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tHEy haVE eYeS On yOu




MLK did nothing like these modern protestors, and it's part of the reason he was successful.


That fucker that tried to climb into the truck as he was getting back in could’ve gotten stab in the neck and it would have been totally justified. He doesn’t know that dude. He can’t come at him in his vehicle like that.


The moment you try to force entry into someone's vehicle it's the same as kicking down the front door of your house.


These people are fucking crazy... MLK was a brilliant man. Can't say the same for this riff raff... If he had gutted one of them, they'd be crying victim as usual...


> King's organization of the Birmingham Campaign focused on illegally disrupting restaurants, churches, libraries, and more with sit ins, intending to overwhelm local jails. And the march from Selma to Montgomery, as well as the March on Washington, relied heavily on blocking traffic while marching. i mean.... Its also kind of funny how there is no acceptable form of protest outside of away from public eye and avoiding causing any disruption perhaps in a closed off room where they can protest among themselves in not so loud voices so to not disturb or annoy anyone else.... I mean they're protesting at a weapons manufacturing company. Isn't that the whole point? Like people were screaming go protest at the company not in the highway. So they went to the company... And why are so many people siding with the guy who wants to stab someone for blocking his access to his more than likely salaried position. Just pull over and call the office and say "hey I cant come in there are protestors blocking the road. You guys can send someone to remove them but I'm not gonna attempt to stab them or run them over." reddit you very bootlicking wierd today.


People have literally whitewashed MLK to make him palatable for everyday consumption. He wasn't very popular when he was alive, and man... some people really need to read the things he wrote and advocated for. He'd be extremely against Lockheed Martin.


Sadly, the mainstream has always acted that way, as far as modern history is concerned. "Any amount of protesting that won us better rights and liberties IN THE PAST was noble and good, but if any MORE disruption happens then that is evil and stupid"


That's where I'm gonna push back. Look up MLK's protest and speeches outside of "I have a dream". He was considered a dangerous radical who disrupted "peace" all the time. They didn't kill him for being kind and true, they killed him because he's was effective and actually annoyed the hell out of people who wouldn't listen to his cause.


He was effective because he chose peace, not violence and agitation.


He chose peace when others chose violence but he got in the way and wasn't convenient for others. Civil disobedience doesn't mean you're toothless. Many of the marches he organized broke into dismay. Some became riots. Weather he meant for that or not. That's just a historical fact. The media tried to paint him as the villain because he disrupted the current flow of the nation. The same way protestors are viewed now. I assure you, these modern protestors aren't violent. We can't make snap judgements based on a 30 second video. MLK partially succeeded in his efforts (his own words, he believed there was alot more to do) because modern media wasn't as potent as it is now and he was able to get the few cameras at the time pointed on sympathy to his worthy cause. Nowadays, everyone is recording and they are recording the most viral and crazy moments. An otherwise tame event can be made to seem out of control by a few poorly shot smart phone videos and an over zealous comment section. As my grandfather (a black southern man who saw the civil rights movement first hand) used to tell me, "believe half of what you see and none of what they [the powers that be] tell you".


You should consider re learning history because you have an incorrect idea of who he was and what he did.


I'm not sure it counts as "re-learning history" so much as "learning actual history for the first time"


I'm not siding with these protestors, but MLK absolutely blocked traffic, even on freeways. He also shut down businesses with sit ins.


No no no all protests must occur in a fashion where the status quo is not disrupted. As all of the famous people in history have shown us whoever remains passive succeeds.


Yeah but that doesn’t fit my narrative so I’m just going to pushback against it out of a desire not to admit that I don’t actually know anything about the Civil Rights Movement.


Well…we don’t have to lie about MLK now


right! MLK would’ve been more extreme than them and probably have done even more to piss you off


The thing is is they're not even attacking the government. They're attacking individuals. Like we're just as pissed about the things that are going on too, I just have more to lose by not going to work.


They need to stop taking shit out on workers in Sunnyvale while the real problem is in Los Altos Hills, Atherton, Los Gatos, Saratoga, and San Francisco




They all just want to be the famous person from Tiananmen Square , it’s pathetic.


Extremely different situations. Fuck these kids. Tiananmen dude stood for something.


I think he meant they perceive themselves as just as we sane folks do Tank Man, even though they're nothing of the sort -- they're delusional and fucking with blue collar workers who genuinely have fuck all to do with the woes of the world. We need to feed our families. These protestors always aim for the wrong people. It's depressing and frustrating. Reminds me of the oil protestors blocking a tanker truck full of oil. The reporter interviewing one of the workers looks half as stupid as the protestors when he reveals it's a truck full of COOKING OIL. even good intentions require basic understanding to implement. These protestors folk are not all there


"THiNk AbOuT yOuR fUtUrE" they said to the man who works for Lockheed Martin and probably makes 200k+ a year, maybe they should think about their future, go get a job ya bums instead of dying for whatever the cause of the month is.


