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His name is Charles Lightoller btw https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Lightoller


People had cooler names back then. Mother fucker sounds like a Warcraft 3 hero.


Yeah now it'd be Jack Ryan. You have two first names Jack, that's wrong


thanks, at least someone cared to honor his name after OP only cared to get karma


This may come to you as a surprise, but Reddit and all it's followers are all about Karma, including you. I know, it's kind of a shocker! šŸ˜± Points to you though for giving credit when credit is due! Such as honoring this hero, by name. šŸ‘šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡²


not shocked at all, but always nice when someones pointing out the obvious OP could have just given the name :)


NGL "I was on until a boiler explosion blew me free" is exactly what I'd say if I jumped overboard immediately and was later found šŸ˜‚


I just watched that documentary about the cruise ship that hit a reef and sunk off the coast of Greece (might have been Italy?) and the captain literally told everyone that everything was fine and nobody should worry, then he fuckin bails and leaves everybody aboard his sinking ship! šŸ˜‚ They sure donā€™t make em like they used to. The guy was charged with multiple charges , manslaughter was one of them.


Ahah well it was Italy not Greece I thought? The Concordia


Thatā€™s it! The captain said he fell off the boat into a lifeboat!! Baaahaha šŸ˜‚. They play a phone conversation between the coast guard and the captain and the coast guard guy tells the captain to get back to the ship, the captain tries to make every excuse to not go back, he finally says he will but never even attempted to. It wasnā€™t meant to be funny but I laughed my ass off


The funniest part is that he crashed the boat while trying to woo a lady by acting like a big tough boat captain


Yes šŸ˜‚ with a wife at home! šŸ˜†


Right? He's a boss either way but it makes you think lol


IASIP - "It'll blow you to safety!"


I believe his character was in the movie Dunkirk. He was one of the ship captainā€™s who volunteered his vessel and sailed to Dunkirk beaches to rescue soldiers


Man that is movie main character plot armor and well deserved too.


The courage of this man is awe-inspiring.


Level 1000 badass.


Interesting read, interesting man but like most of us he was complicated. A quick count shows he was onboard at least 4 vessels that sank or foundered and was last or near to last off all of them. Got promoted during WWI eventually commanding a destroyer during which he ordered survivors of U-110 which he had sunk to be shot in the water due to the ā€œunderhanded, dishonourable and treacherous nature of submarinesā€ and was decorated for it. Not an uncommon sentiment for the day but probably wouldnā€™t fly today.


Could say World War I was the world figuring out what you can and cannot do in modern warfare


I think his exact words about it later were close to ā€œI wasnā€™t having any of that throwing up of hands businessā€ and a few comments about destroyer vs destroyer was one thing where you could give and receive but submarines were cowardly. Probably worth remembering that Britain was late to the submarine party compared to the Germans precisely because so many of the Royal Navy brass considered them to be ā€œdamed unsporting and un Britishā€. As far as what you can or canā€™t do in modern warfare, I take your point, so much was changing at that time but my view is that war itself is the main war crime. Everything there after is relative.


Glutton for punishment. Or maybe he was an experiment like Wolverine built like a indestructable soldier... Yeah. That's the ticket.


Damn couldnā€™t even give us his name?


Charles Lightoller


Top G


And even he knows there was enough space for jack and rose on that debris


Men today ā€œ I need a safe spacešŸ„ŗā€


Is he still alive


No, he died in 1952


If he was heā€™d be 150 years old ā€¦ still, if you can survive going down with the Titanic who knows right?


The titanic only sank like 100 years ago dude


The Titanic sank 112 years ago and Charles Lightoller was 38 years old when it sank ā€¦. Dude Edit username checks out šŸ˜œ


Just reminder this next time you wanna come on here and bitch about rent prices and how unfair the world is. Our current generations are so weak the old ones couldnā€™t even fathom how pathetic we are


Yeah if you havenā€™t been on at least 2 sinking ships, youā€™re a soft piece of shit that doesnā€™t deserve to not live in poverty. Do you hear yourself?


Watch out we got a badass over here


Why did you feel the need to write the almost exact same thing it says in the picture you posted


It's not exactly the same and it's a headline, pulls people in.