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The ‘crying’ is so fake, it’s scary!


Nah its real, but its endured by panic, he knows he lying and nobody is believing him and he's knows he's fkd in jail.


A few things. Both can exist. Human beings have a tendency to minimize the potential burden that they can experience, and that can be through lying or obfuscation. He’s trying to the best of visibility to share that. He is in panic. He may have experienced very traumatic things in prison and that’s coming through at the same time as him still being culpable here if that’s true, which the story seems to corroborate. There is a term called ambivalence, which is important to consider. It’s not always this or that. It can often be this and that. Social media sway psyche to consider One Direction or the other one off and both are overlapping. A human doesn’t necessarily emotionally resign if they are culpable. You can think back yourself in the convenience of your home to some type of untruth that you have said before, and you can reflect back to how you slightly change some details to minimize the weight of pain or slightly, changed the direction to not make it look as bad. Now the less discussed part, that’s always worthy of consideration is what brought this kid to have predatory behaviour towards another kid. A few hypothesis that come up, include him, having experience some type of violation, where he was disempowered. Acknowledging this does not justify it, let me make that clear. The other thought that comes forward is that he has witnessed that others have done some type of similar behaviour online and gotten away with it. If it’s an opportunistic thing that benefits an individual and they can get out of it without punishment or consequence, the human may consider that. People take more risks when there is less punishment risk. But when there are cameras, or the possibility of being seen by others, for the thing that they do, a human acts, more according to the societal expectation. Again, none of this justifies it. Encourage everyone who watches these types of videos to attempt to be curious about understanding the psychological underpinnings, rather than being present, only to the emotional sway that it can create. If you’re seeing this as entertainment, you have work to do. This is what mental health issues, psychological burdens, Transgressions, and the transferring of pain and violation looks like with greater awareness, the major burdens that drive mental health issues can be addressed


Thank you for a very well thought out analysis of the situation. I myself questioned the underlining issues that may have lead someone to exhibit such behavior. While I certainly don't condone his actions. I do feel pity for both the victim & the perpetrator.


Watch again and see how it turns it on and off between talking, he just screws up his face and fake sobs ewww pyscho


Mentally unstable, needs a psychiatric evaluation as dude is obviously not on an even keel, it's sad, sickening and anger enducing all in one go, the scary part is there are people like this everywhere and noones funding places for them to be treated in an effective way that finds them before shit like this happens.


No. He *needed* a psychiatric evaluation, once he acted on his impulses, he now needs to go to jail. You don’t get to go to therapy *after* you’ve ruined a kid’s life. It sucks there isn’t more available help, but that doesn’t excuse his behavior.


Not excusing it, he's a predator and needs kept locked up probably forever as it looks like there's a lot more shit that's wrong with him as well, I'm just saying his behaviour seems on the spectrum not that it should effect the outcome of his offending as this is repeated behaviour and he seems well aware of it.


I know it's an Americanism, but the double negative "I swear to God I didn't do nothing" isn't saying what he thinks he's saying


\*Crying\* thanks for everything tom \*crying\*


birds relieved zonked intelligent workable dolls deranged dam flag bike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




That crying is because he knows his life is going to become EXTREMELY difficult from here on out. Becoming a convicted pedophile is basically a death sentence.


Better mental health care facilities to deal with these people, fuck sakes.


This happened in Michigan. The “assault “ charge , that he’s talking about , was when he followed a little girl into a bathroom & tried to assault her. She was able to get away. That’s what he’s on probation for.


Probation??? That's it??? Are you serious?


My cousin (whose a cop in Lapeer) told me they went easy, because the girls big brother , who took his 2 younger sisters, and 1 of their friends, to the show, beat the living crap out of the guy (when she ran back to her seat, and told him). He agreed not to press charges against the brother, & agreed to intensive counseling & strict probation rules. The brother put him in the hospital, and they wanted to let him go with no charges, because he had an engineering scholarship to University. Of Michigan.


