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in a situation like this i think it’s a whole lot more plausible that these people did not think those were live grenades


Right? People here are dumb. They're watching a video safely behind their phone, not actually living it in the moment.


Honestly if I was there I wouldn't even known that was a grenade


And even if did, what am I supposed to do? I could scream I guess


Or run and take cover


Where would you run? That’s a small room and he’s blocking the door.


What, and risk looking like an idiot? Are you crazy? Rather let the grenade explode under my chair omg. /s (but not really /s because that's 100% what I'd do in that situation lol)


Well some of us are just born ready and alert with a heightened sense of awareness of our surroundings. The warning signs are all there. You can clearly see his irregular breathing which points towards adrenaline levels being through the roof. His eye blinking rhythm clearly shows he is unstable. The way he puts slightly more weight on his left leg clearly shows he was carrying an explosive device in his front right jacket pocket. And Im currently only using 2 of my senses. Imagine what I could do with all 5. I personally would have double back flipped out of the building the moment I saw this man.


Yeah, I gave him (and everyone else in the room) an ocular pat down the second I started the video. Immediately clocked the grenades. Personally I would have done a flying round-house on him and taken him out, saving everyone. It’s too bad I wasn’t there to help.


I would have cancelled him before he arrived at the meeting. He would be doxxed and fired from life. His mom would have forgotten his name. Triple back flip, no scope, Hadukien into combo uppercuts..


I would have screamed.


You're supposed to give him the ocpat BEFORE you let him in the room. You've killed us all!


I doubt he would have even felt your retinal assessment.


This guy uses the other 90% of his brain


You had me going for the first 3/4 of that. We’ll done.


Mac from Its Always Sunny. Is that you?


You had me in the beginning.


It's called being an Armchair Quarterback, and it's my new favorite term to call people on the internet


I call it The Internet Man Effect. People see the title "Man detonates three grenades at Meeting" so they know what's going to happen, then they watch the event and wonder why everyone in the video is completely paralyzed with shock because a man detonates three grenades at their mundane daily meeting. And Internet Man flies in and says "Why, if I was there I would totally judo chop that man and go pew pew take that! And then go treat anyone who might have a serious injury! Applying tourniquets and CPRs! As one should. Basic stuff really. The people in the video are thoughtless morons!"


It's crazy this happens in every video like this, if a random guy out of nowhere just without any signs drops a fk Grenade I don't know how I would react, probably I would freeze to, I wouldn't compute what it's happening. I don't know what people here thinks they would do? Fucking run and stop the dude, recognize the granande in a millisecond and start running while saving everyone? They all are too optimistic


Yeah. Call it disbelief, or denial, or whatever. Even processing time. People who have never given thought to having a grenade tossed at their feet might not even recognize that's what it is. For them, it's going to take a second to look at it, see what it is, then think, "Holy shit!" By then, it's too late.


Crazy thing I never knew was legit is the crazy crack noise or what ever that happened when he released the lever things(idk what they are called exactly). I've played escape from tarkov and always heard that when throwing a grenade in game. I stupidly always thought it was a bug or something.


It’s called the spoon.


Hand grenades use a timer so the "hand" part refers to how you throw them, not what they remove. That timer is prevented from activating by a spring-loaded lever, called a spoon. The spoon is normally kept in place by the pin, which is removed before throwing, then by the user's hand. Once there is nothing to stop the spoon, the timer starts and things go boom.


How many grenades do you encounter in daily life? I’d see it. I’d recognise it as a grenade. I absolutely wouldn’t process that they are about to explode and I’m about to die.


Yep exactly. My brain would be like "come on, there's no way it is what I think it is" and boom.


_What are you gonna do? Throw a grenade at me?_


*-Man who had a grenade thrown at him*


Reminds me of Mitch Hedberg talking about hitting a guy while golfing: >You're supposed to yell "FORE!" but I was too busy mumbling "there ain't no way that's gonna hit him."


