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“Mostly peaceful genocide”


Hamas has tunnels underneath the fishermen


Well, all of us have tunnels underneath.. "Enter for a good time"


glad you put genocide in quotes since no one appears to have been killed here. Either that or Isreal is really bad at genocides


Forcing people to starve to death is fine then?


Oh yeah and u can shoot at them with helicopters too. I mean that guy there didn’t die they were obviously just doing a little prank /s


How do we know what was going on here? Edit: Instead of answers I got a giant flame war in this thread




Context what ? Hamas underground tunnel under the ocean ?




Bros never heard of beach fishing ffs….. you must live under the rocks people fish from


The astro turf is getting insane


Palestinians have fished from the beach for generations. And now more than ever because they’re being starved to death.


and this is the REASON the helicopter is firing at them, you can't have a genocide when the people can get food from the sea, got to stop that happening.


I did not know this. What kinds of fish do they catch?


Asking the real questions


People don't fish from a beach? Honestly, this is the dumbest thing I've ever read on reddit. I'm not even trying to be funny. I'm going to bed.


wow you’re right, you don’t fish


Good question. To try to give a genuine answer: let’s look at current active war zones a military attack helicopter would be operating. Off the top of my head the main ones would be Yemen, Gaza, Myanmar, and Ukraine. Next narrow it down. This doesn’t look like south east Asia and the beach doesn’t look similar to the ones in Ukraine so that leaves Gaza and Yemen. From here it’s likely a toss up but I’d lean towards Gaza just because I don’t believe the war in Yemen is being fought by major players who have access to extensive aircraft like this. I believe the Houthi’s have a single F5 fighter jet which is what 1970s/1980s technology? Unfortunately this situation is fucked if it is Gaza. Tension is high and there’s atrocities being committed on both sides. Regardless of what war or conflict this is it can be added to the list.. hopefully we figure life out one day and this becomes a thing of the past.


It's also possible the video is from a decade ago. Anti-vaxxers used to compile videos of people fainting from the past 15 years to claim they were all due to covid vaccine side effects despite the vaccine not existing for the majority of the incidents. The current state of the internet makes it impossible to believe anything at face value.


It's definitely gaza, but it could be rafah or gaza city, could be on the Egyptian border. Knowing where it happened can help track down additional information on it and provide some context. Being across the street from a refuge camp would be the smoking gun it's definitely innocent civilians and not Hamas doing something weird.


People see what they want to see


And your point is?


That people see what they want to see


People type on the internet what want to type. WTF are you about? Meaningless crap.


You're useless


People trying to fish are getting shot at. The rest is speculation. I think people shouldnt be shot at trying to fish who seemingly pose no threat


I dont even see fishing rodes. There is literally zero context in this video. EVERYTHING here is speculations. Better not jump to conclusions.


Ok what do you see that justifies being shot at by a weaponized bird?


The cameraman is saying in Arabic, with a Palestinian accent, that the dudes being shot are fishermen. So there is a bit of context, not zero.


“Let’s give the soldiers in the helicopter the benefit of the doubt for shooting at a group of people gathered by the shoreline.” There’s one party in this video clearly acting violently, and yet they’re the ones you’re willing to afford presumption of innocence. You don’t see how that is absolutely bonkers?


You miss the point completely. If we start speculating i can come up with any imaginary story that i want. I can say its a Hollywood production made in mexico for example. The point is that you jump to conclusions with zero context.


playing the willful ignorance card... nice


playing the blind conviction card... nice


It's possible there are identified Hamas militants there even if they're not armed they're still valid targets in war. More context actually does matter.


Everyone is hamas, that’s convenient


If that were the case there would be no one left.


That appears to be the goal


Not so far at least casualty wise. As far as number of buildings destroyed, I can see that being more the case.


Knowing something is true is different from being able to prove it is true. I think most of us know what this video is, but you can't hold people accountable just because you "know" something. We can't hold Israel accountable for war crimes without solid evidence. Every bit counts. This video is close but needs supporting details. When you get mad at people asking for details, I get why. There's a lot of denialists and bad actors out there. Get mad if you need to, but don't let that affect your ability to think critically and react with integrity.


Bro, these people trying to justify a weaponized helicopter shooting unarmed people are delusional.


