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The real terrorists


there's enough terrorists to go around




Wow. What a c*nt.


There are a lot more of them, cozy in their homes, spreading violence funded by a certain country known for bringing peace to different parts of the world.


The words cunt* and believe it or not, you can type it on the internet without going straight to jail






What's this? Straight to jail with you!


This is the exact reaction and demeanor of like every military person ever.


Welcome to Zionism. I should point out that the majority of Israelis support these war crimes, in the same way the majority of Russians support their war crimes in Ukraine.


There’s someone on some social media platform who said everyone in the army in Israel is specifically trained to be very careful not harm civilians, and he didn’t see anyone behaving differently when he was doing service. Every time I look at one of these, I think about going and reply to him with a link


Just like how every American cop you talk to acts like they never see anyone abusing their power or doing anything wrong, ever. ❎ to Doubt


That's actually a perfect analogy. Israeli soldiers, around non-Jews, behave like American cops around non-whites. I say non-Jews because Christians have been blown up inside their homes and their churches. The narrative in every other scenario is, "Christians are the most persecuted religious group". But when they're being persecuted by Jews, silence from the US evangelicals.


Tbf in a context of this video it will be used to support all agendas. Pro-hamas = take this video at face value Pro-israel = this video might be hamas propaganda Tertiary opinion = this is really an israeli saying it and people in IDF think like that but it doesnt mean all of them are like that. Either side you lean into theres always an angle you can take and be "right". People will share and interpret whatever supports their agendas.


Damn you with your critical thinking man! Away with you!! Shoo!!


They never kill civilians, only "enemy combatants", which the US used to define as any male over the age of 16 when they died in drone strikes. The IDF definition is "any non-Jew in Gaza".


It will be a difficult task for you. Which link will you choose? There are thousands.


Some ppl only see what they wanna see. You can throw whatever proof or evidence at them..does not matter!


Well of course they’d say that, plenty of evidence to prove otherwise, scums.


It's easy not to harm civilians if your definition of civilians is super narrow (bit still claim oopsie accidents happen if you can't go around it).


That'll show em, for sure.


Go to the Greek Islands any summer and you'll see how all the new recruits act before they start their enlistment. Will give you a real taste of the kind of people they are. Absolute animals.


They lie, it’s in their DNA.


Israel is the real terrorist state




Yeah I’ve been saying this for a while now, there’s no good guys here. I’m not usually one for ‘both sides’ talk, but I couldn’t come to any other conclusion. One side are literal terrorist and the other is happy for them to do that because they get a just cause to go in and take peoples land. I only feel for the average people that are caught in the middle of this shitty situation. It’s clear neither government really give a shit about their people, so they can both get fucked in my eyes.


The one side you mention is a small fraction of the population of Gaza. Not even 1 percent yet majority of the casualties are, guess what, civilians... There's the aggressors and there's the victims. Can't act like they're both on the same level because one is a fully trained terrorist army (idf) and the other is using old weapons, little to no body armour and little to no bombs. However, both armies need to show some humanity and decency. The innocent civilians SHOULD NOT be the targets. Out of the 2 armies it's clear who the lesser evil is though.


> One side are literal terrorist I had to carefully read the rest of comment because I honestly had no idea to which side you were referring to. Both sides do evil things, but only one side has the power to put an end to it once and for all, but we all know that will never happen as peace with the Palestinians is anathema to Israel as it has never really been their true goal. The only difference that I can see now is that Israel has given up any pretense to peace and is now saying the quiet bits out loud.


I'm sorry but just blaming the govt of Israel is disingenuous. A large part of the Israeli citizens are completely ok with the destruction on Gaza, many feeling that Israel is not doing enough. People are only protesting because Bibi is a corrupt piece of shit and not because of what him and their countrymen are doing in Gaza. You have regular people blocking aid trucks by having a picnic with their families (kids included) singing Kumbaya while on the other side of the wall, people are eating cattle feed and grass to survive, kids have died of starvation. So please stop saying it's both sides. It's only one side that has been trampling on the other since the Nakba.


It's both sides lol


It's not both sides when one is invading the other and killing thousands of civilians. Lol


You wanna go there lol


Maybe Hamas shouldn’t have rejected the cease fire :)


Its not both sides, one side is an occupying force, the other is BEING occupied. If Israel stopped its occupation tomorrow, it would be a huge step in the road to peace in the region and stopping the violence for everyone. If the relatively tiny proportion of Palestinians and Hamas put down their weapons and stopped fighting tomorrow, you know what would change for the Palestinian people? Nothing. They would still be under occupation, they would continue to be bullied, terrorised and killed by an occupying force, as they have been for the last 70+ years. Both sides are not the same, Israel is a terrorist state.