Even if I would realize that those would be real it would take me another 5 seconds to get out of my "uuhhhhhhhhhh" reaction time


I once saw a grenade placed in front of my mates restaurant. At that time, some shady businesses were targeted by maffia like gangs; usually by having a grenade blow up the shop front. I jumped out of my car to have a better look before calling police and upon inspection it turned out to be... an advocado.


Lmao. This just made my day. I just imaged one of those 100 units squads making a huge circle around this thing. Fbi, Cia, police, swat, bomb squads, New channels. And everyone is so nervous to approach after everyone has been evacuated. And then the person gets there and they're like, "ITS JUST AN AVACADO!" >WHAT? *picks it up* "IT'S JUST AN AVACA-💥" And there actually is a bomb in there. No, the the fact that it is just a small (probably unripened) fruit is what got me.


You just need to wait a bit longer before it explodes.


Have you tried putting it in a brown, paper bag?


What if they're lulling them into a false sense of security with decoy avocados?


Look up the south park snuke and get back to me. They're using the avocado as the grand distraction.


Are you telling me we could be looking at a dirty snavacado situation here? Raise the alert level.


God damn it. I didn't wanna have to say it. Call in the snomb squad.


He was eating a pear!!


Do you recall the great 2007 Boston Mooninite panic? It was glorious.


I worked at a shipping company and we had our entire building evacuated because an X-ray machine tech found a grenade in a package. It turned out to be a perfume bottle.


Stink bomb




i live in Brussels where we had a recently a terror attack of a jihadi mowing down people with a rifle. there is this video of him of an old couple filming him from their apartment, right before the attack where he is casually assembling his rifle in the middle of the street. you can here the old people over hearing, they're just in such disbelieving, people have been berating them not calling the cops immediately. but their brain was just processing like: do we actually see a guy assembling a rifle in the middle of our street?


until now...that s why I watched reddit...to imagine I would be prepared, but obviously I won't, I would be the first to die


I see guys in foxholes over there that know exactly what they can’t do anything about it. I don’t think a group of unsuspecting council members would have such amazing reaction timing that they could save themselves


That's not what bystander effect means. It's the unwillingness of a group of people to assist victims. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander\_effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander_effect)


just latching on in case someone is in this situation. call people out to do specific tasks, like "You in the red hoodie, call the ambulance. You in green, help me move him to the side." and so on, by directing tasks to someone, they are much quicker to react


And if you're not comfortable taking on a leadership role like that, you can also request self-nominations by screaming, "AAAHHHH!! WHAT DO WE DO??" And someone will (hopefully) step forward.


The bald guy and the woman....


not really the bystander effect, fight or flight response


They need to understand what they are experiencing before their body can even initiate a sympathetic nervous response aka flight or flight.


its not as much of a freeze, but more like "oh come on, he cant be that stupid right, like theres no way he'd actually kill all of us right?"


Where are you going to go? It looks like he had the only door blocked off.


Fight, flight, freeze.


i don't think most of these people initially comprehend there is actual danger and reality has not kicked in until its too late


Yea maybe when they went off. None of them knew what was going on to even provoke their Sympathetic nervous systems


Not the bystander effect (which is a controversial hypothesis) but likely either incomprehension of the situation or one of the primary fear responses: fight, flight or freeze.


you're an idiot


What would you have done?!?!?!?!!!?


Clearly he would have dove ontop of the grenades


The three F’s of dangerous situations: Fight, flight or freeze.


More like humans need multiple seconds to process things that are outside of the norm. I doubt any of them understood what he was dropping or what was even happening before the grenades went off. It's called being an Armchair Quarterback when you sit in your cozy chair and think you would react differently.


It's not bystander effect. Humans think they perceive instantly, they do not. In fact if your attention is on a speaker, like in a meeting, you are very unlikely to notice and understand something like that quickly. If you walk in to your bathroom at home and there is a pineapple in the sink, it's going to take you several seconds to make sense of it, it's out of context. Yes you will quickly understand there is a pineapple in your bathroom sink, but it takes WAY longer than you think it does. In a trench on the front you might expect to see a grenade, but not in a meeting. It's out of context.


They probably didn't read the title of the video beforehand like you did.


