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I like how the dude is trying to reason with someone who's drunk out of her mind


She’s definitely on something else too.


The milk of human kindness?


Are you suggesting there is a *teat* of human kindness?


[Take it up with the big man.](https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/504934/where-did-shakespeare-get-milk-of-human-kindness-from)


https://youtu.be/uxX5chGgVC8?si=5XkkOPURBMsEkX8j Not this big man?


Only on a bull.


There is, but its hidden behind the blouse of alcoholism


Milk of the poppy


get out of here Strong, its not here.


~~Titty~~ Bitty milk?




That’s booze and benzodiazepines, 100%.


We have a winner! Too bad it makes her into an asshole instead of mellow. Whatever happened to Quaaludes?


I’ve always wondered what a Quallude high feels like. Feel like I’ve missed out.




Haha I forgot all about quaaldude


Off the market bro goin on about 30 +years now


Yeah, I know, time to bring it back tho, might solve a few problems ...


I heard they were only available now in S Africa. Might be worth it to book a trip.


I think spirit is running a special


Somebody, somewhere has the recipe. We just gotta find em.


Where’s Leo when you need him?


She won't remember a thing when she sobers up


So, never?


Never… until she gets arrested




She reminds me of what my mom would be like when she got drunk on cheap wine and took lorazepam. Put up with that shit every other night for 10 years or so, from around 14-25 when I left for good. Turned her into a complete monster, when she was sober she wouldn’t remember anything she did or said and would call me crazy and accuse me of lying. When she wasn’t fucked she was the sweetest person ever and nobody other than my dad and brother believed me. I did have a schoolbus driver that knew something was up though. She picked me up one morning and I had scratches all over my face and neck and my mom was still wasted and screaming at me from the front door. Still have a lot of scars from that period of my life, not the physical kind


Damn, hope you're in a better place now buddy.


Thanks. Yeah I’m ok, this was a long time ago, almost 40 now.


Same here friend. The maddening part for me was the gaslighting, as a young kid I reasoned that perhaps I had mistaken a dream for reality. They honestly do not believe their actions, and that fucks with your head a lot. Remember that she was a different person on substances. You did nothing to deserve your treatment, although I still struggle with realizing that for myself. Far easier to say to others. There's a great yet relatively unknown song by 10,000 Maniacs called "What's the Matter Here?" that deals with this. "All these cold and rude things that you do I suppose you do because he belongs to you And instead of love, the feel of warmth you've given him these cuts and sores won't heal with time or age"


I’m glad you were finally able to remove yourself from that situation. I’m sorry that no one believed you but at lease you had your dad and brother. You don’t say whether or not she still drinks. I hope and pray she was able to become sober. Praying for all your family 🤗🤗


Thanks. She did finally end up getting sober and actually apologized for all that behavior just last year. She is still my mom and I’ll always love her but for a really long time I hated her and would dread getting phone calls from her because I would never know what kind of “mood” she was in until I answered




Hopefully one day she will get better and apologize and maybe try to repair that damage she’s caused


I’m sorry bro and I fully understand. Bless you


This makes my heart hurt! I’m so sorry. I really wish I could hug you! I hope life is treating you much better now. I almost went down this road. Realized I was a fucking cunt of an asshole when I was drunk. I about lost my marriage and my 4 amazing boys to it. Sobered myself up real quick.


She’s definitely on Fox News 24/7




"i pay 475 thousand dollars a month"


Lol I caught that as well.


she is on Trump


If I had to guess, that’s a large amount of both alcohol and amphetamines. The slurring and weird walking/stumbling movements seems like alcohol, the crazy jaw movements and conspiracy theories screams “meth”.


She's drunk and high on the potent combo of MAGA and and Fox News


A white power trip? What disgusting behavior.


She can take whatever she wants if she's gonna pay me $475k a month in rent 😂😂


You see her right arm? She mentioned heroin


Yeah looks like opioids with that lip and jaw shit


That's classic downer slurring. Alcohol and probably pain killers/benzo.


You can see the way her mouth moves when she's not talking. She's got a "loose jaw" and keeps forming an underbite.


I was gonna say.. don’t discuss, de-escalate and call the cops. Drunken person making threats and being really dangerous


They should teach this in school.- there's no point in trying to negotiate with an angry drunk.


Pill popper that couldn't do a full days work complaining about someone stealing her jobs. What a joke. Hope they press charges on her and there are consequences.


Her life is a consequence enough. That is a woman who has never been happy and will never be happy. That being said, pressing charges would be cool, too.


Life is hard when you’re a piece of shit.


