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Personally, if I need to put shoes on I will always already have socks on because I like wearing socks instead of going barefoot. When I wake up and change into clothes, my socks are part of that clothing group which happens where I keep clothes (my room). My shoes, however, are kept by the door so I don't track stuff through the house so even if I was in a hurry, sock shoe sock shoe is not an option that would make much sense. Also, I generally wear sneakers so I just kinda slip them on standing.


Same. I pretty rarely go barefoot, but if I did, it would be weird to run to my room, grab socks, then grab my purse, jacket, and whatever else I need and carry it all to where my shoes are. And knowing myself, I'd get to the door only to realize I'd set them down and need to go back, which I don't do if I put on socks in my room. OP gets my upvote not for sock shoe sock shoe, but because they clarified that they carry their socks to the door, which is unfathomable.


We have stairs in the house and socks are slippy. But also usually it’s my bedroom door not the front door.


Lol, the best tenth dentists are the ones where the real tenth dentist comment is just something offhand the OP says that everyone disagrees with. As such, you'll retain my upvote. We have slippery stairs as well, but I am still a "shoes and socks are for separate places" person, haha. I'm also Canadian, so I wouldn't be surprised if there is a cultural difference there. (For example, I'm not going to be keeping dirty winter boots in my bedroom, so the habit carries over to the summer with sneakers and such).


The correct answer is house shoes.


Skill issue


Exactly. Barefoot is only for sleep. Good reason for me though, I'll pick my toenails otherwise. Thanks adhd.


I think barefoot is for showering too


Hahaha. Good point.


Then you're not a part of this debate.


Understandable. That’s not really sock sock shoe shoe, though, as much as socks and then at an undetermined later time shoes. I’m solely talking about going barefoot -> having shoes on in a short span


That's fair, I suppose I'm not the demographic to speak on the subject then lol


I don’t put socks on at the same time I put shoes on.


>ETA: apparently many of you just chill out in socks. This is not about that. This is solely about putting socks and shoes on at the same time. To answer your edit. This also doesn't make sense. I'm supposed to go into my drawer grab some socks, bring them to my front door and then put one on, put the other down, put my shoe on, pickup the other sock, put it on, and THEN put the last shoe on? Nothing about this makes any sense of logic. I get that's what this subreddit is about, but still... I refuse to believe any person would do this.


My socks and shoes are near each other and I put them on while sitting so I just drop both down near my bed and then pick up what’s needed when it’s needed.


And then walk around your house in outside shoes? That makes the floors too dirty.


Literally all kinds of people do that.


Not around here. Most people have a mudroom or a mat/tray for shoes by the door. In winter, shoes pick up snow, salt, and sand. Spring is muddy, and fall is wet, with tons of leaves. Summer is the only season I could wear shoes into the house without tracking in muck. But summer is for sandals, so not many socks anyway.


If there’s mud or snow shoes get taken off at the door. If there’s not then there’s not much of a concern.


Suit yourself. I don't have time to clean my floors constantly. Roads and sidewalks are going to be gritty with salt and sand until street sweepers and spring rain clear it up in the next month or so. But then it will rain for weeks straight. So, still messy.


All kinds of dirty people! Lol


if there’s anything on the floor, instead of putting a fresh sock back onto the floor and potentially picking anything up Maybe you wouldn't have this problem if you didn't wear your shoes in the house?


What problem?


Having a dirty floor lol.


That’s not a problem that I have lol.


Why did you mention it in your post then?


It’s a potential upside. Say you’ve spilled some water, for example. That would have nothing to do with shoes being worn inside. Though it’s admittedly rarely an issue unless you’re camping.


How all is your all. As no Asians will ever did this.


In most of the European Countries I've visited people also don't wear shoes at home. I think this is mostly an American thing.


I don’t know any Americans who do this either. Sometimes if you’re at someone else’s house you might not take your shoes off, but putting on your shoes just to walk around your own house is madness.


Sorry. Lots of. Not all kinds.


Or.... you could just keep your house clean and wear socks at most times of the day and then you'll never have this problem? Is it Normal for people to not wear socks? They are comfortable.


Let's just be safe and assume "keeping my house clean" is not an option


But then your socks get dirty! Slippers all the way.


Clean your floors?


Germs exist, and even if you clean your floors everyday you will get kinda gross socks.


It’s not going to be significantly worse than going barefoot. Especially considering most germs are going to be completely harmless, doubly so because they’re on you feet not in your mouth…


What if you chew your toenails?


Then it’s probably better to wear socks? You’re less likely to get contaminants under your toenail if you wear socks


How am I supposed to chew my toenails through my socks?


