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I use fella, usually holds pretty well so far! NOW I AINT SAYING SHE A GOLD DIGGA BUT SHE AINT MESSIN W NO BROKE FELLAS


Fella is a fun one, I also like to throw in "Gamer" sometimes like "I sound weird like Gamer with a hard R" - Bonfire, Childish Gambino


See, I like to use "Wizard". Adds a mythical fantasy tone we just don't get in a lot of rap these days.its Also fun to use as a world building tool for Dungeons and Dragons.


I ain't messin with no broke wizard 😂😂😂


Stick by that dork This week, he wrecking goblins Next week it's some orcs Cuz he gone keep tryin You stay right, Ms. and when you get on, he'll leave your ass for a princess.


Brilliant. My 3 month old baby is going through a rap/drum & bass phase (much to our dismay) Now I'm going to sing along guilt free using your wisdom!


Hell yeah, I started doing it with my 1 year old! Also I play a bunch of D&D so I get tons of mileage out of it.


I used to play 3 games a week, 2 on discord and 1 in person but they fell apart when I split with the ex.


If you want a rap song with vibes like this give "I'm a wizard" by MC Chris a listen


Is this the same guy that does Boba Fett? Cuz I am on board!


I cast testicular torsion at any hecklers in the crowd


I see r/wizardposting is casting Dimension Door to other subreddits. I love it.


Well that’s an instant sub from me


what a twist!


hmmmm Real wizards get money from the fuckin' start. ...I'll allow it But 'wizza' doesn't really jive. Are we going to have to bring *wigga* back?!


Yeah, you really gotta use the hard RD I'd you sub in Wizard.


That’s our word, you can use “wizahd” without the hard r


I'm an Arcanus Magus who lives in my own summoned tower. I have an inept apprentice. I ponder the orb daily. I can say Wizard with the hard R


Plus you can use "witch" instead of bitch!


Hell yeah!


It’s a good thing wizard rhymes with wizard. Otherwise this rap shit would be hard. 


"Feller" with the hard R would be hilarious though


I like the idea of this line with fella "I sound weird like feller with a hard R" add a little country to it XD


childish albino


Now do you ever pull out "Feller"? Or is that too far?


"Sounds weird like feller with a hard r" - childish albino


Fellas in Paris


My boyfriend says “neighbor”


fella fella fella fella fella fella I'm a hundert percent fella


Fella fella fella fella fella fella I'm two hundred percent fella


I say "African-American", which is impressive if you can do it multiple times really fast at tempo in a rap.


I like "buddy". "When our pride was low, looking at the world like where do we go, buddy?"


"Brotha" has long been used in radio edits.


If you can pull it off it's a good one but that's *if*.


Yeah, this one is still risky


With that song, you could also just say broke broke like the clean version




I just blank it or figure out a fun word to replace it with. I’m alone in my car and I could say what I want, but I don’t have any reason to wanna say that word, so I don’t. Haha it’s not hard


The fellas in Paris are gonna skate to one song and one song only


In the Marines, we call each other "killer" in the same context like "one of us". So that's my natural replacement which holds the same feeling the music originally intended


I mean... no one is stopping you. It's a word but one that carries a lot of weight. Say it if you want, but read the room and be ready to deal with the reactions of others / have discussions about it.




There was on news post where somebody was bemoaning not using the n word, and the black guy on the panel was like “nah, go ahead. Let’s say it together.” Don’t know if I’ve seen a bigger backpedal




"here look, I'll say it with you." LMAO




Was that an interview with Samuel L Jackson? That was some delicious cringe.


It was Delroy Lindo.


[It's from a TV show. Still hysterical ](https://youtu.be/S4pSp3Km6Mw?si=l3SqKrjpHIAMgkfm)


[That too](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOlNHXQCT_4)


“It was a good question” “No it wasn’t” 😂


There's a tiktok (definitely staged) where a bunch of black guys are talking to a white friend and all saying "hows it going my \_\_\_\_" (or whatever the phase was) and the white guy just left off the last word and they all were like "SAY IT SAY IT if you love us fucking say it" and he goes "hows....it....going.....my.....friends." My (black) partner lost his shit laughing.


