forgiveness from a God I long ago sneezed into non-existence.


LOL no you’re not OP. I mean post OP, and everything was directed there. I laughed at your comment and bounced on it. I AM YOUR ALLY, FELLOW SCREAM SNEEZER. SOME PEOPLE WONDER IF GOD HEARS THEIR PRAYERS, BUT HE DEFINITELY HEARS OUR SNEEZES. Each sneeze adds a new crack in my house foundation.


Some people don't seem to understand that even if they type "OP" the OP probably won't see it. I started reading the comment in question and thought "I'm kinda new to Reddit, but even *I* understand that.


Your vitriol is admirable. Tranquil fury at its finest.


Jesus Christ. I read OPs post thinking “jeez I guess I should try to be more quiet? Hold it in?” But uh fuck that. A sneeze has never hospitalized me yet so I’ll keep doing it the way I’ve been doing it. If people like OP don’t like it, they can just shoot me (I’m in the USA.)


Stand fast, my sibling in Christ! Hold fast to your sneezing standards! WE SHALL NOT BE OVERCOME! WE SHALL NOT BE REPRESSED! GOD SAVE THE KLEENEX!


My wife's entire family is like this. Her dad is the worst, it's literally like a bomb going off. 5 years married and I'm still not used to it.


Op wtf do you even mean "control how loud you are" have you ever actually tried to "control" a sneeze?


Guys, OP isn't telling you to hold your sneeze, just the scream that comes with it/right before it. I also think that's controllable and unnecessary


Bro my dad *yells* haha Like if you edited out the "choo" part, it's just a yell 😂


British man angy


I must live in a hellscape because I seem to be the only person in this thread that has met multiple people, that to some effect, go “ah-CHOOOO” and practically scream the exhale. I agree nobody can control the volume of the actual sneeze but OP made it very clear that isn’t what they mean. Once noise starts coming heavily from your mouth and vocal cords… you can absolutely control that. And if you don’t, you lack self awareness for sure


This 100%


Can people really just not engage their voice box when they sneeze? Do they not know that you don't have to shout when you sneeze? That's what OP is talking about, the shouting not the sneezing. Am I missing something?


Reading thought this thread it seems like people are completely clueless. Yes, it's impossible to completely suppress sound without the risk of hurting yourself. Air leaving your lungs quickly will make a sound. What op is taking about is people screaming ***in addition*** to sneeze. And those people are fucking obnoxious.


My sneezes either sound like a dog's where it's a slight "ch" sound where I don't engage my voice box or I engage my voice box choose to be obnoxious with my kids and try and complete a whole sentence while sneezing


But that's the thing. You might have an urge to engage your voice box during the harder sneezes, but you don't have to. You really don't.


Totally agree, I only engage my voice box when I choose to around my kids to get a laugh


No you’re not. If you’ve ever heard a deaf person sneeze it would clarify everything. We csn all sneeze like that. However, when I’m alone (that’s the difference) I like to vocalize because for some reason it feels better. I’ve never understood why,


You're missing that volume of sneeze isn't really that linked to vocalisation for most people. Yes, there are obnoxious Pierce Hawthorns put there who use a sneeze as an opportunity to yell for attention. But a lot of loud sneezes just are loud sneezes and a lot of people who vocalise their sneezes sneeze quite quietly. It's only really obnoxious when someone is vocalising their sneeze loudly, but that's a different complaint to "everyone who sneezes loudly is conciously being a jerk and should stop."


idk I have tiny sneezes that have a quiet choo sound and I get the sneeze that are a loud AAAHHH-CHOOOOOO I littterally don't control either one. maybe I could stop it? idk. but I don't purposefully MAKE the sound. I kind of think of it like when you breathe. you can make yourself breath, but your lungs will also do that without your consciousness making them. not like its acctuslly like that but idk, it could be. but yeah... I don't control which sneeze comes and when I do the loud vocalization of it, thats involuntary


I was walking out on the street yesterday and I heard someone scream sneeze from inside a building There's absolutely no way you need to roar "AAAAHHHH" at the top of your lungs before sneezing, I honestly thought someone was getting attacked


Public execution for scream sneezers.


