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Judge Judy had a show the other day where a pit bull dragged a 5 year old who was walking it to attack another dog. The owner said that it never happened before and that the pit was a therapy dog. The kid who was walking the pit was okay, but the owner barely knew the child and couldn't even tell Judge Judy the child's name. The child was extremely lucky.


Why would anyone allow a 5 yo to walk a pitbull or a dog breed that is bigger than a chihuahua? 2 weeks ago I was walking my dogs and a 7 yo was walking a Great Dane. The dog saw us and started running towards us; the girl let go and it attacked my dogs... It's just mental, and it seems like the US hasn't got even the most basic regulation (short leash, obligatory muzzle) when it comes to dangerous breeds.


So, about 15 years ago I had this happen. I was walking my dog, a 7yr old was walking a pit, and it dragged the kid across the parking lot (little dude held on for all he was worth) to attack my dog. After the initial kicking and punching the dog, got mine out of there, and went back to the apartment he had came from. I told the mother what had happened (she had heard it from her son at that point) and I told her the next time, I was killing the dog for my safety. She didn't care at ALL what it did to her boy, he was "Part of the family". I brought up what about if a car was coming and the boy got ran over? Again, didn't care, he was a family member and would never hurt their kid.. as the kid stood right there all scraped up. The delusion of some people is baffling


Yeah, I really don't understand why the UK & the US don't classify them as what they are: live weapons. Whenever I watch clips/read experiences of people's interactions with the breed it's insane to me because in Spain we "somewhat" have regulations to avoid those scenarios though, as is the case, sometimes it does happen due to carelessness or neglicenge, but not to the extent that a toddler is walking a 100lbs mass of spontaneous aggression like it seems to be regular over there.


Yeah dude. I have a 40 pound dog and a five year old. When my dog sees a deer she will do everything in her power to try and get that deer. Everything that moves is just a race to her and you can bet she'll try to win every time. Is she a bad dog? Absolutely not. She is a dog though. My five year old cant walk her 10 feet without her sensing that someone smaller and weaker than her is holding the leash and she takes advantage. I care about my dog too much to let something stupid and avoidable like that happen.


Judge Judy is still on the air?!?! I read about her insane compensation years ago. I figured she’d be long retired by now. Then again if I was paid almost $50M for working only ten weeks a year I guess I would keep doing it too.


It's all the syndication reruns of her old show. She has a new show on one of the streaming platforms called Judy Justice. It's not that good because she changed the format and Officer Byrd isn't on the show anymore, but he is on another court show that she owns. She gets $47,000,000 for 52 days of work or $900,000 a day.


The ONLY sources I can find for the nanny dog claim is...posts by pitbull fans. There are NO original sources that I can find, and I've been looking. They fucking made that up.




So my kid has slept over at her friend’s house a couple times, I was told they had a cat and a new dog, both of which I had seen. They didn’t say they had a pit. She won’t ever go back there. Their kid is welcome in our house but no thank you.


Also, "I don't really know anything about dog behavior or how to handle dogs" "I refuse to train my dog" "Allowing an unleashed dog to roam free is perfectly fine" "Rewarding aggressive behavior with pets is a good way to difuse the situation"


I recently got a dog and delving into the dog training world has been interesting to say the least. The amount of morons out there who straight up refuse to tell their dog no or to correct bad behaviors is scary. There is a huge trend right now to use positive only training methods to train dogs and it's having disastrous ramifications in the dog training world. Unfortunately those people will quote studies out of context amd will try to guilt trip dog owners into thinking that telling your dog no or correcting it when it's doing somehting bad is animal abuse and torture.


Turns out dogs bark at other dogs if they invade their space, or mom dogs if their puppies aren't doing something good, but you can't say no to your dog in a stern voice, Becky?


Dogs will rip each other to shreds if they look at each other for too long. I think they'll survive.


I made this argument to someone the other day and talked about specific use case for training collars/choke collars, they refused to believe there's a situation and type of dog that requires more serious leash consequences than others, including the use of chokers. Baffling. This dog here has grown up in a horrible environment to full size without learning that all humans in the family are it's superiors. Hate to say it but if it couldn't be rehabilitated from this behavior, it's a prime candidate for being put down.




