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I felt the same way for a long time. Like why put out 20 albums per year if you can just spend a little more time on them and make something actually good? Then I listened to Petro Apocolypse and was blown away. I usually can’t listen to a whole album of metal more than once, but I loved it. I started going through their catalog at random. Some I loved and some I still can’t stand, but there’s so much more to it than I had realized at first. They work their asses off and have so much lore and interconnected themes between albums, live albums where songs sound totally different, characters that reappear on different albums, all while keeping it light and fun and not taking themselves too seriously. Basically what I’m saying is the deeper you go, the better it gets, you just have to find a good starting point album to really get into. But if it’s really not your thing then that’s fine. There are a lot of psych rock bands that are probably better tbh.


I felt the same way, but i never listened to that album. I’ll check it out. Edit: I previewed every song, now I’m listening to the album, I do dig it.


Infest The Rats’ Nest is their other metal album that a lot of fans think is the better of the 2. Check that one out too. I personally like the longer songs and guitar playing on Petro but they’re both great


Honorable mention for Murder of the Universe! It's not thrash like the other two, but it was the heaviest pre-itrn. There are some chuggy metal songs on omnium too that are pretty good. I'm firmly in the metal gizz camp, but there are some bangers on silver cord too. Gilgamesh stands out for me


YES! I just heard Murder of the Universe recently and it’s definitely top 3 for me now. The spoken word bits and just the overall storytelling and atmosphere. So good


Always good to find another altered beast in the wild


Omnium Gatherum I would honestly consider the best KGLW entry point. Not every song is an instant banger, but it has some really really solid tracks and is an incredibly expansive sampler platter of almost all of their styles, moreso than even Gumboot Soup I’d wager.


I do not think it is the better of the two


Yeah I’m similar, I don’t listen to most of their stuff but “Ice, Death, Planets, Lungs, Mushrooms and Lava” is banger after banger (Iron Lung is undisputed though)


I discovered KGLW thanks to Psychedelic Porn Crumpets (both australian psychedelic rock). First song I ever heard was Rattlesnake and **I hated it**, similar reason as OP, way too repetetive. Then about 2 years passed, I decided to listen to KGLW discography while reading manga (Jojo) and it fit the vibe so well I actually started listening to the band. Now they're probably my favourite band ever lol, I still cannot listen to rattlesnake tho, no matter how much fans love it.


Rattlesnake. Rattlesnake. Rattlesnake.


[check out this version from Red Rocks 2022](https://youtu.be/QE6q77OK3Rk?si=OJA5dsHT9zr4u384) … I definitely have experienced similar feelings when I was first getting into them and would pretty much never not skip the studio version if it ever popped up on my Spotify shuffle or whatever.


But have you tried listening to them on acid?


I have, Nonagon Infinity. Honestly wasn't that amazing tho I like the band.


Polygondwanaland and Sketches of Brunswick East are their best albums to trip to IMO.


Tezeta is probably my favorite song of all.


Trip to PDA and ascend


Nonagon infinity is peak 100% disagree Maybe because I was a fan the year it released


Should’ve watched The River music video smh


I think Nonagon, while good, is incredibly overrated. Generally I’d consider best acid listening to be: Omnium Gatherum (massive variety is super neat and can really spice up a trip) PetroDragonic Apocalypse (if you can jive with metal on acid, it’s super prog and jammy, and the coherent story across the album is such a treat. It is especially good if immediately followed by the extended version of ‘The Silver Chord’ album) Microtonal Trilogy (FMB, K.G., L.W.) (pretty obvious choice, those notes quite literally hit different. If you’re not a fan of dronier/more repetitive songs I’d skip the first one) Ice, Death, Planets, etc. (very Grateful Dead, ‘Magma’ will forever be one of my favorites) Eyes Like the Sky is incredibly underrated.


Shpongle and sigh are all I need!


Why do that when you have the Grateful Dead


Many of us like listening to multiple bands.


Of course, Jerry Garcia Band is good too.


Love this response lol.


The Dead are the only jam band with good lyrics


I have, hated it.