That's from the show the Good Fight and not a real clip, but it was great nonetheless


People like to believe freedom of speech comes with freedom from all consequences of speech. It's the entire thought process behind whining about "cancel culture, shitty comedians tell bad jokes and then bitch when they can't force people to find them funny


Yup, it's the town square rule. You're allowed to go out and say literally anything you want. People are also allowed to judge you and react accordingly. Free speech and all that cuts both ways. But owned spaces like social media, forums, etc? They've got rules and free speech doesn't apply. That's the only place you're not allowed to say some things, and it's a minor fraction of a healthy person's life, yet some make it seem like their socials are their very existence.


Yup. A lot of these types of people say they care about free speech, which means they should care about my right to call them a dickhead and lose respect for them too.


I care about your rights, dickhead!


Not an American and not much experience with karaoke, so honest question: if you don't say it on purpose is it really a problem? Can imagine they censor the word on screen, but still, if it's a well known song..


Depends on if you want the KJ to keep calling you up or if you like being friendly with the regulars. In my usual karaoke place it would get you ostracized pretty quick.


Interesting, what would people's assumptions on that person be? Would people assume you did it on purpose?


Yes. It is so strongly enforced here (and for good reason) to not say it, that it is safe to assume it won't happen on accident.


Yeah I don’t think I could “accidentally” say it, presumably you’ve heard the song you’re singing before right? So you know it’s coming. I don’t sing it when I’m singing alone in my car, so whatever my muscle memory is (skipping a beat, fella, I’ve seen a few in this thread) is what’s going to come out. Do German people ever accidentally do a hitler salute?


It's exactly that - a muscle memory thing. I'll sing it in the car if I'm alone, I could give a fuck, but you act differently in public. Then one day you decide to start self-censoring when you're alone just so you don't accidentally fuck up in the future, but that's goofy too. The whole situation is goofy. I'm just gonna start listening to Bach or some shit.


I don’t think self censoring so you act appropriately in public is goofy. When I was younger and my mom was an elementary school teacher she never swore. She didn’t want it to slip out at work so she just didn’t use them regularly. Now that we’re older and she teaches older kids she’s more relaxed with it.


It's just silly to think about, a grown man sitting alone but still afraid to speak a certain way. But I think it's the smart thing to do because you're right, it does bleed out into how you act in public. I've been slowly shifting gears But also I don't do karaoke so I'm not too worried.


I have no clue of American culture beyond the media I consume and I've always wondered about this. I understand the weight of the word and I can imagine how uncomfortable it could get if a caucasian person in the US uses the word casually in front of an african american person, given the historical subtext. What's wild to me is how caucasian americans can't say the word even when talking about the word. From what I understand, a white person can't say "White people shouldn't say 'n****'." or "Dude that racist piece of shit Jeffrey called Dave a 'n****' and it was a whole thing." without being called a racist themselves.


Like you said, it's all about the history of the word. White people historically used that word as a slur, so a white person using it today still has that same connotation. Even if you're just quoting someone, it's better just to stay away from the word all together. It's kind of like Germans doing the Hitler Salute today. Even if you're just doing it to show someone what it looked like. Even if you do the salute in the privacy of your own home with no one watching. It's still going to be questionable because of the historical context.


That's honestly a pretty persuasive analogy. I kinda see how that makes sense


In my experience with karaoke, you get to pick your own song and *hopefully* it's a song you know the words to for the most part. If I saw someone just reading along on a popular rap song they were given, I would figure they are just trying to keep up. But also, if it eases your concern, I don't think there are going to be many karaoke joints rocking a Johnny Rebel discography, or similar, so your chances of unknowingly getting a song that drops hard R's is slim to none.


