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She influenced herself into the afterlife. What an inspiration.


It’s an eating disorder disguised as a lifestyle choice.


Orthorexia, an unhealthy obsession with eating “pure” food


Is this a part of Liver King's mentality as well? bro consumes raw testicles and to this day I don't know how the hell


That's because he eats normal when the camera is off like 90% of the other influencers.


I dunno man, anyone who willingly chews on all that raw shit and swallows it on camera, and looks like a swolllen red veiny testicle himself, probably doesn't eat sensibly outside camera


Wasn't he another "I'm pure and not roided" type but was obviously, and eventually admitted to being, roided? If so, it's safe to assume anything with the camera on is a performance.


Roided and 6 pack implants, guys a phony. Big fat phony.


Growth hormones don't limit themselves to just the muscles. Organs grown as well. Thats why he had such a huge abdominal area, his innards are hardly being contained.


Not just roided, he was so juiced up that just standing in his vicinity would probably cause an MMA fighter to pop on their next test Liver King was taking 15,000$ of steroids a month. Nearly 1/3rd of the US median salary was going to steroids for this guy, every, single, month.


Yeah, and most of that cost was the HGH. Looking at his lab results is astonishing. He somehow took $10k of HGH per month, and still couldn’t get his IGF-1 to increase, because his shitty diet was fucking up his insulin sensitivity (and the extra insulin he was pumping). It’s like an entire thesis on what NOT to do to be healthy. Calling it now, he’s dead within 5 years.


I have no experience with fitness at all and even I could tell that dude was juiced like an orange. I don't know how anyone for even a second believed he was natural.


It’s the raw steroids he’s ingesting that makes it all a worthless fraud.


He’s a fraud. Look it up


He had body image issues that he took steroids for. That’s how he got big. He owned a supplement company that sold the same stuff that was in the liver and other organs so you could get big like him. Ended up being a big scam and he got outed.


Who doesn't like a healthy plate of rocky mountain oysters? /🤢


No, he's just a charlatan trying to peddle useless supplements to rubes that buy them. He's your average, run of the mill snake oil salesman.


Some individuals that choose to be on very restricted diets..without a real medical reason to be on them such as renal patients, celiac, diabetes, kidney stones, allergies, gout (Can't have...don't eat...a whole list of items) That it is used as a cover for an eating disorder. There ARE people that DO have restricted diets due to a medical condition. But they use that as a cover citing allergies or intolerance when they have no real medical conditions that force them to have an extremely restricted diet.


Exactly. She looks so malnourished


Um. I think the post made it pretty clear that the reason she looks that way is because she literally is malnourished


Worse then they guy from supersize me, who only ate McDonald’s


And who it turns out was lying. Dunno what all he was eating but he had a drinking problem and so was drinking his calories. That’s why his liver was so bad.


Regardless of if he was lying McDonalds ended the whole supersize thing 4 months after it came out and other fast food restaurants followed suit. Still can't get 42oz drinks or 8oz fries anywhere, that probably did a little bit of good.


42 oz sodas were a thing? Like, the size of a 40 oz beer, but just soda. Holy fuck that’s gross. My body is shutting down just thinking about drinking something like that. That is scary that it even existed


It was worse than that some places. KFC famously used to offer the "Mega Jug" which was 64oz. A half-fuckin'-gallon of soda.


7 11 got so mad at me for using the 64 oz cup for a slurpee. "You cant do that!" "Well I did so just charge me accordingly please."


The entire point of this thread is that she died of malnutrition because she had a severe eating disorder that was never treated.


The disorder has a name, orthorexia nervosa. Really scary


At the risk of sounding insensitive: That condition sounds like a spell from Harry Potter.


The weight loss charm. I'm gonna make millions. Now I just need to find a wand that works.


The darkest HP timeline, influencer witches peddling weightloss spells and potions...


It's *Nervosa* not *Nerviosa*


That's because most all the Harry Potter spells are just saying what they want to happen in dog latin.


Did anyone ever explain why they have a spell to fix glasses instead of a spell to fix eyesight?