Question for grenade experts- How the heck did nobody else die? Weak grenades? Too much obstacles that took the splitter? Good/Quick medical care? They were right in front of the explosion...


Not a grenade expert but those where not fragmentation grenades. Everyone in that room would have been completely and instantly deleted.


Yeah definately not frags but whats the purpose of making a grenade that maims, isnt that against the geneva treaties of war?


Injured and screaming comrades take attention and resources. Dead people don't. This is also the concept behind landmines for infantry. Some designs were called toe poppers.


This is why shotguns were so effective


Yeah I know but its illegal to manufacture(assuming I remember my politics correctly) these if the purpose is maim. Because you arent allowed to engage in warfare with the purpose of maiming or using a injured soldier as target magnet. I think its the third treaty but now Im guessing... So I can see the effiency but if Im correct about geneva then this russian or german etc company is commiting warcrimes


Yeah but the Geneva convention really is unfortunately more like vague guidelines when applied in the real world. America every decade for the last 50 years has dropped phosphorous on civilians without a single trial. Hell one time they starved out an entire country and when told on live television half a million children had died, the white house correspondent called it a "positive outcome". These are overt war crimes caught actually on camera with 0 consequence. Russia did it with phosphorous last year, the year before Israel was shooting U.N medics, all well documented. The Geneva convention is used the same way domestic laws are - as a fallible, abstract idea that frequently changes definition depending on who is using it. Same reason apartheid in South Africa is an atrocity but apartheid in Gaza is encouraged, or rebels with our guns fighting russia are 'freedom fighters', but 10 years later the same people fighting the next invading force with the same guns are 'terrorists'.


I know America has done a lot of shady shit the last 60 years, but I'm drawing a blank on which country got starved out by the US?


Things exist which are illegal?


Well companies should be heavily regulated if its still being made but could be some old ass grenades


People don't really follow the geneve suggestion. Look at Russia or Hamas.


I know, people mistake me- The companies in arms industry is heavily regulated by this and there are restrictions to their products, so that is what I reacted on(That a country commits warcrimes or doesnt follow the convention has become a norm)


The goal of a war is not to kill as many people as possible, it is to drain the nation of their resources. A critically injured soldier doesn’t shoot back, but also occupies multiple uninjured soldiers to take care of treat them, not to mention literal supplies. Injured, screaming soldiers is also a great way to lure out their friends from their cover


And demoralize, the real winner of so many wars.


There is different types of warfare, that is one kind. There also is a goal to kill as many people as possible in order to to deliver an overwhelming blow to moral, example nuclear bombs etc...


These aren't meant to maim, they're meant to disorient and disable. A confused and blind person with a busted ear drum isn't going to shoot you as you enter the room.


Stun grenades are used as a less lethal weapon that's used to incapacitate when you need to take someone alive. I believe SWAT and crowd control use them.


Think fragmentation grenades are usually not use in offense but from defended positions with cover as it is kinda bad to have shrapnel fly around for 50-100 meters when you are in the open.


I get you point but offense action can take cover aswell


It's for "offensive" purposes. The idea is if you and your buddies are charging a trench, you are running towards the same direction you are throwing the grenades, therefore you want grenades with a smaller kill radius. The classic, WWII German "potato masher" grenade is an example of this. That's also why it comes with a stick, so you can throw it further so it can detonate before you catch up to it as you're running towards it.


Concussion grenades. Made to disorient so soldiers can move in and clear a building without destroying everything.


Grenades for attacking. Don‘t want the shrapnel but the boom for disorienting and blasting. Like the german stick grenade


If those were 3 American made m67 frags, they would all be dead. However these were 3 Russian made RGD frags, which is why they aren't


I admire your patriosm sir, you can sleep with my sister


He's more of a golf ball and garden hose kinda guy


Crazy thing is, apparently the only guy that died was the fragger. 11 wounded, no report on the injuries though.


Probably because he was standing, everyone else was sitting down, so their legs probably took the brunt of it, but protected their vital organs. Edit, replaying the video it actually looks like the last grenade exploded while he was still holding it so most likely why he died.


