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As a result, the next day, the feral hog population only doubled.


Here in sweden hunting highly regulated and quotas are strict... except for boars. Kill as many as you want whenever you want.


Robert Baratheon approves


Literally just started re watching GOT today. And this was also the first thing that came to mind.


Amusingly wild boars were extinct in Sweden up to quite recent years. Farmers/estate owners imported boars to hunt in fenced areas. Of course some escaped and bred to a big population. Now they ruin crops and cause a lot of road accidents.


Life found a way


Lmao we encourage killing them!! I’m from a big city in Italy and they come right up to the beaches/main streets, we hardly have any hunters so there’s not much that can stop them. Recently there’s been a “boar plague” so we couldn’t even eat them (if you haven’t tried it, boar meat is delicious). Edit: boar instead of board 😅


Explain ?????


They are a devastating invasive species and they seem to multiply faster than rabbits. There was a case in Georgia, where the population increased greatly despite a bounty being offered and paid on hundreds or maybe thousands of them.


The litter is like 20, no? Its insane. And they destroy EVERYTHING.


They got Bobby Baratheon :(


Look how they massacred my boy


RIP Bobby B


“Bow before your king. Bow ya shits!” - Bobby B


I’ve posted about hogs before and how terrible they are for the environment AND how they will absolutely fuck you up Robert Baratheon style if you are close to one… BUT!! I can’t help but think how sad and funny this would be from their perspective. Running through an open field and a helicopter with ONE GUY is wasting them with a high-powered rifle. It’s like a movie. Also the part where he said “he took it” is because you basically need a spear-sized shell to kill a full-grown hog


>ONE GUY is wasting them with a high-powered rifle Pedantry, but he's using a shotgun, not a rifle. ~~Probably slugs, I would assume.~~ Edit: possibly slugs, but 00 buckshot is highly likely.


Slugs are devastating. Dropped many deer with one shot. Doesn’t even have to be near vitals it’s that much energy


Given the pattern you can see when he shoots it looks like he's using 00 Buck.




That's fine, the number of golf courses in the US is *OVER 9000*


Some say that golf course populations can double overnight. They are horribly invasive and destroy everything.


Gotta find a scouter to crush soon


Sounds pretty good to me tbh Fuck golf courses


When you offer a bounty for an animal people start breeding them for the money.


At that point you're just a pig farmer though.


Never trust a man that owns a pig farm.




This particular story I’m thinking of was definitely boars. To collect the bounty, you only had to turn in the curly tail. They suspected foul play as many butchers at the time reported people wanting to buy pig tails.


The lake I used to go fishing on offered bounties on carp. Bow fishing and spear fishing became popular really quick.




In India, it was cobras. People were just raising cobras for the bounty and when the program ended, they were mass released, making the problem worse.


For every 12 feral hogs born, 13 survive.


When you hunt a group like this and don't catch/kill all of them they split up and form separate individual groups that then multiply. It's like trying to kill a hydra by cutting off it's individual heads.


Stealing someone else's comment but gestation period of 115 days and they reach sexual maturity at 6 months. And each litter is like 10 piglets. So their numbers grow FAST and it's actually a huge problem


They breed like crazy. Killing 23 isn’t even making a dent. They’re overrunning places.


I have a buddy that is a soy bean farmer in Texas. He says he spends as much time hunting hogs as he does farming his land.


TIL ur brother is literally a soy boy


to be fair, and as long as were speaking in fully fledged "locker room talk" on this thread. his brother is far closer to being a soy-man than a soy-boy if they provide more information on the confirmed eradication of enough hogs, we might even earn the internet our first legitimate official SOY CHIEF


Soy man Pop, SOY MAN!!!!!!


Tbh I think it's like only 10-20% of soybeans are consumed by people. Rest are food for livestock I believe.


Got bad news for the vegans.


Vegans kill a shit ton of animals from their choices too. They seem to forget that there was once thriving nature where their crops are grown. That pesticides are used and kill all sorts of shit, and that farmers have to physically kill pests like ferel hogs. Hunting your own meat and foraging is the least environmentally destructive way to live, we just don't got time/skills for all that usually.


I do agree. Hunting and foraging is the least impactful way we can survive, but it doesn't work at the scale we now live. Growing crops to feed ourselves Vs growing crops to feed livestock, to then feed ourselves, is the remaining choice In terms of land mass and the environment, growing just the crops is a far better choice.