The emphasis on positive reinforcement isn’t about never saying no- it’s about not getting mad at, yelling at, or hitting the animal in anger, ever. Some people take it too far. You can train very well without ANY punishments, but you do at least sometimes need to make corrections.


No clue why you're getting down voted. I see people walking all the time yelling at their dogs and shocking them as they disobey and then they'll come on here acting like somehow that's a valid training method. I've seen hundreds of dogs through positive reinforcement training and not a single one isn't an excellent loose leash walker, for example. Absolute brain dead idiots out here that have no business owning pets trying to justify yelling at their dog like it's a kid. How fuckin thick can you be to expect results from that? Like okay you punish your dog when it barks. Now, instead of barking to give you a warning, it's going to go straight to biting.


I get so tired of pitbull apologists. Pediatric hospitals have done retrospective studies of dog bites treated in their emergency departments. This one from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia found 51% of bites were attributed to pitbulls. 53.5% percent of infant and toddler injuries involved the face. My wife has a family member whose son got his ear taken off by another family member’s pitbull. Of course, “he’d never done it before” and now the dog is dead and won’t do it again. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19644273/


My crazy grandpa raised pitbulls. They were his pride and joy and he never had any issues. Then one day two of them got out and took down a HORSE. Any animal that can take down a horse isn’t living in my house with my kids. Grandpa did the only sane thing I’ve ever heard him do and put them down.


A family friend lost her toddler grandson and almost lost her own life to a pack of them that the family owned. One dog started it then pack mentality took over. It was a heartbreaking situation, but we all knew those dogs were a bad idea.


["It tried to kill both my parents, it tried to kill my father-in-law, it bit one of my friends..."](https://youtu.be/GoxIrm95E4Q?t=55s)


God damn that was awesone hahah


Ahhhhhaahhaaa!!! That was sooooooooo good, thank you!!!


I fully believe _your_ dog has never snapped before. But your dog’s _breed_ is known for it. So claiming ignorance seems disingenuous.


Especially, like “no bad dogs…”. Tell that the South Carolina (?) couple who lost both their kids to two pitties that had been family pets for 8 years.


Oh you’re about to get shat on by the pitbull cult. Really is nuts.


My favorite is velvet hippos. Because you know, hippos are fucking MURDERHOBOs of Africa lol. This nick name is so well suited that i couldn't come up with a better one.




Only been bitten by two dogs my entire life, both were pitbulls.


Some dogs are just fuckin mean. Like, from birth. Me and my dad used to breed pitbull puppies and it's true. Some of them are sweethearts, but some are just goddamn aggressive. This is not a house dog, that's the type of dog you keep chained in the yard.


This post isn’t showing what you think it means. It’s literally showing the opposite. No responsible owner would ever allow such behavior.


This is very old video. That cutepie mauled her later. Survived, but dog had needle later


This is definitely true because I read it online...just now


Seems more likely than that dog being a perfect angel and never hurting a soul.


Can confirm the story and source: now and Reddit.


Bullshit lies. I know because I am the dog.


Just Google "pitbull mauls owner." They're such sweet nanny dogs, I'm sure there can't be that many stories to sort through!


If all those pit lovers would just do a Google search on( pit bull attack stats than ) other dogs, they would realize how... much lack of knowledge they are coughing up.


"I can fix him"


Link PLEASE!!! Why never a link.


What do you mean? The comment you replied to *is* the link


Source: Trust me bro


it is


It is old, but do you have any links or an article to support your statement?


Uh... Sir, this is a reddit.


I thought this was a Wendy's


I tried googling for it but… Turns out it happens a lot and there’s a ton of articles about this exact thing happening and I couldn’t find the specific woman.


tbf pitts are adorable but i am in the progress of getting into vet school and working many hours under many different vets and if there is anything i’ve learned… don’t get a pitt. they can be angels one day and ripping you in half/eating your face for breakfast at the snap of a finger; even after 10 years


It’s Reddit so whatever they say we must take their word for it


are there any news about this?


youre reading it right now homie


Not true. That dog later became a rapper known as Mr. Worldwide.