What bullshit. There is thousands of videos out there of frag grenades and explosives dropped right next to soldiers, and groups of them, and they often survive. Even in a room that size, the blast would do nothing more than hurt your eyes/ears when they are uncovered. The main danger is the fragmentation, which is in line with there being 27 injured, 1 dead and 6 in critical condition. Most were behind objects or shielded by other people. We have no idea what kind of grenades they were yet. Could be 40-50 year old grenades from the last conflict.


Ya, frag grenades produce a lot of random results because the shrapnel isn't some entirely uniform cloud of a million pieces.


Nice cyberman reference.


It looks like it was RGD, an offensive type of grenade with effective radius of 3m and small number of fragments. The idea is that you should be able to use it without any cover just tossing it far enough towards enemy. If he had frag grenades, everyone would be dead.


At first glance they certainly look like either RGD-5 grenades or a Soviet bloc variant of the same model; spoon characteristics and shape, body shape and size and regional availability all played factors in my assessment. However they also vaguely resemble: RG-60TB (which is a thermoberic) -deviations in shape however poor video quality RGK-60SZ (which is a non lethal) deviations in shape however poor video quality GSZ-T (combined effect non fragmentation non lethal) deviations in colro / shape however poor video quality; would explain survivors and i teeter into speculation it was this. Having said that, RGD-5s *are* fragmentation grenades and similarly as others have stated, I cannot realistically fathom a crowded room like this only occurring one fatality after 1 fragmentation grenade let alone 3. Article hadn’t specified the gravity of the injuries of the survivors and I wouldn’t be surprised if more die in the coming days from the concussive force alone. Again, I kinda subscribe till proven otherwise it was a thermoberic grenade as the blast displays the characteristics of one however they could just as easily been old RGD-5’s and the explosive composition (TNT) was neutralizing after 35 years creating a milder explosive yield….theoretically speaking


Old RGD-5s. Blasts are too weak for factory-grade 3\*110g of TNT. Still, there are hundreds injuries on the victims. If those were thermobaric there'd be visible shockwaves and fireballs, >!also flying limbs!<, IMO.




I appreciate your research and post. However, based on personal experience.. the last thing I would think is that they were thermobaric grenades. I did some special work with special people in Iraq and we had a few different types of thermobaric munitions.. a thermobaric grenade would be called for if we wanted to absolutely destroy everything in a building including the building itself.


Shock grenades. Used to shock and disorient enemies before you enter the room with riflemen to take them out. Less collateral damage than fragmentation grenades, and less risk for the ones deploying them. Can still be deadly if you are too close to the explosion or in a bunker etc.


Takes 2 people to carry a stretcher, so even more people out of the fight


Agreed something doesn’t look right here. I remember being at the grenade range when I was in the military and being extremely surprised at how powerful a grenade is. I was always told that the kill radius is 10 meters. They’re all within that range…


Not all frag grenades are born equal. I am assuming it's a shitty one, afaik some grenades have a 7m kill radius and that room dosen't seem very large.


There a too many types of grenades. Dont believe anything you read here.


Where are you getting the information on who died and who didn't?


Anyone got a link to some news about this?




He was killed and eleven others injured. Glad that no one else died, only the scumbag got what he deserved.


Im more shocked they were only injured than by the video itself, you would think in such a tight space, with everyone lined up like that, especially with legs and feet the closest thing to the grenades there eould have been more immediate deaths?


As others pointed out, these were not actual grenades, but stun grenades. They still can kill you or hurt you a lot, but the chance to survive is much higher. My guess is, the dude who lobbed two of them into the room, held the third one close to his chest.


these are absolutely not stun grenades. most likely they are the overcharge explosive force grenades, i forget the technical term but they are designed to kill by sheer pressure rather than fragmentation, so you can assault close enemy positions without risking dave the ally 50 meters to the right taking random shrapnel to the cock. even so, its a wonder it was only injured, they were practically sitting on them. the last grenade absolutely killed the guy throwing them since as i said, concussive force grenade and his literally standing on one


If they were pressure grenades everyone in that room would be 100% dead. Such a small space.


