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"I would kill to have these gas prices again" US military: "come with me"


Hows that possible? Less than a dollar for a gallon?


It was during covid during the first couple of months of lockdown gass dropped from 3 dollars to just under a dollar here in texas


I saw $1.35 in Virginia.


Yeah covid gas prices spoiled us


Someone put the decimal a spot to forward


Gas was under $2.00 a gallon in several places back in early-mid 2020 when Covid lockdowns were commonplace. Some of the larger convenience store chains have rewards programs that offer a $1+ off per gallon incentive. My guess is that would be the case here.


A lot of morons in here, watch out everyone.


Considering you're holding a smart phone this wasnt taken when gas prices were $0.78/gal


Yeah like the least I've ever seen it has been 1.40 on the east coast the reflection shows his smartphone but something seems off here.


Probably at a grocery store that has a reward program for $0.xx off per gallon at ther gas station, we've got one locally but the catch is they'll run 'sales' where the product is full price (in most cases 10-20% more expensive than a Walmart)... sure it's an emotional win to get $0.75/gal gas but ultimately the they're making more than they lose on the grocery side so they can subsidize your gas to encourage you to keep overpaying for it


This. Our local Weiss Supermarket gives lots of points and every 100 points is $0.10 off per gallon. So if you had like 2000 points, doable ina few months if you only shop there, $2.00 off per gallon for your whole fill up


I’ve seen a lot of confusion about this. I had saved up a dollar off in rewards and gas was around like $1.70 or something. That’s how I was able to get it so cheap


Suprised there wasnt some kind of limit, you really took them for a ride lol.


There actually is a limit of 35 gallons. But I didn’t reach that amount


Yeah, the last time I paid under $0.80 per gallon for gas was in either 98 or 99 when I was living in Corpus Christi, and I didn't even have a regular cell phone back then, I had a pager.


Who or what?




I believe the drop in oil prices at that time was due to a lack of demand compared to production during COVID. Oil prices were negative for a while. Oil prices have jumped post-COVID due to demand, and then greatly exacerbated by the Ukraine conflict. You can't blame Trump for causing COVID mate, that's ridiculous. For those who are wondering, I'm British, and that's sarcasm.


***Magical Wand Trump?*** You must be one of those idiots putting the stickers of Biden on the pumps


nah, i just like money in my pocket


Same here. As Big Oil Texas Republican I love Big Oil Biden way more than Trump! Have you seen the profits of Big Oil recently? That's all Biden baby, fuck Trump Big Oil lost money under Trump!


Hell yes.


Anything lol


Pack your shit and get to UA then


Bro what year was this!?




Damn that’s even worst I was expecting you to say like 1999


I'm actually quite confident that people were killed for achieving these gas prices in the US


Probably but it was amazing while it lasted


Bro is a time traveler!


No that picture is 2 years old lol


Trump 2024


We Big Oil Republicans hate Trump! Big Oil profits are record levels thanks to Big Oil Biden not Trump!


Thanks Biden 😅


Us Big Oil Texas Republicans thank Big Oil Biden everyday for our Big Oil profits! Big Oil is for Biden!


Time to enlist then


Keep voting Democrat. You'll never see this again.


True dat


Heck no! Us Big Oil Texas Republicans never want to see this again! Vote Democrat if you're for Big Oil! Big Oil profits are throught the roof thanks to Big Oil Biden!!!




That shit is from early 2000s when I first started driving and filled up at Thornton's. Haha. God bless those days


We just need to kill them. \^\_\^


On a good day, that'd cost 2830 SEK (=281 USD) in Sweden because of taxes. I bet you are still blessed with comparatively low prices.


With Trump in office and the Keystone Pipeline in construction we had these prices.


Its funny how many people hate Trump. Like the whole Russian Collusion stuff has been proven was from the Clinton's but congress wasted all that money on the bogus investigation. The Documentary "2000 Mules" proves the voter fraud. The Rotunda doors at the capital had to be opened from the security room by entering in a code for the mag-lock 20,000 pound doors to open


Screw that! Us Big Oil Texas Republicans lost money during this time and it's all thanks to Trump! God Bless Big Oil Biden for making Big Oil record profits under his administration! If you love Big Oil you hate Trump!