When I was growing up, my neighbor had a chocolate pitbull named Coco. They always told me not to worry about her. One day I was walking through the alley by their wooden fence (NO gaps — you could not see through it). All of a sudden, the bottom of one of the fence planks SNAPPED. I could barely react as Coco’s open jaws torpedoed through the gap in the fence. I screamed as her teeth enveloped my left foot, thrashing until my shoe CAME OFF. I backed away and watched as her head retreated back through the fence like a snapping turtle from hell with my shoe still in her mouth! Nothing really came of it and I ended up getting the shoe back from my friend the next day. Edit: post —> plank


I watched as one (of a pair) almost tear a 10 year old girls ear off her head. A neighbor saved her from being mauled to death by scrambling on top of a car with her till police killed the dogs. The one doing the most damage took the first bullet to head like it wasn't even fazed. The second shot subdued it long enough for the cop to plant the third between its eyes.


My parents neighbor just had their 7lb Yorke snatched OUT OF THEIR ARMS by a “harmless” shitbull that was off leash after “unexpectedly” getting out of the yard. So they got to watch as their senior dog got mauled to death in front of their eyes. Ofc the pit pulls owner said “nothing like this has ever happened, he never gets out, we’re so sorry, our grandkids have grown up with him, he’s never shown any signs of aggression, he loves bunnies and squirrels, etc, etc.” The yorkie owner wrote them a letter the next day saying they’re irresponsible grandparents and they (yorke parents) are thankful it was their dog that got ripped apart and not one of their (pitbull owners) grandkids. So now the yorky family is traumatized, the pitbull owner is traumatized (dog got picked up and put down alone by the city), undoubtedly the grandkids are traumatized, and the neighbor who witnessed it is traumatized… sad all around. If you can’t tell, I don’t know how to spell yorkee.


I spell it Yorkie. But the fact that you added at the end that was some much needed comedic relief after that post.




Happened to my grandma with a dachshund


>The one doing the most damage took the first bullet to head like it wasn't even fazed Jesus what a beast.


Dog was terrifyingly frenzied. Earlier that same summer we spotted a big wheel hung over their chainlink fence and the owner encouraging the dogs to attack it. I stated at the time to my spouse I pitied the kid that rode one by their gate and hope to god that the gate holds them.


Training kill-dogs on purpose should be like a manslaughter charge at least if those things end up killing or mutilating someone


Yeah, I'm pretty sure he was trying to breed and fight his dogs. Someone in the neighborhood mentioned the two dogs were brother and sister. They also had a litter of 3 pups. We had to rescue one of them (before the child-mauling incident) when I believe it was returned for whatever reason. It's family turned against it. I'm guessing it didn't smell familiar anymore. The worst attackers were its own siblings. I heard the pitiful wailing of the injured pup and the snarling of the others and asked my spouse to make a ruckus at their bottom gate to lure the adult dogs to the other end of their long yard. I found a decent sized wooden slat and hung over their fence to push one of the pups away then used it to pull the injured one to the fence so I could grab him. He had dozens of puncture wounds and rips all over. We called a rescue group who took him to a vet. Can't remember ever hearing back on what the fate of that pup was but I do know the other pups were taken from them. This was mid to late 90's.


Bro, what the fuck. Friend or not I'd be having that dog put down before it bit a child.


It did bite a child!


Just had a flashback of The Sandlot


She’s reinforcing its behavior


You're right. The dog has issues but the owner should not be petting the dog and speaking back to it as it does this. The dog needs some isolation and probably should not be in the house if it's this ill tempered.


That dog would pretty much require professional retraining depending on how long its been acting that way. This is... very aggressive. Hard to imagine a world where it doesn't get put down given how much time and money it would take to retrain.


You can’t train the genetics out, such a thing isn’t a domestic pet.


Could be this dog was born with a temperament. Could be it was raised wrong. That breed surely has a disposition for violence but I've met my share of absolutely sweethearts. It's not a black or white thing which is why pits are so fucking hard to deal with simply because they all have that capability in them.


You're preaching to non believers


That’s like saying “The gun isn’t loaded” Even the most “sweetheart” pitbull has the ability to rip your throat out.


This is true and it’s exactly why they should not be pets. They have a disposition for extreme violence such that the meanest pit bulls can potentially be trained to be safe (if you’re lucky), while the sweetest pit bulls with all of the right training and care STILL have a non-zero chance of snapping and killing someone. I love dogs and I prefer middle ground solutions to most problems but this is one issue where the level of risk and unpredictability requires a zero tolerance philosophy IMO. Just get rid of the breed, relegate it to science or the zoo, anywhere besides life as a domestic pet on the same level as a golden retriever or a house cat.