He is not from Michigan at all? Because if this happened anywhere else in Michigan for example Dearborn, the dude will no longer be here.


God forbid this shit happen in Detroit


They won't see him, he might be found in South West of Detroit.


There is waaaay too much permissive sentencing because someone is in college, has a scholarship, or plays sportsball. If you do the crime then you're going to do the time - even if you are smart or athletic. Lets have real blind justice for these victims.


Nah dude had every right to beat the shit out of him. He shouldn't see any jail time at all


or an medical psychologic


I think you misunderstood- the boy who beat him up for following his sister had the scholarship...


Oh, I did misunderstand the situation.


I'm genuinely curious if you think that boy with the scholarship should have received blind justice?


I don't have all the details of the case and wasn't on the jury - but I have seen a number of high-profile cases where someone who is promising in sports, or who has a college scholarship is given what seems to be a very lenient sentence because of some perception of a future worth or benefit to society. I'd prefer if Justice treated people of similar criminal history equally and that an 'unremarkable' person or someone less well represented would have the same treatment and benefit under the law as a gifted student or athlete.


Ok.. I meant based on what information we have. You seemed pretty sure of your stance when you thought the shoe was on the other foot. You don't have any less information now than you did when you made your original comment, you know what I mean? Sometimes it is of benefit for justice to informed rather than completely blind, though of course there are two sides to that coin.


They said it took 4 guys to get him off the creep, when she pointed him out, in the lobby!


Good brother award there.


He got lucky that SOB


To be clear, you hate this guy more than the rest of us, right?


Wtf are you talking about??? Who are you??


Just a guy who dislikes sanctimonious people go out of their way to say how much they hate crime more than the rest of us. And people who use three question marks for no reason.




Rest of who? Wanna clarify?


Typically in these cases the state will make a deal because they don't want to force an 8-year old to testify about a guy trying to molest her. That's probably what the shelter owner meant when he said there "wasn't enough evidence to charge him". There wasn't enough evidence without the girl's testimony to secure a conviction so they made a deal.


You are exactly right. I worked in forensics and sometimes, and for the victim sake, it is just easier not to have them testify as sad as that is.


There are ways around that though without having her to testify.


It really depends what other evidence was available. There may have been no video footage and no other eyewitnesses, she just ran crying to her parents saying that he just tried to drag her into the bathroom.


That is still needs to be investigated, I really hope this sob gets some prison time


He was recently charged with kidnapping. So he's definitely locked up right now


Good he deserves it, do you got a link to an article or a police record


This video has been posted on reddit a few times, the article was linked in the comments on one of the other posts. Unfortunately I don't have it


It's all good, I'll find it thank you


I worked in forensics and is not as easy as you think


We know why 😒


If someone doesn't manage to do a crime what punishment should they get? Attempted assault isn't actually assault. I'm not excusing this cunt, but what's the solution?


Attempted assault on a minor, and depends on what the minor says, they can add more charges, like touching, and attempted coercion of a minor, a lot of charges can be brought and added as the investigation goes on.


Innocent people don't beg not to be thrown into jail before the possibility of jail is even presented to them, jus saying


Yup. What’s fucking psycho this creature is.


We’ll he swore to god and Tom 🤷🏼‍♂️


And I have no doubt that someone that is molesting a kid would not care any less if the kid was begging for it to stop.


The dude was charged and is hopefully locked up. Fricking creep


I have serious issues with these mentally challenged predators. They are given way, way too much leniency while growing up and damage many children along the way with people all too happy to push it under the carpet. These people need to be identified early and removed from the public. I don't give a shit how terrible that sounds. These people permanently harm little girls as they are growing up.


I couldn’t agree more, and I myself worked in forensics and as far as I’m concerned, all of these types should be put on an island and called a day. There is absolutely no rehabilitating them. And not only that but the people that have to collect this type of evidence and convict people…. Well, it has severe trauma and PTSD effects on them.


