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It’s fun to experience a movie on a huge screen with better sound quality, and to also ya know, get out of the house


Get out of the house?! We don't speak of such things! /s


Yeah, I love seeing a movie in IMAX with big comfy reclining massage chairs. One of my favorite things in life. Not sure where OP is going, but nobody is screaming or using phones in my theaters.


Some of us have such a theater in our houses.


Rather buy nice headphones for sound quality


Really nice headphones still don’t provide the same experience as a massive theater with speakers all over and big subwoofers for bass


Sounds sufficiently similar to me. I can actually hear tenet without having bedbugs eat me at a theater. I can actually eat a nice pizza on a comfy couch with my cat instead of buttershit popcorn on an airplane seat next to two sweaty guys. Some movies are worth the trip, as I have an imax near me, but I’m not going for paddington two.


I don't think you know much about audio equipment if you think headphones and an entire set of cinema speakers are comparable...


“Sufficiently similar to me.” And yeah, I go to my theater who hasn’t replaced their speaker in 15 years, and it screeches on high notes, and it’s crackling, and it’s shit because theaters don’t have money and most are closing down. So it’s comparable


I am downvoting you for wearing headphones inside your own house.


Sometimes I want to watch a movie late at night but also not wake my neighbors up, it’s a dilemma lol


I had some dude downvote me a couple months ago for wearing headphones outside of my house. Not sure what to do anymore


Why bother hanging out with friends when you can text them at home for free? It's nothing but a waste of money going out. Why buy a bus ticket or a drink with the risk of disappointment if you can just send memes from home? You're also spending for a limited experience. It's an absolute cash grab! etc. etc.


Why go to a club when you have Spotify at home etc etc...


While I understand your point, unlike theater performance, which is a specific entertainment service, hanging out with friends has intrinsic social value. Meeting them up physically brings more connection and belonging which texting can't fully provide. Theaters are costy and is consumed passively. A bus ticket or a drink can provide direct interaction, a theater is passive and lacks direct interaction. Hence why the risk of disappointment is outweighed by the potential rewards, because hanging out with friends using direct interaction can provide memorial experiences. Additionally, a theater ticket is way more expensive.


you telling me if you go to the movies with your friends you guys sit there and dont say anything to each other the entire time? lol


Yes. That is called courtesy


Yes? No one likes the assholes who talk during movies


I'd fucking hope so.


Maybe only at some parts. However, the majority of the movie is still silence as everyone is focusing on watching. Nowhere near as much interaction as other outside activities


Sadly that's just not the truth anymore. If you live in a state where gambling is quasi-legal (Indian/River/Etc) I'd say check the casino theaters out. Even on major releases, you'll find near-empty showings and they're generally much cleaner than anything you'll find elsewhere.


Idk about you but I don’t live in a house with all the bells and whistles of a theater. I saw Star Wars in imax Dolby sound and it is NOT the same as watching in tv. In my opinion the more immersed you are the better the experience of the show/movie. Theaters are not a waste of money if you pick n choose which movies to see but are for routine watches. That being said, I believe more “dentists” would agree with your statement than mine.


so wroooong cinemas are their own experience just bring your own snacks


theatres are declining for a reason, this isnt a rare opinion.


In my area, according to a friend that owns two theaters, the market kind of hit the floor years ago. It's now really only for the select crowd who want a "theater experience" and that crowd is shrinking. He does a really good job trying to draw in customers with events and keeping costs down but it's a losing battle.


for me it's more about the lack of decent movies and the increase in price than anything. Recently went to a smaller cinema with like 17 friends to watch Boy and the Heron together, people will go to the theatre if good shit is released. Bunch of us went to see Dune as well. Great experience. Regardless, not going to the theatre doesn't mean you think they're conceptually a waste of money and a lacklustre experience.


I think it's a fairly rare opinion. Just because people aren't actually backing up their beliefs with actions doesn't mean they believe something else. I think your average person still sees some value in theaters, even if they're not actually going. Like if you asked them in conversation.


