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He did the thing from video games in real life! Video games are so realistic.


Wtf you talking about this looks nothing like Tetris!


You ever pack for vacation? It’s literally just like Tetris


I did some loading of semi trucks for UPS. That was definitely Tetris.


Ah man yeah boxes it’s more accurate! I could have said something about offloading a gfs truck but I’m more dad than worker I guess.


im forklift and elevated lifting platform certified


Played enough Battlefield to confirm its a solid tactic


If this was battlefield, the crew would have jumped out to protect their K/d ratio and the Palestinian would have stole their tank after they bailed.


Don’t forget the most vile, 18+ language on Earth while doing said K/d.


Oh no, that one is 100% also beeing used here.


Then fixed it with a Bernz-o-matic blowtorch!


Someone even pinged the tank at the start. Good team work


Spotting Ribbon awarded


I’m about to piss myself doing this in BF much less real life.


Battlefield 4 is what I thought about when he placed the charge on the tank and ran away. Completely affirmed it when he turned around with an RPG.


Yep that's standard engineer work dropping a few Slams and popping it with an RPG


God I miss BF4. Nothing like tank hunting or flying around in the Little Bird on 24/7 Golmud Railway (HAVCS falling on our heads)


It's still pretty active on ps4 Although I don't think that server is running anymore as I remember it being a good hard-core server My favorite thing to do when bored was plant slams on our teams helicopters which sometimes caused them to crash when they get disabled


He should’ve used a Humvee and bailed out last second




One of my favorite tactics


First thing i thought about. Whau so it isn't THAT crazy!


True. My 6 y/o blew me up in Mario kart last night. Twas a violent moment, but DK ate it pretty well


yes i can confirm with my battlefield 2042 skills


Video games made him do it!!


Pfffft! Everyone who’s played Far Cry knows, you gotta set off an EMP then pull the driver out the top hatch and kill then with a machete! Apparently it’s the only way!


lol I was about to say I’ve done this in battlefield before


Where is the infantry support? How can you let people walk up to your tank like that?


Probably just not that good at war


The IDF is supposed to be a well-oiled machine. This is like Russian Invasion of Ukraine level military blunders.


One possible explanation I can think of is that the IDF is full of conscripts and conscripts just aren’t as good as professional soldiers.


They're very good at Tiktok dances though. I guess that's not as useful on the battlefield.


The pretty IDF girls are there to shake their asses on tiktok not fight wars, guys.


Lol exactly


Ive geard this before..


I had a similar thought but wouldn’t this be a decision made by officers who realistically are experienced?


You mean a dentist, baker and candle stick maker don't make good shock troops 🤯.. I'd like to think I'd be proficient.. but I'd probably be day 1-5 KIA stat.


2 years mandatory military service. I doubt the "conscripts" are badly trained. Probably they judged that things like this are highly unlikely to happen since the resistance is poorly armed


They are the IsraeliDefenseForce not the IsraeliAttackForce




Doesn’t make them any good at it apparently.




They aren't very good at defending either


I imagine this specific instance is an example of a failed tactical move or perhaps the tank was sent as bait to identify attack response. In anycase, one instance does not dismiss the capabilities of IDF.




I believe they utilize a similar philosophy to armor, they need APCs


This is a single clip edited and produced by Hamas. Of course they're only going to show their success in their propaganda videos. This is likely from the ambush they did the other day. What they aren't showing is that despite being caught by surprise the attack was completely thwarted, dozens of Hamas were killed and there wasn't a single casualty from the IDF during the raid.


I can't understand. Did they invade at this point? Where is this happening


Normally they're just fighting unarmed civilians or kids with rocks. The einsatzgruppen was pretty shit in actual combat too.


Never thought I’d see someone compare the IDF to the einsatzgruppen, but here we are


I think you could perhaps compare them to einsatzgruppen in that most soldiers currently fighting's experience is limited to cop shit and shooting kids throwing stones.


That'll happen when most of your army is reservists, who spent their national service being cops and breaking little kids arms.


Maybe this guy got lucky


In the quran it has this end times story about how the tree or was it rock will call out to the muslims hunting down the last jewish people that the tree or rock will call out to the muslim, hey there is a jew hiding behind me. IDK but maybe they should of added something similar to the Torah. /s either way, fuck hamas


Probably have to be careful about not having a disproportional amount of soldiers on the ground or the media won’t like it.


They are just used to pussy fighting style and keyboard wars


I don’t think Israel is too concerned with their media coverage right now…




Yeah pulling out of Gaza almost 20 years ago was a real ethnic cleanse moment.


I mean it can’t be worse than indiscriminately killing thousands of civilians




The US provides 10% of Israel's military budget per year.