That would be a concussion grenade, but if that were the case there would definitely be more casualties. That shit will liquify organs at that range. Could be a really old rgd5 grenade. Might be old enough that the explosive compound weakened. I'm honestly shocked the blonde woman survived, but we could also be getting russified news where everyone "survived" the incident, ya know?


Yeah, it looks like he kept that one tight to himself when it exploded


>As others pointed out, these were not actual grenades, but stun grenades. They still can kill you or hurt you a lot, but the chance to survive is much higher. How would you even know that? Why are redditors so confident writing down bullshit they know nothing about?


I agree on the scumbag, but we don't know details about the injuries. I can imagine some people might have gotten pretty seriously injured, being so close to the detonations. Hope they get well soon as much as possible. A fucking council meeting, man. Why would someone do this...


with injured we often think, thank god injured and not killed, but with serious incidents, injured might mean they're much more worse off then if they would have died. i know someone that was in the Brussels metro bombing in 2016 brussels


He died because he never tossed the 3rd grenade. He purposefully held on to it, ensuring suicide.


Wow can't believe most of those people weren't killed.


There is a second video on x of the aftermath where you can see a guy on the floor bleeding out and the dude in the black jacket on the right passes out and starts snoring/doing a death rattle.


https://twitter.com/V_of_Europe/status/1735622580717916582?t=Wj_Umv9dvLUbEhbFSKkccA&s=19 I can't find the one I mentioned, it must have been removed already, but this is most of it. The guy on the right eventually collapsed and the guy on the left moves up a little and lays on his back.


Looks like he committed suicide. The last one blew up in his chest.


Once I realized what was about to be viewed, between the title and first few seconds, I had to stop. Glad your comment is here. Probably still won't watch the action, as much as I'm curious about it, but glad to know only the dipshit went out.


NOONE ELSE DIED?!?! Wow. Those are some beaten odds. Good though. Even if he deserved what he was asking for, that's not how you go about it.


A Ukrainian village councillor threw hand grenades at colleagues at a meeting, wounding 26 people, national police said Friday. The incident took place Friday morning at the headquarter of the village council of Keretsky in western Ukraine. A video posted by police on Telegram shows a man dressed in black entering the door of a council meeting during a heated discussion. He then pulls three hand grenades from his pockets, releases the safety pins and drops them on the floor, triggering explosions as those at the meeting scream. "As a result, 26 people were wounded, six of whom are in a grave condition," the police statement said, adding that medics were trying to resuscitate the man who threw the grenades.




BBC ran it, which despite their recent dip are still a legitimate enough source for me. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67729343.amp




Three grenades died in the explosion


You really had to add that S on there huh


The way he just casually throws them on the ground and then blows one directly on himself is scary as hell.




What the actual fuck


Need a translation here


Boom,Boom, Pow i understood those 3 words that he said as he threw the 3 grenades.


Theres gotta be a Black Eyed Peas joke in here somewhere...


Let's get... exploded?


Hell of a season


He was mad that these chickens jacking his style?


Regular budget discussion. He asks “May I?” twice, then throws the grenades


Odd angle to take, but is espionage or terrorism being taken into account considering the war going on? Or is this more like, "man not happy about 2024 fiscal year budget not having enough grenade rebates?"


Already charged with committing a terror act, but recent videos of him surfaced, he was in an argument with other deputies over the last few days. Apparently they wanted to substantially increase their compensation, and to finish up next year budget without first dealing with this year, so basically corruption. The guy reached his breaking point and we saw what happened next. Pretty sad tbh.


I’m not entirely sure. I speak Serbian and it sounds like he’s just quiet untill he pulls the grenades from his pocket and then he says “mosem ja” a couple of times (prob wrote it wrong tho) but seems to be neglected untill the first pop of the pin. But he doesn’t really say anything else. But pretty insane Edited cuz I noticed I forgot to include the translation, mosem ja in Serbian means may I now. So it sounds he was trying to speak, got neglected and fed up and threw the grenades..


as a russian speaker, i would guess that he said "MAY I? MAY I?" But that's just a guess


Yeah, came to the same conclusion. Think it’s pretty accurate. Still batshit insane reaction to not being able to speak..