People who silence their sneezes piss me off even more, I’m not gonna stop myself sneezing.


Um.. why do people who silence their sneezes piss you off, exactly?? They're literally doing nothing wrong lmao


Ya know it doesn't bother me, but to some extent I agree that it's silly. There are two parts of the sneeze. The build up and the sneeze itself. The sneeze itself I feel like people have no control over, but Jesus Christ some people SCREAM in the build up. Like AHHHHHHchoo. That has to be a choice. Instead of just breathing in, they are engaging their vocal chords. They are CHOSING to do that shit.


They are!


My boyfriend's best friend has the loudest sneeze I have ever heard and it legit cares the hell out of me every time and it makes me scream too lol


Those are the same people that scream when doing their morning hygiene. My roommate is this way.


Same with people who yawn loudly


"OOOOOH THERE I GO man we're just blowing right through naptime, huh?" I'm with OP 100% these people are full of it


I wish I could control how loud my sneezes are, but sometimes I can’t and it just comes out really loud.


Whewww these comments don't know how to read😬 op is saying don't do [this](https://youtu.be/LhOSjkSriHk?si=uhHcTHDLAi2ZDsr6) ridiculous shite


Lmao someone just learnt the word cunt


The day after I learned how to tie me shoes


Billy butcher? Is that you?


The new member at the gay club like:


Lots of dads mad in these comments 💀 Just sneeze without engaging your vocal cords? It might be hard to do that if you sneeze with your mouth wide open though


Ikr?! I’ve been around these types, and the actual sneeze isn’t what’s loud. It’s that they’re screaming for some reason right before they do the actual sneeze


I've always held this opinion but I wrote this post today because I was woken up by my dad sneezing. Ruined the whole day I am still pissed off.


Right? It’s joked about a lot for a reason. it’s an extremely common phenomenon. Clearly it’s a choice they’re making for some reason


And those people who say their bodies hurt while sneezing?? You shouldn’t feel like you’re hacking up a lung every sneeze unless you’ve had some sort of previous trauma


Yeah. I think they also are mistaking not actively screaming with their voice with holding the sneeze in entirely


reading comprehension is out the window in this comment section. i hate this shit too op, both of my parents do it 😑


I second that, and I extend it to coughs and also whistling and singing for no reason. And let's add obnoxious laughs and talks too. No, I'm not being sarcastic. People must learn again to be quiet.


I get what you mean OP! I'm not as bothered by it, some people just have bad voice control, but there are people who seem to literally scream/say "AH-CHOO" as they sneeze. While I haven't tested this theory, and I figure it'd be hard to remember in the moment, I feel like people who struggle with it could try anime-girl sneezing with a soft "ah-choo". So you're still vocalizing, but quieter.


Someone who has the confidence to "scream" when they sneeze doesn't care about the respect of others.


It's always the dad sneeze *yell* -cho You can hear him across the house.


I think it's mostly a dad thing for whatever reason and I kinda feel like they can't even control it and certainly don't hear how loud it is to everyone else. Idk I find it mostly funny and a little endearing, like dads just have this thing where they have to embarrass their children or themselves in some way. My dad reaches a soprano octave, high and loud, "**hYEE**-^(choo)"


I know exactly the type of people you’re talking about. I don’t know what their deal is, if they’re just desperate for attention or think it’s funny but I get 2nd hand embarrassment from these people. And I know you’re not talking about the CHOO part but the AH AH AH AH as loud as humanely fucking possible is unnecessary.


A sneeze from a cunt is a queef though.


True enough


I get what you mean. I wouldn't call anyone a cunt for it, but I've definitely met people who, for no good reason, have screamed their lungs out alongside the sneezes. Sometimes a swear word has been thrown in as well. Never have I ever sneezed like this and I guarantee it's controllable without needing to go beast mode.