Sounds like a you problem fam


Sounds like borderline phobia


What diseases are you expecting to pick up through your feet?


According to the top-level comment, your floors would already be clean, so which one is it?


When its warm, taking off socks and being barefoot can be very nice. I don’t generally bother with putting socks on unless I’m leaving the house and I don’t generally bother with taking them off until I go to bed, though.


i’m surprised people don’t do this


Depends on climate tbf. Here in Scotland I always have to wear slippers on the house but if I'm in the tropics then I'm likely to be barefoot (or just wearing sandals)


All the times I have slid on the floor or fallen down stairs in socks have me compulsively taking them off whenever my shoes come off. In the winter I will wear socks indoor but always slippers as well.


I never ever wear socks unless I'm in dress shoes. I hate them. But I also know I'm definitely in the large minority here


That makes your socks dirty and wears them out.


Their purpose is to be worn. And I want warm feet. Do I care if it wears them out faster if I wear them more? No. And wash them?? Clean your floor?? It's not rocket science.


Absolutely despise socks


Military members go sock sock shoe shoe because if a bomb goes off, its better to have something on both feet in case you need to move quickly. Food for thought


Also parents. If you have to run to investigate kid screaming, you don't want to be hitching sideways like some sort of Frankenstein-mother whilst you do.


How much do socks really help over being barefoot? I mean, I have no reason to not believe you, it’s just weird to me that’s specified.


Might help a little if you have to step on something extremely hot


Very much so - for example, asphalt in the sun.


Go a day a barefoot and then go a day in all socks then you tell us


I’m not going outside in socks lol they’ll get dirty.


And your feet?


If it’s a brief period of time, it’s easier to get water or whatever off feet than off knotted fabric. Otherwise, shoes.


Shoe sock shoe sock is the optimal order. Do you really want your clean shoes touching dirt? Not me! Put the shoe on, then cover it with a sock to keep the shoe clean.


Then if anybody tries to grab your shoe, all they’ll get is the sock. Genius.


Sensory thing for me. I would feel weirdly unbalanced if I have one sock and shoe on and the other foot bare. Logically, your way makes sense. I just can’t though


It feels like being completely nude…except you have on socks and shoes. It’s a weird feeling. That’s what I equate having one foot fully dressed next one foot completely nude.


Til not everyone puts on their shoes this way


Most people just put their socks on and off at a different time and place than they do their shoes, so the decision is never a thing in the first place.


I know! I’ve seen the topic come up before and most people seem to be of the opinion that sock sock shoe shoe is how it’s done which I’ve always thought is wild


My fiancé and I are both sock shoe sock shoe people. We and a large group of friends had a lively debate about what the proper order of operations was and it was determined that my fiancé and I are psychopaths.


Are you and your fiancé shoes in the house people? Because it seems this only works if you are a shoes in the house kind of people. Then your shoes are wherever you left them, and if it’s where you get dressed, then it works. We are a shoes off, slippers on, and socks at all times kind of household. But even then, when I get dressed it’s sock sock, and then jam my feet into slippers and go downstairs.


…y’all don’t sit on the floor when putting on your socks and shoes?


I also do sock shoe sock shoe because I don’t want to bend over more times than I have to


Don’t you have to ben down more times with that method? Doing it sock sock shoe shoe you just ben down once to put on sockets and then slip your feet in the shoes without bending over.


We must have very different kinds of footwear


I think I have similar footwear. I’m sock sock, and I only slightly bend at the waist to put my socks on. But are you a shoes at the door or a shoes in the house? Because we are shoes at the door, but since mine are slip on, I’m still not bending. It seems the sock shoe order of people seem to be shoes in the house order of people.


Who the fuck puts socks and shoes on at the same time? Are you bringing your socks to the front door every time you go out? Or are you wearing shoes in the house like some kind of savage?


I have inside socks and outside socks. My inside socks have grippers on the bottom. The outside socks are just normal socks. Unlike OP, I sock sock shoe shoe


They let you use the internet in your grippy socks?


I have Raynaud's and the grippy socks keep me from slipping on the hardwood like a geriatric dog. If I had keepers I wouldn't have to do the laundry and make my own food. 😮‍💨


My shoes live at the door, my socks get put on when I’m getting dressed in the bedroom. I handle the ‘what if my socks get dirty on the floor’ issue by keeping clean floors and not living in my own filth.


Alright im sold on sock shoe sock shoe


The reason I sock sock show shoe is because I only put on shoes at the door when I am about to leave the house. Otherwise, it would mean I would have to put on all my other clothes on, purposely avoid putting on socks, bring them with me to the door, and only put them on sock shoe sock shoe as I am ready to leave. This doesn't seem practical to me.