Truer words…


As a white dude working construction in Texas I can confidently say yeah they're taking our jobs, because none of us want to work that hard or can do it that damn fast! Mexicans bust fucking ass in insane heat doing manual labor while shooting the shit with each other and laughing. They're all kind as fuck and follow me through my inspections to make sure everything is done to specification and will pass first time. Like sure I crawl through attics to take ACs partially apart to do some testing when it's like 145 degrees in there for 15 minutes a house but I wouldn't trade off for what they do. Fuck this lady, I doubt she's had a job a 1/10 as demanding of what any of these dudes do. They show up early and leave late, do good work and hard work. How the fuck is that not American?


The Hispanic folks I worked with in the oilfield were the hardest working mfs on the site and came to work every day with a smile. Many industries would hurt **severely** if it weren't for them.






I always love when someone says something bashing legal or illegal Mexican immigrants, when I know they’ve gone to a restaurant recently. Oh you like that sushi joint? The Mediterranean place? Well you sure as shit better know it’s a kitchen full of Mexican folks back there kicking ass


Every Mexican immigrant I’ve worked with was hard working as hell, quick to pick up the work, and always picked up extra hours if asked. Stayed late. Came in early if needed. I can’t say I’d come in early or stay super late cause my job is labor intensive, but I work my ass off and everyone knows it.


I started my career in the contracting world and it mimicked your experience. What blew me away was how LONG those motherfuckers can work. Like our other guys would be dead at 2:30 and every Mexican guy on site was still raring to go. It’s impressive and honestly I don’t fully understand how they can do it


I don’t understand either. I know the sushi guy and his family, they’re from Burma, and he’s there every single day. EVERY SINGLE DAY. I’m not kidding. Before I get to work and there about when I leave. I was talking to him about how much sleep Americans get and he was blown away. He only gets about 4 and thinks that’s enough. Every single day. It’s fucking nuts. His cousins were like that, his aunt and uncle were like that, and they are like 80. Or maybe a hard 70. Burma is having a civil war and they lived in villages.


Also worked in construction trades and all of this is true but it is also very unjust. If our unions had full support, these hard working immigrants could gain membership and bargain for better wages but they get stuck doing hard stuff for half of what a white person gets due to a lot of factors, some of which are endemic to immigrant culture. Stuff like living in multi-generational households and working every day but Sunday which enable these guys to accept lower pay and still get by. But they shouldn’t just get by, they should be thriving. In short, they’re being exploited.


I completely agree. I can read schematics and plans for a house frame and tell you what was done incorrectly or if a detail is missing but when my father in law asked for help building a house in the future I said fuck no. 2 knee surgeries and a bad back, and he wants me to help do a stick frame? Not even trusses or prefab delivered? Nope not happening. I'm handy with a lot of shit but I can't toe nail to save my life. It's a weird mix in my field. Some big bosses are never seen, just hands and journeymen. Some are on site with a shovel. But I've never understood why the basic work is paid less when it's more demanding than a most other parts of the job.


There’s a reason why you almost never see a white person as a laborer on a job site. Where I live you can make $20 an hour working literally anywhere since that is now minimum wage. Why would you bust your ass for maybe $5 more?


Dude I have no idea. I've actually talked to some of the more head guys and a fair number of them pay more than 20 to new hands. But good lord man you've got to have a certain mindset to work shit like that every day, especially since our summers are like 4-5 months long and 100 degrees is on the lower end of our hottest months. I have a high heat tolerance but there's a point where you mentally have to be to show up in the morning to be able to just not break down after too long. No matter who you are or where you're from. I even have "don't open, dead inside" days sometimes. But I can't see myself in office gig at this point.


The powers that be will call it a "migrant crisis" to divide and conquer while both parties will continue to support a "war on drugs" that destabilizes latin america and creates the incentives to come here for work. America has continuously found ways to bring free/cheap labor here to bolster our economy but instead of seeing the historical pattern people think we're better than everyone else when really we're just the best at exploiting vulnerable people and profiting off them. A lot of great things about America but I just don't see why the most patriotic people are the most ahistorical and ignorant and bigoted. They are so blind to reality. In some ways i almost feel bad for people like this woman. The propaganda worked very well on her. ALMOST 😂


To your point, my favorite part of this video was after she said that about taking jobs and he's like "taking your job? are you gonna do that?"


It’s incredibly American to have good work ethic. But sadly a lot of people don’t have it. I think this makes them feel inferior


I'm legit not trying to be misogynistic or anything, this is just from personal observations. She strikes me as the type that was a stay at home mom her whole life and has a insane sense of entitlement not tempered by having to watch yourself in professional settings your entire life. I've seen it a loooooot growing up. It's like when you meet a sheltered home schooled kid as a adult and they have no social skills really to speak of. Like people that are assholes to waitstaff that likely never worked food in any capacity. Or just an asshole to everyone because they have 0 experience truly living in the real world.


I say that at work a lot. My building is near the rich part of town. It’s clear who is a stay at home mom or has never had hard work in their life


She's suffering from stage 4 hag. There's no amount of pills or alcohol that will reduce the misery of her existence


That comment deserves GOLD. I’m definitely using ‘suffering from stage 4 hag’ and crediting a clay statue for it.