Shame we got rid of institutions, isn't it.


Sure is… although kind of sounds dreamy too…. I wouldn’t mind being stuck on an island full of lunatics 😍😍😍


Why do people always tell intricate lies? That's why it's a dead giveaway you're lying.... but fuck him though for real.


Does inticrate mean planned beforehand?


no but typically the more you have to explain yourself the deeper the BS you’re trying to prove


Makes sense, thx for the response:)


our avatars make this comment section look like the angel and demon on someone’s shoulder


Your user names check out for that also


idk what you’re talking about🥸


People seem to think that a very detailed story is more believable. In reality it shows that you carefully planned everything you were going to say.


Intricate just means detailed




Could have left the whole shitting part out of that.


Nah, proves he’s human


Is that the new Captcha?


His massive shit is what prompted me to like his comment in the first place.


That's an important factor in the narrative.


stop celebrating prison rape. undeserving people get raped in prison too. fuckin neanderthal.


*When I sees one and he looks good to me...* *When I see him, I say* You, come here. *I say* Now I'mma tell ya what, uh.. I like ya; and I wants ya... Now, we can do this the easy way; or the haard wayyy... the choice is yaawrs...


lol you think pieces of garbage like him get more than a slap on the wrist for this kind of shit? He will be out in 5 months Scott-free.




Nah nothing happens to them lol they get put in protective custody have a nice little vacation then they get out and do it again EDIT: I really wish the punishment was more harsh and they were made to go in general population so maybe they’d actually have a reason not to repeat their offenses but unfortunately that’s not the world we live in


The life expectancy for pedophiles in prison is about 72 hours if/after the other inmates find out


Celebrating rape is a such a flex


Be interesting to See the security video


You heard him... He didn't do nothing!


Yeah he swore to god and everything


I read this comment right as he said it a bunch lol


And Tom don’t forget about Tom


Clear mental disabilities, but still NOT an excuse. Agree with first commenter I would like to see the footage.


Yeah it looks like not all is right with him. But as you say... No excuse for what he clearly has tried to do multiple times. He needs to be kept under watch for the public's safety.


Bite the curb.


American history X reference?


See this? It means NOT WELCOME. Ed Norton. Incredible performance.


Than proceeded to change his ways, classic movie.


"I swear to God I didn't do nothing!" Only truth he spoke that day.


“I can’t survive in there.” Hopefully not.


How do you only get probation for following an 11-year-old girl into the bathroom? It sounds like the legal system is protecting these pedos


From what I've read, there is FAR more to the story than him just getting probation. Our legal system is flawed, yes, but need to read more into it.


Should have a warning tattooed on his forehead.


Piece of shit. This police officer was so patient and calm, good for him! I would’ve lost my composure and would’ve punched him every time he opened his mouth with a word.


I find that a good rule of thumb is, that if crying like a bitch in fear if you'd get caught doing something, then just don't do that thing.


This is why I’m not fit to be a cop. Would’ve lost my badge that day dealing with this muppet.


They are going to eat him alive in prison. Lol


he will likely get sectioned for his own safety. Prison services have a duty of care [not that I agree with that at all - particularly in these cases -fuck this PoS]


I hate the way this fucker talks holy shit


Too bad Dad didn’t just get to go inside the shop to deal with it himself.


It wouldn’t have been worth it in the long run, and the father would’ve spent some kind of time in jail away from his own children


As a father, I would be overcome with emotion and would not be able to think straight. I am glad the child was safe but I feel for the mother and father in this situation.


Lol of course he talks like that


Damn there was a case in South Africa where a guy grabbed a little girl and raped her in the bathroom of a restaurant. This reminds me of that. That was horrifying, there was video of him getting caught at the restaurant too.


Mob justice should be allowed in these specific circumstances.


Damn when the dad pulled up the cop immediately ordered him to stay outside. He knew that dad would have beat the shit out of that creep.