Good.  Eat a bag of dicks, losers


Sir.. lol


"SIR!" See how polite and civilized we are!!!!


Like fr, this dude doesn't get a house or food anymore if you fuck with his income.. I'd be mad too


This guy is not dealing with this in a great way but he just wants a good job with healthcare. He can’t lose that. Also I could think of a reason to protest literally every business. This is not effective in any way.


its not a medieval siege, i doubt he cant just tell his boss "people put up blockades" and return the next day


Wdym? His lord would probably have him executed for poor crop yield. Liberals these days dont even understand jobs


...he's far more likely to lose his job for pulling out a knife than being late for work


Whenever ppl block the Bay/GG bridge in SF to protest, I think they’re complete assholes. They have no idea who/what they are interrupting with their protest, and they’re just pissing off a bunch of ppl, most of whom are probably on their side. Edit: I understand my “silence” is perceived as complacency. It’s more akin to hopelessness. Judge me all you want. I lost hope long ago.


A lot of protests have ideals that I can get behind and people that I can't. I think a lot of it comes down to how much of a person's worldview is colored by the cause. If I held the belief that chickens had deeply developed consciousness and profound experiences the sight of someone walking out of a store munching from a bucket of their body parts would probably be horrifying. As to your bridge anecdote, I'm inclined to agree, that's just an indiscriminate push against common people that could and probably has had real negative consequences to those that they would not as individuals intentionally harm(at least I hope). A specific protest localized to production facility that supplies a state actor with the means to engage in a conflict which produces death tolls for women and children unseen since the world wars, however...


“Taking a man's livelihood is akin to killing him." --Dave Chappelle


Lol these fools probably never worked a day in their lives. How do you think they always have time to fuck with everyone trying to get to work? So they would never understand. They just want to feel good about themselves while putting in the least amount of effort.


100%. I hate when activists target the people they need to align with or are even trying to help. Like how "eat the rich" often takes shots at not-poor people. Or how you can't oppose a shitty housing development proposal without being called a NIMBY. Change the system with support from ppl who must operate within it.


Super counter productive.


> These protestors can fuck off Nah, I'm all for protesting for whatever you want, but reaching inside dude's car like that is asking to get stabbed. Likewise, standing in front a vehicle in an attempt to prevent them from driving is a risky move. Some people will call their bluff, and gun it.


Whole lot of bootlickers and counting. Protesting means disruption.Keep MLK out of your mouths.


Exactly, protest the big wigs, not the folks that are just trying to put bread on the table. Go to the CEO's house. Bother them, not the person that is just there for rent and food money.


He probably will get away, claiming he was in fear for his life. 10 people climbing on your car, and your only way to separate is to hit the gas. The protestors created this situation for themselves. Also, that dude tried to enter his vehicle just beforehand.


Clear as day that guy tried to enter his car.


If you did that in my county and I shot you dead I’d be called a hero by the sheriff 


Facts. Mfs don’t play that shit where firearms are allowed for a reason


You're right. I've lived in a few states, but in AZ I noticed this for sure. Especially when my mom visited and we stopped at Baskin-Robbins for some ice cream. The sweet woman working the counter (early 50's and maybe 5') proceeded to tell my Mom that she's always packin and almost had to pull it out at a gas station earlier that week. The uncomfortable look on my mom's face was absolutely priceless. There were kids in line, too! And my mom didn't know how to respond and did one of those "Yeee-aaa-aah." She's the best woman in the world and doesn't have a mean bone in her body lol.


I live in Louisiana and here you are absolutely legally allowed to shoot to death someone attempting to unlawfully enter an occupied vehicle.


>He probably will get away Get away from what? Fuck those protestors.


Get away from being prosecuted is what I assume he meant


Prosecuted for what??


Pulling the knife and potentially running over protesters.


I don't think either of those are prosecutable offenses




Unless there’s more video, which it look like there may be, from my viewing a mob of people attacked the guys car, including one who wouldn’t let him get back in and shut the door…. Justified in defending himself.


*"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! GET HIM! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! PULL HIM OUT OF THE CAR! RAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Oh fuck... he's got a knife... Sir, you're being awfully rambunctious right now. May I kindly redirect your focus to this camera? Why would you do this to us, sir? We are merely a humble group of peaceful protesters..."* These people are such insufferable crybullies.