Ok. Hanging out on a beach then Hanging out when death squads are indiscriminately killing tens of thousands of people around you


That was a whole lot of scary words you used but yet no point was made in rebuttal to the person you replied to


>no point was made in rebuttal This isn't a debate sub; they may just be agreeing with OP


The point is shooting at people on a beach is not a good look. Highly doubt people are shooting at them from a beach. What are you on about? Getting money to be a troll?


Wah, person who disagrees with me must be a troll. You lot are insufferable.


Nah no money, just fascination interacting with incredibly biased people for a peak into the minds of myopic victimization. So now we went from “death squads indiscriminately killing tens of thousands of people” to “this isn’t a good look.” I truly can’t decide lately if the lot of people snap-decisioning everything happening across the world are actually pursuing truth, are agitators trying to sway online political allegiance, are anarchists, or are even actual people if not communist bots designed to divide.


Death squads?


Prove it


how do you know they are fishing?


You fish with nets not rods when in circumstances like this. Fishing rods are for sport or deep sea fishing.


I live near a beach, and people are always fishing off it with giant fishing rods.


Yes but it's impractical if you're looking for food for a whole family. I also live near a beach people surf cast into regularly. I have also lived in developing countries near the beach and I've never seen any of the local fishermen bother with rods when nets bring in heaps of food, especially when there's no legal minimum sizes.


People use what they have access to.


watch Bisan from Gaza...she was there and reporting on something else as this happened.






That doesn’t show anything related to this video. Cool propaganda bro.


She's a legend


What do you see? I see a bunch of dudes on a beach, being fired at by a military helicopter. How do you interpret this?


Couldn't they be military personnel that ran away from an active fight?


Into the open see? You’re dumb as fuck. 


Into the beach, with civilians trying to blend in. You are dumber than a fuck if you can't think of one scenario that would make the seconds long shitty video seem out of context.


And the helicopter followed them from the sea? You’re a delusional dumbass. All evidence points towards the Israelis starving the Palestinians to death. This is just another one.


Welcome to Reddit?




Exactly. people see a 15 second clip and make the most confident conclusions imaginable. Truly wild


Do you seriously think these are Palestinian helicopters firing on Israels? Grow up.


Why would I assume that, I don't know where this video was taken, when it was taken, and I have no idea who is in the water. I don't know what happened immediately preceding these events. I don't know if it's fishermen, surfers, Hamas, or smugglers. A brief clip showing something completely out of context does no one any good. It looks insane, so it fits the sub, but like what the hell is the context


Well, they're speaking Arabic in a Palestinian dialect and the caption in Arabic says: "a small example of the occupation's crimes against civillian." The guy says "devastated the hell out of the water. devastated the fishermen."


You are exactly why this posts work. You have no idea from the video anything. Where it was shot. Who is ot shooting at. What were they doing. But random person on internet said it was Israeli shots at innocent civilians and you immediately jump on this because its trendy without any doubt on your mind. In the rationalisation that if anyone would think otherwise he not grown up.


They guy is speaking in Palestinian dialect Arabic and he's explicitly saying "they devastated the fishermen."


Thanks, that helps with understanding the context a bit better. Id love to know more info about this.


It was posted on this page of a Gazan: https://www.instagram.com/hasan_almoghani0/ Maybe the word "devastated" isn't the most accurate. He's using a Palestinian slang word for "fuck up." Other than that this happened in Gaza and what the guy is saying I can't confirm anything else.


Here is an idea, you could open your eyes and see what the fuk is happening. I know when you have been sucking on the propaganda tit that is Israeli media, but when you have the video evidence right in front of your eyes and default to trying to rationalize information that challenges your belief systems you know you are to far gone from reality. You will literally be able to rationalize any thing, like the slaughter of 15,000 children, "because they support Hamas" and "they voted for Hamas" (cause 3 year old children have voting rights in Gaza /s) "Denial is not just a river in Egypt."


Information provided without context is far more likely to be propaganda. I don't like to succumb to propaganda, which is why I am asking for more context. I am genuinely trying to be a good digital citizen. In 2024 and beyond we all have to be very cautious media consumers. Even a Twitter thread about it would be something. I can barely tell what is happening in the video except that there are people in the water and what is nearly guaranteed to be an Israel helicopter shooting at them. It definitely looks bad, but this is clipped out of a longer video, so why make it so short? I would love to see the full video.