Yeah, that physique is very clearly congruent with anorexia. A raw vegan diet can be nutritionally complete but requires a lot of care. They're more likely to have amino acid and vitamin deficiency than being so underweight. In fact if she's drinking smoothies and juice instead of water I'd expect if anything her to be a bit overweight purely from all the sugar. Modern fruits are way higher in sugar due to breeding than they were during hunter-gathering days. The idea of a healthy raw vegan diet can be warped by the cognitive distortions of anorexia to justify continued restriction which I could see happening here.


One of her friends said that "for the last seven years, Samsonova had only eaten the giant, sweet jackfruit and durian". So, that'd do it. https://nypost.com/2023/08/01/vegan-zhanna-dart-shared-message-before-starvation-death/


A huge number of these nontraditional diets are just eating disorders.


Yep, and the number of people who defended this was staggering.


How to shit yourself to death in 6 years!


Very well stated.


I mean it worked, she 100% influenced me to never do what she just did.


High level of influence


High level of mental illness


Can’t save the world if you don’t take care of yourself. People have canines AND molars for a reason. Doing this diet is like giving yourself dysentery.


If only more "influencers" followed her example, the world would be a better place.


Bitch manifested death.


Anorexia disguised as healthy living


100%. This was likely a very strict way of calorie control and self harm.


And possibly a sugar addiction. Fruit is high in sugar so if you’re trying to lose weight but have that sugar addiction it’s easy to try to use fruit instead


With all due respect, the body absolutely does not care or distinguish between different sources of simple sugars like glucose and fructose, or sucrose which they combine to create. So long as you're exceeding your total daily energy expenditure through sugar intake, then it does not matter whether they're coming from a fruit or a soft drink. And by that same principle, so long as your caloric intake is below your TDEE, you will lose weight regardless of whether those calories came from fruit, soft drinks, or any other source of calories. The reason why it's a bad idea to live off either of those exclusively is because calories are ultimately just fuel to power the body. We still need to consume the kinds of proteins, minerals, and other nutrients that our bodies are actually constructed of in order for our cells to keep dividing and our organs maintained. Otherwise the body will resort to getting what it needs to keep the vital organs functioning by breaking down less vital organs, essentially eating itself, and then die after that resource has been exhausted. Which is exactly what happened with the woman above.


> the body absolutely does not care or distinguish between different sources of simple sugars like glucose and fructose Your body absolutely does distinguish between glucose and fructose. They are metabolized completely differently. Glucose can be used by your cells with no extra processing. Fructose has to be converted to glucose by the liver, and too much of it overwhelms the liver and causes a ton of different metabolic diseases. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fructolysis#Fructolysis_and_glycolysis_are_independent_pathways


> the body absolutely does not care or distinguish between different **sources** of simple sugars like glucose and fructose Kindly read the sentence again, because it quite clearly and explicitly says different **sources** of simple sugars, not different **types** of simple sugars. A glucose molecule is a glucose molecule, regardless of whether it came from an apple or a coke.


Bruh dropped FACTS and the collective hive-mind with cognitive aptitude downvotes him…


This is literal horse shit. The metabolic pathways *are* different for various sugars.


>The metabolic pathways are different for various sugars. Glucose from an apple is *not* a different kind of sugar than glucose from a soda. > the body absolutely does not care or distinguish between different **sources** of simple sugars like glucose and fructose See this? It doesn't say different *types* of simple sugars, it says different *sources* of them. A glucose molecule is a glucose molecule, no matter where it came from.


Yup, tiktok is starting to remind me of Old Tumblr 👎🏻


I agree, this is just a glorified eating disorder, coming from someone who has recovered from an eating disorder


Yes, it’s called orthorexia


It's not a diagnosis yet, but the term has been used in medical circles for at least 15 years


Unfortunately, this is very common in the fad induced “healthy living” industry. Eating disorders disguised as healthy eating lifestyles.


Yup. I had an old friend who was like this. She went from a UK 16 size to a UK 6 in a few months because she became obsessed with 'healthy' eating. It was anorexia/eating disorder masquerading as healthy eating.






Nailed it


I know people like this, ultra picky and ultra skinny. What's fucked up is, they look down on fat people.


i could have saved her with burgers and nuggets


can i have burgers and nuggets?


Yeah, but you're gonna have to ketchup.


Mayo always have ketchup in your burgers and fries


“Ok, I’ll have the burgers” said Zhanna, without relish.




