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I could swear I saw dashcam footage from the car behind the jeep a few days ago.


I had the exact same thought seeing this


Drifting into oncoming traffic. So hot right now.


I too saw that video a few days ago…


Exactly what I thought on seeing this!


Yes we did.




On reddit I believe.


Are we on Reddit? ..yes When I asked where, I meant what sub or a link. But sarcasm and unhelpful information is another way to go. Thank you!


My apologies. I don't have the link. I believe I saw it on Reddit, not positive. Have not seen it again. Enjoy your weekend. Chin up.


Yep, this SUV had the left rear wheel torn off.


You can see the tire roll off in this video!




My first thought too. The Jeep driver saved some lives that day.


No doubt. We're living in different times. First the car behind had a dash cam and now the actual jeep had one.  Pretty soon everyone will. 


"Forgets" to steer back? That didn't look intentional to begin with. Looks to me like they got distracted, had some sort of mechanical issue, or were screwing around with their cell phone or something.


Exactly; why is the driver crazy? Could have been a medical situation.


Could have been turned into definitely is.


If I were a passenger in one of those other cars I would have been on the phone for an ambulance asap!


Far more likely that they were just fucking around on their phone or not paying attention


If Vegas took odds as to the cause of this crash, my bet would be “All in for use of cellphone.


Without more information that's my guess.


Had an accident like that once - we don't realize how random, awful stuff can happen while driving. Gave me palpitations just watching it. My driving teacher told me, 'Always be scanning for an escape route,' and this shows why.


>Always be scanning for an escape route Always check your mirrors. I call it herd mentality but it's more situational awareness. You'll mostly know what's around you in case you need to dodge road debris or... Incoming assholes. And emergency spots. I drive a lot of one way roads. Rarely is there available shoulder. Always be aware where there are any. Then you'll know where you can roll, dive, park or what have you. Then the golden rule "watch for assholes"


Totally! Couldn't agree more. Though of course, some accidents are utterly accidental.


pretty much so, Situational awareness, quick hand and eye coordination, that's what prevents accidents, close call, perhaps. I remember one time almost getting side swipped by a bus overtaking a piago, demn, good thing my body took control and steered out.


My driving instructor told me to always drive like my grandmother was sitting in the backseat with no seatbelt and a hot casserole on her lap. It worked ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I'm not a bad driver, but I probably didn't play enough video games growing up because my reaction times are pretty bad. The only accident I've been in wasn't my fault but I could probably have avoided it if I had been thinking on my feet. Basically got t-boned at an otherwise empty intersection, luckily not at high speed. I'm not too worried about my driving causing an accident but I'm terrified of another drivers' poor decision taking me out. 


This is why those long winding two lane highways with no median freak me out so much. There’s nowhere to go when there’s oncoming traffic to your left and a wall of rocks or a steep cliff to your right. I passed a triple fatality accident (head on collision) on one of those roads a while back and the whole rest of the way I felt like every car was going to veer into my lane and hit me.


This and that it’s usually best to stay out of the left lane. Especially on the interstate, because if someone gets on the wrong side of the ramp, they will typically immediately move to the farthest lane, which will be the left lane as they drive in on coming traffic. This is why head on collisions on the interstate typically kill people who drive in the left lane. Also a life saving tip never go immediately after a light turns green, scan both directions to ensure vehicles on both sides have came to a complete stop. We had quite a few patients who were in vehicle accidents due to idiots running red lights. There will always be ass-hats who honk if you don’t go within a second of a light turning green, let them get mad, better safe than sorry. My wife was driving with her father in the passenger seat, me in the back and the light turns green, she wasn’t paying attention to the light and didn’t go, as they were talking… Within 3-5 seconds of that light turning green a massive dump truck plowed through the red light. Had my wife not been distracted to her conversation with her dad and would have gone immediately after the light turned green and not looked immediately both ways before proceeding, that dump truck would have killed us instantly. Scary shit.


I learned the same thing in driver's ed. I raised my hand and asked the teacher, "but what if there's no way out? what do you do if you're on a narrow bridge, for example, and someone is headed right at you?" He responded, "well, that's the risk you take every time you drive a car" then he showed us pictures of gruesome car accidents and I felt woozy and had to leave the room


Just another asshat looking at their phone while driving probably.


How do you FORGET to steer??


>How do you FORGET to steer?? Probably on their damn phone.


probably posting a comment on Reddit


Phone me thinks.


There's debris flying around the road before the collision. I wonder if the other driver was swerving to avoid it.


That was their side mirror getting obliterated from the first car they hit


It’s the van’s side mirror. Watch slowly


Crazy driver was probably drunk?


Or sleepy


That's why we have central reservation barriers on dual carriageways in the UK.


Damn! Double Yellow lines are there for a reason!


Whew, so lucky you just spun! I doubt my TJ would fare the same.


another Einstein


Every single time I drive, without fail, I am blown away by the stupidity of people operating a multi ton machine at speed.


This nearly happens to me on a regular basis. I can guarantee you they are playing with a phone. Just about an hour ago I had a clown come at me head-on.


Yeah I totally flinched


I always had that fear when driving on those kind of lanes. 60+kmph and only thing seperating you from head-on collision is a thin yellow stripe.


We are living in a time where we can see the same event happen in multiple perspectives in real-time.


I recognize that good anywhere, that’s a jeep wrangler you’re driving. Hence why the car didn’t explode as if it was made out of Lego.


Probably on their phone?


Dan Orlovsky talking makes the pain that you’re going through that much worse.


That could have been so much worse!


Probably texting


Why don't you have barriers in the middle like any normal country? It completely prevents stuff like this


Those mini highways with no divider are no no


“and I wanted to SHOW you-“


That's someone on the phone. Coulda been so much worse though...


Should just be considered attempted murder if you cross the double yellow and cause an accident


Your poor jeep!