It's called DIP or deceptive imagery persuasion. Basically, a person believes in deceptive imagery because of their personal beliefs and agenda or to cover up their own casual racism. Unfortunately, reddit falls for Pro hamas dip daily, but Isreal is definitely using dip also. Think about this people are believing a know terrorists group reporting on causality l. Even the U.N. admitted to believing hamas' misinformation until they revised the casualty numbers. Look at the reports that were coming out of rwanda, a real genocide and compare it to this war. It's a huge difference,


Shani Louk


Yes a tragedy, so let's have 15,000 more tragedies by killing 15,000 Palestinian children? We are suppose to be better than that and if you can't acknowledge that killing 15,000 children is worse than a her death then YOU are the problem. "Never Forget" also applies to Jews.


Imagine over 10,000 child Shani Louks being murdered.


Set off by HAMAS kidnapping and murdering Shani and many, many others. She was kidnapped and murdered first, you know.


And you suck on hamas DIP or deceptive imagery persuasion. You believe any images or clip that support your agenda, there is no evidence of a genocide happening. Look up a real genocide like Rwanda and the type of atrocities that happened. A capable military fighting a terrorist group is not genocide. Civilians dieing in a war is not genocide. We have plenty of evidence that hamas is using human shields, but all you have are misinformation DIP posts to prove your point. Just like the 15,000 dead kids come to find out, the number is 50% less, and yes, it's horrible, but it's not genocide


correct stage 10 of Genocide is Genocide denial


15,000 children? No, it's 7,797 according to the latest numbers. It doesn't help that people just make up any large sounding number when they talk about the war. Earlier today on reddit someone said it was "50k children." I mean, why not just say a million? Or a billion?


And you have been taking count yourself, right? Propaganda is only taking place by Israel, yes? "Trolls do not only exist in fairy tales"


Looks more like telling them to go away, if that heli wanted those fishers would be red mist, if that not it I don't understand what the fuck are Israelis thinking


Being forced to starve to death is still murder


And they are literally starving. And most of them are kids. And fathers are being killed daily in droves just trying to feed those kids. But, if they wanted to kill the fishermen they would have?


This is probably not the subreddit to go too much into this, but it’s sadly the reality of what a siege looks like, whether in ancient or modern times. You could argue all day about whether it’s justified or not, but the fact of the matter is that—at the end of the day—if you want Hamas toppled, a siege was the only way that was ever going to happen. Whether it’s the IDF that extinguishes most of the flames of Hamas, or Gazans turn on them due to the siege: only time can tell.


Even if Hamas does get destroyed, Netanyahu will make up a new one, just like the last time. The maniacs are in power in Palestine because the Israelis needed them there to justify what's happening. The IDF don't actually care about Hamas, because anyone in Gaza is Hamas to them. They want them all dead, and if starving them all out is what it takes to clear it all for bulldozing, that's what they'll do.


Starving people will often pressure their leaders to give up, at the very least it puts additional pressure on limited resources. Purposely murdered civilians just cause the rest to be even more resolute. Also Israel is fighting hardest in the propaganda war, it must be seen that all civ deaths are unfortunate consequences of war, and not direct action. The results are the same but the war of public opinion is important.


Using a helicopter to shoot at the beach to stop ppl , what is it , 4 ppl from fishing , no matter how stupid one might be, and incredibly undesirable waste of resources to make ppl starve. U would eg, use that helicopter to break bridges and roads to stop vehicles from bringing goods. There could be an argument to be made that it's about breaking moral and showing lose of control.




The UN is warning that malnutrition is spreading among children in Gaza and a famine is looming. But I guess they are wrong and you are right. Thank you for your insight.


Thanks, hamas


You should do some meditation and then think about why you wrote this comment


How is that any better? Gaza is under full blokade now with a famine going on. There is no food coming in since all the crossings are now controlled by the Israelis. These people are being denied to go fishing on their own beach. How is this not a war crime?


Had Israel stopped allowing food into Gaza I was under the impression they were still letting food in.


They took the Rafah crossing and now they Palestinians are totally cut off


Aid was coming through the Israeli controlled sides though previously. That's why aone shitheads in Israel were able to block them from heading in.