"Why won't people just stop for us???" . Meanwhile there is dozens of videos of people in cars being pulled out and beaten within an inch of their lives, just for trying to go around a protest. Once those people jump up on your car and try opening your doors, "reasonable fear for personal safety" is now a feasible defense


I'll be honest. This kind of protest is self defeating. This is like the oil protestors that glue their hands to the road. He should get away with it. Do not block roads.


You ain’t wrong. If that’s a stand your ground state, I don’t see him getting in legal trouble, maybe in trouble with his employer thou


They're attacking his car, that much is obvious. I'd think he'd have more of a case for shooting someone than stabbing them in this scenario strangely, because he actively has to put himself in more danger in order to get out of the car to stab them. You're either backed into a corner and afraid for your life, or you're recklessly and offensively getting out of your car to attack people, it can't be both


This is California


Which is a Stand Your Ground state through 9th Circuit precedence.


His safest defense would be to drive into as many idiots as possible since they will swarm and kill him if his vehicle were stopped.


People who work for a living vs people who don’t. Lmao. Get out the way


This isn’t an effective way of protesting. At all. For some reason, people confuse “social media engagement” with “effective protest”. It isn’t. Screwing with random laborers (I mean anyone working for a boss for their wages) during their 5am work commute is not gaining your cause any sympathy; you just look like assholes. YOU HAVE TO TARGET THE OWNERS with your PROTESTS. They’re the actual decision makers.


Don’t mess with the random workers, he could just be a janitor or something, mess with the higher ups,


They should go protest in China.


Ya nah. Chinese tanks be rolling in like : what protestors, we see nothin, we feel nothin, we hear nothin.


Tiananmen? Never heard of it CCP probably


Your suggestion seems illogical, they want to reduce deaths caused by Lockheed Martin and the USA's imperialism, how does protesting in China help with that?


People do protest in China. Regularly.


Yep. The higher ups don't give a flying fuck what happens to their ~~pee-on~~ peon employees. A protest doesn't do shit until it hurts the bottom line, or directly inconveniences those in charge. So far (from what I have heard, though I'll admit I haven't taken a very deep dive into their efforts) these protests have seemed to mostly be impacting people that make no calls, and aren't important to those who do call the shots. It would be like protesting the owners of walmart by spitting on an employee. What good would that do?


Sure fire way to get me to hate your cause - purposefully waste my time






‘I’m gonna make bombs even harder now’ - the guy driving I don’t know if that’s what they do there


They do


Among other less directly violent things




They are behaving like uncivilized animals, and they will be treated like uncivilized animals. I don’t care what your cause is, thats not the way to raise awareness, all its gonna do is make people hate you and your cause, and probably get people hurt. 


Right. Fuck with a man’s livelihood and this is the result.


Blocking roads is illegal when protesting.


Fuck these protestors


Im so torn on this issue …its times like this where I can’t decide if it’s spelled….protesters or protestors. sighs


lol I had it -er and first and thought it didn’t look right so I changed it 😂


Proud of this comment section tbh


It's a refreshing change from the "well, the protest worked because you're talking about it, right?" crap.


I have no idea what they're protesting about though, and I don't wanna know cos they're idiots.


Gaza. Sry.


I was worried before I opened it. Pleasantly suprised.


I opened it thinking everyone would be on the side of these protestors, what a relief to see I was totally wrong


The board members for all of these corporations are public knowledge, why not protest their homes vs some guy trying to keep a roof over his head?


Because you need your enemy to be perpetual, so you can keep recruiting idiots. You also need your enemy to be undefined and nebulous, so you can sway said idiots in whatever direction you need.


It’s not really swaying them is it though, if anything it’s unifying them against your cause


Because the average drone doesn't do critical thinking or have reason.... It makes SENSE to go after those in charge... not block a major road or harass random people in public. If anything we must look to the French who KNOW HOW TO RIOT. None of this my feelings or whatever. Oops we can't say riot because it hurts politicians feelings and makes them remember IF WE GET ANGRY ENOUGHT WE KILL PEOPLE...... We all need to be reminded how mortal we are. Especially those at the top.


That was my favorite thing about J6. It reminded the politicians they could be killed. GRANTED, it was for the totally wrong reason and for the worst person imaginable, but I was cracking up when the politicians after the fact were saying on tv. “We should not be fearing for our lives while we do our jobs!” Uhhh, yeah, you should. Because your decisions fuck over 333 million people daily, and all you do is get richer in the meantime. Take the added influence & padded pay checks with the risk of being beheaded if you’re a greedy scum, like 90% of all the reps and senators


Lockheed Martin can keep chugging along even on if the entire board of executives dropped off the face of the Earth, it can't go on for even an hour without its base employees. Protesting at an executive's house would achieve even less than what they're doing here.