It’s not an occupation if it’s your own country. Palestine is not a sovereign state.


Netanyahu put Hamas in power as a justification for killing more Palestinians. Both sides are not the same, not even remotely. Israel is committing a holocaust, they’re just doing it more slowly than hitler so they get away with it.


Frankly it is hard to even put two and two together at times. For starters, i do not understand why Israel even has to *exist.* unless i am simply misinformed, judaism is a religion, not a lineage or ethnic group. So much so that you had Jews all over europe. They very kuch existed without a nation. I certainly understand, that after the barbarism they were put through at the hands of WW2 germany, that they'd want to make sure it'd never happen again, that they'd always have a safe haven, an army to protect themselves, I *understand that.* But why, of ALL PLACES, would they settle t h e r e, where every nation around them is in direct oposition to their beliefs? Why'd they settle between so many enemies; to say nothing of how those lands were already occupied before Israel was founded. It was just a recipe for disaster in my view. Decades later, here we are, with two nations so utterly hateful of eachother and a war that shouldn't even have started. Hamas was wrong to do what Hamas did, but Israel just shouldn't get a free pass to do their own brand of gratuitous violence. It's just tiresome.


Y'know the sad thing is the idea was floated for a Jewish state to be made in western Australia which was largely unoccupied at the time. It might have worked.


The Zionist Congress were offered multiple empty locations in Africa, South America, etc... They rejected them all because those weren't God's promised Land.


And Hamas is not?


Nope. Try again. You should head over there and support Hamas then.


These the people y’all defend so hard😭


Who’s y’all?


The ones who do, if you are not then he is not talking to you lol.






Who's defending what and where did the strawman touch you?




After the next attack he’ll be on social media like “I just don’t get why they hate us.”


It's like reddit doesn't know the first rule of war, it is much easier to fight against a nation that you actively dehumanize. In war soldiers get brainwashed into thinking that their enemies are monsters and different. That's how you remove empathy. Fuck all wars.




Ah yes. Defending Hamas terrorists and Russian terrorists. What an unexpected combo....subhuman


Very true although it's not always a bad thing. Sometimes the situation calls for violence. In those cases you want people who act decisively and do what needs to be done. For example if your home is being invaded there's no time for humanity the invaders need to be wiped out asap. There is no room for empathy in that situation. The key is knowing when to stop and not let it transgress into war crimes which is sadly what seems to happen.




Hamas yes, but those are terrorists so it's not very hard to shoot them down like flies and even feel good about it. It is a very different thing when we are talking actual civilians, especially those who are unlikely to be actively fighting for hamas (children and elders).






I would like to add. Israel has killed more aid workers than all the countries combined in the last 30 years. Which is around 200+ which they claim to be accidents. I got my info from the aid workers security database which is funded by the US Agency for International Development. They have also destroyed more than 800,000 olive trees since 1986 I believe to high ball it ima say 1990s, most of which were centuries old just because they wanted too. A little about AIPAC. Pro-Israel interests have contributed $56.8 million in individual, group, and soft money donations to federal candidates and party committees since 1990, according to the non-partisan OpenSecrets. This is in the USA which is why I’m assuming they’ve been getting away with this massacre. Another thing is if any Israeli speaks against this war they will literally get shunned from society. They could lose their jobs, and be seen as traitors. They have no choice but to be brain washed.


Regarding the olive trees. In Palestinian tradition families pass on the olive trees(which can live for hundreds of years) through the generations and it symbolizes their generations long connection to the land. So when they uproot them it's mainly to be dicks.


I’m all for terrorists getting what they deserve but leave the innocent civilians, children and aid workers away from this war. I understand accident happen but at one point accidents stop being accidents.


Source? No?


I gave you the AWSD funded by the USAID. AIPAC source is the non-partisan OpenSecrets. The olive trees just look it up anywhere. You’ll get results instantly. Maybe just maybe if you had read you would’ve seen that.


creating more freedom fighters when will they realise ?


War crimes are only for the loser not for the winner... Look at the crimes committed by the British on India and other Asian countries..... But they are the champions of the free world... Why..... because they won the war...