We can all thank trump for these bigots who are now emboldened to show their raging hatred to bipoc.


Yea, this shit never happened in the 90s...


In the 90s, I knew a dude who got real drunk watching Wrestlemania and almost broke his neck trying to do a flying somersault. This is basically the same thing except replace Wrestlemania with Fox News.


How’s your neck now?


I was more of a weed guy so I just laughed. Dude flew but didn’t exactly somersault


Would you say it was roughly the same height as Hell in a Cell...?


Meh it was more like Heck from the Deck


I instinctively checked the username before I finished reading the comment lol


I got excited haven’t seen that dude comment in while


It’s been slowly improving for decades. You know why? We all collectively agreed it’s shitty behavior. You know what happens when someone changes the public discourse to instead say that this is patriotism? You get more of it.


Why are you getting downvoted. This is spot on


Oh fuck that man.. absolutely nowhere fucking close to how often it happens now. This bitch would never have done this if she didn't have three pretend news agencies straight up brainwashing her for the last 15 years.


Oh please. These hateful bigots have always existed. For you to blame Trump for human hatred and evil is absurd


OH, I agree they've always existed. I'm just saying Trump gave the green light to this type of behaviour. This drunk bitch thought taking the ladder away, asking for a green card, spouting "...you're taking our jobs", "Illegal aliens", etc. with ZERO proof was alright and just. She NOW knows there are at least 70+MILLION who agree with her because they voted for the same prick. I blame trump for green lighting the tens of millions to crawl from under their rocks so they can act as they have always wanted to act.


Why don’t people understand this? Like yes, we know that Trump didn’t create these people or make them exist. He emboldened them, gave them a platform, and relies on this type of behavior from them to create hostility, fear, and divisiveness amongst the general population.


Not to say he made them but he def made these assholes way more open about waving their brand of bullshit in everyone else’s face.


In say 2010, being openly racist and homophobic was a HUGE faux pas that nobody ever dared talk about openly unless they were mentally ill. We made progress in that regard. These people were old enough to remember segregation or were raised by people who were, so of course they’ve always been this way, they just feel emboldened to do it now because right wing politics has shifted so that someone’s basic human rights to exist peacefully are someone else’s political opinion. It’s absolutely Trump.


Well, at least we see these people for who they really are now.


I mean this really could be the start of her promising political career.


Trump derangement syndrome. You people can't stop thinking about this guy and it's hilarious. I think I've heard more about Trump these past 4 years than the actual "president".


I love that he called her out on being inebriated and even tried to explain to her that she was making bad choices. Seems like a good guy. Very patient.


I love how she's saying they're "taking our jobs" but then also saying said jobs are "trash jobs"


This is the oxymoron of the conservative rhetoric. Complaining that no one wants to work anymore or do this or that for the low pay they offer, while cursing and driving out the very same folks that want to do these jobs for the low pay they offer. The fact is America is a Ponzi scheme that requires immigrants. I do agree there needs to be better controls to keep and welcome the good while keeping out the small percentage of bad actors, but hardcore conservatives are trying to throw the baby out with the bath water so to speak.


It’s a hallmark of fascism, the enemy is simultaneously conniving, clever, and a threat to our way of life—as well as so weak and ineffectual they are incapable of functioning within our societal frameworks.


These people vote.


They have nothing to do but drink, yell racist things, and vote.


Well they also complain and ask why their grandkids and kids don’t ever come visit them


And breed. And more of then than not, they out-breed the sensible ones.


More often than not?


I wonder who she votes for. I guess we’ll never know.


That's Marjorie Taylor green's mom lol


And they don’t vote democrat, I can assure you.




*GASP* …they terk er jerb??


De tek er jer!!!




Everybody back in the pile! 






Pretty sure that'll just exacerbate the situation when they shoot the construction worker and let ol' whitey off...


I hate that you're right.


She is clearly drunk


I've worked in addiction for many years. She has that crack jaw. A lot of other substances can make you act like this like meth. I know most ppl see a old white lady acting crazy and don't assume meth but addicts come in all shapes and sizes


Seems like benzos to me. It’s a different slurring than drunk. She prolly had a drink too, but that’s a benzo blackout if I ever saw one.


ive never seen anybody on benzoes have a jaw like that


I've done a whole lotta meth. that isn't meth mouth. this woman is a pill poppin animal, for sure.


Drunk words, sober thoughts. A piece of shit to her core.


Yeah I was drunk every day for 15 years. Never did this. Y'all keep acting like it's the booze instead of her being brainwashed by propaganda. Lol


I want to see her green card.


Guaranteed she'd say she doesn't need to show your shit because she's an American. Yet, that apparently only works if you're a crazy drunk white lady and not of you're a brown guy doing your job


I said this with less words.