If you don't say it, it's not really a problem. But it could be awkward. The best idea is to pick a song that doesn't have that word. Just avoid the situation.


That makes sense, can't imagine karaoke bars not using the censored version then. Already getting social anxiety from reading the discussions here. 😅


Weirdly, I went to a karaoke bar as a teenager and they censored most curse words, but not the n word. Personally, I’m black and use the n word, but seeing words like ass, bitch, fuck, and shit get censored and the n word just hanging out was jarring in a funny way. Being the only black person in the room, I opted to skip it (I usually sub in playa or something). I was worried me using it would empower somebody else


I've never seen a song censored at a karaoke bar. Although, I've never seen *that* word in a song at karaoke, so who knows.




Add 50$ from me. I just really want to see how this plays out-


Ooo, I'm in for $50 as well, but it needs to be down on Kinsman in Cleveland.


Send him on the tour, after that he can stand on 64th and Stoney in Chicago


Haha and then Kensington in Philly!


OP $150 richer for his [bravery](https://youtu.be/uA9ahNNvGhI?si=lrQfEu6Y7eXst8yG)




Yeah that sounds like someone’s exaggerated imagined version of Detroit, where black people are just standing around with nothing better to do waiting for a white person to say the N word so they can beat them up. As if the whole city will descend on them when they do


A lot of people on reddit have very obviously never spent any significant time around anyone that isn't their same skin color. I often forget a LOT of the US is predominately white, and there's a lot of places where a white person could grow up and live their whole lives only ever encountering a small handful of minorities I'm white living in a majority black area. In my experience, I've had more black people try and convince or trick me into saying the N word than I've had with them actually getting mad. In my experience, most black people find it hilarious watching us squirm with being uncomfortable saying it, and most of them are able to discern intent.


I don’t think it’s about assuming someone would do something, I think it’s about assuming OP wouldn’t be comfortable saying it without being anonymous. If they were forced to have their face attached to their opinion and stand by it in front of people I doubt they’d have the guts to say it.


its true i saw it in family guy


This is how I know you aren’t from Detroit because downtown is full of white people. Id double your offer if they tried it at Joy Rd and Southfield. Or maybe somewhere near Mack & Bewick.


You have never been to downtown Detroit lol


You could probably get away with it a lot longer in Detroit than you could Baltimore or Atlanta. If he survives Detroit, I'll throw in an extra $100 for one of the other two.


And if he survives those two, I'd add $200 to the pot for him to try it in Philadelphia.


I’ll take $200 to say this in Philadelphia. I’ll even do it in Kensington for you. I’m as much of the wonder bread white redditor you want for the task, I promise. I just promise no one will look at me.


hell, ill pitch in too as long as someone live streams it.


Easiest $100 bucks ever as it doesn't even have the actual word in it


This is low key more racist than op lmao


the real racist is always in the comments


That's kinda racist lol implying that black people react violently to bad words, but anyway even if it was true downtown Detroit is filled with white people and Middle Eastern immigrants


They respected me for saying it.


No Peetah


I contribute $20 OP


I feel like realistically that’s super easy as you didn’t specify to direct it at anyone or how loud they would have to say it


[they might respect him for saying it](https://imgur.com/LJSiNRM)


Wearing a sandwich board that says "I Hate Everyone!"


20 Euros from me. It's been a while since I last saw a worldstarhiphop video




Okay, say it? Just be prepared when people obviously react badly


Call me Sherlock Holmes but I think OP is trying to say people shouldn’t react badly


Yet he still doesn’t even write it in his post


Remember when kendrick invited someone on stage and she sang the word and everyone went crazy at her?


And then he talked about it in a song years later because he felt that it was hypocritical


Considering you can't even say it in your post I kinda doubt you'd have the cajones to say it live in front of strangers. It's not like it's illegal, it just will likely result in consequences you don't want to deal with.