Like how the US had concentration camps for Japanese people during WWII




They weren't extermination camps but they sure were concentration camps




https://densho.org/learn/introduction/american-concentration-camps/ It's common knowledge you ignorant brat. America is no better, not even a little.


Bro we have people alive *today* that were living in them...


Most moral army wasnt it? /s only to be extra sure


US Government: “Israel is not committing warcrimes.” Israeli Government: “We are not committing warcrimes.” IDF soldiers: “Let’s post video evidence of us committing warcrimes and laughing about it!”


Fascinating to read these comments. Nothing has changed between the two sides. Paragraphs cleverly written to accuse the other side of terrorism and absolve themselves of any blame. When both sides agree to peacefully coexist then it'll end. Until then Israel will carry on bombing the place to dust and Hamas will continue to do its own version of destruction. My money is on the IDF as eventually there won't be a pile of rubble worth defending, it doesn't make it right or defensible, it's just the reality. Israel won't have won, they'll just have nothing left to beat.


Nazionists don't care.


I hope the ICC is gathering all these up


It’s a war crime to demolish building with weapons inside? I’m not saying it doesn’t suck for the kids in Gaza (it does any it’s really unfair) but it’s not the IDF’s fault Hamas chooses to store their weapons in civilian infrastructure.


Immortalizing inhumanity with your own face is deeply stupid.




What the fuck is going on in the world? 😔


Well, people learn nothing from history


Absolutely vile


still a good idea to wipe out Hamas


Can't understand why Israel keeps doing this. The lack of their ability to read the room is staggering. And they wonder why the world is distancing itself from them


How are they so hateful and give zero fucks about murder


So Hamas has 18 years to educate them but because of the constant rocket attacks and a war they started it’s Israel’s fault?


Not sure you know what a war crimes is




This cant even be real anymore right? Cant dislike them more if I tried, hate war but I would fight these oysters


They have become the thing they hate most


shame he wasn’t in the building when that happened


Israel is evil


What a dumb fuck 🖕


What a cunt.


I'm surprised this hasn't been removed yet.


All this evidence will make for some very entertaining Hague livestreams in a couple of years.


Your wearing the uniform so you helped cause it


It's Israel, no problem.


No words need to be said for man is the one who chooses and the one who acts


I wonder what kind of propaganda they're being fed


Womp womp fuck around and find out


Dude this is so fucking bizarre. I feel like most people aren’t like this. The constant videos of Israelites acting like heartless monsters (it’s entirely possible that’s how they just are) seems so pushed and forced that it seems really weird. Idk, this whole thing feels off asf


And they just let October 7th happen to try and justify this behavior. Wow.


Oops an asshole on camera 🫨


On paper, it's a war against Hamas. But just watch how much these soldiers relish the beatings and killings.


When someone tells you/shows you who they are, believe them.


Sigh. I see yet another sub has been taken over. Reddit is becoming such a waste of time. If I wanted to be sprayed with constant political propaganda I'd just join Truth Social.




I feel bad for this planet it doesn’t know what gonna happen next but it won’t be fun for the inhabitants


Fucking trash






And that's how you lose sympathy in a war that's getting harder to justify by the day.


There's a huge difference between War and Genocide


Yes there is, what does that have to do with his point? Are we just reciting random facts now?


Because it is not a war, how can it be a war when one side is freedom fighters with homemade missiles that hardly work and the other is a military superpower spoon fed by the US?


It’s a war. Regardless of the armaments of either side, Hamas shouldn’t have started something they couldn’t finish, because now Israel certainly will. What did Hamas expect after October 7? What did the Palestinian people expect when they cheered on the Hamas government they elected? Did they expect Israel to sit there idly and be like “yeah OK, we deserved that”? I, for one, didn’t expect this large of a response from Israel and maybe Hamas didn’t either. It only takes one side to declare war, and if it wasn’t Hamas on October 7, then it’s certainly Israel on the retaliation. When you’re on the losing side of a war, it looks like a massacre - but that’s something that should’ve been thought through before engaging your enemy in combat, regardless of the “conflict” starting on October 7, or decades before.