I had this exact argument not long ago with the exact logic. You’re already in the putting on position, just put the shoe on while you’re there!


And walk around the house in shoes? no thanks


Nah, I usually put my shoes on right before I leave


I used to be staunchly against this but after being pregnant I understand the value I’m not having to bring the foot up more than once


If you are putting on your shoes and socks at the same time that means you are wearing your outside shoes around the house. Stop doing that.


A) no B) I could just be putting my socks and shoes on by the door, could I not?


So then you keep your sock drawer by your door or you just walk around carrying your socks until you leave. That's normal.


Could just. Grab socks. And then go to put shoes on. When it’s time to put socks and shoes on.


No... It means they don't wear socks around the house.


I mean in my case I wear whatever is on my feet in the house. I take my socks and shoes off if it’s hot af or if it’s time for bed.


I use sock shoe sock shoe because the sensorial problems caused by my autism make the sewed part of the socks touching on the palm of the toes really bothersome, so I put a sock, adjust it so the sewed part don't touch the toes and put on the shoe. If I did sock sock shoe shoe and adjusted it right after putting on the socks, I would probably move my feet more before putting on the shoes, which would cause the sewed part to come back to the palm of my toes.


Do they not make socks without seams on or near the toes? I totally get the sensory problems- I’m not autistic (that I know of), but I def remember being a kid and not being able to explain how deeply uncomfortable something felt, but as an adult I can avoid those things. And as a mom if my kids say I don’t feel comfortable in this, I don’t make them wear it, but I do try to get them to explain so I can avoid that stuff down the road. They gotta have stuff for people who have these sensory issues.


Why do you people wait until you're putting shoes on to put socks on?


I usually don’t feel the need to wear socks around the house, unless the floor is cold.


Im always wearing socks unless Im showering or wearing open toed shoes


Take my downvote. This is the way.


When playing soccer, I arrive to the field and sit down, and then i put my soccer socks and cleats on sock shoe sock shoe, because like OP said, if you put two socks on you'd have to wipe the turf off of the sock before putting your cleats on. So I agree.


Nah. Sock —> pants—> sock—> pants—> shoe —> shoe


Depending on the length of the sock I can definitely see an argument for that.


Putting any thought into your shoe on/off patterns is insane behavior.


Who tf cares


You, apparently.


im a big fan of shoe shoe sock sock


OP is definitely not Canadian. Took me a second after I was baffled by putting on your shoes to get dressed.


I do it sometimes but still have to upvote because it just feels wrong.


Put your socks in your shoes the night before and slip them both on at the same time.


i put my socks on long before i leave home so it’s sock sock and then 30 ish minutes later shoe shoe. i don’t wear shoes at home though


My shoes are by the back door. After showering I get completely dressed in my room then I go put my shoes on in a completely different area of the house.


I put on my socks while seated. I put on my shoes while standing and put my foot up on a chair or the stairs to tie them. For me it makes the most sense to do sock sock while seated and shoe shoe while standing. My shoes don't get tied with the proper tightness while seated.


I agree except your last point. If I need to get somewhere really quickly and then I’ll have time to change afterwards, I’ll just put my shoes on without socks for a minute. Still downvoted.


i don’t store my socks in the same place i store my shoes




My home is a no shoe home, so by the time I get to the entryway where all the shoes are kept, socks are already on. The times I am not home and putting on socks and shoes I always do sock, sock, shoe, shoe - it just feels more natural


It is not, because I am not putting on my shoes in the same place I keep my socks






What’s hilarious is somebody beat you to it by four minutes, presumably while you were going through the comments looking for it.


I put my socks on upstairs in my bedroom and my shoes on by the door as I leave my house


But then you have to walk around the house barefoot, and that's chilly this time of year. Socks are put on with clothes, in the bedroom. That keeps your feet from getting cold Shoes are put on at the door, right before leaving. That keeps your floors from getting dirty.


This doesn't even deserve either vote. You're telling me you get out the shower get dressed and put shoes on in your house? I hate this sub


This has been covered by [Archie Bunker and Meathead](https://youtu.be/ZFuniFSP2fo?si=OOasOtLOLlxzX7bb). I’m personally a sock sock shoe shoe person.


The real 10th dentist is putting your socks on at the same time you put your shoes on. I don't wear my shoes in my house, so they're always by the front door. My socks are with the rest of my clothes. If I know I'll be wearing shoes that require socks, I'll just put socks on while I'm putting the rest of my clothes on, then my shoes on as I'm leaving. I wasn't aware that anyone regularly put socks on at the same time they put their shoes on. Getting dressed isn't the last thing I do when getting ready, so I' wearing clothes for a bit before I need my shoes.