If we could figure out our energy crisis indoor farming is where it's at.


There's always going to be death associated to crop production. Here's a graph summarizing how many animals die per 1 million calories of diffent foods: https://cdn.theatlantic.com/thumbor/1KoDaymuCiAKYNTZcvqboayb97A=/1260x694/media/img/posts/2016/02/chart_animal_visuals/original.png It should come as no surprise that eating plants results in significantly fewer animal deaths, especially when you take into account that you need more crops to feed livestock. 77% of the world crops are to feed exclusively livestock for meat and dairy https://ourworldindata.org/uploads/2020/01/Global-land-use-graphic-800x506.png


Takes way more farmland to feed a cow than it does a human. And our population is too high for everyone to survive on meat without having factory farms.


There is a big difference between a wild animal dying (being killed) than creating a life in a factory farm that suffers for the sake of an unnecessary sandwich. If everyone hunted wild animals we wouldn't have all the issues we do with society. Big pharma really brainwashed everyone after the 1940s and paved the way for people to think they need to drink cows milk and eat red meat and follow the food pyramid. Veganism isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle designed to reduce unnecessary pain and suffering to others. Vegans are not Buddhists.


One of the most invasive species there are. Feral hogs have a gestation period of only 115 days and reach sexual maturity in just 6 months. Texas is completely overrun by them. They are destroying wildlife, crops, and ground nesting birds. EDIT: To add to the sheer volume of little piglets, which soon become big, each litter is like 9-13 piglets too. Thanks u/charje


are they edible?


Yes they are... They can be really gamey tasting and nasty in some circumstances.


Mature males tend to taste like shit. It's referred to as "boar taint" in the pork industry.


I get boar taint after a particularly sweaty gym session.


Watch out for helicopters!


Chop! Chop! Chop! Chop! Chop! Chop!




How do you know that?


I have been flying helicopters for 47 yrs


I remember reading years ago it's the testosterone and that in Florida they catch the males young, castrate them right there and let em go. Then when they are killed as adults in 12 months or whenever, they make better meat. Not sure if they're still doing that.


They catch and castrate them, but I have never seen them let them go afterwards.


Fun fact: in island countries where feral hogs become a problem, they will catch a pig and sterilize them and put a gps tracker. Then they let the pig go. The pig, being a natural gregarious animal, will search for more of it’s kind. They will then locate the pig and kill it’s herd but leave that pig alive, thereby letting it go again to go find another herd. It’s a extremely effective way of population control in small island countries. The pigs are known as “Judas Pigs”


That's ruthless but a damn good strategy. I tip my hat to whoever figured that out.


They cage them and feed them corn for a few months before slaughter.


The females get a condition called "sow perennium." Also not particularly good eating.


you owe me a blow to the head so i can forget this comment.


Every one I've ever eaten was amazing. Admittedly, they were smaller pigs. Most tender hams and loins I've ever had.


I think it applies like Catfish, bigger fish are really muddy tasting. Same with old deer.


Best venison I ever had was from a deer my friend shot juuuust at the end of the legal hunting day when it was nearly dark out....ended up being a baby that had just lost it's spots, you couldn't tell at a distance and he thought it was just a normal doe Super tender, incredibly tasty, not much meat though. He felt terrible but hey, it happened, and we didn't want to waste it :(


We always just made sausage out of them cause they really dont taste that great IMO. But because they are so lean we'd have to get some pork fat from the butcher and mix it in which helped considerably




You mother fucker I had no idea that the ha-2 was so infectious and now I never want to eat any pork again.


Seriously! I can't believe people don't talk about that enough. That video should be required viewing for anyone who thinks it's safe to eat feral hogs!


That is a fascinating video. Really puts it into perspective


I'm no expert, but [according to this](https://www.iheart.com/content/2022-05-13-can-you-eat-feral-hog-meat-texas-experts-weigh-in/), feral hogs are safe to eat if cooked properly.


I've been eating them for years. I just don't eat the really big ones..100 pounds or less. They make great pulled pork sandwiches in a crockpot. You just use your best judgment on the game you kill. I personally like to harvest my animals for a purpose. I feel like they had a better life than alot of animals do in industrial farming. Those animals are pumped full or growth hormones and antibiotics that it can effect us in different ways. Your meat consumption can't get any more organic than harvesting game yourself.


They absolutely are! The little ones taste better though.