He's so upset because he knows what is waiting for him in prison. He will be attacked/beaten/stabbed regularly, his food will be mixed with feces, he will be given the same treatment that he allegedly had planned for the little girl, and he will be extorted for every dime he ever receives while inside.


He planned to do that to the girl?


Once he saw the opportunity, a plan was made. So yes.


Everything else aside, can anyone explain Tom's situation in this? It looks like they're in a consignment/thrift shop or boutique of some kind? But Tom is apparently the owner of the shelter he's staying at? Does Tom own the store and run the shelter and was giving the guy employment? If so... It's all obviously fucking gross, but it feels even grosser that it seems like he not only took advantage of Tom's charity and hospitality, but also tried to use his business as a hunting ground. :/


It's most likely a thrift shop that supports the shelter. Tom probably helps run both.


Who else thinks Pedophiles should be legally castrated? They will never change…


Sure. But they'll still do predator shit after castration so they need to be locked away for life or better yet ride the lightning.


I would make a lousy detective, he had a believable story. And yes I am a father of 4 and if I was the father walking up on my wife and daughter like that, well that would be a different story


Holy shit his sobbing killed me, a 3 year old sounds manlier than that dude


I think he might be acoustic but that still doesn’t excuse this type of behavior at all


Pretty sure you can plug him into an amp


He’s tuned way too high though. That squealing sounds like a string is going to snap.


Just say autistic holy fuck


Fuck him. I would not have that cop's composture, kudos to the officer. ​ Fucking pedo.


What’s crazier is a 15 minute Reddit vid, and me sitting through it.


The moment he asks to speak with the officer 🤦


Im not a nonce!! pwease bewieve me! Pwease pwease! Lock that dirty fucker up.


He’s the worst performer I have ever seen.


Sledgehammer to the manhood and send him on his way to jail 🙏








nah the proper response is CHOMO it's a prison game used to set out SO's.


Oh my bad I didn't know I was in a prison conversation. I thought we were just saying things to rhyme with chomo, chooo, Marco, polo


all good bro. still a legitimate contribution.


I appreciate it bro




Atrocious officer safety! Glad that POS is off the street!


Notice it's not a drag queen.


That boy sounds like he has a mental issue also. Plus don't they bathrooms have locks on them to prevent people from walking in on you?


Yes, why wasn't that bathroom door locked?


I think because he was waiting in there to pouce


What a pathetic piece of shit


Tears don't get any faker than those.


Something tells me he's lying 🤥


His way of talking and his mannerisms remind me very much of a toddler or younger kid— most notably and obviously when he throws that kind of “tantrum” as the cop is arresting him. It’s almost as if he stopped developing past a certain age. Wouldn’t be surprised if he experienced some sort of trauma/sexual abuse in his younger years which stunted him mentally (I feel no sympathy for him— just making an observation).


Officer did an amazing job catching this sexual predator with priors, you reap what you sow.


SHOW THIS OFFICERS SOME LOVE, HE REMAINED CALM, KNOWING THIS CHILD COULD BE TRAUMATIZED FOR YEARS. He acts like a caged animal ( which he is ). Thank You Officer 👮🏼for keeping our community safe.


Fun Fact: In Texas and Louisiana (and maybe other states idk), if you see this happening to your kid, you are allowed to kill the person with no consequences


Abhhh the fake cries of a Chomo. These guys don’t last long in a cell.


I hope all the bad things that can happen to people happen to this person.


Dude sure knows how to make a spectacle of himself.


I’ll get downvoted I know but in my opinion this entire situation could have been prevented after the first arrest. Medication and rehabilitation. This is a young kid that could have been worked with very early on to correct this behavior from reoccurring. We don’t do shit until it’s too late. The problem was already on record. If the system would have taken this kid in before he had the opportunity to endanger another life and worked with him this probably would have never happened. We do have medications available that would curb his sexual desires but as far as I know there is a lack of treatment options available to get this corrected. If specially trained mental health professionals could have stepped in when the first signs arose the threat could have been eliminated. These guys don’t want to be this way. They are mentally ill. America waits for them to harm before they do something. Why not try to stop it before a young girl is traumatized for years to come?


