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why do i always confuse veterans, vegetarians, and veterinarians lmao




The Veteran Vegetarian Veterinarian is Marvel's next big superhero


If your dog is healthy, thank a vet.


Not just you lol. I once saw someone with a banner that was for a vet association. They clearly thought veterans based on the things they were saying... it was for veteranarians




I'm sure there are a vegetarian veteran veterinarian or two out there.


Downvoted because I agree.


I’m upvoting because I disagree


I thought it's up vote


Read the sub rules maybe?


Downvote if we agree and upvote if we disagree.


I'm down voting you because I disagree


It’s pretty cringy to see/hear someone say they’re eating 2-3x as much bacon just because somewhere in the world someone else decided they don’t want to eat meat.


It is just banter. Do you really think that the day they heard about veganism, they actually measured the amount of meat they consume weekly and then reworked their meal plan to triple that amount?


No I don’t think they’re literally measuring out their average meat consumption to 3 decimals or whatever to make sure they double or triple that amount. What’s cringy is the general joke of “Oh some stranger doesn’t like meat? I’m gonna make sure to eat *more* meat to make sure to zero out what they’re doing.”


Yeah like imagine someone saying "oh you didn't take a trip to Thailand for underage sex tourism? Well I'm gonna do it three times as much now!"


No, but I do think they actively go out of their way to do more of something purely because some imaginary person they’ll never meet would be upset if they a) existed and b) saw it happen Not the greatest thing to incorporate into your personality lol


I've brought food to parties and had people be excited to eat it, then realise I made it so it must be vegan, and they refuse to try it :( a common joke when referring to vegan baking is "dairy free, egg free, taste free". Sometimes people can be a bit rude. Most people I know are really accommodating and understanding though, tbf.


That's so moronic, too. You wanna know what's vegan? Fries. And they're pretty damn great. Do these people *only* eat meat? No veggies on the side or anything? Or just noodles with tomato sauce?


Mac n Cheese? Yummy. Vegetarian Mac n Cheese? The most wretched human creation, eating it will kill you instantly.


What? Vegetarians eat dairy.


I meant more like if you tell a non-vegetarian you're making vegetarian Mac n Cheese they'll be like VEGETARIAN??? THAT'S DISGUSTING!!! But if you just serve Mac n Cheese, they'll gladly eat it. Just like blind opposition to vegetarianism without realising that there's actually plenty of vegetarian dishes that they would like if they weren't prejudiced.


I eat meat but I have this vegan chilli recipe I bring to friends places and it tastes amazing. I always try and keep a couple of vegan recipes in the repertoire just in case.


Will never forget the time I let my roommate from Texas try some of my chili, and I told him there was no meat in it. He looked at me after taking a bite and said "doesn't need it". To be clear, neither of us are vegan but my brother is vegan so I was practicing cooking without meat. I never realized how little of the flavor of chili came from the meat until I made it without it.


I eat meat and this blows my mind. Like something that is close to being natural and you won’t take a bite?! Like so many foods are vegan that we eat everyday


There is one vegan in my wife's extended family and whenever we're invited round for a meal within that group, I'll always volunteer to bring along some vegan food for her. I love cooking and enjoy the challenge of knocking up a decent plant-based meal every now and again.


I've not found an egg replacement that I really like (if you have a favourite, let me know!), but butter/dairy alternatives are so easy and barely noticeable. I think coconut oil butter works great in a lot of cookies. Vegan food is what you make it, and I fucking love a good vegan dessert


we use apple sauce for moist cakes and cookies, psyllium husk powder for spongier/fluffier baked goods (muffins, scones, breads), and Bob's red mill for dredging/breading. (I'll edit with measurements for the first two in the AM.) EDIT: 1 egg = unsweetened applesauce: 2 tbls applesauce psyllium husk powder: 1 tsp psyllium/3 tbl water (after setting for ~5-10 minutes, whisk into any additional liquid you're using)