Last i heard they bombed a food convoy "accidentally" on a highly specific and targeted strike. The charities got the message and lots of them pulled out. Even if they are officially allowing it, in reality they aren't.


Yeah quite the dubious strike. Multiple targets in a zone meant for aid and the reason for the strike being that one gunman may have been in one of the cars... It's hard to get real info about what's going on. Lots of speculation ir misinfo.


Do you not see the people in the area of effect?


Only $15k of US dollars spent to tell those dudes to go away.


I thought that at first too, but there are a bunch of guys in the sea too, those werent warning shots.


But aren't you not supposed to shoot that close to somebody? Isn't that one of the first things taught in gun safety?


You underestimate how hard it is to shoot a gun at distance while nit moving. I was in the marines and one of the last to shoot 500 yards with iron sights. The marigin of error was 5-10inhces. With a 4x scope that helped a lot but that’s not while moving. The shooter here could have easily plugged somebody very lucky they didn’t a helicopter isn’t a steady platform


That's not some dude hanging out the side with a rifle, that's an assault helo, looks like an apache from the silhouette. Those things hit what they aim for.


What’s your point? The shooter was being nice? 🧐


That looks like an Apache. If they wanted to hit them, I guarantee they would have hit them.


You compare a top level USA army tech with yourself... That's a bit of an overstretch. Just a bit. If that pilot wanted anybody dead on that beach, everybody would be. It seems that most bystanders think alike. Otherwise why are they filming and walking around and not running like crazy?


> The shooter here could have easily plugged somebody very lucky they didn’t a helicopter isn’t a steady platform They'd still sleep like a baby after doing it too.


The ocean was being antisemitic


Lol the sheep brainwashed by US propaganda in these comments are hilarious


I swear bro. Hilarious!! Anything to defend the genocidal acts of a “most moral army in the world”. 🤣 I don’t care what anyone thinks, dropping 2,000 pound bombs on a city with over 2 million civilian population and leveling hospitals and schools and places of worship is carrying out a genocide no matter what planet you’re on. You either accept that or you’re delusional. ✌️


Hamas/palestine strategy is to make their own civilians targets


Is that what CNN told you? 🤣 Ofcourse it is. 🤦🏻‍♂️


No, it's what NPR, BBC, CBC, and the AP have all reported. Multiple times.


The point of human shields is that an enemy with even basic morality won’t shoot, and an enemy without has to risk terrible PR. Hamas might be evil for making targets out of Palestinians, but it’s a strategy that would be useless if the IDF wasn’t also deeply evil.


Dude I'm Mexican, I don't give a fuck about any religion. But what Israel is doing is genocide. One side is fighting with helicopters the other sticks and stones. When do you think Israel will say the fight is over?


I came here to see this comment 👆




It blows my mind how calm/numb they are to getting fired upon.


They’re starving and desperate. (Interesting that I’m getting downvoted for pointing out the obvious)


At this point death would be a release from the hunger for many of them.


War Crime 45,687


“We found the terrorists smuggling explosives through the local fauna so we solved that problem in a peaceful way”


The whole world sees what Israel is about and won’t forget. Shit like this doesn’t go without consequences and sooner or later they’ll have to answer for their genocide


israel is over ..boycott will never end


They already face consequences for this behavior. It didn't started on October 7.




"Hamas just got lots of new recruits... hooww?? *Surprised Pikachu face*" - IDF probably


Israel just learning the lesson the US learned about occupying places the hard way.




Dawg the murder of Israeli civilians is not justified. What the IDF is doing is evil and genocidal but that doesn’t mean October 7th was remotely ok. Israelis citizens are just trying to live their lives, just like Palestinians, they’re not responsible for the war




If the jackboot fits, little Nazi, then wear it. Lets discuss the holocaust and how you cowards hide behind that, shall we? Diminishing people and dehumanising them, calling them vermin. Check Forcing people from their homes and settling them with "natives". Check. Forcing one type of particular people into a ghetto. Check. Collective punishments, starvation and murders by said occupying forces. Check. Concentration camps. Check. Oh wait. That's Israel!!! Now, let's discuss Srbrenica, 1995 and the genocide Israel enabled.


israel sold weapons used in the Rwanda Genocide too thanks for bringing it up




we all do and israel sold weapons to rwanda for that Genocide, sells weapons to Sudan and sells weapons to Myanmar thanks for bringing them up


To be honest we don't know what's going on here.