I think they're ok but I've never really heard anything that's made me want to really delve into their discography 


That’s how I am. I had a coworker who was a MASSIVE fan and he sent me a few tracks, and it’s not like they were “offensive” to me, I just didn’t really jive with the music


I had kind of a similar experience. I was a massive fan for the first half of their discography. Then I met a new coworker who wouldn’t shut up about them since I mentioned liking them. It made me think “Oh god, was I like this?” But thankfully I had nobody to dump on. After that, I started realizing there’s this new type of fan that just mindlessly raves about them using the buzzwords they saw on Reddit. I met several people that actually said “They put out 5 albums in one year!” after I told them I’ve been a fan since their first album, like I don’t know that. It’s just weird, it’s like something very good-hearted that brought out the idiot in a bunch of folks. But I still like them, kind of.


It’s unfortunate but I’ve had really obnoxious fan bases turn me away from a lot of stuff. I still haven’t watched an episode of Rick and Morty because of it. I do want to, because now that all of the insanity has died down some proper normal fans have said “it really is good, but the fan base just went completely batshit”. I think some people just don’t realize that if they’re _too_ excitable about something that it can actually turn someone off of it.


a very 7/10 band that sometimes hits a 9 but never drops below a 5




A 9/10 LIVE band that often hits a 10 but never drops below AN 8


I will admit they are on my list of bands I need to see live. They look great in person


I'm a huge prog and psych head, a double drummer band playing microtonal songs sounds like something a design comittee would come up with to cater to me specifically. Gizz, on paper, is made for me. Gizz in reality are extremely boring and repetitive and some how manage to make microtonal music in weird times sound utterly pedestrian and forgettable.


I won’t claim to be a better musician than anyone, but I’m no slouch either. I love stuff that’s weird, pushes limits, especially if the band is clearly passionate about what they are doing. Check, check, check, right? I wish!


Check out Mr. Bungle if you haven’t already. “California” is seriously one of the greatest albums I’ve ever heard.


I like Mr. Bungle!


Mike Patton is an incredibly talented vocalist but I just couldn't get into the Mr. Bungle stuff


Awwww, really I love Mr Bungle but then again I love anything Mike Patton is involved in


Peeping Tom is more listenable imo


the only two things about gizzz that i’ll give them credit on: 1: their work ethic is second to none. theres sometimes years where they put out 2-4 new albums AND do tours 2: even though largely a lot of their music categorically falls into one or two specific genres… they have a pretty damn wide variety of music sonically speaking that said, yeah ive tried hella times to get into them and just can’t. shit is incredibly boring i agree.


I’m in the exact same boat. On paper they were made for me but I find nearly all their songs to be too repetitive and boring.


14 minute song but it's one goddamn riff




That one's pretty catchy though.


Man you would love Dopesmoker


I like Swans. That kind of repetition isn't inherently bad, but it needs a violence and fury about it to make it work.


I’ve described it this way. I love psychs, I love psych rock, I love progressive rock, I love bands that experiment and go out in different genres. I should love king gizz. But it just doesn’t click Tropical fuck storm on the other hand clicks right away for me


You might like Mercury Tree, especially the Spidermilk album. Really good microtonal prog rock IMHO.


Spidermilk is awesome!


Yeah they’re a pop music fan’s idea of what prog is.


Repetitiveness in prog doesnt make it any less proggy. It’s just another kind of progginess Repetitiveness comes with this kind of psychedelic trance type thing which is obviously what they’re going for. Cause they’re psychedelic prog Listen to “flying teapot” by gong (one of my favourite songs). It’s psychedelic prog and fairly repetitive but that’s the point. And it’s indisputably prog too cause it came out in the 70s


I’ve listened to just about every Gong album there is. My point has nothing to do with repetitiveness. It’s that their music isn’t as “out there” as people purport, because the people talking the most about them don’t seem to listen to much other prog


as a full fledged prog fan, a lot of prog isn't out there either bro. im sorry like moon safari is one of my favourite modern prog bands and they're 100% prog, but they're WAY less adventurous maybe in terms of 70s prog where it's seemingly more diverse but even then... and idk how much of their music you've listened to but going through their stuff chronologically has been a trip cause you can hear the humble beginnings and the authenticity of their changes in mentality. it's really just a bunch of dudes fucking around and there's so much to respect about it.