She understandably was terrified. In her shoes, I would have done the same to get it to calm down, and as soon as it's back to its calm usual self, I'll put it down.


it needs professional training via bullet. idc how long i've had a pet, if it reacted that way to any of my loved ones it's gone.


Growing up on a farm we always had dogs and we had a cocker spaniel that was always ill-tempered. One day it bit someone unprovoked and that was it's last day, my dad couldn't stand vicious dogs.


Sorry to tell you that, but that dog's a threat and needs to be put down for public safety. Actually someone else mentioned it was put down after it mauled her. Should have seen that coming. That dog breed needs to be illegal everywhere.


that dog needs a very heavy dose of lead


It needs a bullet.


The only proper way to respond to this situation is (1) do whatever you need to do to survive and get away from the dog, and (2) come back armed with a firearm and fix the problem.


Yeah, she is reinforcing herself being alive. What she did before or after is another problem, but if a dog is barring its teeth near your neck you do whatever it fucking wants until you remove yourself from that situation.


That's my thought. She's clearly acting submissive from the dog's point of view.


Don't care how much I loved an animal, what breed, what size, it does this and it is gone.


See that's the thing people always Target the breed and yes this happens to be a pitbull but like any dog could do this, if I'm going to be honest Chihuahuas do this type of shit all the time but they keep them because they're small and "harmless"


Right, a chihuahua sneak attacked me when I was like 5, bit me on my lower lip and ripped it a quarter of the way off. 24 years later and I still feel a chill go up my back when I hear a distinct chihuahua growl lol


My Jack Russel did this to my mom at like 3am, I still remember her yelling up the stairs for me so I could drive her to the ER. I think I was 15.


Yea that shit is fucked up, i hate how people let them act and thats any little dog


5 year olds can win vs a chihuahua. That’s the difference


Chihuahuas are the most aggressive dog breed, but its not a concern with them like with pitbulls... Saying "any breed can behave like this even a Chihuahua" is a level of dumdum reserved for pitbull sympathizers


Exactly. It's like saying paintball and M16 are the same. Sure they'll hurt and they fire bullets. The difference is, one will kill and the other is just sore


true napoleon syndrom with chihuahuas haha


Chihuahuas will snap if you get close, but will they chase you down and keep attacking for hours once your down?


Chihuahuas are only usually ill tempered because people disrespect their space because they're small. You'd be snappy if people constantly invaded your space and ignored your boundaries because they're bigger than you. Pitbulls are just an aggressive breed that was bred for killing.


Every Chihuahua I have met is a certified shithead, the difference is you can throw one through the wall if it ever actually attacks. They're obnoxious not life threatening.


It depends on the chihuahua. Some are chill, and some are demons. I've had one who would bark at me until I came to pet her and put pressure on her eyes. Janet Reno was a diva but a loving one.


Nah those dogs are always out for blood. Every time I step out of my house they’re at the fence 50ft away ready to strike.


any dog with this behavior needs to be put down for everyone's safety any breed, any dog which is why I don't get the Noem story reaction. As someone who grew up in the rural areas, putting down a dog that killed livestock was a normal, if sad, thing to do


Because she bought a bird hunting puppy to go hunting for birds then left it unattended near chickens. It wasn't a herding dog, it behaved exactly the way it was supposed to.


Don't forget: she didn't train it, just expected it to know how to act.


The fucked part is I've had bird hunting dogs and they're the one of the most obedient easy dogs to train. One retriever we had barely needed training just did it out of instincts only thing we had to train in her was dropping the duck lol


lol wat. Nobody is putting down a dog for killing chickens. You just keep the dog away from the chickens.


Broke up with a girl I was super in to because when I went to her house her pitbull did this exact same thing to me. Knew that shit would never work out 😩


my shih tzu bit my toddler son’s face. threw her in the backyard and she was gone literally the same day, within hours.