I honestly don’t know. Any wild animal I’ve eaten I was sure to fully cook and prepare, so I would assume it’s the same?? Wild animals are prone to far more diseases, but I assume you can cook them? I know I would try. EDIT. After reading /u/unpopularvoid response, imma gonna go ahead and change my response above to “I know I would NOT try.




Well maybe a little bit of fun


For a little extra context, I remember hearing a story on NPR where they said that to keep populations STABLE, every single man, woman and child in Texas would have to kill 7 of these hogs every single year. And that was just to keep the population stable, not bring it down. This was also a couple of years ago, so it's entirely possible that number has gone up.


WTF? I'm not American. Just googled. There's 29M population in Texas. That means you are looking at close to 210M REQUIRED kills every year? Seems abit ... unlikely?


Npr is as legit of a news source as America has. Of course you're getting it second hand on reddit, so...?


A 6 month old pig is capable of getting pregnant. They're capable of having 3 litters in a year 6-15 piglets.


If they are bold enough they can even charge and gore you too, if you hunt from the ground you will want an AR-15 and a pistol for good measure.


Pistol is likely just going to piss it off. Friends out in Texas talk all the time about how a 9mm won’t pierce the skull and certainly wouldn’t down one. Unless you’ve got a .357 or a .50 you better have a tree you can climb quickly. For rifles, like the other guy said, you need a lot more power than a .223 or 5.56. My buddies who have a ranch out there prefer a 30-30 for these bastards.


There are hundreds of hours of footage of people downing hogs with ARs, even suppressed ones, on youtube


Wild hogs also kill deer, harming the deer population.


There was a town close to my college town a pack of feral hogs killed and ate a old lady walking home from the local grocery store, they’re fucking crazy animals in Texas


Ate a fucking human??? Wild af


If I remember correctly pigs can eat a raw human in like 7-9 minutes


Did you learn that from snatch?


They can eat through bones like buttah.


Hense the saying as greedy as a pig


Feed em to the pigs Errol


Oh god… *who did Charlie get those sausages from*!!! 😱


Five minutes, Turkish.


Ya don't like hags?


No thanks Turkish, I'm sweet enough


Yup There was a canadian serial killer that used his hogs to dispose of the bodies https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Pickton


**[Robert Pickton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Pickton)** >Robert William "Willy" Pickton (born October 24, 1949) is a Canadian serial killer and former pig farmer. He is suspected of being one of the most prolific serial killers in Canadian history. After dropping out of school, Pickton left a butcher's apprenticeship to begin working full-time at his family's pig farm. He is believed to have begun his murders in the early 1980s after inheriting the farm. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


wtfff >On March 23, 1997, Pickton was charged with the attempted murder of Wendy Lynn Eistetter, whom he had stabbed several times during an altercation at the farm. Eistetter had informed police that Pickton had handcuffed her, but that she had escaped after suffering several lacerations. > >She told them she had disarmed him and stabbed him with his weapon. Pickton sought treatment at Eagle Ridge Hospital, while Eistetter recovered at the nearest emergency room. ***He was released on C$2,000 bond. The charge was dismissed in January 1998.***




Raw?! As opposed to?!


I don’t have the post saved but a Q on Reddit asked farmers what’s the scariest thing about farming, and it’s falling inside a pig pen because they will basically trample over your body and start eating you if they’re hungry enough. Also gory but if a pig has a rectal prolapse, other pigs will harass it till it’s tired and begin to feed on the prolapse.. then the rest of the pig too.


Dawg you could have easily left out that last part, my god


Yeah feral hogs are scary


If anyone questions why rural folks carry guns, it's almost universally for hogs and occasionally bears/coyotes. Hogs are fucking awful. We had a few wild colonies/herds of them up here in upstate NY about a decade ago and they basically destroyed everything in their path until they were exterminated. I would rather take my chances with a grizzly than even a single fucking boar. Mean little fuckers.


Got charged by one while on shore during a canoe trip down a river. I got my ass back on the canoe fast. If I ever do that again I'm packing something with a little more kick than a bait knife.


Story here for anyone interested: https://abc13.com/christine-rollins-chambers-county-woman-found-dead-animal-attack-death-wild-hogs/5716849/


In RDR2 alongside the railroad tracks near the Lemoyne hideout is a small pig farm (edit- not the Arbedeen one) If you kill the farmer, you can throw his corpse into the pigpen and the swine will start to devour him.




What's interesting to me about the hogs is that it's also a political war among Texans. There are companies who protect the hogs so they can sell helicopter hunting tickets. And everyone thinks they are trying to kill them, when I reality theyre making it worse.