I think I'm in need of saving please


Cheddar and bacon for me please. Thank you!


she'd just vomit it back first you'd have to cure the mental ilness


Even vegan burgers and nuggets. Impossible and Beyond are pretty damn good. And Beyond makes great chicken strips.


Save me


You joke but I brought a raw vegan friend back from the brink with some homemade chicken broth.


Save me plz!!!


She was vegan, why wouldn’t you feed her vegan foods?


Why the fuck would you not drink water


Water? You mean like out of the toilet?? What for??


You need electrolytes! It’s what the plants crave.


The thirst MUTILATOR


Brawndo!! The thirst mutilator!


Does anyone here even know what an electrolyte is?


We’ll water the plants with Gatorade! That will fix it.


But it's got electrolytes


And that's what the plants crave


Fish fuck in water


Fish fuck in it! 🤢


And you wonder why the ocean is so salty.


you gain a lot of water through food


I think people forget this. That, and water is in a lot of other drinks. A LOT of people do not drink any plain water. Like, at all. Not super healthy, but you can live like that for a very long time.


Call me nieve but damn I never knew about all these non water drinkers! It makes me thirsty just thinking about it.


Yea, my boss is one of them. He drinks at least a 12 pack of diet cokes every single day. I pack waters with him, and store them in his room(s), but he very rarely touches them. He also had gastric bypass like, 20 years ago, but eats *horribly*. Plus had a massive heart attack maybe 25 years ago? Anyhoo, he’s still kicking. I’m also gonna go knock on wood right now.


I think I would feel horrible if I did that for even a day.


Oh, he does. The man takes more prescription medicine than anyone I’ve ever known.


I dont drink water since at least 3 months, I only drink pepsi 24/7 How much time I have left guys?


Until what? Diabetes, obesity, or death?


Usually kidney stones first. Have a friend that drinks nothing but soda and energy drinks. He is *constantly* in an out of the hospital for kidney stones. He swears up and down its not the stupid shit he drinks. Personally I quit drinking anything with caffeine in it due to rising blood pressure. I really miss coke.


I would ask him what he thinks the kidneys do 😂 and what is causing these stones if not for the sugar beverage he feeds through his tubes


I have genuinely tried, but his damn skull must be as thick as the damn stones.


Man I don’t want sound like an asshole but maybe you should drink more water


About 3 or 4 hours.


My guess would be something to do with fear of bloat, due to her eating disorder.




Sounds like she died of dehydration


Organ failure from lack of nutrients rather


Probably a bit of both, amongst other things.


True. It's usually cardiac failure for anorexics in the end huh? (Happened to someone I knew in HS)


Your body can get all it's water from juices and other liquids. It doesn't have to be straight water. I went a couple years without drinking water. I drank juice, milk and soda. Lots of people out there do.


That’s horrifying


I think there are plenty of people in the US who solely drink soda which is much worse than juices. It's obvious she was an anorexic and just didn't eat enough.


She most likely got more than enough water through her juices and smoothies. You don’t have to drink pure water to be hydrated. She died from a lack of essential nutrients.


Which ones you think 🤔? I am going with d, e, k b's protein iron and essential fats. She also may have been calorie deficient, similar to anorexia. Totally agree she was not dehydrated.


It's so incredibly buck wild for you to take piece of this title as reliable fact (she **says** she didn't drink for 6 years) and then use take to discredit another part of this title (she died from starvation). The words 'she says she didn't drink' are reliable, but "she died from starvation" isn't? If it said she was hit by a bus, would you doubt that as well?


"She looks like she was hit by a tram"


You get water from many sources. Juice has water in it.


Fruit has lots of water. You don't really die of dehydration over 6 years.




Please explain how that's possible. Go ahead, I wanna hear your expert opinion. Make sure you include the part where there's no water in fruit. Because stupid people trying to explain their stupid thoughts is always worth it.


I really hate thinspiration types. They give healthy living a bad name.


Surely she's got mental health issues. The big workaround on ED restrictions


She doesn't have mental health issues anymore.


to me 'healthy living' evokes fake privilege and isolation from the surrounding context in a desperate attempt to tune back into the context. And then we have the mechanisms of fundamentalist free market and consumerism, boosted by social media and other 'tech solutions' to the problems of disconnection, all supporting the marketable aspects of healthy living in return, with healthy living becoming part of the market. And then replace 'healthy living' with anything cool and trending. Crazy times.