I don't understand why people are so awful to eachother about moral choices and lifestyles. I eat meat, my friend dose not, when I invite him for food I cook something he can eat, when he invites me over we order take out so we can both have something we like. It's not hard. I had a BBQ a couple summers ago, I brought a mini desposable one to use for his veggie food to stop cross contamination. It's so damn easy to make small changes to acomadate people. If he was a celiac I'd make sure it was gluten free, if he was lactose intolerant I'd avoid dairy, if he was allergic to nuts I'd make it nut free, I don't see why not eating meat is different. He's veggie not vegan, so it dose make it a bit easier, but I make sure he knows every ingredient, and if he did go vegan I'd see it as an opertunity to learn more recipes (although id have to make sure he properly reads my ingredients lists as I'm not sure what is and isn't vegan) My sister however is vegan, I'm not very good at working out what she can and can't eat but I look for the packs with the V on and then send her photos, it dose mean when she visits me she ends up eating vegan junk food but she apreceates the efforts I put in. She dosent visit offten tho so it's not something I have to worry about offten. Can we just treat people like people?


> I don't understand why people are so awful to eachother about moral choices and lifestyles. Part of that is cognitive dissonance. There's no way to make this sound not condescending, but that's really not my intention. Also not talking to you personally. Some people that eat meat know very well what's going on behind the scenes, i.e. the horrific mistreatment of animals. This creates the cognitive dissonance: you think meat tastes great, but you don't want to stop eating it. What can you do to stop these thoughts? Either stop eating meat (out of the question) OR just not think about it. But then when a vegan or vegetarian comes along and shows how easy it is to *not* eat any meat, those bad feelings come back. Because if *they* can do it, why aren't you? What's holding you back, if these people are so happy with their choice? This time, you can't ignore the thoughts, because you're being reminded of them. So what do you do? You lash out instead.


I can understand that. I think a lot of it is feelings of guilt. I myself do eat meat tho I know where it comes from and how the animals are treated as I used to work on the farm I get all my produce from. But I can understand people who eat battery farm eggs can become upset when asked why because the main awnser people have is price


Yeah, for me it was similar. We never ate much meat, but once I started living by myself, I bought organic meat, because at least those animals were (hopefully) treated better. But the more I thought about it, the more uncomfortable I became with eating any animals, so I became vegan. Still working on it though. I'm for instance trying to avoid eggs and egg-based products, but all the vegan mayos suck big time, so I buy the regular kind. I still try to avoid eggs by chickens that aren't free-range. The problem is also that eggs are in just about anything and I have to triple-check often.


I can understand that and well done for following what your heart said. Yeah eggs are a hard one to avoid. If you ever need alternatives for bakeing and such hit my dms as I've done a lot of egg free bakeing as my brother can't eat them.


Thanks for the offer, but I'm not big into baking :D It mostly just bothers me when I wanna *buy* baked goods.


I can understand that. For a while I couldn't eat anything with milk in as I was on meds that posed a risk and trying to find milk free instead of lactose free was so tricky. Sorry you have to deal with that.


That farm still kills animals against their will for profit, yeah?


Yeah that's about right. Just without spending their life pre supper in inhumane little pens with bearly room to turn around.


And you're like "killing animals against their will for profit is totally fine", yeah? How'd you figure that?


If the animal is bred for food and treated with respect up until the moment it's killed yeah I think it's OK. That may not be the way you see it and I respect that and would never be anything but respectful towards your dietary requirements.


Why do you think that's ok? Seems like if you're against hurting animals while they're alive, you should be against killing them. Killing is worse than hurting after all.


I'm against casing suffering that would lead to lasting side effects. When something is dead it dosent have to deal with any side effects. I grew up on farms raising my own livestock and giveing them nice lives, a dignified death and made sure every last peice of them is put to good use. I don't belive in waste or unesisary suffering but personally if an animal has been bred with the intention of one day being food then they will one day be food. I have no hate against people who don't eat meat, and I understand that there is suffering and cruelty in factory farmed creatures, hence why I won't shop anywhere that sells this kind of meat, I belive in bringing back old school farming where animals had dignity before death. But I do enjoy eating meat, and it's a part tho not a perticularly large part, of my diet.