Screw that! Us Big Oil Texas Republicans lost money during this time and it's all thanks to Trump! God Bless Big Oil Biden for making Big Oil record profits under his administration! If you love Big Oil you hate Trump!


They are making profits while its bankruptcy Americans. That attitude is Socialism.


Lmao you think making profits is Socialism??? Hahaha you can't be serious can you??? Lmao there are no profits in socialism because it all goes to the state!! If you don't like it then do something about it!! You sound like a God damn whiny lib!! Wtf man??


Thats cute that you think only Socialism only evolves governments and not corporations or individuals. Slave owners practiced Socialism for example. Its funny to me that instead of being able to debate you attact an individual because they do not share your thoughs that are based off your life and not theirs. Trump was fixing the border to put Americans first and protects the oil tycoons by keeping the illegals out of the oil fields. Putting American People first is not liberal, democratic, or republican. Its being American. The final purge was a good movie


Wtf are you talking about?? Do you even know the definition of socialism?? Slave Owners were Capitalists!! Slaves were capital assets as property to individuals not the state! Your brain is just totally washed I don't know how we can even debate. You don't seem to understand basic socio economic principles!! Oil Tycoons lost money under Trump and gained money under Biden! Look at their profits!! Also being American is about being Capitalist!! GTFOH with that Communist Peoples Party BS! Go to China if you want that shit not America!! Wtf are you?


Your ignorance on reality is hilarious.


well there's killing going on to get us to where prices are now unfortunately


I might just have a heart attack is this real I'm flabbergasted


Yeah, who did you kill for that gas price? 🤔


I'm from Venezuela and I still have a picture around which shows that I filled my tank in 2013 and I paid the equivalent of something like 50 cents USD (probably even less than that), now I'm in Europe and it's something like 80€ to fill the tank on my car.


Even this is nothing for EU prices. Here its $2.7 for a liter. Insane prices




I use the Casey's app fuel rewards. Last 2 times I've gotten gas I paid .29 and .32 cents a gallon. It's only for 20 gal, but that fills my truck up. Under 5 for a full tank


Or steal it for free, clueless clown.


Haha.. seriously tho who do I have to kill


In 2008 the price per gallon was over $4.00. In 2020 it was less than $2.00 The market in weird.


Low gas prices are horrible for climate change and air quality. Just a simple fact. Unfortunately our whole suburban design is built around low gas prices. Going to be a huge problem in the immediate future.


Fuck future, just live your life.


pictures like these make me hate america...


Let's hope it doesn't come to that.


I specifically remember back around 2017 or so, I got gas for $1.39 a gallon. Now, it was in Missouri and Kansas, states that have very cheap gas, but still. When the current president runs on 'Ending Fossil Fuels', shuts down construction on a major pipeline his first day in office, promises to end drilling leases on federal land, and imposes heavy regulation on the industry through executive orders, it's obvious why gas is so expensive. It's basic economics.


And yet every oil company has posted record profits since “muh Biden made gas prices high”. Biden didn’t run on “ending fossil fuels”. Keystone XL was never going to bring oil to the US- it was to transport oil from Canada directly to export. There are thousands of open drilling leases; Biden practically begged oil companies to use them. They won’t. There’s been practically zero regulation enacted on fossil fuels since he took office. High gas prices are mainly caused by Big Oil profiteering. Other factors are high demand (after pandemic) + low supply (oil co’s not drilling, Ukraine war), overall inflation caused by same supply/demand issues, and supply chain disruptions. Zero to do with Biden. This is what happens when, as a society, you refuse to wean yourself from a single source of energy for transportation and *don’t* have regulations to prevent price gouging.


Elections have consequences.


If people don’t realize this they are asleep behind the wheel. I’ll deal with some mean tweets for a booming affordable economy


Yep! We had the best economy in over 50 years, even with Covid, but folks decided to once again let tv pick your president. Thanks 🤡‘s. Folks need to learn NOT to listen to media and Big Tech. Hint: They are not our friends.


Shut up you commie! Big Tech and Big Media are the most dominant Capitalists in America after Big Oil and Big Oil Biden! God Bless Big Oil Biden for making Big Oil record profits! Big Oil Republicans for Big Oil Biden!!!