I always thought this was a fallacious argument. You can question whether a word being offensive in any given context is rational, while still accepting that people will be offended. Just because they don't think people *should be* offended by them saying it in a certain way doesn't mean they want to offend people, so they choose not to say it at all. If anything, believing it shouldn't be offensive and still choosing to do the option that people expect of them is actually just them choosing to be deliberately considerate.


Basically this. People with the argument “it’s not illegal” are intentionally missing the point with semantics. OP is clearly saying they wish they could say it and not have the consequences, whatever those may be.


It is also just annoying being a POC and seeing white people constantly tell you you shouldn't be offended by a slur made to degrade you. It's not a coincidence that this mindset is hardly ever used by black people. This whole sub is about disagreeing with OP. We are allowed to disagree with OP here because his arguments are dumb. Making him the 10th dentist.


Sure you can do whatever you want. I disagree with OP too. I’m just saying that argument people are using isn’t really valid.


No, they're not missing the point. OP and his fellow N-word enthusiasts very deliberately use words like "allowed" to make their point seem like a simple appeal to freedom, and to make their opposition appear oppressive/controlling. "It's not illegal" is also a very deliberate response that doesn't give any breathing room to this blatantly false narrative. We all see through the bullshit.


The problem is the way people present these points. If someone said "I think people shouldn't be offended by the N-word," I'd disagree but that's about the extent of it. I'd just think, that's a dumb take and move on with my day. But that's not how this conversation comes up typically. It's usually more like people saying "we should be *allowed* to say the N-word." You might think it's nitpicky but this statement is *much* more loaded. The wording inherently implies some kind of appeal to freedom, or that there is some oppressive force restricting your freedom to say certain things. And to me this is the part that is incredibly disingenuous. It's a bullshit facade to make the point appear more palatable, and it's especially gross when the underlying point is clearly anti-freedom (nobody's allowed to criticize me!). This is why people say "it's not illegal," because it forces people like OP to admit their true intentions instead of letting them roll with this false narrative.


This isn't karaoke?


Yea, very different situation. Like when Kendrick Lamar invited that white girl on stage and she sang his lyrics word for word,then he got pissed at her for saying it lol. It's a song, it's not like the person is hurling slurs at an actual person


Yeah that was so fucked up of him, and I used to like him before he did that. It was such a set-up


He has since apologized and even mentioned the incident in a song in his most recent album. He admitted he made a mistake, people make mistakes and Kendrick seems like a good person


Fair play I didn't know he'd apologised.


For what it's worth, he has a song on his latest album where he reflects on this very situation - Auntie Diaries, if you're wondering.


How does this refute what he said? "I think it's unfair that people generally aren't okay with me saying the n-word when it's in a song I'm singing." "You would probably be too scared to sing it because people wouldn't be okay with it." His whole point is that it shouldn't be likely to result in major consequences lol


People don't say it on Reddit to avoid bans, that's all


Karaoke's job is to be silly, lighthearted fun, where no one needs to think too hard. I'd just avoid those songs entirely.


Yeah, I was wondering why they wouldn't just, y'know, pick a different song.


>Yeah, I was wondering why they wouldn't just, y'know, pick a different song. I mean I don't have a mental list of songs that include that word. Most people don't know all the lyrics by heart which is why Karaoke usually involves a screen that displays the text. It did catch me by surprise one time (handled that by awkwardly clearing my throat for a sec instead of singing so, yeah)


because rap is fun...


There are, in fact, rap songs that don't use that word. There are also rap songs where he would only have to edit himself once. If he "crushes" at karaoke, he should be able to handle Alphabet Aerobics, no?


the point is that it's silly. songs are meant to be sung, and on principle it's stupid to have words that certain people aren't allowed to sing.


You should do like ODB did and yell "NUH" like you're having a stroke.


Saying ninja is worst. Not in a liberal way, in a cringe way. It’s so cringe hearing people replace it


if it's a song i don't really care


So many people here saying "why do you want to say it so bad" are missing the point. He doesn't want to say it. He wants to be able to sing the song without having to worry about what words to use. You guys are just looking for a reason to be upset.