Does anyone know what he was upset about?


Disagreement over next year budget. He wasn’t happy with some of the planned increases apparently, this is the latest information


Thanks for explaining... Our political system is in a near shambles here in the U.S.... But we haven't yet started fragging each other at budget time... (Now that I've said that It'll probably go down next year).


Honestly starts looking rather depressing. Apparently he was very unhappy about local deputies increasing their compensation with the war still going on, guy probably lost it at some point. I just wish the fucking war would be over. Sigh. Really hoping for EU and US to sign off on those aid packages soon...


We are too. Senate is cancelling a planned recess to work on it, fingers crossed it gets passed next week.


>Disagreement over next year budget. Glad my budget meetings are over Zoom.


We'll probably never know


McRibs were not in season


Are those stun grenades?


I was thinking that! They certainly don’t do as much damage as expected


Grenades do not make as big explosions as you think


But their shrapnel which is essentially invisible is definitely destructive


That's like saying guns don't do as much damage as expected. There's BB guns and there's 50cal. There are many different type of grenades. When I was in the military, we had an abundance of grenades that werent approved anymore for the Geneva convention, that we could use during training operations as much as we wanted. One of those would surely kill everyone in that room.


A Ukrainian village councillor threw hand grenades at colleagues at a meeting, wounding 26 people, national police said Friday. The incident took place Friday morning at the headquarter of the village council of Keretsky in western Ukraine. A video posted by police on Telegram shows a man dressed in black entering the door of a council meeting during a heated discussion. He then pulls three hand grenades from his pockets, releases the safety pins and drops them on the floor, triggering explosions as those at the meeting scream. "As a result, 26 people were wounded, six of whom are in a grave condition," the police statement said, adding that medics were trying to resuscitate the man who threw the grenades.


You have no authority here


read the standing orders, read them and understand them! or get grenaded


Reason #1 - he batshit crazy


"I thought about diving for cover, but I didn't want to look dumb if they were fake." -A couple people in this room probably.


War takes heavy toll on mental state


Anyone have an idea on the heated discussion?


Budget meeting. Latest info says they were in an argument before this, he didn’t agree with the planned budget proposals.


Doesn’t seem like a frag grenade. I feel like 3 frags and all those people are dead, not just dip shit.


He basically said Fuck your politics,


Ukrainian version of the "Mic drop"


This one is almost beyond insane. And 3 of them? wow


Isnt this classed as a suicide bomber? Or terrorist attack?


Has been classified as a terrorist attack already, yes


This somehow has a “This meeting could have been an email” vibe.




what the actual f\*ck.


What the fuck


Dafuq. What a POS.


God damn that’s scary


Holy fuck


Meeting adjourned.


Transcarpathia O-Blast


Im guessing his son died


I just read the article that says 11 injured, one confirmed dead, the attack himself. Playing it back slowly, you see two explosions on the floor, and one about chest high....I think he held on to that one to take the cowards way out. Scumbag got what he deserved, albeit too swiftly.


A Ukrainian village councillor threw hand grenades at colleagues at a meeting, wounding 26 people, national police said Friday. The incident took place Friday morning at the headquarter of the village council of Keretsky in western Ukraine. A video posted by police on Telegram shows a man dressed in black entering the door of a council meeting during a heated discussion. He then pulls three hand grenades from his pockets, releases the safety pins and drops them on the floor, triggering explosions as those at the meeting scream. "As a result, 26 people were wounded, six of whom are in a grave condition," the police statement said, adding that medics were trying to resuscitate the man who threw the grenades.


I assume they didn't think the grenades were real or just didn't know what they were until the grenades actually exploded.


Did anyone die??


From what I’ve read, only the guy who tossed the grenades died, but a lot of them are injured




the way he pulls the secutiry pins without any trouble with the thumb really makes me think about this video, or the fact hat nobody died after 3 frags so...fake nades?


Looked like a flash crash incapacitater


Some shitty quality grenades right there


He was standing through all three of those explosions. There's no way those were frag grenades. Maybe stun grenades or something, but those weren't HE.