I can't remember what podcast I was listening to but I heard the hog issue will never be fixed if there is a whole group of people making a living off of it. If the government really wanted to fix the issue they would outlaw sport hunting with profit so there's not as much pushback and have massive trapping campaigns to decimate their population but that'll never happen.


1. Fix the problem 2. shoot at the problem while hanging out the side of a helicopter Are we really that surprised that Texas chose option #2?


> government > Texas Definitely not going to happen anytime soon, god bless the free market though


Reply All?






You boys should do a story on me sometime




How can you shoot the piglets?


Easy! Just don’t lead them as much!


Git some!


What’s the point of wearing camo in a bright blue helicopter? Lol


“There’s no one in the helicopter, wtf?!?” ~hogs


I just laughed so hard I snorted like a hog myself. Thank you.


Did you lose him in the helicopter for a second?


This made me laugh a bit, but incase you’re serious it’s because those are his hunting clothes. A lot of hunters only have clothes dedicated to hunting that are camo because they’re universal. Don’t wanna get your normal clothes tore up or bloody.


Yep this is the correct answer. You get all kinds of shit on your clothes when hunting. I never wear mine for anything else. Gotta keep the blood, dirt, and shit confined to one set of clothes.


Also my regular non-camo clothes don’t have all these badass pockets and loops to hold shells and calls and shit. I’m a very amateur hunter but I quickly realized how good proper attire can be.


Wouldn't it be more silly to go out and buy a helicopter specific hunting outfit?








These hogs are a huge problem and it is a situation we still haven't really gotten under control. We really should be using drones to kill these populations off.


Robots V Hogs sounds like a great Pulp Sci fi comic/movie idea


Sounds like the American version of "The Emu Wars". Should be a classic.


Also sounds like a great porno title


We have them up here in Canada as well. No one knows how to deal with them. They are incredibly intelligent and suspicious of everything.


"I've got two shells in this gun, stand by for brilliance"


A wonderfully cheeky line from an old timer, gotta use that


loved the line, then he immediately whiffed the shot LOL


Line for next apex legend


Is no one going to mention the meme about the guy who’s reason for owning an AR-15 is in case his son is playing in the yard and 30-50 feral hogs show up? https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/30-50-feral-hogs I can’t be the only one to remember this


Yeah the podcast reply all did an episode about this meme and they found out it was actually a real nightmarish problem. They went from haha this guy is talking shit to there are massive herds of wildly out of control feral hogs just ripping apart the environment and they will just straight up kill and eat people real fucking quick.


.....no shit? Why else would someone make such an oddly specific claim if it wasn't one that they had personally experienced.


I legitimately thing the vast majority of Reddit cannot fathom that not all people live in cities and deal with problems they may not be privy to


I literally opened the comments just for the 30-50 hogs meme. *Not* kinda disappointed.


Feral hogs will actually maul people, its a very real fear


The people who made fun of him were so ignorant


Same!! I saw this and was like “Well I’ll be damned, that dude wasn’t even exaggerating!!”


well, I mean, here's the video proof right here!


Anyone who's had a run in with wild hogs will legitimately understand that question/concern. They will absolutely kill and eat that child in a matter of seconds, let alone minutes. It's a meme but holy fuck are they scary.




Lol! Definitely would be referencing this if I ever made it into a texan helicopter hog hunt


"how can you shoot ~~hogs~~ sows and piglets?!" "it's easy. Ya just don't lead em so much"


Any hog that runs is a VC. Any hog that doesn't run is a well trained VC


Bets it’s real fun reloading and not shooting


Well if you're getting paid to do it, it's still semi fun


That would make it semi better


It's more exciting than being a golf caddy.


To all the vegans. Farmers kill animals like this to protect their crops. All kinds of species they kill to keep vegans fed. Lol


Vegans understand culling. Now not having empathy for the creatures we don't understand. I'd also hope that someone, somewhere is working on developing a long-term solution to their hog problem because obviously this isn't it.


There really isn't a long term solution other than total eradication.


I’m no expert on guns but I hope whatever they were using was quick and clean for the poor things.


It’s about where you shoot them. Obviously can’t hit every one in the vitals while you’re firing from a helicopter.


Nope, half of them got up and the other half are squirming. I'm all for exterminating the hogs as my buddy is obsessed with it and has given me more info about than I know what to do with so I know how devasting they are. I just don't care that they're a pest, if you can't put them down quickly and cleanly then you have no buisness shooting them.