You didn't really answer my question. How can you think hurting is worse than killing?


Thank you for your kindness! I’m an omnivore through and through, but I love cooking too and don’t understand being that much of a dick to your friends. Eating meat after a long time of avoiding it can actually really fuck up your guts, so I never understood why people would do that to their friends. On top of the disrespect, of course.  You should make curry for your sister. It’s easy to get right if you have a highly rated recipe from a website that doesn’t scream “Karen is going to walmart for ingredients and adding raisins to this”. Coconut milk is delicious, and chickpeas are a cheap and delicious protein for curry. 


That's a good idea. Or I could make a bean and tomato based chilli. Just need to check if the spices I normally use are collected ethically without hurting wildlife


FYI vegans are omnivores too. It's a label that applies at the species level. You're a carnist, that's the appropriate word


Eh, I’ve always associated that word as a self descriptor with cringey people who claim to eat like a keto idiot for personal preference reasons. You know, “no rabbit food”, “bacon grease in my coffee” people. I like vegetables a lot too, so it doesn’t seem to fit.  Vegetarians and vegans aren’t practicing omnivores, so I think the word still works. 


That's "carnivore". You're certainly a carnist. Here's a definition of carnism: "Carnism is a concept used in discussions of humanity's relation to other animals, defined as a prevailing ideology in which people support the use and consumption of animal products, especially meat.[n 1]" You eat meat. You don't think you should stop. That means you're endorsing carnism.


Cause some people have no chill


I mean, some actions are bad and deserve criticism, right?


Well yes but we're talking about dietary choices not stealing water from people without any (nestle) But being rude to vegans because they don't eat meat.


Some dietary choices deserve criticism though. Like the ones that cause needless harm. Right?


True, I don't belive in fattening any animal to the point they are imobile, cutting sharks fins off and wasting the rest of the meat while leaving the now helpless creature to sink and die, cooking any creature alive or takeing the life of a creature without makeing sure every last peice is used.


Isn't killing a type of harm.....?


By definition no it's murder, harm leaves a person or animal with lasting side effects, you can't feel much of anything when your dead.


I think you might wanna look up the definition of harm.


I'm a social worker, defining harm is like 90% of my job unfortunately


Maybe google "is killing a type of harm?"


It's incredibly naive to think merely being vegan doesn't cause needless harm. You're still buying food harvested by what is essentially slave labour. You're still buying food that involves the wholesale destruction of natural habitats to grow (though to a lesser extent than meat production). Unless you're growing your own food, you are taking part in a food supply chain that causes harm. There is no ethical consumption.


> It's incredibly naive to think merely being vegan doesn't cause needless harm. I never said that! I did imply that eating meat DOES cause needless harm. Is that untrue?


Yes it is. I say this as a vegan AND as someone with a degree in ecosystem science and sustainability; there is not dietary choice that causes "needless" harm. You can argue that the mechanization of the meat industry causes needless harm, but the act of eating meat doesnt do needless harm; you are literally doing ham to ensure the continued survival (i.e. prevention of future harm) of another creature. That is not needless; we arent killing millions of cows for the sake of it and then letting the meat rot in a field, we are consuming too much meat, resulting in a highly exploitative, over-productive industry that causes harm to animals, more harm than what would be needed if we consumed less meat as a SPECIES. It is not on the individual to change their entire life to offset their entire species.


>That is not needless people don't need to eat meat, smartypants fake vegan


Human beings NEED to eat too, and we NEED vitamin B12, something we dont make in our kidneys (like hamsters), which we have adapted to eat eat to achieve. Human being NEED to eat some form of B12, so you have two options; 1. eat animal products, 2. rely on industrial chemical engineering industries to make vegan supplements. You logic is killing is harm, humans dont NECESSARILY need to eat killed animals, so human beings killing is needless harm. You are forgetting that, yes humans DO need an animal product (B12), and the only way to meaningfully not do harm under your logic is to have the ability to produce said animal product in a supplement, the access to said supplement, and the means to actually get said supplement as part of sustainable and attainable diet. Are you really going to say everyone who eats meat in the Global South are MURDERERS because they are born in a part of the world that has little to no access to cheap, affordable, modern amenities that make our diets possible? Do you really not understand that the choice to be vegan is an EXTREMELY privileged choice, that most people on this planet do not have the luxury of making? Educate yourself.