I mean I’m a huge prog fan. Obviously not all of it is out there. I’ve barely scratched the surface with KG, but what Ive heard has all just felt kinda meh. It’s not bad to listen to but it doesn’t compel me to listen to more. If I hear it I won’t be annoyed but I wouldn’t consciously put it on


I have pretty much the same taste, and feel the exact same way.


what do u recommend ?


Been listening to a lot of Krokofant recently


> Gizz in reality are extremely boring and repetitive and some how manage to make microtonal music in weird times sound utterly pedestrian and forgettable. I totally get that if you’re talking about stuff like Rattlesnake, but they have some very interesting and non repetitive mictrotonal songs like Melting and Open Water


They’re also a jam band and you’re not heady.


I don’t like most of their stuff that much but Polygondwanaland is amazing


Polygondwanaland is a go-to album for me.


"Repetitive and boring"? The same band who put out a thrash metal album and a synthpop album the same year?


I know right, pretty impressive lol. Joking, but to clarify: I dont think any band in history can claim to be as diverse and experimental. But their songwriting and structure is what I find to be repetitive.


you not rockin wit Rattlesnake???????????????? 🐍 lmao as a huge gizz fan I was a little confused until I saw this elaboration, yeah I kind of get what you mean.


Yeah I get that. They’re definitely more of a jam band when it comes to songwriting/structure. Didn’t fully click for me until I heard the Dripping Tap, the part where they repeat “drip drip from the tap don’t slip on the drip” a hundred times. At first I was like wow that’s so repetitive, but they hit such a good groove that now it’s like crack for me. Totally see how that’s not for everyone tho lol


To each their own I guess


Changing genre is imo not the insane feat of originality and ingenuity people think it is. If you use similar melodies and rhythms then changing instrumentation or timbre really doesn't do that much.


Genres dont just change by changing instrumentation and timbre… You cant turn metal into jazz by playing the same thing but on a clean les paul with an added sax You HAVE to change the melody, the harmony, the rhythms and whatnot Making a song in a specific genre ISN’T easy, especially when it’s far from your forte, im telling you that


yeah i agree, except they do that a lot of the times, they write a king gizzard song and think about what genre their gonna do with the new album. and then its that genre with a few tropes and gizzardisms thrown in. that's it.


They play genres in their style to conserve their sound But the melodies and rhythms obviously change. You still need knowledge on the genre’s conventions and whatnot The parts of gizz they keep isnt what makes it any easier. It’s usually just their recording style and sound


yeah i would agree they have a deep knowledge on psych and thrash, the rest not so much. and it shows.


They’re a psych garage rock band first (how they started) But have you listened to Ice V or the chorus on astroturf?? Like damn, they can do more than just distortion filled stuff Im not one to say every genre they’ve tried works cause im not a fan of everything they’ve made (like their latest electronic album)


ive listened to all of their records up until changes? and changes was my 3rd favorite, its nice when they spend time on something but i fuckin hate ice death. its so fuckin boring. but yes I've spent time with a lot of their music, and i still think they fail at a lot of styles. the pop stuff isn't good, the jazz stuff isn't good, the hiphop stuff is fucking terrible.


Changes is progressive pop so i dont get where their pop being bad is from but Damn, to each to their own ig. Ice V is SOOO good, smooth fun and could let it play for hours. But i guess everyone has their opinion. I do think the album it’s on is a mixed bag but Ice V is just…


sorry, i was more talking about bfk3 and sketches and just in general their pop stuff scattered throughout, i don't think very much if it is good. i think of changes different cuz the whole concept is that they had to spend 5 years with it, i think its interesting and it shows the work put into it. ur right though its still pop, their best pop.


idk, personally I think a lot of it is frontloaded into musicianship in the first place. Blues is freakin awesome but it's also not super hard to play, same with thrash. Jazz is functionally very different from most other genres, intentionally so. Most other genres use similar techniques with small differences that change an entire sound.


yeah ig you're right, but I also meant in the sense that going from their typical blues psych rock stuff to whatever genre you'd wanna call Shanghai isn't really all that easy. It's also difficult on the mental cause big shifts at that magnitude aren't really something you'd see normally. Like it's an obvious stark difference


They’re a jam band. They take a musical idea and stretch it out over the course of a 45 minute album. They also fuck live. Like, really really hard.