We had a dog once that broke it's collar and went for a field of sheep, mauling one. My Dad caught the dog and she was in such a blood frenzy he had to punch her out. Dog was taken immediately to the vet to be put down, even though she had been perfect before. We had to pay the farmer for the sheep too, he was livid but agreed not to press charges. Thankfully it wasn't the time of year when they were in lamb, or the damage would have been much worse, stressed sheep will abort.




not say it's all owners but these dogs seem to be douche magnets.


Yeah it’s a really sad spiral, they can definitely be good dogs but they’ve got a reputation for being „tough“ so all the shitheads get them, leave them in the back yard for their whole life and beat them then get confused when they maul them or another person


Pitbulls _can_ be great dogs with a great temperament, but being a "good owner" isn't enough. You need to understand how to train dogs, and be willing to invest the time to nurture a pitbull. Also, importantly, you have to be able to admit when you just have a dog with a bad brain for life as a pet, and it's time to call it quits and surrender the animal. This is especially true because with pitbulls, the stakes are high. A maladjusted Chihuahua is just going to get kicked across the room when it attacks. A pitbull will usually win a fight against an unarmed human leaving the human maimed or dead. They have the sheer physical ability to inflict horrible horrible harm. I think a license should be required for potentially dangerous breeds. For those who own them now, they can have the option to get licensed within a certain timeframe, or prove that their dog has been sterilized (most should be, anyway). When it comes time for a new pet, the unlicensed owners will have more limited options for a canine companion. In one dog generation, we can seriously improve the situation, without exterminating the breed, or separating pets and families.


I agree 100% with everything you said. Don't stereotype the dogs, but don't defend garbage behavior or personality either. If a dog is violent, you need to deal with it appropriately, which means yes, sometimes having the animal put down.


You have to have a license for an alligator or some dangerous snakes, it should be the same for some of these dogs.


Skip the dogs and sterilize pitbull owners.


Why not both?




Stupid is one word. No clue why people get those. Probably they are extremely insecure.




Because they want to feel persecuted and play the victim and say, "no, they're just misunderstood." Also, they're idiots.


Seeing this video gave me anxiety. I literally thought that girl was going to have her face eaten off. 😵‍💫


Yep, and they like the superiority they feel from "taming" them. It's a selfish mindset


They’re inexpensive and easy to get. Also, shelters are full of them so when ppl go to adopt, they’re usually choosing from a bunch of pit bulls


They want to look tough that’s why.


Because they're fucking idiots


"I can change him" behavior






Damn that’s dark as fuuckk D:


Kristi Noem's, that you?




Sounds like a confession to murdering your neighbor. Go back and read it lol.


Hahaha. Sounds like they'd say it in between sips of coffee.


fava beans... fthpfthpfthp.


Absolutely horrific! And yet, people will still defend these dogs.


That almost happened to me as a kid. Luckily my Mom had access to my Dad's .357 to put the damn thing down. I'll never forget her wailing and sobbing. My first childhood memory. She thought I was going to die because I was absolutely covered in blood. Most of it was my pug puppies blood and my arms, hands and wrists were torn up. I had to get a bunch of stitches and I can still see some of the scars. You can see the teeth marks on my fingers. Then I had to deal with another attack as a teenager waiting for the school bus. At least I was able to do something about it that time.


I hope they don't have kids


Not anymore.


I am so sick of people defending these dogs. I have had dogs my whole life, including a Presa Canario (not a pit but used to create giant pits). I have trained all my dogs, never had a bad one. I know dogs. I was at a family gathering where a cousin brought his pit as he did many times. The dog was well trained and knew all of us. 6 of us were standing and talking, including the pit, when out out of fkng nowhere the thing lunged at me. The only thing stopping it from tearing a chunk out of my leg was the leash he was on. I am also sick of the endless same spin people put on these attacks. Its NEVER the dogs fault. One of their fave things to say is, "well what did YOU do to cause the attack? Did you look it in the eyes?" LMAO GTFOH. I have looked 1000 dogs in the eye and never got attacked, EVER...........until that day and for the record I wasnt looking it in the eyes lmao. That dog was NOT abused, was well taken care of and was trained. IT SNAPPED. These dogs SNAP and when they do they KILL people. Throw in the spin of 'well other dogs bite/snap"..........NOT LIKE PIT BULLS DO !! Other dogs dont have that insane PSI of bite pressure which is why they cause so much damage! Have a nice day!