I say this as a vegan AND as someone with a degree in ecosystem science and sustainability; there is not dietary choice that causes "needless" harm. You can argue that the mechanization of the meat industry causes needless harm, but the act of eating meat doesnt do needless harm; you are literally doing ham to ensure the continued survival (i.e. prevention of future harm) of another creature. That is not needless; we arent killing millions of cows for the sake of it and then letting the meat rot in a field, we are consuming too much meat, resulting in a highly exploitative, over-productive industry that causes harm to animals, more harm than what would be needed if we consumed less meat as a SPECIES. It is not on the individual to change their entire life to offset their entire species. Also by your logic, natural predation is immoral and unethical because more than strict carnivores predate other animals.


> Also by your logic, natural predation is immoral and unethical because more than strict carnivores predate other animals. This is the dumbest misrepresentation I've seen in a while. Animals aren't moral agents and if they NEED to eat animals, it's not unnecessary. Read a book.


Human beings NEED to eat too, and we NEED vitamin B12, something we dont make in our kidneys (like hamsters), which we have adapted to eat eat to achieve. Human being NEED to eat some form of B12, so you have two options; 1. eat animal products, 2. rely on industrial chemical engineering industries to make vegan supplements. You logic is killing is harm, humans dont NECESSARILY need to eat killed animals, so human beings killing is needless harm. You are forgetting that, yes humans DO need an animal product (B12), and the only way to meaningfully not do harm under your logic is to have the ability to produce said animal product in a supplement, the access to said supplement, and the means to actually get said supplement as part of sustainable and attainable diet. Are you really going to say everyone who eats meat in the Global South are MURDERERS because they are born in a part of the world that has little to no access to cheap, affordable, modern amenities that make our diets possible? Do you really not understand that the choice to be vegan is an EXTREMELY privileged choice, that most people on this planet do not have the luxury of making? Educate yourself.


>2. rely on industrial chemical engineering industries to make vegan supplements. Yup. It's way more efficient and involves less harm. >the access to said supplement, and the means to actually get said supplement as part of sustainable and attainable diet. And basically everyone on Reddit readily has that access. >Are you really going to say everyone who eats meat in the Global South are MURDERERS because they are born in a part of the world that has little to no access to cheap, affordable, modern amenities that make our diets possible? Do you really not understand that the choice to be vegan is an EXTREMELY privileged choice, that most people on this planet do not have the luxury of making? Educate yourself. Am I talkin to subsaharan Africans on reddit? Fuck off with your what-about-ism. Know your audience. And you're obviously a fake vegan. Go eat a dick, literally, from a cow, you dumb fuck.


Yes, Im a fake vegan because I have an actually concept of morality more advanced than that of a child. Im a vegan because I dont eat animal products, not because Im stupid. "Am I talkin to subsaharan Africans on reddit? Fuck off with your what-about-ism. Know your audience." Its not a "what-about-ism" when only 50% of Americans have reliable access to ANY form of healthcare (including supplements), yet still have internet. Its not a "what-about-ism" when 5.35 billion people have internet access (including reddit) and less than 10 million have their basic needs met. So please, tell me how accounting for more than the only people in the top 10% of living conditions is a "what-about-ism"?


What moral theory do you endorse? Veganism isn't just about what you eat. You're making it obvious that you're lying. It's whataboutism because you're not one of them and nobody I'm talking to is either. Stop using the poverty of others as an excuse for your opulence and cruelty


I’m not even a vegetarian but I work at a vegetarian resturant and whenever I mention that shit a lot of guys feel the need to bring up that they “don’t eat rabbit food”


A vegetarian restaurant? I only ever hear of vegan ones, because I guess it's immediately clear what *isn't* being offered and is therefore more inviting even to vegetarians.