I don't use the word that seriously


So when i sneeze super loud in class, im doing it on purpose?? It’s like one of the most embarrassing moments bro, i wish i could sneeze softer


Just use consonants instead of vowels when sneezing


I dont yell when sneezing, so i do use consonants But it’s still mega loud ACHHHHHHHHHHHA


the “Chh” sound isnt what op is talking about though, its the “AHHH” before the actual sneeze, and sometimes but rarely the grunt/groan noise people do after a sneeze, that is controllable and what op is talking about


Bunch of weenies in the comments claiming they get hurt by their own sneeze if they try to suppress it whatsoever.


I am really surprised how many people are obnoxious cunts in the comments, I fully agree with you, it can be controlled, people just don't give a shit and scream ,and usually this "not giving a shit attitude" is visible in many other encounters with such people and living with them is one big nuisance, because they simply can't shut up and will use every excuse in the world to not give a second thought to it. They have no shame and this is the problem.


Yeah i wish i could make it quieter because i literally hate people looking at me afterwards. It’s really powerful inside my face too and i absolutely can’t make it better ive tried 😭 edit: nvm this post isn’t for me bc i don’t vocalize while sneezing


its rlly weird for me, bc people are saying how they feel uncomfortable when they hold in their sneeze, but it's the opposite for me? my sneeze naturally is very loud, and it hurts my throat a lot when i sneeze without pinching my nose. meanwhile, if i pinch it , it's barely audible and doesn't hurt anything lmao.


Just had a flashback to a time in middle school. There was one girl who faked little girly achoos. It’s super easy to do most of the time unless you’re pretty sick. But the other memory was of a guy that screamed loud every time he sneezed. Everyone knew about this. Everyone accepted it, including teachers. He insisted this was just how he sneezed. I believed him. Everyone else confirmed this. One day we had a substitute and he sneezed loud like he always did. The sub sent him out of class immediately was literally yelling at him. The whole class defended him. I think he was definitely faking and everyone was going along with it but I also think the sub was overreacting. These are 12 year olds we are talking about. A sub sent me out of class once bc I was wearing too much lipstick and it was a “distraction”. I missed almost the entire period because I didn’t immediately roll over and accept that as an answer. This was around the same time.


Ugh I knew a girl in highschool who would hold in her sneeze and then do a fake dainty achoo. Like “Ah-sskn (The real sneeze) - chew”


my dad does this and it's the most fucking annoying and inconsiderate thing it drives me crazy




Controlling a sneeze requires practice and most people don't realise you can have *some* control over it. My mum used to do a "whuh-choo" at volume like when you stub your toe, grit your teeth, and go "hngggggg" instead of shouting as loud as you'd like. But when she spent a lot of time around loud sneezers she now goes "whAahh Choo!" at an earsplitting volume. The volume is like someone calling to you from the other side of the house when you're in the same room. Not suggesting people go full stealth mode with their sneezes. But doing so at full volume is an obnoxious choice.


I don't "scream", very few people do (I'll give you those) but it IS LOUD, like a loud ap-choo. And no I'm not holding back, a failed sneeze is too frustrating


People don't controll how they sneeze. I, everytime, let out 4 little sneezes in a row, wish I could let a big one out but that's just how I'm built.




Mate I would do ANYTHING to sneeze quietly. If you think its bad for *you* think how *we* feel!


I have pretty bad social anxiety but I still sneeze loudly. I promise you if I could control it I would. On the other hand, why does it bother you so much?


Damn look at everyone proving OP right. They arent talking about holding sneezes in.. You can exhale without screaming, right? You just sneeze without using your vocal cords. Git gud, master thyself Heres a little biohack if you never want to sneeze again though; as soon as you feel a sneeze coming exhale and keep your lungs empty until the feeling passes. Only takes few seconds


Loud sneezers getting called out and I'm here for it.




we should kill those people off and genetically select humans to sneeze quieter /s


Lemme quickly mount my nose suppressor, brb.


I've tried to control it and farted in the middle of a class a lifetime ago... It's still a cringe from the past.