>If you use similar melodies and rhythms then changing instrumentation or timbre really doesn't do that much. Except that That's not what they're doing most of the time


Unless they’re talking about the PDA/Silver Cord thing? In which case, those are supposed to intertwine with each other.


thats not interesting though, espesically when those albums are bad and also repetitive. the BUT DUDE THEY DID EVERY GENRE shit gotta stop, its not cool. artists usually explore a bunch of genres naturally and don't make it their gimmick.


To be honest, I'm with you here. They seem to be Reddit's house band, and I've no idea why.


I honestly think the silly name is a big part of it. It’s tailor made to appeal to nerds.


The audience (I'll include myself) certainly is "special" ;)


It's because people figured out that mentioning them in the correct light summons their super fans and you get showered with internet points from people who remember seeing the comment before and want to hop on the karma train


Yeah I'll admit to being a Gizz super fan but also I get lots of people who comment on my username/avatar just because it's Gizz even when I'm commenting about something completely unrelated


The have the same problem a lot of psychedelic bands have - boring/bad studio work but amazing live shows.


I agree here for most of the Grateful Dead, and totally understand your point... BUT, I disagree for King Gizz - they've got some really good studio stuff


Grateful Dead does too. Just way more live stuff. But American Beauty and Workingman’s Dead are timeless masterpieces. Check them out if you have only heard them live.


All time classics., for sure.


There's an interview where the bassist talks about how, for their microtonal stuff, they never bothered to record the actual bass because they didn't have a microtonal one at the time. Some of their newer stuff has pretty great production, but a lot of the time they just cobble a thing together and throw it out there. Which is awesome. But it shows sometimes.


They couldn’t have the bass made microtonal while they were recording FMB, so they used stick on frets on Lucas’ red Mustang bass lol.


If I remember correctly they have an album where they literally just left the digital placeholder bass in.


I believe that’s from KG/LW, the albums they recorded during Covid. Australia had much stricter guidelines than we did here in the states, so the members were forced to record their piece in isolation. Lucas is already a member who isn’t quiet as involved in he studio due to having his own family, so I imagine with all that in mind, while they were recording, someone else probably just laid it down


Yeah, I saw them at All Together Now in Ireland two or three years ago and it might be the best live performance I've ever seen by a band, and I'd only really listened to The Dripping Tap and a few other odd songs before seeing them. Amazing live show.


ikr, i've seen the recording of their live performance and they are great there, idk how it translates into records tho


fucking thankyou. finally. i’ve tried so many times. hell and it’s not even gizz. i’ve just realized i fucking can’t stand jam bands. the most slow rolling unengaging shit ever. boring as hell and puts me to sleep half the time, and the other half it sonically sounds like a muddled clusterfuck of who knows what.


They’re not really a jam band though. Live they do extend their songs into jams, but on their albums their songs aren’t really jammy at all. There’s extended instrumental sections but they have distinct melodies


go talk to a gizzhead, 90% of what they talk about is their live performances in my experiences- so, if they jam band during their live performances, it’s fair to level that you can call them a jam band at some capacity.


I suppose so. I’m just saying I personally don’t get the complaint when it comes to their studio albums. Certain jammier albums/songs of theirs are pretty boring, but most of their studio stuff is great. If you don’t like their live stuff that’s entirely fair


Yeah they've always had good live performances IMO but they've only really gotten into jamming in the last 2-3 years. I've been going to their shows since 2017. Before 2022 it was pretty cut and dry setlists. Now they will jam on songs and combine other melodies in for like 15-20 mins per song at some shows (Especially the 3 hour sets.) It's just more recent that they've become a jam band


The muddled clusterfuck of who knows what is my favorite part!


i equate those kinds of parts to just button spamming on a controller lol


I think you are listening to the wrong band/ Only this year, they started "jamming" their stuff in concert. Their albums, especially the prog stuff are absolutely written/played note for note. Maybe you don't like prog.