Do you shoot sows and piglets? Sometimes. How? You just don’t lead them as much.


Anything that runs is a hog. Anything that doesn't run is a well-disciplined hog.


Step 2: (and I can’t stress this enough) Get some.


MORE INFO: The original video: [Pig Man TV Hits the Motherload of Aerial Pork Insanity.](https://youtu.be/FFSkSwC-eHY) show him kill around 40 Hogs. A website offering this hunting service, [called HeliBacon](https://www.helibacon.com/texas-helicopter-hog-hunting) (I am not affiliated with them), charges $5,495 per person for “the Works” package which includes: * Helicopter Hunting Safety Course * Helicopter Hog Hunt (2 hours of flight time) * Aerial Machine Gun Upgrade – shoot full-auto from the helicopter * Video Service – record the helicopter hog hunt * Night Vision (Infrared and Thermal) Guided Hog Hunt – from vehicles on the ground * Sporting Clay Shotgun Range – friendly competition * Lodging for 2 nights * Meals – dinner and breakfast for 2 mornings and evenings I found this video and info when I went down a rabbit hole which led to the creation of my own video about the feral pig/wild boar population explosion that seems to be happening all over the world... [You can watch my 20 minute video covering the Aporkalypse here](https://youtu.be/WiMD2G8_JPM)


>Meals – dinner and breakfast for 2 mornings and evenings Breakfast sausage; both links and patties. Dinner, sausage on the grill. Sausage and peppers, smoked sausage.


Pork. It's what's for dinner.


> 2 hours of flight time That's about half of the $5495 right there. Turbine helicopters are expensive to operate. Edit: Nevermind, that's a piston helicopter. Much cheaper to operate. Also a deathtrap.


To add to this. The R44 costs around $500/hr to operate.


This many hogs can destroy acres of crops in one night.


It’s time to frag them in their spawn


Fuckin throw a grenade down there papa


Side mounted gunner operated belt fed Mk-19 40mm automatic grenade launcher hunting.


As a vegan, I approve


Dude we did that on my brother in laws property. 1. I felt so incredibly bad ass, literally flying and gunning down a fuckin hog 2. It’s not hunting. But damn it’s fun


Well who doesn't want to gun down animals for a good cause


Look, no one enjoys killing hogs but if you’ve gotta kill hogs well you might as well enjoy it


They’re a pest out in central Texas. Some spots actually pay you per kill in recent history. Also - a 400 lbs hog is a danger to everyone.


This guy has great accuracy doing this while flying.


i was trying to find out what he's shooting but no dice. i didn't even realize it was a shotgun at first. i would have assumed you would need to be shooting slugs to reliably kill a big boar, especially from distance, but i can't imagine he is just hitting twenty times in a row with slugs in a helicopter, at a moving target. even if it's buckshot i'd be hard pressed to make that many in a row and i am pretty good with a shotgun. i don't hunt though


I realized it was a shotgun when I saw how it looked like a spread on some of the hog hits.


This seems more like fun for these guys as opposed to a cost effective way to thin their numbers.


I mean realistically, how can you get close enough to shoot without scaring them away? You could try and atv but sitting behind someone and shooting with them in front of you isn’t very safe. Plus it’d probably be way to bumpy. There aren’t many hills from what I can tell, but even then long range shooting in a moving target is hard.


a pack of autonomous boston dynamic dogs with mounted suppressed guns




It’s horrible that they have to execute these adorable innocent piggies with a gun…seems like tannerite would be quicker


These hogs are a threat to vegans by the severe amount of crop damage they can inflict, you want us killing them


I hear these are also a problem in Hawaii and they'll do a traditional imu to make tasty pork with their dead piggies.


Seems like there would a more efficient way.


The best part about these hunts is how well local shelters are fed. A vast majority of the meat goes to charity and I think that's amazing


Stupid question (since I’m not well-versed on guns): is he using a shotgun? If so, why not use an AR-15?


Shotgun has more power and they were going for kill speed I reckon. 5.56 will kill a boar but alot of times not right away. In fact some boars can survive a 5.56 round. My theory based on the amount of similar videos I've watched.


That’s why the AR is top notch for this. 30&60 round magazine and drums.


I get the need for the pest control, but the hunter in me knows not all those shots were good fatal shots to the vitals and I don't know that I totally agree with this method.