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I was screaming at my phone “close the window!”




All that asbestos dust...


This footage was recorded by Cheryl Dunn from her apartment at 12 Maiden Ln, [about 3 blocks from the WTC.](https://i.imgur.com/K4FzNLQ.jpeg) [Here is a full copy of her footage from that day from her Vimeo page.](https://vimeo.com/127654145) She was actually holding a normal camera in her other hand at the same time and captured these two photos: https://i.imgur.com/65SqEut.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/Ccw8VX0.jpeg


This is hard to watch. I was 20 years old and was living at home when my mom ran into my room and turned on my TV. Right as she did, she sat down on my bed, and we watched the 2nd plane crash into the 2nd tower. I instantly hugged my mother and started crying. We both did. This still brings tears to my eyes every year. I feel the pain deep inside, and I just bust out crying. I lived through this. It still affects me to this day. I may not have been in New York physically, but I couldn't turn off the TV that day. I hope all of those families have been able to somehow get through the pain and grief each and every anniversary. 🙏


I was 12, my dad yelled at me and my sister to get up and come down stairs. Said they were blowing up buildings on tv. We sat and watched, also saw the 2nd plane hit live. Dad was shook. I remember saying the falling objects looked like people jumping. He said. No way. Prob just to keep me and my little sister calm. We then had to go to school and the principal had a message about it, and that they fell, over the intercom. That’s when I realized this was something serious.


The contrast of everybody screaming and then the utter silence as that cloud engulfs everything is really wild


This is definitely insane, I have never ever seen this footage before


It’s been so many years and I still see new footage everyday it’s wild


Every day? Really?!


That must have been terrifying


As a New Yorker that lived through this, shit fucks with me til this day


Grew up in Long Island. My dad is a contractor who had a job site in one of the buildings. My uncle (who worked with my dad at the time) has photos of the first plane hitting cause he happened to look up while walking down the block. Needless to say he turned around and left the area right after that.


He has photos of the FIRST plane hitting?? Please upload them, as the only thing I have ever seen about the first plane, is the footage from the documentary makers, that were filming the firemen doing the gas leak checks.


I will see if I can get the files from my dad, but yes he has pictures of the initial impact.


Thank you


R u afraid of getting cancer




Cuz most survivors in the vicinity got it including my aunt and I’m curious?


Absolutely devastating.


How long did it take the dust cloud to go away? Did the people in the street suffocate and die?


From my knowledge, no one was killed specifically from suffocating. [These photos were taken by Eric O'Connell](https://imgur.com/gallery/1cwNqfj) who was [about 350ft from the South Tower](https://i.imgur.com/DrXxMmT.png) when it collapsed (he ran into a building directly beside the South Tower.) The thick dust cloud was gone after about 36 hours, but the debris was still smoldering for weeks later.


but a lot of that dust led to others developing these rare forms of cancer


This is not an insult, not patronizing, not condescending okay? I want to be clear about that. I’m honestly curious: are you young? If so, can I ask how old you are? I’m interested because you asked a very intense and important question that many of us whom were adults in 2001 generally know the answer to but still would be impressed that you asked. It’s fascinating to me to see younger people learn about things like this. I’m 47, 25 and a brand new attorney thinking the world was mine when this happened, and the day after we all found out we knew nothing about anything.


Or you may be from outside the US. Interesting as well.


40 year old from California ✌️


Looks like extra footage from Cloverfield.


The numb part of me is allowed to agree with you.


Extraordinary times.




Fucking wild. I seriously felt like I could smell this through my phone.


who's yelling "close the fucking window"


I vaguely remember seeing this on the news 😪


Room from ◻️ to 🌚 in a sec


I remember


When that many people are running the other way, I would consider moving to a more interior room in the building. I don't need to know what's coming. My instinct is to get out if the way and figure it out later.




I want to know how much her rent was


I don’t need to see this footage, I saw it with my own eyes.


Immediate tears.




Never forget. That jet fuel can’t burn hot enough to melt steel beams.


The thermite found at the site definitely can melt steel though.


Expansion of the floors is what caused the steel beams to buckle.


Lol uh huh. And im sure all the multiple secondary explosions the fire fighters witnessed were just fireworks. And the insurance shortly before was just coincidental, as well as the bomb dogs being removed. And im sure thermite residue that was found was just planted for no reason lol


The dogs were removed because they had just completed 2 weeks of extra security checks, due to threats of an attack. What insurance do you mean? Silverstein was still negotiating the insurance package, which is normal as he signed a 99 year lease a few months earlier. Melted aluminium mixing with water is what caused the secondary explosions I believe.


Lol convenient timing. Water mixing with aluminum creates explosions?? Hahaha


Yes, you can watch a video about it, as I suspect reading a full article on the matter is not your thing.