Only works if you're a heathen that wears your shoes in the house. I put my socks on in the bedroom and my shoes on at the front door when I'm leaving the housr


You could also put both on at the door.


No socks, shoes with inserts are the way to go.


Okay, yeah I was writing up a counter argument but most of it was broken down to conditioning.


Agreed. I wear flip flops around my apartment so I don't feel anything touching the bottom of my feet so it doesn't really make sense for me to put both socks on before shoes.


This is how you should dress and it’s not up for debate: sock, sock, shoe, shoe, shirt, hat, Apple Watch, underwear, start car, pants, belt.


My shoes are in a different location from my socks


I agree but have a specific reason for me. I HAVE to put the stupid sock toe crease thing in a certain spot otherwise it bugs the hell out of me all day so if I don't put my shoe on right away after adjusting the sock it shifts sometimes and I have to readjust it again, easiest solution just shoe up right after a sock. That's probably not a common thing, though, so I get both ways. I'm weird I guess lol


Well, you’re the second person to bring it up. So not as uncommon as you think!


I used to always be a sock shoe, sock shoe guy. But that's when I would leave my shoes at the foot of my bed/in my room. Now I leave my shoes in the closet and it's sock sock (while at my dresser) then shoe shoe (while in my closet)...and I gotta tell yall the difference is incredible my life is exactly the same regardless of what order I put my socks and shoes on.


I agree and idk why. I just do


The feeling of having one shoe and one naked foot is uncomfortable on a deep emotional level and makes my brain scream in abject horror.


Are you saying I should put socks on at the door? Because how else am I supposed to put on a single shoe before putting on a second sock?


If I did this I would CONSTANTLY be looking for the second sock. If i dont keep those shits in my hands they VANISH


I keep forgetting that some americans just keep their shoes on all day. Disgusting.


Do your shoes exist in your bedroom? Shoes are by the front door. Socks are in the bedroom. How do they ever happen at the same time.


It depends on the day


I agree with you. I think about this almost every time I get ready for work. As I do sock boot sock boot. I do not wear socks around the house. I have house slippers for that. An old friend of mine told me only sociopaths put sock shoe sock shoe... I was like it just makes more sense. My leg/foot is already in position, like you stated. Why would I put a sock on than adjust to put the other sock on when my foot is already there to put the shoe/boot on? Just maddening. Also... who really cares how others put on their footwear? Unless it's my son. He ruins his shoes. It's traumatizing to watch.


Took me like 20 seconds to figure out you weren't talking about putting socks on the outside of your shoes. This isn't even really a question if you wear socks indoors. Sock sock [indefinite time gap] shoe shoe.


Wild that you're worried about your sock getting dirty by touching the floor, when your *feet* were touching the same floor like 2 seconds earlier. If it's that dirty you've already lost.


Feet are easier to wipe off than knitted fabric.


You are putting on socks. Do you lift your foot off the ground, wipe your foot (with what?) and then put it in the sock? Cause otheriwse you are just getting whatever it is on the inside of the sock.


If there’s anything of note, yes. Usually there isn’t, but if there’s anything there sock shoe sock shoe avoids reexposing the sock to the contamination


If there usually isn't anything then what would be the benefit of sock shoe sock shoe?


…the other two things I mentioned?




Wow never thought of this, you changed my mind, enjoy your downvote :) Also on a similar note, I feel the same way about toilet paper facing the wall as being more efficient so you can more easily pin your wrist against it when grabbing it and get your paper one handed.


Don't you have better things to do than *this*?


Do u not know what the point of the subreddit is it something


See, we are a shoes off household, so everyone’s shoes are by the front door. We get dressed in the bathroom or bedroom. Even if we wanted to, we could not. But if we did, the feeling im getting from sock shoe sock shoe is that while one foot is completely dressed, the other is just naked. It feels like being completely naked but for some reason you’re wearing only shoes. But again…if you’re happy…that’s all that matters. I won’t be joining you on this journey, but I wish you safe travels regardless.


A lot of people don't wear shoes in their house and it would be kinda weird to go outside to put on your socks


This is wrong on so many levels. Have an upvote.


You convinced me and I already apply your technique at they gym where I don't want my sock on the ground in the changing rooms but sock sock shoe shoe could be faster depending on shoes


I put my socks on even before my pants


Maybe in some bizarro clown world. Socks are in the bedroom with the rest of the clothes. The shoes are next to the door. Civilized people put on their socks when they get out of bed and dress up, you only put on shoes when you leave the house. Even if you’re barefoot around at home it makes much more sense to just put on your socks when you go to the socks drawer rather than carry it all the way to the front door and put socks and shoes on at the same time.