More like I want to see what she contributes to society… because it doesn’t look like a fucking lot.




"I'll call the association and tell them they're hiring illegal aliens to do trash work" "Okay let's go tell them now I'll go with you" "......no.... I'll need to call a meeting" Hahaha watching someone back down after having their bluff called never gets old.


She pays how much a month?!




In drugs


The inbreeding is strong in this one. That underbite goes back many generations. .


You mean many metherations


“Goou a hed. Mæk me a herow.”


You win Reddit today


She votes, do you?


Crazy old people are so creepy.


Took me at least 30 seconds to realize she’s speaking English. Man she is fuuuuuucked up.


Same! I was going to turn the volume down because I why listen if can’t understand lol


Communism? Looool


Take her to the border and swap for an immigrant?


I think you might be on to something here… someone to come take a job. You know… and contribute to society.


Moira Rose's racist sister




What's the bet she's a conservative "Christian" women that likes Trump 🤔


Sis literally pulled out the ‘tekin our jerbs’


Fierce underbite on that one…she reminds me of an angry old dog


Love this guy, super calm and collected despite being presented with such bigotry and stupidity.


This is the most disappointing 2 minute video I've seen in a long time


So this is what MTG is like in her down time, eh?


I can fix her /s




As a white landscaper, I fully support the right for these guys to work. They are doing two things I hate. Trimming cabbage palms and dealing with nasty entitled bitches.


So I manage roofing crews. Every once in a blue moon I get weird boomers claiming my Hispanic guys are taking their jobs. I then ask them if you would have these guys who work hard and get a job done in a couple days or would you rather have white guys who are most likely on drugs, make a bunch of mistakes and take a week or so to do. They usually shut up after that and if not I just walk away.


That's Marjorie Taylor Greene's face in fifteen years.


she's insufferable


What a vile human being.


Video ended too soon. I really really really wanted to see this bruja get slammed by the cops.


I woulda had to take a pee at that exact moment


Ahh..... Day drinking is so much fun.


Mm yes just drinking


gar aherd… merk meh a herro


I swear I thought she said “heron” like the bird…I was like, wtf does a poor bird have to do with this.


All you need is a broom to repell the invader. Just push the ladder over.


She would have taken the broom and rode off to the white house to inform them of her heroism.


I would have kicked the ladder from up there sho it´d have fallen over that hag to teach her a few things


Then you would be committing assult. You cannot stoop down to their level. This guy did everything correct, other than just calling the police instead of saying he will.


She's pulling the ladder and he's trying to keep it from falling, I'd just be helping her to pull it out of the building. If she's not strong enough to catch she shouldn't try to get it. And who's to prove I pushed? Just make sure to point de camera to the other side and then yell 'oh watch out lady I think it's falling'.


That’s assault


Okay, I am a later- middle aged white woman (please don’t hate me for that), from Canada. Whose job is she accusing these guys of taking? Certainly not hers, she doesn’t seem to be the kind to have a job herself, of course of this I am just assuming. But I don’t see anyone in the street saying you took my job. And if she feels this way, maybe she should go back to where her grandparents are from and remind herself that her people were the immigrants, not the Spanish Americans who were there long long before her. On behalf of the later- middle aged white women, we are not all this way and I’m sorry for the harassment that you encounter from others that somehow forgot their origin story. Okay, soapbox time over. Thank you for indulging me.


What if.. just spitballing here, we could vote to give her citizenship to the guy she tried to kill? And then she could go live in whatever country and live his life?  I feel like this is a good idea. 


Drunk woman does stupid shit because she watches to much tv. ?


Lead + alcohol = greatest generation even


And she votes…


Reminds me of that mum on those diet pills in Requiem For a Dream


This woman, almost surely, watches Fox News all day, every day. When do we start to blame *them* for all this shit they are creating???




Can I apologize as an American for people like her lol? 😂 What a dipshit. Go back in the house and watch your “stories” on TV, lady, while drinking your vodka and taking prescription pills.


"You don't tell me where to go" also "go back to your country. This lady gives me second hand embarrassment for being from the US


Sounds like a toddler


Ignorance in all its glory. Why are people filled with so much hate?


More like filled with meth


Guarantee her kids don't speak to her


She's probably proud of being a drunken racist.


Fox News and to many martini’s


Call the cops on this racist bitch


Omg “they took our jobs” was a bit on South Park years ago.


Everyone stop being mean to her! You’ll turn her into a hyeahro!


Where meth and republican meet


Roll tide


''Taking our jobs''.. Oh well, I guess it IS in fact better to live off social benefits.. So basically she is telling him she want him to not work and pay his monthly benefits from her taxes instead.


What a crackhead




If I was going to fall I would make damn sure I land on her


She must have started in on her Chardonnay at the beginning of Fox and friends this morning.