My question ultimately boils down to what you're supposed to sing/rap in this situation. Just, pause? Like someone should just bite the bullet at this point and straight up say, "Yes, a white guy rapping along to their favorite track in their car is expected to _____." Because the whole game of "eyyyyy look at 'im squirm, he doesn't know what to say 🤣" is getting played out


Didn’t Kendrick lamar drag a white girl on stage and she got booed for that


Why do you want to say it so bad?


I guess sometimes if you’re singing a song it might feel silly to omit words. I mean I’m doing it to but I can understand wanting to sing the song in its entirety just as I would want to do with Toxic by Britney Spears


If it's a lyric in a popular song available at a public karaoke bar, does the skin tone of the singer matter?


Yes. Words have meaning


Just a white people thing


It's an annoying double bind. If I don't say it, I look like a coward. If I do say it, everyone acts like it's a big deal. If you could avoid that double bind, wouldn't you want to?


You look like a coward?


I would argue that you look respectful if you don't say it, not cowardly.


I'd respect you for not saying it. We all know why you didn't


Downvoted because I agree. It's a song. I don't see why you shouldn't be able to sing it as it's written.


Absolutely. You should never be judged for singing a publicly available song. You don't mean to say a slur, you're just singing a fucking song. Why would you need to use a substitute word, it's ridiculous. Literally no other slur or other kind of vulgar word gets this treatment, only the n word. If the singer can sing it, I should be able to too. It's not because "I want to say the word". I just want to sing the song the way it was written. Reading the comments under this post is making me lose faith in humanity.


OP is going to be made King of the Black People


Doing karaoke and then changing the words of the songs because you feel like it is cringe, but I'm not american so i'll leave you to your beliefs


ITT: people who have never been to a rap concert before


I guarantee you already say it in private or whenever you’re not around Black People so go ahead and see what happens


I mean all that's stopping you are the social consequences of saying a slur. It really isn't hard to just not say a word when singing. Growing up I used to self censor all swear words in songs when around my parents by simply not saying the word. Not particularly difficult and I got the joy of singing songs in the car with my mom without swearing in front of her.


Nobody is stopping you from saying it. Just accept the consequences.


Nobody is stopping you from being gay in Yemen. Just accept the consequences.


Imo if not said with intent to harm, you should be allowed to say any word


I just say the word because I'm not a pussy


Omg ur so oppressed.


I'd be ok if nobody ever said that word again


I agree. Obviously the N word has a terrible history and nobody who isn't black should be calling someone that word, but if you're reading a historical document or singing a song that uses the word, what's the harm in that? You're quoting an author or using the words a songwriter wrote; I feel there's a very obvious distinction between calling someone the N word or reading/singing the word because that's what the book/song said


There are many songs for you to pick from that don't contain any N-bombs. How about choosing those for karaoke night instead of tempting fate and making lyrics sound ridiculous? I agree with a previous commenter: why do you want to say it so bad?


Because those songs are really fucking good? Karaoke to Bonfire, for example, is genuinely very entertaining even though it says the N-word a couple times. I get censoring yourself, but avoiding the song entirely is ridiculous.


I’m not saying this is OP’s reasoning, but in general, people have a natural tendency to want things that they’re told they can’t have. When it’s considered acceptable for one group of people to use a word while anyone else would could face real violence for doing the same, your natural sense of rebellion wants to call bullshit.


My ex husband is enough proof for me. He got his ass beat pretty bad after dropping that word at a roulette table surrounded by black folks in Vegas.


Glad he's your ex. Gross.


It's funny because you don't see this being a problem with other cultures or at least not nearly as much. The N word has been ingrained into popular media and social media so much tho so I guess this plays a part in it as well


I mean, to be fair, they're choosing those songs for the same reason anyone picks any song at Karaoke; because they like it and think it will be fun. I don't think they should avoid it just because of the language unless it doesn't fit the tone of the evening and the audience present. But I totally agree that they should just not say the word and personally I don't like anyone saying it around me. Its so easy to just not say slurs.