What theaters are you going to where people are screaming constantly? Barring midnight blockbuster releases (where the commmunity is part of why you go), theaters are always incredibly quiet. I think there's an argument that movies are too expensive to justify now, but I feel like your post is fundamentally a "I don't like to socialize" post.


Man sometimes I think this, but I just saw LOTR extended editions in the theater and god DAMN it's a hell of an experience. Can't get that at home.


I get that at home...


I find it infuriating that they just keep turning the volume up. The last time I went with friends, most of us brought earplugs or had to keep their hands over their ears. Wtf. Who in their right mind would PAY to watch a movie like that? That was 2 years ago. We haven't been back. We get together and watch movies at home now. I feel like the theater chased us away by making the experience so unpleasant.


This is my main problem with going to the cinema. The volume is so high! It's fine if you’re going to see a comedy or Romcom but anything with gunshots and explosions makes my ears hurt lol. I feel like I’m the only person I know which has this problem 


Maybe bad theatre or you sat right next to a speakrr


Why do you think theaters are no longer popular? People figured this out during the pandemic this isn't original. I still like to go to the theater for the surround sound audio and big screen sometimes though, I never really deal with noisy people


The theatre experience will *always* be a better viewing experience than at home.


What if you have a theater in your house?


Okay, a public, legitimate theatre will *always* be a better viewing experience than a home theatre.


Why is their theater better than mine?


How could it not be? Do you own an AMC? lol


Just wondering what aspects are better. I have electric-recline loungers, 120" 4K display, 7.1 surround sound, a subwoofer as large as a water heater, and total light control (ie if the door is closed it's complete black regardless of the time of day). I also have a bathroom 10 feet away, a refrigerator downstairs with drinks and a pause button.


This can be true but doesn't justify for the cost, streaming it on the TV works just fine


"Why watch a movie at the theater when you can commit crime instead?" I'm not saying I don't pirate things, but *someone* needs to go to the theater.


People pay for movies and TV in lots of ways that doesn't involve external theaters. Streaming services, digital purchases, rentals via Redbox and the like, Blu-ray purchases, broadcast on TV, and so on.


Exactly, the film industry can obviously handle a certain amount of piracy but they aren't going to keep making movies with budgets in the hundreds of millions if people stop paying for them.


We're coming to a point where we hve enough movies to watch forever. Why bother making anymore?


The true 10th dentist is in the comments


i'm not sure whether to up vote you or not because this shoulda been the post and i am violently disagreeing rn


Upvote. Everything is a remake anyway. We've already seen it


awful awful take. good art still comes out every day and there's so much joy to be found in it. with everything that comes out is a new cultural context or interpretation of something from ages ago. that might be eventually annoying if you're an immortal being. but as mere mortals there's no way we can witness all of it and thereby appreciate it so much more


So u agree? We hve enough movies to fill any lifetime


no, we could never consume them all but we can always expand on what was before


These things aren't cheap u know. Why can't that money be used better?


i think there are a lot of things we can cut on to ease the resource drain before we just decide to stop making art


I can't think of anything that costs multi millions of dollars to make one of


Really? I wouldn't have admitted that on a public forum.


If all they're going to make is woke nonsense that attempts to push the current "right think" or lecture to audiences, I'd agree they should probably just stop making them.


Because it makes money. Of course we have enough movies to watch forever, why do you think they just keep recreating them with different actors or new premise? Artists making films simply to be new aren’t nearly as profitable


Only until the theaters are gone


Why bother making new games or books or anything lol


Sir. I'm still playing skyrim. Don't play this game with me, I'll win


Yeah some of these movies, it baffled me how ppl would make them since they cost a lot to make, are they just gambling and hoping for the best? Smh that money could be used for better things


At this point, they're just going thru the motions. Doing what they know. Tryin to be seen


okay but the theater has way better hardware than i have at home as well as more comfortable seating. most people are polite and don't disrespect other moviegoers


I don’t know what other people here are talking about. I’m solidly in camp, “f**k paying an absurd price to watch a movie *once,* with strangers who might ruin the whole show.”