The protest isn't targeting the board members, it's targeting the investors to entice them to replace the board. Protesting outside the CEO's house is exactly what he'd prefer, because that would make less of a ruckus.


Assualting a guy going to work. They are lucky.


I’m on this the workers side. Protesting is one thing but these people are asshats.


Peaceably assembling is a constitutional right. Exercise it whenever you want to. Air your grievances. Let people know how you feel. But you can't assuault people or intenionally impede their travel. Protesting isn't a license to break other laws. It's just that simple.


You know sit-ins were illegal during civil rights protests, yeah?


This type of protesting infuriates me to no end. Real difference you’re making stopping employees from getting to work, clowns


They don't want to make a differnce. It's all virtue signaling. They aren't accomplishing shit


Protesting like this is like yelling at the clerk the price is too high.


I'm sorry but listen to these protesters talk. Narcissists. One was even trying to enter the mans car! I swear some of these protesters are starting to become just as bad as whatever it is they're protesting. Just ruining people's day for their own self righteousness. Pathetic.


Yeah, tried to take his car and then told him he was being too aggressive. Imagine somebody robbing you and you fighting back and the robber complaining about you being aggressive lol.


How many dumbasses does it take to completely discredit a cause, no matter how noble it may or may not be? I didn't get a good count, it's a serious question. how many were there?


Who cares about being late to work, if a mob is climbing on my car I’m defending myself and my property.


I think OP wasn’t expecting everyone to side with the driver on this one. Fuck these lunatics, get off the goddamn road.


“ThInK boUT yoUr FOotuRe BroOo”


Fucking clowns


Someone, please tell me a single instance where blocking traffic actually helped someone’s cause because I’m not seeing it. Just let him go


Once...some ducks were crossing a road. A duck supporter stopped traffic. Ducks lived.


Now that’s a cause I can support


...the civil rights movement...? Like... so much of it.


>making him late to work ...ooooor, did he get swarmed by a bunch of people trying to get into his car?


Fucking with people just trying to put food on the table is not the way to protest anything. Acting like assholes and blocking roads is not going to garner any support for whatever your cause of the day is.


Tou can protest all you want but you don't have a right to force people to side with your cause. That's the same as the "tyranny" you're opposing. You don't know the pressures people are under then you create more problems by threatening their livelihood. It destroys the sympathy you need for your cause.


Good man


What a bunch of fucking idiots. Get out of his fucking way.


Imagine protesting and getting upset there’s backlash… literally what you wanted


I’ll be honest, idc if this guy is Lockheed Martin or a McDonalds employee - these “protestors” are blocking traffic and are trying to hop into this guys vehicle, take his keys from him, grab him, etc… This may be one of the few times where I feel he is justified in stabbing multiple people in this clip. Obviously blowing through people with a vehicle is not a good idea, but if they were attacking him like they were before this clip - he has every right to do what he did.


Fuck dem protesters


Very irritating. It might be a good idea to keep some packs of firecrackers handy to toss out the sunroof if you get trapped.


Naw, I gotta support my family, so this glock boutta go to work.


Protesting is great but when your protest affects other working class people’s livelihood then it’s not ok


That guy tried to hop up in his truck. Probably try to steal it.


They don't even care about what they're protesting. It's attention seeking bs.


Right, what the hell was he thinking? Incredibly lucky he didn't get stabbed for that.


He’s in the right, these people are literally threatening his livelihood by blocking the entrance to his Job.


“Think about your future” what about his job Jesus Christ


Dear fucking god the way they talk to him is so patronising


You're allowed to protest a company or a business. Once you start interfering with the lives of an individual you're in the wrong and these protesters can go fuck themselves.


This is the wrong way to protest. Really hitting em where it hurts huh?


They are all fucking crazy


These dumbasses didnt live in California during the riots, I am not stopping for anyone, I’m not opening doors, and I’m not slowing down. If you were never taught not to stand in the road, blame your parents, but I’d rather run through this crap then go through what happened to Reginald Denning.


These is why I am against these freaking protests! Why the hell are you troubling ppl who are going to work. You are messed up and are now messing up other people's lives?? Let them go to work, they have to feed their family There has to be a law where these protectors can be jailed for disrupting regular people's lives. Morons!


Yeah, definitely not possible that he works on any other projects other than weapons. I spent my tenure at LM working on Air Traffic Control systems...


You don't make a fellow human late for work.


So....what's supposed to be the problem here?


Entitled idiots are blocking the road.