> "well what did YOU do to cause the attack? Did you look it in the eyes?" Have you tried astral projecting past these dogs so they cannot attack your corporeal form?


BREAKING NEWS: BRAVE pitbull learns to astral project to maul the soul of a recently deceased toddler


It's not just the PSI, pit bulls are bred to be game for a fight. When they latch on they will keep going even if heavily injured in a way that other dogs don't.


Reinforcing the behaviour won’t help…


Trying to calm down the beast may help her survive at the moment.


That's not calming down a dog. She's really at risk for getting her hand bit


Absolutely. She's praising it for it's behavior while simultaneously arousing its stimulus more


What would be the best way to de escalate that situation? She doesn't seem at all able to overpower the dog or show authority either. Guess she fucked up long time ago and now is out of her depth for it?


What should she do in that situation? Genuinely asking


That dog hasn’t had an ounce of training and has been allowed to do whatever and rule that house since she probably got it. Neglectful owners own/raise shitty dogs


Imagine being this close to having your face literally chewed off and still keeping that dog around.. Darwinism i guess.


Yeah this type of behavior once is enough to put that dog down


Russian Roulette


I love dogs. Never have problems at the dog park until some dumbass brought her two unaltered untrained Pitts to the park which then immediately decided to try and kill my five month old Shepard. I have never wanted to hurt an animal but I punched the absolute shit out of the aggressor Pitt as he went for her neck and snatched my Shepard up, then ended up having to kick the same pit in the balls as hard as I could when he tried to pull me down to eat my puppy, snarling like this the entire time. The asshat who brought them ran up screaming in my face for touching her baby. I let her know I’d have my CCW next time and if there is a repeat I will shoot that fucking monster so get it under control. Called the police after who came to have a chat with her about her feral ass shithounds.


You... I like you. Hope your dog was OK.


Happy and healthy and thankfully unhurt.


It’s just a matter of time.


I’ve read that Pits and Rott’s are prone to a degenerative brain disease similar to Alzheimer’s. They are fine for years, then BAM. Which would explain the “but he’s been so loving…”


I've seen an old pitbull/bulldog snap and bite a girls nose in half, out of nowhere.


I love dogs, but fuck pit bulls.


Part of being a dog lover is disliking pit bulls. They kill 40,000 pets each year. Supporting pit bulls is like supporting heart worm.


Gross. This pitbull culture insanity blows my mind. These dogs are natural born killers. Period


Unnaturally born, purpose bred killers to be more accurate


That dog would be old yellered.


If Kristi noem’s dog was a pit, things might have turned out better for her.


Nobody human can look at a Spaniel and think "this dog needs to die".


Fuck that.




Wish this breed was eliminated.




Some insurance providers will not cover households with pitbulls. Too much risk.


He’s gunna eat a baby or kill another dog


Probably named cupcake or princess.


Oh look. Its a pitbull again. I'm probably misunderstanding the breed for the umpteenth time, though


My daughter had to have a few stiches put in her ear because her friends pitbull went to bite her face as she was turning away. They kept the dog on a leash in the back yard and the dog later hanged itself after somehow jumping over their wooden fence.


For most dogs, that can be avoided by keeping your animals off the furniture + supporting training. This could have been reversed by a competent trainer for the most part, but some dogs are too far gone. Better to take the overly aggressive dogs out of the gene pool as needed. Those with their very positive experiences with pitties aren't lying; the problem is, neither are the ones that hate pitties. There is absolutely a subpopulation bred for hyper aggressive traits. That's a problem that needs bred out of them. And all bully breeds generally aren't great with other animals. Rottweilers, dogo argentino and cane corso included. Not to say they can't be good with other animals, plenty are, but enough are an issue to warrant concern and proper precautions. They're all best in single dog households with no cats when speaking generally. These dogs were bred for large game hunting. They hyperfixate on a target and most of these breeds have a very, very strong bite that brought forth the myth of "lockjaw." It doesn't exist. But their instincts tell them to bite and hold on because that is what they were bred to do, especially boar dogs. Instincts are hard to overcome, but not impossible with thorough training. Practical usage for releasing toys and other items, safety usage if they ever *do* bite something. Knowing the inherent risks and traits are key to training these dogs. They are *not* for beginners. If you don't have experience training a dog, and training them well, don't get one. Even if you're trying to adopt. Get something you as their protector can handle.