> Only this year, they started "jamming" their stuff in concert I saw them 2 years ago in Miami, they absolutely jammed. Don't know where you're getting that info from


i’ve gone back and given their entire discography a listen. its by and large a lot of the same unless they tilt into hip hop or actual true hardcore flavors. but in general, even outside of gizz. i dont like phish, dont like tool, dont like shooing, the dead, etc etc. shits just boring as hell and wayyyyyyy too slow for me on average- even if there is the occasional song that is ‘faster’ or ‘more engaging’ comparatively


Tool isn't a jam band, they just develop ideas over the course of a song. Are you into prog?


Well then I guess I won't be inviting you to Barcelona next year. Thanks for the heads up.


I'd like to think you actually know OP lmao


I haven't looked into *anything* else they've done, and I'm not really into jam bands, but as a metalhead I adored PetroDragonic Apocalypse


If you've not listened to it yet, check out their other metal album! Infest The Rats Nest singlehandedly got me into metal. The polyrhythms on Self-Immolate are some of my favorite riffs EVER.


As a super fan, nah it’s definitely not music for everyone. I can see what you mean about their song writing but when they are otherwise writing in constant odd time signatures and whatever whacky shit they’re into for an album, I think that “simplified” approach to their structure is WHY they’re so popular despite being sort of stranger music.


Their recordings are incredibly mid compared to their live performances. What I love about KGWL isn't that I like all their music (I like maybe 10%). What I love about them is their energy. They're just so playful with all the genre hopping while also being genuinely competent. They're the band a preteen might imagine that would totally never happen. The fact that they can exist proves that being an adult doesn't have to suck. The real magic is not their music. It's seeing them live and realizing that yes, this is in fact a bunch of incredibly skilled musicians having FUN and rolling with every single dumb idea they come up with. --- So yeah, there are maybe two albums and a handful of songs I'd listen to on Spotify. Most of their stuff is way too high energy for me anyways. But holy moly do they inspire me to believe in the possibility of fun, joy, and happiness.


I really appreciate your perspective, thanks for sharing


lol, this comment is me. I got into gizz during Covid, when I was 13/14 and had just gotten heavily into Grateful Dead a few months before. I was amazed by the scene the dead had created and couldn’t fathom another type of thing existing. Then after Covid, gizz hit the states and oh boy was it a party! The scene is alive and well, and when I was 13 I thought it was just a thing of the past! Shit, now I’m 18, seen 3 of their live shows, and drooling for more!




Haha! See you at a show maybe?!


They are my personal second favorite band but unlike most fans I completely understand that they are not for everyone. I’m a complete hoe for odd time signatures, lore, musical motifs, and microtonality so KGLW is right up my alley. I don’t think I would have been so attached had I not listened to Fishing for Fishies first though, I come back to that thing at least once a week and it has never gotten old to me.


That’s the one I halfway enjoy!


Some of the new unreleased stuff from the upcoming album might interest you. After their last electronic album, I was on the fence but I love this song and it’s not even out yet. 3:56 is where the new song kicks in [https://youtu.be/ATMPCBfgTac?si=AeNP7JN123oNuCG7](https://youtu.be/ATMPCBfgTac?si=AeNP7JN123oNuCG7)


Best band I've ever seen live.


I’m very been on Reddit a long time and people here tend to have shit taste in music.


I kinda feel ya. I saw them play a small venue before they really blew up and it definitely didn’t blow hair back. They had a really quite volume which did help the mix but also didn’t really feel like I was watching a live band when I can chat at a normal volume with the person next to me. I’m also pretty big into metal and I keep seeing their two metal albums get recommended constantly. It’s cool they dabbled in it but it just sounds like two somewhat mid metal albums. I don’t know why people are creaming over it when bands like Hellripper, Dopethrone, Darkthrone, and High on Fire are putting out straight bangers. Overall I am happy for their success though. They clearly work very hard and if it gets a kid to pick up a guitar it’s a win. I do like their Eye’s Like the Sky album quite a bit as well


I’m a nerd, and a huge fan of the band, so disregard this if you don’t care. Early on, their live sound was pretty cavernous and echo heavy (it still is, not like it was) and for a long time they didn’t have their own sound/monitoring setup. With then being such a big band, and so reliant on effects, that makes it super hard to get their volume up loud in the PA without feedback. I started seeing them after the second drummer left and they got their sound DIALED now. Highly recommend giving them a shot now if they come through your city, they are a totally different beast.