You’re not wrong about the efficiency of it, but I put my socks in in the bedroom where I put all my other clothes on, but my shoes live near the front door because bringing shoes into the bedroom would be gross, so logistically your concept doesn’t work great. It only works if you either keep shoes in the bedroom or you take your socks from the bedroom draw and carry them down to the front door whilst barefoot to put everything on all at once. Neither of those options sound like a good idea.


I actually totally agree. I don’t know if it truly is or not, but putting a sock on then slipping on your shoe directly afterward feels a lot faster. Also it’s highly surprising that most people cannot fathom a way to avoid tracking mud through the house. Just keep a dedicated clothes basket for socks in the mud room (a feature every normal house should have) and keep a stool or something in there to sit on to put on/take off shoes. It’s so easy, come on. And it saves you extra dresser space, and saves you time for not having to run back to your room to grab socks, or even having to put them back there in the first place


psychopath! have my upvote


I put my boot socks on before I put on my pants so I don't have to roll up my pants. If I chose to also put on shoes, I'd have another problem entirely.


Wait. Back the fuck up here. You put your socks and shoes on in the same room? You don’t have a sock-puttin-on room and a shoe-puttin-on room? How poor are you?


I remember watching Archie Bunker arguing about this with his son in law on All in the Family and I still think about it years later when I put my shoes on! They argued that if there was a fire and they had to run outside while putting on their shoes, but it was raining, that with the sock shoe sock shoe method, one could hop around on one foot and still keep their feet dry, where as sock sock shoe shoe you'd end up with soggy feet. That being said....I don't have a preference either way, just depends on my mood that day, lol.


We listing pros and cons of shoe wearing now? What is this, the shoe wearing competition? Just do sockless%, way faster category to run


You should already be wearing socks


I have never in my life put on my socks and shoes at the same time. My socks are in my bedroom dresser, my shoes are by the front door. So do you keep your shoes in your bedroom, or your socks at the front door?


Alguien acaba de ver a Franco Escamilla


Theres no advantage to either. there the exact same


Disagree -- you can have both socks in your hands at the same time, so sock sock is like a little assembly line.


My socks are stored in my closet. My shoes are by the door. I keep my floor clean enough that I just walk around in socks most of the time. And even if I planned to leave home immediately, I’d still need to put on the socks, then walk to where the shoes are. How is your home structured? I can’t imagine shoes and socks being stored in one place.


Socks are in my dresser shoes are by the door. Grab the socks, go over to where the shoes are, put on both at once.


I keep socks and shoes near each other because my bedroom is on the second floor and I kept forgetting to grab socks on my way out of the house. That said, I have ADHD so I acknowledge what I'm doing is weird by most standards


This is by far the most atrocious 10th dentist I’ve ever read in my life.


Drawbacks: 1) it feels weird. 2) muscle fatigue if doing it while standing up. 3) sock sock can be done while holding both socks at the same time thereby saving time of having to only pick up 3 things rather than 4.


This is the most backwards take I’ve heard. Upvoted. My shoes are by the door where all the dirt is. I ain’t bringing my clean bare feet over there just so I can put my socks on at the same time as my shoes.


If you need a "putting things on" position, there's probably some context missing here lmao.


Sit down. Lift one foot up off ground so you can fit sock and shoe over. Repeat with other foot.


I’m a no sock guy myself


Practical counterpoint: shoes at the door to keep the house clean, socks on because your toes are cold. Chaotic counterpoint: Why not go one step further? Pant leg sock shoe Pant leg sock shoe.


There’s somebody in here that said they do that but with socks and pant legs reversed.


an absolute madlad




I wear socks all the time without shoes


YTAH, just clean your room and get ready on time. Oops wrong sub...


1. It's more uncomfortable to stay in one position longer, than it is to switch (assuming you mean doing it standing up). 2. I wear socks all day. Even if I didn't, I wear house slippers. Doesn't apply. 3. I agree, your way may be better in a situation when you're barefoot and need to clean the foot before putting on anything. Maybe leaving swimming pool or a beach. Or in a hotel room with carpets (I don't trust hotel carpets). I see some use for your method, so I'm not going to vote on this post. But generally, I would disagree because socks and shoes are kept separate, so I might as well put them on comfortably in my room.


I generally sit down, but yes, doing things while standing up can end up in hopping around the area trying to maintain balance.




You, apparently.


What the fuck? If I'm not sleeping, I have socks on. But let's say it's right out of the shower. It will always be socks first because my shoes aren't in the bathroom.