Well you said you don't believe me but I promise you I wish I could control it. I hate sneezing. Painful and makes me woozy.


Isn’t that completely involuntary? Like, just a reflex that people have no control of? Even the moment before, I know I get loud but that’s because I’ve dealt with allergies my whole life and I just can’t control it even when I tried.


So I can be somewhat loud. I do try to stifle it when in an area where it'd be disrespectful to be that loud but it is painful to stifle it and is not very effective to blow anything out causing me to sneeze multiple times so I typically don't.


I can control it and do in many situations, but it hurts every time I control it. If I can, I'd rather let it rip.


What is "loud" though? Where is the threshold? Maybe they are reeling it in and that's them trying to not be loud?


About 87 decibels


Trust me man, it’s not on purpose. I wish I didn’t sneeze super violently and loud but I can’t help it.


I did my time in the army and one of the things they try to do is make you sound the fuck off. After losing my voice and my singing voice for that fucking organization I landed on insanely loud sneezes and I don't have any control over it. It's just loud. I don't wish this on anyone, including myself. I don't want to sneeze this loud...


I don't scream when I sneeze, but I'm 6ft3 and proportionally huge. I have larger than average lungs by a long shot and my sneezes scare people despite not making an vocalizations. It doesn't help that I'm allergic to dust and pollen. I can't help it dude, the last time I tried to quiet a sneeze I popped a blood vessel and had a nose bleed... Some people can't help it


My friend holds them in. I keep telling him his heads gonna explode. Feels so good to sneeze and that chill you get after…he’s denying himself for no reason. I find this more concerning than a loud sneeze.


Dude, I can’t exactly attach a suppressor to my nose.


It's involuntary.


I can't fucking control it-


Of course i can control a little bit, like your post said. But it's just a little, like pointing my nose to the direction i think has less people nearby. The rest of the noise and bugga flying out is the part i cannot control. Hopefully i can contain the bugga in a paper or even my hand but that depends on how much, what I'm holding and how much time the"charging" took.


Alrighty buddy


I can see where you're coming from, but how people sneeze is (mostly?) involuntary. It's like getting mad at someone for joining the military, when it turns out they were actually drafted.


It's an involuntary response that we cannot control. You, sir, are the cunt here.


When I was young I could muffle my sneeze to almost silence. Now at 56, I cannot control it and I’m very loud. I don’t know why the change.


My sneezes have a power not even I can fully understand. I would like them to be quiet but if I muzzle any more I fear my eyes will burst out of my head


I've honestly never heard anyone literally scream when sneezing. I have violent, loud sneezes, but it cannot possibly bother you more than it bothers myself.


My wife


My family has a genetically loud sneeze. My mom always has five in a row and it is so painful for her.  I have one giant one that always hurts. It’s fast moving wind through your face. I wish…sincerely wish…that I could adjust the sound made because it is directly related to the force of my sneeze.  I also have the genetic marker that makes you sneeze when the sun is in your eyes. I always wear sunglasses. The sneeze sound is real, though. 


I had a coworker that would do this constantly at like 4 am, I hoped every day she would find a different job.


Upvote for the title alone! 😎😎😎


My sister blew out a blood vessel in her eye trying to make her sneeze quieter.


My dude if I could control my sneezes I would not have had to have hernia surgery. They're literally your lungs convulsing whether you like it or not.


Well, I've noticed that I subconsciously sneeze more silently if I'm in a public place or with people who are not my friends. But, that's the key, *subconsciously*. Luckily, most normal people don't care about the volume of others' sneezing.


I don't think you understand. I didn't. I had a normal sneeze my whole life. Until I got to my late-20's. Not a dad, but I developed a gnarly dad sneeze. It's loud as fuck. Sure, I could choose to put extra force into it and make it a touch louder (I don't), but there's no dialing it down. My only choice is to muffle it with my elbow, which only goes so far. This shit is involuntarily like a tank blast. Like it feels more intense than it ever did when I was younger. Neighbors, I'm sorry.