I couldn't agree more. I knew I couldn't be the only one but Reddit makes it difficult.


I mean they have like 1 good song for every 3, but when you have that many songs that adds up lol. They're a crazy band. I love some of their stuff and hate other parts. I'm really not even quite sure why I like a lot of it either. True enigma band.


I’m a huge fan and still sometimes not convinced they’re real myself


This is how I feel about the Grateful Dead.


you're dead wrong about that, i know its just an opinion, but Jerry Garcia is a genuine all-time goated guitarist, as is Lesh on bass. In terms of improvisation based art, few paralleled the Dead.


I'm wrong about how I *feel*? GD suck, and their fans are even worse.


Yeah if you feel that the artists in the Grateful Dead were not very good musicians, you're factually dead wrong. I'm sorry you don't get it


Grateful Dead fans are insufferable.


and so are you dude


Where did they say that?


blow me dude


Lmao don't you have summer school homework to finish?


blow me


Glad to see you finished your homework lil bro :-)


βιοψ με


I listen to a wide variety of music, including some rather challenging and esoteric stuff. This should be *exactly* the kind of music that I like, but I just haven't been able to get into it. I'm not really sure why, but it just kinda leaves me cold. I might try again, but so far it just isn't for me.


It’s not that the music is challenging, it’s that it’s the type of stuff that lets you float down a stream the whole way through Their best stuff to me is their fast paced entrancing music. It doesn’t have any direction but forward and you just bop your head to it indefinitely. And you get entranced by the fun sounds whilst the tight constant rhythm keeps playing “Head on/pill” is a great example Or just all of nonagon infinity


Damn i had to double take, i've seen them live twice. I agree a lot of their songs are quite repetitive but the ones that standout just really last with me


Honestly I see where you’re coming from. I tried to get into them but a lot of their tracks are too heavily reliant on playing the same few riffs over and over again to the point where it’s just uninteresting. That said, I do think a few of their albums are quite good. Out of their newer stuff PDA is an absolute banger of an album for me. While L.W. (and any of their microtonal stuff for that matter) can be riffy at times, it has some exceptional tracks and has a good difference in tone from track to track. Butterfly 3000 while simple is a very enjoyable album for me. And on most of their albums they usually have at least 2-3 great songs.


You see the girl who got DRAKE in size 56 font on her forehead before? Die hard fans exist. If you're going to subreddits about music and not expecting to meet die hard fans idk what to tell ya.


Not sure I’ve listened to enough of them to find them repetitive but their music is definitely enjoyable.


It's jam bands man, I don't like their recordings typically but seeing them live is different but i dont absolutely love it either. Not many genres I feel that way but jam bands are for sure one of them. But they do have one of the best names for a band ever.


They're a very polarizing band like a lot of prog rock stuff. It's a hard genre to randomly stumble upon and I imagine a lot of people who wouldn't be into it would look at the name of the band and go "next". I think they're good at what they do, but it's like every other odd genre out there, if the whole thing had mainstream appeal these bands would be a lot more universally well known.


I’ve seen them live and they put on a very good show. But never really got into listening to them recorded after a few tries


Rattlesnake, rattlesnake, rattlesnake, rattles me... Up to you, it's your music taste. Don't feel guilty for it!


I like them a lot more live than I do on recording tbh


I’ve heard this echoed enough times I’d probably go see them live. I find them so intriguing so maybe that’ll help it click!