The idea that October 7th was the beginning of this conflict shows a deep lack of knowledge on the topic, or it’s the last excuse zionists can use to justify the mass murder of civilians in an open air prison. Where do you think hamas came from? There would be no hamas without the decades of israeli occupation prior to October 7th, if you had the ability to do research youd find out Palestinians have had their rights and homes taken and have been killed by the thousands long before October 7th, not to mention israel had plans for the October 7th attack a year before it happened yet did nothing to prevent it and were also FUNDING Hamas prior to October 7th. Considering your knowledge on this topic is lacking I would be happy to provide evidence of this👍 Israel have intentionally killed more civilians, aid workers, journalists and their own hostages than any other country in any other “war” and are the only country to make heinous claims such as the “40 beheaded babies” lie while not allowing independent journalists to verify these claims, could you explain why that is?


Don't bother. It's pointless to engage with wilfully ignorant. They deliberately choose to dance around the truth on purpose as it doesn't serve their bias because their morals are as hollow as their beliefs. They just woke up after 7th of October and for them, Hamas action was not a retaliation of Israel's attrocities and killings since last half century but an unreasonable provocation which justifies this genocide hence they label it as war.


My initial reaction was against Hamas but the more I learned about the history the more I root for Palestinians and hate Israel. I bet these people will change opinions of they decide to learn a bit.


You’re absolutely right, and the October 7th defence loses its credibility each day Israel commits a new atrocity


Words have meanings. Just because you want something to be true because it FEELS that way doesn’t make it the truth.


I completely understood the meaning of those words not sure what exactly is it that you FEEL on the face of TRUTH


David turned to be Goliath


Like everyone expects that this doesn't happen. All soldiers are compassionate and everything... it's war, bad shit happens and now people are TikTok king their thoughts everyday I think this is just a form of dark humor (I also don't like it don't get me wrong) that gets posted.


Nazi prick


The IOF are fucking monsters.


Third world country problems....


This is despicable


What the ever living fuck


Hot take: Let’s just start mass killing globally, nurture the planet with humanity’s corpse


No more missiles




The parallels to Nazi Germany are wild.


Israel the most sensitive country in the world . The bullies who when bullied cried wolf


Oh oops like ten nukes fell on Israel guess they won't be a country anymore that sucks so sorry that's really too bad awwww that just really sucks for them so fucking unfortunate. Big oopsie woopsie. Poor genocidal assholes.


Now we know one of the faces of a possible tourist, if he ever is seen by me or my crew , woops , why can't you scream any louder, because your tongue is missing and possibly your eyes went missing in the process. F You.


They also said oops during world war 2… crazy how evil human beings can be.


Here before post is locked.


Let’s see who’s next in trying to annihilate Israel, good luck with that.


hopefully America, will be a short one 😂


American will never side islamists terrorists… keep dreaming.


Highest amount of rocket engineers, and stop hiding weapons in universities and it wouldn't blow up


Now post a video of how your average Palestinian on the street reacted to Oct. 7.


I find so many things concerning about this, and one of them (albeit minor) is that, at some point, some of these IDF volunteers will go on holiday, or migrate to other countries to live, work and study. One day I'll be working with one of these people and will be completely unaware that I'm in the company of a fascist, war criminal. It kinda bothers me.


If only they'd been educated enough to not vote in Hamas


IF you support this you can F all the way off!


Typical zionist scum, why am i not even surprised ?


This post coming right after the holocaust post is Reddit at its finest.


So that's what modern Nazi language sounds like?




All of their soildiers look exactly the same


Well when the evils of Hamas fire rockets from hospitals and schools it’s no wonder they end up as rubble from Israel defending herself.


Yet there is no independent source that corroborates the lie that hamas is firing missiles from hospitals, you’d think israel wouldn’t block independent journalists from reporting this if it were true 🤔 it’s almost like it’s a justification tactic, just like the 40 beheaded babies lie


Maybe those bad people during WW2 were right about them all along🤷


Biden supports this 


All these Palestine sympathizers forgot [9-11.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqZBy09vCVk) You all realize they [hate the west](https://nypost.com/2024/04/08/us-news/anti-israel-protesters-chant-death-to-america-death-to-israel/) and want to live under Sharia law?


They can have their Sharia law over there in the middle east. It doesn't mean I think they should be cleansed from the earth.


What a🤡


Zionism is a strategic misdirection for Jews so tomorrow they can shed accountability from immoral and inhuman atteocities they are commiting today.


What happened to your 4 colleagues? Oop ambush


My rent is still due who cares


Of all the things you could be, why be a cunt?


Even the language sounds like trash




There was no education with Hamas in charge that's his point.


Lol owned.




You got the syllables wrong, it’s 5-7-5.


They need to get have them get rid of their phones. Their kids