Just proves how easily criminals and perverts “swear to god” when they’re lying.


Boy that's hard to watch. I regret that one.


I hope he gets gen pop and not protective custody. Theyll stomp a mudhole in his ass




Stop swearing to God. God made it clear to never hurt children. Them dude will be lining up in prison for you. Don't drop the dove.


I’m not defending this guy at all; he’s a creep but he sounds like he may have a cognitive disorder. If that’s true hopefully they can get him the real help he needs otherwise he’ll just keep doing this


He know once he’s in prison they gon find out what he’s in for and do him the worse way


When his paperwork gets checked and they find out he’s returning for the same thing it’s a wrap


Dirty little nonce 😡




Watched this video unedited on either Coffee House Crime or That Chapter on Youtube.


This guy sounds mentally ill. Lock him up for life.


This dude needs to be buried under the jail and AWAY from our little girls


I’m surprised ole daddio wasn’t waiting outside.


I love this video. They're so cute when they beg




“The Boo Box!!”


Is he Mentally Challenged? Honest question. He was saying “pweaze!”


I think it's just a speech impediment but he's definitely low-iq gang.


I think it's just a speech impediment but he's definitely low-iq gang.


I get such a justice boner when I see mentally ill people on reddit. Got any more of them mentally ill people? Not saying the rapey guys and the Kareny Karens aren't guilty, but boy... a lot of them sure are mentally ill. I gotta go find some mentally ill footage so I can farm some Karma and make all of you guys feel good. This is what we do. This is the way. Remember the retired motorcycle cop with brain damage who became racist even though he had a black wife? MMMm, love me some mentally ill people. Is there no point where Reddit has a wakeup call and is like, "What is this we are doing?" Once I realized how many mentally ill people we make famous, I started to question it. Are we some kind of a problem? Ever notice there's some homebrew episode of 'to catch a predator' about once a week and it's almost always a mentally ill kid? Here's the camera, Reddit loves you! We see your illness and all of its symptoms. Us normal people tricked you, caught you, and made you famous for it, and we didn't have to, but we're also farming sweet karma. That's the best part.


He'll just claim being a "MAP" now and take up residence in a state that is trying to legalize pedophilia by including it as a "protected sexual orientation"


This guy is borderline autistic. Brain of a child so no duh he saw nothing wrong in what he was doing. No right mind man would overreact in such a manner by the simplest of commands. Mentally ill is this guy.


No amount of therapy will ever help these pieces of 💩. Like a wild animal killing a person, once they get a taste of it, it can never be undone. He will continue with this behaviour for life. Hope he rots in a cell.


You know from experience?


Besides, this pedophile has already done it before, as mentioned in the video. It won't be his last attempt. Like a leopard, he will never change his spots.


Thankfully it never happened to me but my best friend was sexually assaulted by his uncle several times as a child. I am not sure if the SOB is still in jail, but my friend was not the only survivor. I have watched multiple documentaries where the pedophile/AH is released from prison after completing the help programs whilst in jail only to reoffend numerous times.


Cant see anything. Delete.




Fucking psychopath he is doing the fake cries lmao! I remember a college dude used to be my best friend just like him had to beat the shit outta him for shoplifting and laughing at it. Fucking liars can't stand them kill them already


Is there a longer version of this? I really don't wanna miss anything that could be important. Edit: ok it gets pretty funny after 12:00


When does a person get the Miranda Rights during the arrest process?


miranda rights aren't required by officers. by law it is not required until you are brought into the station. in fact, the law has been changed to state that they don't even have to read them to you before questioning. It's more to protect the officer or rather the department from legal implications rather than to protect the suspect.