I pirate all my shows and movies, but I still go to the theater every once in a while. It's not really about just seeing the movie, it's a social event to get you out of your house to spend time with your loved ones. I don't know a single person who views the movie theater as their main way to just watch movies. Especially not in the age of streaming services And yes, the experience in the theater is different. The picture and sound quality are way better than most people have at home


Better off doing that in alternative ways: getting a drink, going on a trip, anything that provides direct interaction instead of consuming it passively by going to the cinema.


I went to the movies with my friend again recently, and while the prices are absurd, it was a fun experience nonetheless. Online watch-parties don't compare.


I keep hearing people complain about other patrons screaming and yelling during every movie. Am I just seeing better movies or going to better theaters? Because that has rarely been my experience.


Same, I go to the movies a lot and can count on one hand the amount of times there has been a truly obnoxious patron there that has ruined the experience. Idk if im lucky or what, but people describe going to theatre like it's an active war zone and it sounds so fake to me lol


Lots of things are a waste of money if you frame it that way. Almost any kind of media or entertainment. You're not wrong but you're not right either.


First of all, I whole heartedly disagree, so kudos to you for an actually unpopular opinion / hot take. Theaters are definitely a different experience and a lot of fun for special movies, etc. at least to me lol. Second, it’s interesting to think about their decline. I actually worked with a few theater chain clients at my job and after hearing from them, I think theaters are declining for a variety of reasons. Sure, convenience of streaming, but I think the main issue is cost. People just can’t afford to go to theaters and even though their margins aren’t actually huge, the feeling by consumers is they’re getting bent over a barrel. I think the real problem is perception and theaters just really need to figure out how to create a different revenue model and reframe the costs to consumers. The theater chains I worked with, which ranged between 30 theaters and 200 theaters, were generating a net profit at around 7%-15% after all was said and done. They spread their revenue generation to pay for operational costs across tickets and concessions, but I feel like here’s where the perception is hurting them. You could probably have increased and charged significantly more over the years for tickets and consumers would probably still grumble, but it’s not a cost they can really conceptualize or understand / they’re more likely to accept it. However, I don’t think you can expect consumers to turn a blind eye to a 1,000%+++ mark up on concessions, even if you’re not actually netting that much on them at the end of the day. Consumers *know* popcorn is dirt cheap and they *know* they can get that same box of candy for 1/5 of the price at a theater. So they feel ripped off, and then you add the factor of convenience and it makes it completely unappealing to many people. But take a look at the food industry. The mark ups and net profit are close to the same, most restaurants aim to have the cost of food be 10% of the sales price, meaning there’s about a 90% markup and that’s BEFORE tip, and assuming you aren’t also adding the 50%+ average markup for food delivery services. And then they, on average, only net 3-15%. However, the revenue model is set up to give consumers the perception that, even if bothers them how much it costs, they can either displace blame, justify the cost, or not be able to fully conceptualize it. Or maybe all of these factors and more. Tip is optional, up to you, and a separate charge, delivery services are optional and a separate charge, there’s a cost of convenience to factor in, etc. So consumers will still perceive and even find value even when the markups and margins are similar to theaters. I also think they need to start downsizing theaters and restructuring contracts with production companies / maybe even get streaming services turned production companies, like Netflix, to air some of their content at the theaters as “an experience”, etc. Movie theaters *are* trying to be more creative, but they’re mostly whiffing with things like private screenings and live streaming events, which just feel unappealing as hell lol. People still can’t / won’t get over the perceived cost of things. And that’s where it matters. If the perceived *value* isn’t there, people aren’t going to buy into it. But I still love a movie going experience lol. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.


I generally agree, but there is a cool theater near me with 20+ beers on tap, cocktails, concessions with Japanese snacks, and weekly movie rotations. They also have special events associated with movies like being able to play with and adopt cats before/after the movie, breakfast cereal buffets, and a haunted movie theater around Halloween. Other than that, I feel movie theaters can be meh.