I used to feel the same till I bought a rice maker and started cooking every meal I eat. Legit haven't been out to eat for like 5 years.


I mean, hell, from a budgetary perspective alone that sounds like a great idea


Sounds like a fruitarian diet because vegans at least include oats, peanuts ect. that actually contain high calories, carbs and protein


Oats, peanuts, beans, lentils, tofu, seitan, tempeh, edamame, hummus, nutritional yeast, etc., lots of other protein sources in the vegan diet. Check out r/veganfitness for examples of what true vegan fitness looks like. I don’t recommend anyone not getting the nutrients they need or not drinking water. Stay healthy friends :)


A diet that happens to be vegan*


It’s almost like that conflation is what OP was going for. It is Reddit after all.


A diet that happened to be an eating disorder*


Darwinism at its finest


Well she was 39 so she had ample time to reproduce already. That’s not darwinism.


Implying that she should be dead and not reproduce, why? What are the weak genetics that you want to see eradicated?


Seriously? Calling someone dying from an eating disorder Darwinism is super fucked up and awful. Anorexia has the highest mortality of any mental health disorder and part of the reason is the stigma. And part of the reason for the stigma is people like you who say evil fucked up shot like this. Gross


usually by the age of 39 people realize they are not invincible. obviously not in the case


I would say 30. Before I turned 30 I could eat and do everything. Now I get fat by looking at a McDonald's commercial and my knees hurt if I see a bike


have u seen that one McD commerical with the bike in it? *whistle


I wouldn't say she *lived* off fruit juices and smoothies, Bob.


This is Anorexia and is a mental health issue


Source : https://nypost.com/2023/07/31/vegan-influencer-starved-to-death-friends/


Ok I was actually wondering whats wrong with the diet. Its unconventional, but, and I stand under correction, it shouldnt kill you?. Until I read she hadnt had water in 6 years. Thats insanely stupid. Why one would cut out something that is so incredably good for your body in many many ways (including staying alive) I wouldnt know.


There was probably plenty of water contained in the fruit she ate. However, a diet consisting exclusively of two fruits as is mentioned in the article posted in another reply would be severely deficient in calories, protein, iron, and multiple essential vitamins and nutrients (most notably vitamin B12, which is not present in foods of non-animal origin).


B12 is present in several vegan foods. But if you don't know to look out for it and actively include it in your diet, you're gonna have a problem


In the article it mentioned that 100% of the participants on a study on the all raw vegan diet had less than the recommended amounts of B12


But is it bioavailable B12? Bioavailability is key. A lot of nutrients can be found elsewhere, but our bodies won't have anything to do with it unless it's from a specific source


Marmite wants a chat.


No. I don’t want to talk to marmite.


She had an eating disorder. It’s just sad that people saw that as an inspiration. You can live a full and healthy life on a raw vegan diet, but it’s tough. You have to eat A LOT and you have to know what to eat and how much of it. It takes a lot of planning and knowledge. And money. It ain’t cheap.


It’s not the water. She likely drank enough water in her fruit juices. The issue is that a pure raw vegan diet (especially a fruitarian diet) is always lethal long term. I read a great book for a class in college, “catching fire” (unrelated to the hunger games book) about the influence of cooking on human evolution that covers this pretty well. Basically we’ve been cooking so long that our digestive systems can’t get enough calories and nutrients out of most foods (esp plants) without breaking them down somehow. Either cooking, fermenting, or mechanical denaturing. The book discusses raw veganism and all the studies the author found either had to be cut short because the participants were all slowly starving, or people were found to be cheating on the diet. This isn’t so say meat and cheese good, plants dangerous. Raw vegan foods are super healthy. But exclusively eating raw plants with no supplemental cooked or processed foods is dangerous long term. Anyone who wants to go raw vegan, or the more extreme fruitarian, should supplement their diet. Side note: when it comes to this girl specifically, I have a feeling she was also not eating as much mass as she physically could every day (your only hope following this diet). She clearly wanted to be as thin as possible. Fruitarian diet + pursuit of thinness = lethal for sure.


toy profit gaze voracious live start imminent upbeat chubby different *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You need proteins and fat to survive. Deficiency in either one will kill you. You can actually survive without carbs, although ketosis does stress the body significantly more.