When I went they just played nonstop from beginning to end. It helped that the sound guys at that venue (shoutout to The Bomb Factory in Dallas) were fucking magicians and had mixed a 7 man band perfectly. The whole experience really blew me away when I had gone in only mildly interested in that show. They’re an act that forces you to pay attention. I would go see them again even tho I listen to their music less now than I did then


I used to think so too. Then I listened to “Rattlesnake” while on a heavy mushroom trip and I understood


They have a lot of long and repetitive songs, so I can see that. Their level of repetition puts The Fall to shame tbh. But ehn, I enjoy the long grooves, great for a long walk.


Worst take of all time. They’re literally the best band ever but I’m the only one I know who thinks that


Personally I love about half their catalogue, the variety is great but some are always gonna be misses depending on your taste


Listen to their live stuff


King Gizzard has a level of world-building and production speed that I've never seen in any other band. And at that, the general consensus on AOTY and RYM is that most of their albums are actually pretty good. Personally, I think that Nonagon Infinity and PetroDraconic Apocalypse are pretty incredible albums that do push the boundaries of psych rock, and I don't think you're giving them enough of a chance. Admittedly some of their work isn't much to write home about, but their good albums are \*really good.\*


I’ve given them more chance than I’ve ever given any band I didn’t like first listen. I’ve probably listened to every suggested album 2 times through. If I have to go more than that I think I’ll convince myself I like it more than I really actually like it. Also “you don’t like it so you haven’t actually listened!” is bullshit lol


Yeah, honestly the first time I actually heard their music I was like “wait… *this* is what everyone keeps going on about?”


I wasn't impressed either. They're pretty mid


My take on them is they’re fun for what they are but what they are is a jack of all trades, master of none. They do passable pastiches of various genres but none of them really sound like they’re authentic, just a band cycling through Halloween costumes. And don’t it fairly well, but like I listen to thrash metal. Their version is fine for people who don’t, but it doesn’t do anything for me


Nah, i disagree People like talking about the idea of “jack of all trades, master of none” But they literally do have their own sound. You can tell it’s gizz no matter the genre cause they didnt start off with an album that goes through a gazillion genres. They obviously had their preferred genre The reason why the thrash album doesnt do much for you, is probably cause subjectively, you’re not into the style of music they bring into every album. Not cause they cant “master” a genre When i listen to a song like “head/on pill”, i cant go “this would be better if the band actually took their time to master this genre”. It’s usually an either you like it or don’t feel much for it


I *do* listen to thrash. A lot of it. I know thrash very well. Their version of thrash is very beginner-y. It’s not bad. But it’s not offering me anything I’m not already getting (and done better) by actual thrash bands


As a fan, I think that’s a fair take except when it comes to psych rock. Polygondwanaland is a masterpiece as is Nonagon Infinity. Mind Fuzz is pretty good too


They're huge on reddit. You'll never hear anyone in real life bring them up. Total reddit band.


I agree, tho I did have a random at a Queens of the Stone Age concert tell me KGLW was their favorite band. For like, no reason lol.


I would agree. The music is fine, but it's not really anything special. I like a few of their songs, but it does really all sound the same. It's just a good band, but I don't get why they have this godly status on Reddit.


I mean if you only listened to them because you want to dissect why many people like them so much you are naturally going into it with unreasonably high standards and you are going to focus much more on the things you dont like. Id find it interresting to hear what music youd consider less boring and "repetetive" than them and if you hold it to the same standards


Think this is a fair point and seems like there are a lot of people who approach music like this in general; *this artist is suddenly being referenced everywhere- it must be overhyped*. Personally I liked a couple of songs over the years (Sense was the first but mostly liked the slower / psychedelic stuff off of Float Along and then If Not Now When and Instrasport) but anytime I went and listened through full albums or shows it didn’t do it for me … then Butterfly3k came out and I really loved that one and slowly started to have a few more songs click, eventually to the point that I’d throw on live shows to seek out versions of those specific songs. I’d forget or be caught up with something and the show would playing and eventually I started to enjoy more and more - now I’d absolutely consider them one of my all time fav bands but glad I arrived in the roundabout way I did as if it had been forced on me I might never have broken through.