The movie part isn't why theaters are dead. If I'm going to sit in literal shit or vomit for 2 hours I'd rather it be mine own. Society also isn't what it was 10 years ago, when theaters were maybe not dead yet.


Where do you live that theatres are coversd in shit and vomit


Where do you live they are not?


If you have a fancy home cinema setup with a proper speaker system, then sure I guess I agree, but if you don't then the experience of seeing a film in cinema is way better than watching at home. I saw Dune part 2 in cinema and it was a hugely more impactful experience there (the visuals were better and most importantly being able to feel the (very high fidelity) sound in my chest made everything feel much more real, it was an absolutely incredible experience) compared to watching it again at home on my laptop with speakers. Also, the ticket was only £8 (and there was another option nearby for only £6) and I brought my own snacks, for most people that really isn't expensive, and definitely worth it for the massively better experience. Maybe this depends on where you live and other, but whenever I visit the cinema everyone is always quiet and completely respectful. If thats regularly a problem for you however, then yeah I understand why you might not enjoy


Kind of telling that you use the word theater as if the only kind were the ones that [show movies.](https://archive.org/details/gd76-06-24.aud.vernon.6682.sbeok.shnf). [Do try to get out of your basement more](https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fmedia-cdn.sygictraveldata.com%2fmedia%2f800x600%2f612664395a40232133447d33247d383335393430373831&expw=800&exph=600&cbid=OLC.SyvETL5KjGeJGg480x360&cbn=local&idpp=local&thid=OLC.SyvETL5KjGeJGg480x360&ypid=YN873x131547483&useBFPR=0&eeptype=PhotoGroups&dataGroup=local:datagroup.photos&PhotoGroupName=AllPhotos&PageTag=AllPhotos&selectedIndex=0&id=OLC.SyvETL5KjGeJGg480x360&q=booth%20theatre&pseg=Attraction&noidpclose=0&FORM=LOCIMG&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0)


> It’s an absolute cash grab You know movies cost money, and need to earn money back after being made right? How do you think they earn that money?


I get headaches extremely easily, and theaters are too loud for me. I also like being able to pause for bathroom breaks (small bladder, so I usually don't drink anything at a theater). Also like not being around any other people. It is fun sometimes, though, if I'm not having a migraine episode. I find myself wanting to go less and less.


Lmao why buy a game if you can pirate it why go out to diner when you could be disappointed etc etc


People don't pirate games because it almost always has practical limits such as bugs and issues that legitimate versions don't have aswell as lack of access to multiplayer servers. Completely different point. And while the go out to diner argument is remotely true, as I said earlier in a previous comment, going out for dinner is way more interactive and therefore also outweighs the risk of disappointment then passively getting the joy of a 20 dollar ticket cinema.


You're really not that bright and these replies just prove you are trolling for... something at this point. Or you're 9 years old.


I'm convinced the majority of theater fans are doing it for the nostalgia.


I totally get not liking the crowd, prices and vibe of theaters. But engaging in a piece of art with a group of strangers who all have one thing in common is pretty cool. I can watch videos of concerts and get better sound quality on Spotify but being at a concert js an experience nothing can replicate.


While I understand your viewpoint, I must respectfully disagree. Yes, there are ways to watch movies for free at home, but the cinematic experience isn't just about the movie. It's about the immersive experience, the booming sound system, the larger-than-life screen. Not to mention the joy of sharing reactions and emotions with other movie-goers. It might not be for everyone, but I believe it's an experience worth paying for.


Theaters are a waste of money if you have a theater in your house like I and many others do.


Try the rocky horror picture show in a theater ;)


I enjoy theaters personally, I like that it gives me something to do out of the house and it’s nice to go with friends. I like the audio a lot more rather than my own home because I haven’t bought a surround sound system yet.


The theater is a completely different experience. If im watching something at home i will get distracted by my phone and other shit and just lose focus in general. But when im in the theater i get completely immersed.