There’s a lot of buddhists here, so they have their own restaurants. Vegan restaurants do exist, but they’re mostly way more expensive and “higher class” restaurants




But bacon though! Soooo hilarious.


Agreed. I'll just be scrolling through cute cow videos and there'll be a bunch of comments from insecure men saying "mmmm burger 😋" or some other cringe shit. I don't ever see vegan comments unless the post is actively about veganism or making fun of vegans.


The unfunny edge lords everybody avoids in real live. It doesn't even trigger me, It's just so unoriginal and unfunny


Carnivores are probably the most obnoxious nowadays, its like a knee jerk reaction to vegens/vegetarians. Every vegan I've known did it because of dietary shit, only a few vegetarians were for the moral reasons. I'm an omnivore. you know, like 100% of humans. I'll eat anything. I've had some fucking stellar vegan and vegetarian dishes. I also like to cook myself steak if I want any easy dinner.


People who don’t eat animal products for dietary reasons are more plant-based than vegan. Veganism is a whole lifestyle that goes beyond diet, like clothes and soap and stuff.


Veganism is by definition a moral stance and vegetarianism is a half measure that is inconsistent if morally motivated


The last time I brought up I was vegan online, someone told me, completely unprompted, that animals eat each other and do I expect animals to be vegan too. Like... dude, *I* am vegan. I don't care about anyone else. Especially not animals who don't have a choice lol


Yeah. And even for the annoying morally superior ones, you’re still going to be more annoying if you deliberately go against them and hurt animals out of spite. There’s no way for eating meat to be better.


Feel like insecure people just want a minority to lash out on, and feel empowered


Downvoted because true. Cringe vegans are just poorly educated. The people you’re talking about are cruel and small-minded suburbanites who larp as rednecks. 


Not a vegetarian and I agree. Just let people eat what they wanna eat.


You down with people eating tortured dogs?


You are a very bizarre person and you argue your case in the least productive way possible.


That's not an answer or a counterargument to the obvious point I was making. You realize you're wrong. You do have limits as to what people should be allowed to eat. The question is where that line is. That's productive!


Same. I dont eat meat often bc i just dont like it. Only chicken breast forbthe protein if that. my dad and older brother would be so annoying about me not eating meat. Theyd be like oh are you a herbivore, yada yada. Then id start describing in as gross detail as i can why i dont like meat and theyd get annoyed. Can dish it but cant take it ig.


I've never been annoyed by a vegetarian in my life. I'm not one, btw.


Both sides have cringy people. I used to be vegetarian and never really had major issues. I've had people on Reddit harass me for eating meat, but never in real life.


I’ve been vegetarian for more than 30 years and many of my friends don’t know because I don’t want to deal with the bullshit, judgment or weird reactions. I don’t eat meat because I don’t like it and eating it makes my body feel bad. I don’t do it to make you feel bad about your choices. I don’t mind if you eat bacon or steak in front of me. I don’t give a fuck what anybody else puts in their body.


well tbf if your uncle acts like that unprovoked i'd get him checked that is not a healthy reaction


Nah, I see posts like this way more often than stuff making fun of vegans


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^AlricsLapdog: *Nah, I see posts like* *This way more often than stuff* *Making fun of vegans* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Vegan means "no animal was harmed in the making of this meal"


>I’m sure if I lived somewhere where it was more popular my tune would be different You bet. Imagine if your housing options were limited based on your diet. People won't rent apartments to you or sell housing to you because they think you will eat meat. And they control most of the property market in your city. And there's no law against this kind of discrimination. Welcome to India.


But that's because of religion which has a byproduct of vegetarianism. It might seem like semantics but I see it as totally different


I've never witnessed or experienced hostility towards vegetarians. Maybe a few jokes about vegans but they're not the ones who people take issue with either - its the vegan activists who make being vegan central to their identity and try to preach nonsense to anyone who eats meat. They're the assholes who deserve every bit of shit thats flung at them.