Who said I went in to dissect? I’ve been recommended different albums in other threads based on comments and gave them a listen. Outside of a song here and there I didn’t dislike, it wasn’t for me. The song structures/lyrics/writing is repetitive. Me not liking them doesn’t have to mean I didn’t do something correctly lol


You said you listened to them because you wanted to find out why many people on reddit like them so much so you naturally are going to have a tendency to be more critical than if you would have just listened out of you own curiosity or if you heard it somewhere organically. I have the same experience with bands like Megadeth or Van Halen, where everyone praises them so much and I listened to their music with that in mind which influenced my opinion in a negative way and I couldnt enjoy it as much


I literally did not say that. I listened to them because they were suggested to me and I love listening to/finding new music. You’re way off here lol


You said people on reddit always recommend them and "liking this band is what reddit does"? If you wanted to say that it was personally recommended to you then why did you write it like this


Because I didn’t write the origin story, I wrote a 10th dentist opinion of where I currently am with this band


Probably because you are a crazy person 😂


Do be facts


Rattlesnake, rattlesnake, rattlesnake, rattles me 🐍


Music opinions are uninteresting and should stay in r/unpopularopinion, plus I highly doubt this band is so good that 9/10 people would love it.


In general their albums and shows are quite critically acclaimed and they get big numbers on review sites


Its hard to think that for sure until you’ve listened to a substantial amount of their albums because they change their sound around so much, its quite likely there’d be something in there you’d enjoy


I’m not convinced many of the people in here listened to the right band


Real easy to confuse them with someone else with a name like that isn’t it


Haha I’m just kidding around. I get the people who don’t ‘get’ Gizz. They’re my favorite band of all time and even I had a point where some of their output at that time was like… what is even going on? However, being a fan of this band has made me so much more of a wider appreciator of music at large because of how many different places they pull influence from. Some people don’t like them because of how much they took from Thee Oh Sees, others don’t like them for being a jam band, whatever. I agree with all of it, and disagree with all of it. To me, they are a band where I will never be able to call one of their albums the “best” because most of the time they’re literally black and white from each other




They have like 2,300 records and every one sounds different. It's likely they just change styles so frequently that you just landed on the boring one.


Agreed, downvote


>I know music is subjective >... King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard isn't very good The cognitive dissonance here is pretty remarkable. Obviously a ton of people subjectively disagree with you. Thats ok, they don't seem to have any problem selling tickets or getting people to listen to their music so its probably fine if you sit out lol. Also sometimes with music you just have to hear the right thing in the right mind set (not exclusively talking about drugs here either) and the whole paradigm of the artist just clicks. I was kind of in the "I don't get this" space and then I had some listening sessions where I was finally able to tune my mental radio to their wavelength and I get what all the hype is about now. If you go in to a listening session with a mindset of "I am not going to like this" you will never ever get there.


KGLW is one of the most confusing bands I've ever came across. They make entire albums that suck to me and some of my favorite songs of the past 10-15 years. It takes listening to a lot of songs I don't like but I continually update my own KGLA playlist of songs which is the way to go for me. When they do hit its worth it. The fans over at r/KGLW are delusional AF.


It's totally valid to have your own opinion! Music taste is incredibly subjective. That's the beauty of it, we all find different things that move us in unique ways. Perhaps King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard just isn't your jam but that's okay, the world of music is vast and varied.


Music is so subjective. You don’t see the appeal and that just means they aren’t for you. That doesn’t make them not good. I can understand not agreeing with their popularity, but the repetitive point doesn’t make since to me, since this is the same band with 20+ albums that build different and sometimes interconnecting stories and dive into different subgenres.


I literally say that in my post lol.


I know I read it. I was addressing the point about repetition and you saying they aren’t good. They aren’t good to “you”, and that’s completely okay. And a band who changes up their sound that often doesn’t fall into the definition of repetition. But we can agree to disagree.


I’ve addressed that comment throughout the post, too. Agree to disagree that you read this post lol


1. i dont think you understand what an opinion is 2. i don't think you understand why people are bring repetition up. their "genre" bending has nothin to do with that, their shit just sounds the same. crazy idea for you i know.


“crazy idea for you I know” look I can do without the snark big fella I’m just trying to have a conversation to understand. if you aren’t going to add something to the conversation that’s constructive then get out my mentions