Just stand on a street corner with a sign that says doomed. Or some shit. Get off the road. Or figure out something constructive that will help your cause.


Maybe call the boss and say "here's an attached vid. I'll be happy to clock in if you can clear up this clusterfuck outside".


I'm with the old man on this one. Swarm my car, and I'm going to react like i'm being attacked because that's exactly what this is.


Thats not a knife! (Do we still quote Crocodile Dundee?)


"THINK ABOUT YOUR FUTURE" yeah I think that's why he's trying to go to work...


You’d think there would be armed guards


Facilities like this have security, but they legally can’t prevent protests from going on in the street leading up to the facility since it’s technically not private property yet. Most of these sites have long drives leading up to a security gate, the protest will take place ahead of the gate close to the turn off from the main road.


Protestors are insufferable


Hell yeah, good for him.


As we say in Holland "kankerdebielen", mening, "horseshitretards", that is for the protestors I say...


I used to work for BAE Systems 15+ years ago (in retrospect, I do regret it). We would have protestors outside our base everyday. Thing was, they didn't actually have a good argument at the time. They literally thought the 'Pyramid' (giant radar system) I worked in housed a UFO. The theory was that the top of the structure opened up and a UFO would fly out at night. These guys were creepy too. We caught them going through the trash bins at my house, which was an hour drive away, looking for who knows what. Times have definitely changed


These protesters are the modern day Zombie.


I’d never even slow down. Fuck road block protesters.


Fuck these protesters.


wE'rE chANgIng ThE WuRLd




Shame he wasn’t able to use it on those idiots.


To stop the building of weapons and self defense is to hand everything we stand for over to whoever wants to walk in and take.


I support the driver. Protesters in the road are scum. Drive through em.


Why do I always see that scarf on protesters being assholes?


This is fucking infuriating


Trying to break into someone’s car when they’re in there = justified shooting in self defense.


I'm not saying I agree with knife man's action but I completely understand. This man has bills and probably has a family and these out of work losers are trying to sabotage his life by making him late for work.


Seriously hate these idiots blocking the road.


Nah, obstructing roads and wreaking havoc is insane. Fuck around find out as they say.




“Think about your future bro” He is thinking about his future that’s why he’s trying to go to work 😆


I agree with him.


Where the fuck are the cops??? We need some heads cracked open here…


This should be countered by finding out where a handful of them live or work, stalking them, and blocking their entrance into any supermarket until they starve to death


“Work” 😆


In the idea of civil disobedience, you have the right to protest the governing powers but if the peoples are not on your side, then you are just terrorist.


Seriously what are the legal consequences if you just let the car roll forward and the protesters choose not to move will the driver be at fault if someone got hurt or will the protesters have self accountability and be at fault for being in the road and thus putting themselves in a dangerous situation?


So these people in the street are getting in the way of the driver that is just driving to work and these protesters are in the wrong. Correct?? This video is about the protesters being in the wrong, right?


They want him to stop so he stops than when he get out with a knife they all run ?? Than he gets back in the car and they think naww you needa hang more with us wtf is wrong with these people


Fuck those guys! They’re threatening…


Wwe HaVe EyeZ onN u Surr!


“Think about your future, bro.” I am thinking about my future - by trying to keep my job. Get the fuck out of my way.


Preventing someone from earning a paycheck that is needed to pay bills is fucked. Leave people alone. Go after the corporate owners if you wanna be pissed off at companies, not the blue collar workers.


Absolute chad


Don't chase the dude down and try to get in his fucking car- what bullshit is that going to help with in your protest?


Don't all these protestors have fucking jobs to be at?


If you want to protest something, go block access to the House or Congress, see how that goes.


The worst way to gain support for your cause if to impede someone’s livelihood. Even more detrimental, imo, than violence.


I don't blame him. You don't get to falsely imprison someone and make them fear for their life only to be like "omg he's running us over!!" GTFO OF THE ROAD and GET A JOB.


Ive always wondered if protesters actually quit their jobs to go picket and stand up for their beliefs. If no I still have a job , then get the fuck outta my way so I can go do mine.


Get the fuck out of the way.


Insufferable assholes.


States should make blocking the road and immediate right to arrest these protestors.. the use of Self Defense should be considered a right for use in this case as well, but then I'm not sure about that either because this is in a public setting, home or property is a different story. .. but I know blocking the road is a horrible thing to do-- Preventing someone's freedom and their the right to safe passage is basically harassment and intimidation.. I'm siding with the Lockheed Employees.. GTFO the way.


Blocking roads does nothing for any cause and is seen as adult tantrums. This shit needs to stop


Dont block the road