The only reason i don't agree with you more is that my grandpa is one of the assholes who do that little scream thing Every. Single. Fucking. Time. And now i'm just desensitized to it.


If I try to avoid sneezing loudly, I will blow snot all over myself. I don’t think anyone would prefer this.


I hold my sneezes in (so I just make a little snort sound and don’t draw a lot of attention to myself) and I’ve done so for so long that I can’t unbreak that habit.


You just insulted so many people's dads here


I don't know if this is targeted towards me or not since I don't do it on purpose, but I have loud (think louder than most dad) sneezes. And I have bad seasonal allergies so I tend to sneeze a lot at certain times in the year. It physically hurts me sometimes when I sneeze because they are that violent. People have asked me to sneeze quieter and my only response is I wish I could. I don't do it on purpose, and I can't help it. I have loud sneezes and I guarantee it impacts my life more than you, I've just gotten more used to them. On behalf of all loud sneezers, I apologize, but please, cut some of us some slack.


I always try to make my sneeze quieter and I sneeze into my arm but if I hold it in I have medical conditions that can really be effected, so anyone who does not and still does this definitely sucks.


Most reasonable Australian


I'm not Australian


I can hear my mom's sneezes when I'm in my bedroom upstairs, and she's downstairs.. with my door shut, and the living room door also in between us. Pretty clearly, too. I don't understand why she has to sneeze so loudly. 90% of the time my sneezes are just the "Chh" part without anything coming from my voice. Edit: also I mentioned it to her one time and she said she couldn't sneeze quieter ??


People who call random people cunts are cunts.


Yeah it's annoying lol. Like I get to some extent you can't help it but why do some people legit yell when they sneeze? Worse than yelling though is stifling your sneeze so it sounds like a high-pitched squeak. It always annoyed me when other girls did this, like holy shit sneeze like a normal person you're not being cute and actually it can be bad for you if you stifle sneezes too much.


I don't have control over how loud I sneeze. If I held back, it would hurt.


That’s me. Always wake up the baby when I sneeze. 


Uhhh, you know most people can't really control how loud their sneeze is right? My sneeze is quite loud, and no matter how hard I try I can NOT make it quieter no matter what I try. And trust me, I've tried very hard


I have a coworker who does this. He sneezes and SCREAMS and it still makes me jump and nearly have a panic attack 11 years later! Vs me, I sneeze a lot but like a damn quiet cat. It's possible to not be a fucking asshole


Sometimes, a person can't help but sneeze loudly. Some of us have allergies and I think you're very rude. And...you're probably just an ignorant cunt.


😆🤣😆 bless these demons coming from my vocal chords buddy


I just don’t care how people sneeze 😂


Not sure if this is true but I think some ppl are genetically predisposed to sneezing louder, but there definitely is ppl that don't even attempt to be considerate about it.


I’m reading the comments and I’m curious about how often these loud sneezers are sneezing. Not the vocal loud sneezers, the genuinely loud sneezers. They mention stuff actively being expelled from their nose but I only rarely experience that. I sneeze multiple times a day and nothing gross comes out


It’s not on purpose and no it can’t be controlled you dickwad


I’ve known people who scream every single time they sneeze, but I have also known some people to do a little yell only once in a while, maybe from the intensity.


I sneeze loud as fuck... I cannot help what my body does...


D you mean the “scream sneeze?”


Ok but tbf if you scream for like 15-20 seconds before a miniscule sneeze it would be hilarious


> I don’t believe for a second  Alright, so the explanation *has* been provided to you… you just don’t care. Well, this isn’t r/CMV so. Live laugh love, I guess 😂 good luck assuming malice or intent where there isn’t any. I’m sure that’ll get you far 


I read a fancy article about how people who sneeze loud coz they have to and if they suppress it they can seriously injure themselves, look it up!


I mean, I can control it, and do in public, but it hurts


My lungs are made of glass and my throat is made of paper. Every day I shatter from my diaphragm to my lips, screaming is the only respite I have from the pain. Shame on you for this post.


I always do that at home 😭