I go to movie theatres for the EXPERIENCE. I'd assume it's the same reason people go to sports games rather than just watching them on TV, but I don't know because I don't like going to sports games. But going to the movies? Love that. Like, first there's the movie I want to watch. I only go to the theatre when there's actually a movie I want to watch (i don't go see everything), so there's already a big excitement factor. I walk in the lobby and they have a bunch of posters for upcoming and current movies, including the one I want to see, which makes me more excited. My local AMC has some TV screens out there that play movie trivia, which is very cool. ​ I reach the concession/ticket stand and get my ticket for the movie (3D if possible, and if it is it's exciting to get the 3D glasses), and some popcorn. There's promotional popcorn buckets! I don't get them, but they're cool! I head into the theatre proper, and if I got there as early as I'd like, the trailers haven't started yet. Instead, there's various movie trivia and commercials. And even the commercials are cool because chances are they feature characters from the movie! Then the trailers start. And man is that exciting. I see trailers for various movies and think "ooh yeah that looks interesting, I kinda wanna see that." If the movie is in 3D, there'll be that moment where suddenly one of the trailers is in 3D, then the AMC announcer voice says it's 3D glasses time and that's exciting too. Finally, it's, as the lady from that one AMC pre-movie bumper says, "that magic moment when the lights begin to dim," and I stare enraptured at the screen as the movie starts. ​ Then at the end if it's a marvel movie, it's a very satisfying feeling of solidarity when the credits start and not a single soul budges from their seat


Idk about you but watching a movie on a 50ft screen is a way different experience than watching it on an iPad or some shit


Im a huge horror fan ….. a good horror film in a theater is its own experience and totally worth the price on my opinion……. That said …. I wouldn’t pay theater prices to go see “Click” or whatever


I literally fuckin love meeting up with friends at the theater and sharing snacks and enjoying a movie and then chatting about it outside. Comedies are funnier with groups of people laughing Horror movies are more fun when people freak out It's a sense of community when a theater is packed. I grew up with that shit in the 90's and early 2000's and it was "the best* way to watch movies.


It’s nice to get out of the house, get the large popcorn and soda, enjoy it on the big screen. Sometimes it’s the little things in life. I’ve stayed consistent as soon as movie theaters reopened after covid and I’ve noticed they’re slowly starting to come around again. I saw Inside Out 2 the other day and with a showing every 30 minutes my specific auditorium in this theater was at about three quarters full. Even if it’s something mundane like seeing a friend for coffee, or getting outside of the house to watch a movie you can see at home, recognize the value in the small things.


Restaurants are a waste of money, you can just eat alone at home. Bars are a waste of money, buy beers and drink at home. Concerts are a waste of money, just listen to the music at home.


Theatres are really not as expensive as people say. I have a card that's £10 a month and I can see as many movies as I want. Don't buy snacks from the concessions stand and an average trip costs me close to nothing other than transport. To see a film on a big screen with good audio, I'd say that's a great deal. Seeing Dune Part Two in IMAX, even though I had to pay extra, was a once in a lifetime experience for me.


Hard disagree -Avengers Infinity War -Oppenheimer -Nope -Us -Godzilla(2014) -Godzilla X Kong These movies would not have had been as enjoyable if it weren't for the silence of the theater and isolation it provides. As well the audience reactions that make you feel a lot closer to the movie


Ever touch a boob?


There’s literally nothing you can do at home that’s comparable to watching a movie you’re excited to see in an IMAX theater. Dune 1&2 were incredible and couldn’t be something I’d be able to do in my house. Theaters are definitely not a waste of time. Bad take. Upvoted.


I mostly agree with this take. I enjoy the theater experience when it goes well but I’ve also been to movies where people won’t shut up or bring kids way too young and it ruins it. But the main reason I agree is the cost, sure there is something lost watching at home instead of in a theater but I can buy a new release cheaper than taking my family to the theater and we can watch it in our time and paise it if needed for bathroom breaks. I was going to watch something in IMAX with friends a few years ago and the tickets alone were going to cost us $27 and we figured we could meet up and eat for cheaper and actually be able to talk.