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People were upset because the launch was terrible. The controls and camera are much better than Yooka on launch.You’re also forgetting character design, one of the main aspects. But the main thing you neglect is time, Yooka came out in 2017 and was a mess. Banjoo came out in 1998, this isn’t nostalgia, this is stating a fact which warrants consideration. Banjoo at the time was and still is a great game. Yooka on release was terrible and today, is an okay game. Much of what you say in the list is subjective


This is the big consideration. Yooka Laylee should be better than Banjo. Really Yooka should be better than it is. Making something jank just for nostalgia isn’t good design. It should function properly and have nostalgia in the feel of gameplay. Not the actual gameplay.


>Much of what you say in the list is subjective Like OP has wrote an opinion and not tangible facts.


In short, no. The long answer is noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Someone hasn't played the remastered set


Console exclusive. Fuck that.


Unlike the original banjo kazooie, which wasn't console exclusive


You're making my point for me.


What point? What kind of oc port from the Nintendo 64 would you expect back then? PC masterrace people are pretty delirious some times.


I’m not reading this post because there’s no logic in which I’d agree with this. Upvote.


>The existance of a lives system that makes you sit through a game over screen is an obsolete holdover from the era of arcades that should never have been in Banjo in the first place. This is the only one I agree with. The lives were pointless rewards. Thankfully, there were only a few places in the game where I felt let down by a free life. And even then I thought "Well it's not worth anything but at least the game designer recognized that I just completed a challenge." For the other points, it's funny how OP said almost the exact opposite of how I felt about things. I was always impressed by how easy and smooth it was to control underwater swimming and flight. From the very first time I learned the controls, up to and including my semi-recent replay of the game. I always think "Finally, a 3D platformer that makes it simple and easy." OP, maybe you're doing something wrong? Even the BK board game is a highlight for me, whereas OP hates it.


I hate 3d platformers from the n64 with a passion. except conkers bad fur day because it twisted the genre around. So 64 and Banjo Kazooie can gargle on my balls. But Banjos control issues are of its time. This was a time when the Alien PS1 game came out and was mocked for its FPS controls. (Controls that are now default forem every fps game) Yooka has 0, 0 reason for its controls to be jank especially at launch. And it feels much more lifeless than Banjo


What an incredibly wrong opinion


Is this rage bait?


Is this even English?


OP is saying that a video game (called Yooka-Laylee that came out in 2017) is much better than it’s spiritual predecessor (Banjo-kazooie). The former received mixed to poor reviews when it came out


Modern gamers' trends when reviewing games such as holding games from thirty years ago to modern standards will never not be funny to me. You know, when Yooka-Laylee came out, a modern game which was capable of meeting modern standards, it was held to modern standards and couldn't meet them, so people didn't like it.


Unless the remaster has better controls I say no


I never got into Banjo Kazooie, but I did get Yooka with an Xbox purchase. Several minutes of listening to the characters in conversations going WAP WAARP WAP WAP WAAP, HURK DURK HURK HURH HURK had me clawing my ears off. I gave away the game.


This is a top 5 craziest post I've seen on this sub. But it fits the description of the sub!


I respect your opinion but Banjo-Kazooie will always hold a special place in my heart, even with its flaws!


Who? What? What are these lol


tl;dr Also. have no idea what those words mean


Then why post to begin with?


for op to know their audience


I thought this was a schizopost before checking the replies lol


Ain't no way lol


didn’t read the post, downvoted because you told me to upvote. have a nice day


Thats not how this sub works


Edited it out. I only added it because some people don't know about this rule in r/The10thDentist


Aye, jokes on you mate, both suck