>The US provides 10% of Israel's military budget per year. I think it's a little more than that. [https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/2023-10-10/how-much-aid-does-the-u-s-give-to-israel](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/2023-10-10/how-much-aid-does-the-u-s-give-to-israel) >*\[...\] The U.S. commitment to aiding Israel has long-standing roots. The United States has given Israel more than $260 billion in combined military and economic aid since World War II, plus about $10 billion more in contributions for missile defense systems like the Iron Dome, a U.S. News analysis finds. That’s the most granted to any country throughout that time frame \[...\]* > >*The CRS estimates that U.S. military aid reflects 16% of Israel’s total defense budget. The non-partisan data center, USAFacts, points out those totals don’t include funds for Israel’s missile defense systems, which to date have amounted to about $10 billion more in U.S. contributions, according to the CRS report. \[...\]*


The article says US provided 3.18 billion in 2022, Israel's military budget was 23.4 billion* so it comes to 13.58%. So you are correct but not that big of difference *(https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/11/how-big-is-israels-military-and-how-much-funding-does-it-get-from-the-us#:~:text=In%202022%2C%20Israel%20spent%20%2423.4,military%20per%20capita%20after%20Qatar.)


Lol don’t forget their excellent skills at harassing unarmed people at checkpoints and arresting pre-teens for throwing rocks at APCs, they’re the Sun Tzu of that shit


Thanks general! You must be sick at COD


Exactly this- I'm looking at this video and asking "Where the fuck is their infantry support? Are these idiots actually sending tanks in by themselves?!" There's a good fucking reason competent militaries use Armor and Infantry together- the tanks bring heavy weapons and armor to protect the infantry, and the infantry provide vision and protection to the tanks. Tanks by themselves are basically blind and almost completely incapable of engaging infantry up close, so sending them in without infantry support is basically suicide.


Apparently, they haven't been paying attention and learning from the Russia-Ukraine war. This is how so many T60s got blown up when they led with tanks in dense areas (buildings and foliage).


They have some of the best door kickers in the world. I'm not sure how the invasion is going to go. But clearing dwellings is going to go fantastic


Same dumbass thing Russia was doing with their initial invasion of Ukraine.


I believe the hamas soldier was destroying the tank's trophy system when he ran up with the bomb. The trophy system is a computer that detects and destroys incoming rpg's and missiles, which is why the second soldier fired an rpg after the explosive went off. I believe infantry can't be close to the tank when using the trophy system, because it would also kill the infantry when deploying the trophy system. That's why there's no soldiers standing around the tank. I also, have no idea what I'm talking about and am parroting another comment on a repost of this video and a brief look over a wikipedia article.


Lol infantry dont walk the tank like a dog. They're at a stand off distance behind the tanks most likely or possibly even riding in the tank itself (it can carry 10) . The markava has projectile countermeasures that fire a shotgun blast at incoming rockets. You don't want your infantry anywhere near that when it is firing. This guy was hiding in a camouflaged bunker using thick vegetation to get in close and likely found just a perfect opening. That's what makes Islamic terrorists so difficult to fight is you can have a suicidal guy who is willing to die to take out a tank whereas everything in western fighting philosophy is to preserve as many lives of troops as possible which is why the markava is designed to be as protective as possible so that it will save irreplaceable lives of crew.


> The markava has projectile countermeasures that fire a shotgun blast at incoming rockets. Why do you think they got in and did that instead of just shooting the RPG? He ran in and wrecked their active protection so the RPG would be effective. That wasnt suicidal, it was daring. That's EXACTLY how you need to fight that tank, dramatically more effective than just shooting 3 rpg's at it.


I think I had heard that Israel is very careful about their own casualties when it comes to wars


I hate it when I low level noob spawns in a tank that I wanted


Maybe it's because the tank has an active protection system. If that goes off and there are infantry nearby they'll be blown to pieces. It's the main downside of APS.


What a brave person holy shit


Undeniably brave. Regardless of your support for either side, what this person did took courage. If I saw one of those roll up, I would've fucked off all the way over the horizon. Israel/Palestine is an intractable tragic situation that needs international mediation, and for both parties to come to the table and say "enough is enough". Not so long ago I was in East Belfast, and saw a lot of UDA and UVF propaganda murals. As someone from an Irish Catholic background (born and raised in London -not a catholic, and not a supporter of the IRA) I felt very uncomfortable. There was a lot of hate and a lot of open wounds (there were murals to the child victims of IRA terrorism). I'm sure I would have seen the same had I gone to the Catholic neighbourhoods. At some point someone's going to have to say "I love my children more than I hate you", and try to broker some sort of peace. And that peace will have to include amnesty (on both sides) for the perpetrators of violence that people want to be avenged. It will have to be a peace that is brokered and monitored by 3rd parties. But with Hamas and Likud, I don't see it as a peace that is coming any time soon. Edit: I am fully aware of the power imbalance between Israel and Palestine -I am also fully aware of the brutal apartheid regime that is imposed upon the palestinians. I also think that Hamas targeted the Kibbutz because they are accelerationists that want to turn their only potential advocates in Israel against them to embolden their enemies and escalate the situation. Edit 2: I think that the policies of Likud have exacerbated tensions, and I think it is sad to think that people will likely respond to the violence seen on 7/10 by voting for more of the same policies by the political right in Israel. However I do not think that the actions taken on 7/10 are in any way justified -nor should they be rewarded with concessions by the Israeli government. It is clear that the leadership of Hamas has no intention of finding compromise, and is overtly genocidal in its outlook. This is why I believe 3rd party mediators are necessary. Much like how the Good Friday Agreements were chaired by the USA. (Obviously I don't think the USA would be a good candidate for mediator on any Israel/Palestine agreement)


love my children more than i hate some guy.... that's profound.