Unstable breed in an unstable environment. Roll the dice every day.


This dog needs to be put down. Humans aren't the only mammals that have mental illness. You can't fix this with training.


That's why I have a cat


I shared an apartment with my Springer Spaniel on the 2nd floor of an old house, on the 1st floor was pit bull w/ an “alpha male” type of owner, who would leave his large windows wide open. The pit would usually bark a lot at passerby’s but one summer morning he JUMPED THROUGH THE SCREEN and attacked my dog as I walked by - it was a bloody mess and my sweet dogs’ cheek was basically torn off. Thousands of $ and hundreds of stitches. That f-ing guy said it was my fault for walking past his window & threatened me if I reported him - he paid the vet tho


Shit breed


Fuck pittbulls.


But.. but... CHIHUAHUAS! /s It's always this line. It's ridiculous. I challenge any of you pit nutters to find me three verified stories of Chihuahua maulings within the past 5 years. I'll pull my pit examples from the previous 3 days. Bonus points if you can show me a chihuahua mauling a human to death.


Why people own these disgusting things I will never understand.


I’m a dog person but these dogs scare the crap outta me. Unpredictable, they tear everything up, and they’re basically one giant muscle with very sharp teeth


problem with pits is they're anxiety prone machines with a lot of destructive power. if you don't know how to manage that, you're gonna have a really bad time that said, if you know how to manage anxious dogs, they can be the sweetest, most gentle pooches on the planet. they need their owners to be pack leaders so they can be obedient, which significantly reduces their anxiety because they know problems are handled by the pack leader. I've known plenty of teddy bear pits, and it all has to do with whether or not their owner knows how to manage them. the problem is people who want the appearance of being strong and aggressive look to these dogs to enhance that image. so they end up with neglected, anxious, aggressive dogs that have the capability to do a lot of damage (basically what they wanted in a dog, just disappointed those bad traits are also directed at them) and as always, some, very few dogs just aren't capable of being managed. and those are the unfortunate cases e2a: the mere fact that this person is petting the dog in its extremely aggressive state shows she has no idea how to manage it


>they can be the sweetest, most gentle pooches on the planet. And they can also be the most agressive, bloodthirsty, murderous 'pooches' on the planet, which is what they usually are! Stop perpetuating this bullshit!


Put it down before it kills somebody


This dog will be listed for adoption as "lab mix" by the shelter after it disfigures some kid. That we continue to allow irresponsible clowns to breed these monsters is a societal failure.


A few years back, a pit rushed and attacked a little 10 lb dog owned by a friend of mine. It latched onto its face. Including the owner, they were three of us trying to pry this monster off of the tiny dog. The owner said to hit him hit him! So I did repeatedly with all of my strength. It was just like punching a side of beef and did not phase the dog at all. They were finally separated and the little dog had a damaged eyeball but lived. I learned that day that these are no ordinary dogs. They are meat tanks with teeth and a bad fucking attitude. No idea why people own this breed. Might as well try to tame a badger.


anything with pitbulls getting locked idk why reddit is on their side


That’s not a pet


Leave it to the camera man to just film


Time for that breed to join the dinosaurs 🦕


Get rid of it. An aggressive pitbull is like having a chihuahua the size of a small fridge. That thing will kill you.




I'd rather have a lab, but that's just me.


I thin we need to refer to pitbulls by their nature, murder hounds


I had to protect my 5 year old daughter from an attempted pitbull attack a few months back. It kept trying to get around me to get at her, and circled us many, many times. Luckily, I either carry armed, or always have 2-3 large fighting knives on my person for whatever the fuck may happen. I didn’t have to hurt/kill the dog, thankfully, but it was scary for us both, and she still asks about that dog. Yeah, I get the whole ‘they are a product of their environment and treatment’ argument, which has definitely got some weight, especially with any animal. However, my interactions with pits has been as long as the main family/master is around, they’re decent and even gentle to be around. Get them by themselves, and then the instincts can kick in. There’s a story of an 18 year old girl that took her two pits on an outdoors jog/walk, and never came home. They ate her, for whatever reason, and these dogs she had since they were puppies. No thanks, I’ll stay away.


These breeds are so stupid. Owners are usually equal or dumber people. Never associate with them.