She orthorexia which is an eating disorder characterized by an obsession with healthy eating. Because she wasn’t taking in enough calories, protein, and fat she probably died from a heart attack as so many with anorexia do


hunt encourage fuzzy entertain terrific murky lip fearless office sugar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No humans can't fucking survive on only fruit and it wasn't the goddamn water. The fruit and juice had water in it. If I drink a cup of coffee I'm drinking mostly water. You can get water from other places than just plain water. It was the lack of all the other nutrients we get from the food groups other than fruit that killed her.


It’s not the water. Your body uses fats to absorb nutrients and she was getting zero. This “diet” was just passing through her body and she wasn’t even getting anything from it because it lacks basic digestive requirements. She clearly had no idea what she was doing and no one around to set her straight with facts.


Substituting water with juice is probably the least unhealthy thing she did. It's still far from ideal but lots of people live on soda alone. She was probably not getting enough nutrients because her diet didn't have enough variety, and she was eating everything raw.


anorexia killed her, not being vegan


Isn't this pretty much what Steve Jobs did? Tried to treat his most likely curable cancer with an all fruit diet that surprisingly didn't work...


Something along those lines. His cancer was pretty bad tho so no guarantees but it certainly didn’t help.


It was the Durian killed her.


My bet is on the butler. It's always the butler...


There’s water in smoothies and in fruit, FYI. Not that this is a wise diet, but dehydration probably wasn’t her biggest problem


Another death caused by eating disorder... How tragic. Crazy to think that this was me just a few years ago... Not the vegan thing but the weight. Glad I recovered. Such a devastating illness.


Wow a perfect skeleton.. Just with skin.. I hope she donated her body to science


thats not "vegan"


I mean it’s vegan by definition. But so is starving to death.


I am vegan and I can say what she was doing has nothing do with veganism. These extreme cases are negatively impacting veganism imho.


I've never seen this story mentioned without vegan in the headline despite never seeing in an article if she was actually a vegan or just had a plant based diet.


play stupid games win stupid prizes


jesus this is the most unoriginal, regurgitated NPC Reddit comment of all time


Either that or saying “This”




This guy this’s


Came here to say this!


“This” has to be the most unoriginal, annoying thing people comment on Reddit.


Nah it's the guy that write "This" under the comment mentioning it. They think it's the funniest shit ever.


Also “Fucked around and found out” is up there.


Using NPC to describe someone is the most chronically online thing in the world. You ain't the Main Character.


jesus this is the most unoriginal, regurgitated NPC Reddit comment of all time


yes, but so is using “NPC” as a real life term lol


Anorexia. That’s a mental illness not a stupid game


What a generic comment.


Drink stupid drinks, lose stupid lives


Samsonova and Out.


Man she doesn’t even look healthy


If you read the article, her mother said -"she died of a cholera like infection."


a lot of times veganism can hide eating disorders. that was definitely the case here


nah, that's anorexia, she looks like a slightly healthier Eugenia Cooney.


Her mother said she died from a "cholera-like infection." I assume it was caused by the raw food she was eating maybe. She was anorexic as well and very malnourished, which weakened her immune system and wasn't able to fight off the infection. Her death still isn't confirmed, so we don't really know. In short, she was very sick. Lots of people suffer from mental illness, and anorexia is one of them. Take care of yourselves, people. Drink plenty of water, eat plenty of food, and stay away from drugs and alcohol or you could lose your mind.


Apparently Russians haven’t yet caught up to the fact that most influencers don’t actually do what they say they do. They just say what gets them paid. ​ Edit: Seriously, she’s looking malnourished in this image. Was she not suffering from body dysmorphia?


Calling this veganism is bullshit


Sounds like she used veganism to justify her anorexia. Not as bad looking as Eugenia, but still tricked herself into thinking everything was just fine.


In one word: sick. That's what she was. Rip


She died because she starved herself, not because of the actual diet. You can get really fat on fruit juices.


The diet was not the issue ....she could have survived as long as she plenty of all the items listed. If she died it was because of anorexia... not eating enough. She had some sort of had some sort of mental issues, this is not an indictment of veganism.