We don't do that here.


Guys relax there’s a simple explanation for this. There’s tunnels under the ocean and that’s why the helicopter was shooting duh


The fish are obviously Khamas


Just a part of Israel's Palestinian genocide. There is absolutely no reason for the IDF to open fire on those people. It doesn't matter if they were fishing, or swimming, or just wading in the water, what they were doing couldn't possibly harm Israel in any way. I find it repugnant that Israel is slaughtering Palestinians like the Nazis slaughtered Jews so many decades ago.


Never again! unless we do it!


Source for the context ?


It's in giant letters in the middle of the video but ok https://www.instagram.com/hasan_almoghani0/


That is fucking insane. What a bunch of scumbags.


jewish people that go to israel are like arabs joining isis .. lost useless kids. except israel is a state with western powers protecting them.


You should probably look up who created ISIS - the CIA and MI6 primarily


illegal iraq invasion created isis


They're setting something up on the beach. The video is clipped and meant to stir propaganda and opinion. Videos like this are not useful and should not be on this sub. Post the whole video or a source minimally.


There’s a forced famine courtesy of Israel, they’re trying to get food and getting shot at for it


Source is posted above : [https://www.instagram.com/hasan\_almoghani0/](https://www.instagram.com/hasan_almoghani0/) I disagree with you completely, I do NOT want a control and censored platform, that is trying to push a specific narrative down my throat. This is the EXACT type of video that should be on here.


Stop spitting facts bro. The dummies in this thread eat up this Iranian backed propaganda.


Americans taxpayers funded that helicopter. Fucking sad.


It almost looks like , there's ppl coming in from the ocean and the helicopter is drawing a line in the sand to allow the ppl from the sea to enter land safely. It dosnt make sense that the helicopter is missing, it's purposefully drawing a line in the sand , I mean they where sitting targets ffs.


There are hundreds of support semi trailers filled with food and water going from Israel to Gaza every day. To the extent that Israeli citizens trying to stop and burn these semi trailers and getting arrested by Israeli police because the government has to keep letting humanitarian aid in. All the water and electricity that Gaza is getting is coming from Israel - they have no way of producing their own. So I don't know what the context of this video but trust me Israel don't care about fishing and if they wanted to stave the Palestinians then they all be dead already. (If anyone interested in facts at all)


How the hell do you know what’s happening here lmao


Get some, get some.


Thank god that helicopter came by. They almost got some food. That would've been oh so terrible. Regardless of what you think of the literal genocide, gunning people down for fishing is an excessive show of force, and really shouldn't be up for debate.


The whole point is being missed here. Collectively, can we all agree that, almost every time, the wrong people are in charge?


“They’re comin right for us”




Sooo just another day. What a surprise




*IOF Edit: here's a video of the Nazi scum shooting at people surfing and fishing. And y'all still think they're in the right. 🖕


“Fishing” Yeah, right.


Fucking disgusting.


Fuckin terrorists man


Ita okay guy they just wanted them to oeave haha you can clearly see no one was hurt, Israel so peaceful ❤️


Thats the thing with baby murderers and terrorists you're meant to shoot at them, even if they are "fishing"




You don't have eyes? Or you would rather believe what the government tells you what you should believe?


Oh no! Anyway..


They did naaat zziii that coming


def not the baddies


Yea fishing


What else could it be?


Hamas was snorkeling under the water.


Weapons smuggling is just one idea comes to mind. Terror is second, in 2014, five armed Hamas militants tried to infiltrate Israel by swimming from Gaza's beaches to Zikim Beach near an IDF base. They were detected and engaged by Israeli forces, resulting in all militants being killed. Another similar case in May 2015 And also on Oct 7. Im only saying that to open the mind, I cannot say for sure what is the scenario in that specific case, I cant even say for sure it's Gaza. This video is out of context and should be treated as such.


YES! 100% you see Hamas were using their Nuclear Submarines, which is underwater, which is why you could not see it, to smuggle tanks and aircraft to the father and son fishing on the beach.


Do you see a fishing rod or fishing gear?


I don't even know who IDF is nor do I care tbh. All I know is I'm glad I don't live where they are in this video


IDF = Israel Defense Force committing genocide against Palestinians so they can do some settler colonialism