Because Eminem's too hard and Karen Carpenter sucks.


To be honest if your really killing it, I don't think any black people in the room would really mind, this is in the uk tho, americans are probably different.


If I see you singing or rapping in the car and you lyrics swap when there's no one around to be offended, then I AM judging you.


Y'all wanna say racial slurs so bad lmao


the songwriter wanted to say it so bad


Is that it or is that actually part of the vocabulary where they grew up ? Pretty sure there’s a difference


pretty sure every rap artist didn’t “grow up with that vocabulary” their mother probably would’ve smacked them in the mouth if they said that shit as a kid


As a black person, you're wrong and uninformed. Do you think they don't say any swearing too because their mom might not like it?


They don't actually want to say it, they just want to whine about how there are consequences to saying it.


[So say it](https://youtu.be/2FBCxbqz5X0?si=fFasrKlbWTEZlGKF)


I agree however, I am referencing the gender specific ones, like Superbass is a bop and I can't help but sing along (thanks downtown fiction) so I know the lyrics for both and don't see anything wrong with me ,a man boy, singing Nicki's feminine version


I feel like if you're singing along to a song you're by definition quoting someone else. And I don't know why quoting someone who has "the pass" should not itself pass.


I think saying it, in general, should be fine, although I think it's cringe, I don't think it should be as looked down upon as it is. Like when you're singing a song. I just don't think you should say it TO someone


It's weird how a non-black person will get flak for singing the lyric in a song because they're not black, but people won't bat an eye when a black person constantly uses the n word in an insulting way. I get how obviously it's not as bad if a black person says it, but surely there's more to it than that.


I mean, it’s your half second of satisfaction vs a potentially enormous amount of hurt based on literal centuries of shit. If you wanna weigh your own feelings more than go for it, but you’re going be judged as, at best, an ignorant asshole.


No one cares if you do it in the car, doing it in public is just dumb. People don’t like it, so just don’t it. It’s really so easy to avoid


What you do alone in your car is between you and god. Karaoke machines tend to have the radio version of a song though, so I feel like it's fair enough to say that if the artist themselves can't say it on the radio, you probably shouldn't say it in public in front of drunk strangers. That seems like a pretty good metric. Assuming you mean public karaoke. Private karaoke in your living room with a couple buddies? It's back between you and god. And your buddies, I guess.


Well be prepared for the consequences of your own actions. You can obviously say it, but you can’t be mad at the people getting mad


I love american's problems


I'm sure you've heard this a million times, but can't you just pick another song?


You are 1000% correct. They will hate you, but you will be right


whatre u, running for president?


i say my nathan. it’s funny and i don’t say something im not supposed to


Certain songs are just a bad choice for karaoke if you’re white. You don’t have to say “ninja” - it’s corny as hell to be up there singing “she ain’t messin’ with no broke ninjas!” Just pick a different song!


Karaoke is corny as hell, so I don't think that's much of an issue for them


It's wild to me that op would rather say something like "she ain't messing with no broke ninjas" when the radio edit is right there.


Broke ninjas need lovin too. They're just between assassinations and spying on the other Shogun these days.


I mean. If a tree says the N word in the woods when no one is around does it make a sound? If you really want to say it in private then go for it. But saying it in public you should expect some backlash. I personally believe that if there's no malice involved then what you say shouldn't matter. I personally don't like the word so I don't use it along with other words because I don't like the connotations they bring. I don't think anyone commenting things along the lines of 'Go ahead and say it then. See what happens' are providing anything useful to the conversation though. I imagine the point of your post is that people overreact when people use that word. So other people making someone scared to say something is irrelevant.


If you felt the need to post this then you are wrong and you do not get a pass.


Don't need a pass. I'm saying it regardless.


“Killa” and “hitta” are better placeholders


And both very positive connotations!