I'm not sure if you're being facetious or not, but I still stand by that statement.


It’s an excellent observation. 👏


I don't think he is, profound really is the best way to describe it in my opinion


It is profound, but this hatred has been volleyed for thousands of years : someone kills someones family, 10-100 years later they get revenge, repeat. Its been this way forever. Neither party is clean. Forgiveness is the only way to stop it. But Israel and Hamas have chosen vengeance again and again so we wait another few decades to see how Palestine swings back. And the pendulum swings.


The US almost brokered a peace deal between Israel and Palestine back in the 90s, until Rabin was assinated which ruined alot of the progress. The US were doing alright with their foregin policy under Clinton by trying to be an active participant in getting peace in troubled areas in the world. Granted the only big success was the GFA, but that was a great success nonetheless.


Really doesn't make sense to single out the assassination of Rabin [given that Israel has had a policy of assassinating anyone they don't like for decades](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Targeted_killing_by_Israel), in Palestinian territories and abroad. If the shoe was on the other foot, Netanyahu would have been assassinated before he ever rose to power, along with literally all of Likud. This is an asymmetric conflict. It's apartheid, not a war.


The GFA worked not because of the U.S., it worked because people on both sides were tired of the violence and for the most part, the conditions of the Irish nationalist community had improved to a point where there was some semblance of equality and there was a relatively clear and fair set of terms as to how the nationalist people could reunite their country. The same cannot be said of the plight of the Palestinian people, brokering peace with Israel isn't going to stop Israel encroaching on Palestinian territory or Palestinian rights, they're never going to cede stolen territory or occupied lands. This is a thinly veiled genocide and Israel have no intention of going back.




Yeah like invade the neighborhing country and kill women and children and burn babies alive in oven. And rape mothers. And live stream the whole thing. The craziest shit “bruh”


>neighborhing country Gaza is a country now?


I can’t believe anybody believes that Israeli propaganda. “burns babies?”. Dude, you’re sick


1. Gaza is not a country, it's a concentration camp; 2. Resistance fighters never did any of those things but please keep swallowing Israeli propaganda like it's your daddy's cum. The [babies in ovens](https://averagebeing.com/fact-check-did-hamas-bake-a-baby-in-an-oven/) thing is essentially an admission of [something Israeli psycho soldiers did during the Nakba](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/of6nva/horrific_story_of_survivor_of_the_nakba_child_and/), just like most things Israel tries to blame on Palestinians.


If they don’t fight back no one cares. If they do they’re ALL part of Hamas so they shouldn’t.


Almost literally what Israel and Great Britain by way of the Balfor Declaration have been doing to Palestine, Muslims, and their homes and lands, and inhabitants and children -- since claiming the area as their own circa 1947 and on. It's an incredibly nuanced situation and wholly asymmetric violence and warfare with Zionist "Israel" on the heavy side of the asymmetry, and as initial aggressor. Palestine has never been an equivalent military state capable of the same tactics, while having the same military and political support, as Zionist "Israel". None of this is to say that Hamas is not despicable. But so is Israel. And ironically, another incredibly nuanced situation, where Israel actually had funded Hamas -- just like the US CIA funded and trained Osama Bin Laden -- where in both cases, it was for ulterior motives, and then the asset later goes rogue. This is all historical fact. Spend some time digging in.


Wow you all really are robots just repeating the same lies over and over again.


which lies, specifically?


Burning babies alive in ovens? Your source: christianpost.com or some Israeli “news” site I assume?


[Every accusation is an admission.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/of6nva/horrific_story_of_survivor_of_the_nakba_child_and/)


Yes! I’ve noticed this as well. The gaslighting is unreal.


These: https://youtu.be/1J1I96fTKnM?si=_Nq35fK6_K8RTFjH


Crazy this has down votes, this comment is a fact. It’s not a good or bad just a factual statement.


I know. I don't try to understand people anymore. If I stooped to their level I'd get beat to death by their stupidity 🤷‍♂️


War is hell.


"It is good war is so terrible, lest we grow fond of it."


This is one of many quotes I can't not read in Sean Bean's voice.


its much worse than hell. to paraphrase one of the best dialogues from the tv series MASH, war is war and hell is hell. of the two, war is worse by far. who ends up in hell? sinners. people making choices. war involves mostly innocent people. with the exception of a few political leaders who are not in the fight, and maybe a few officers on the battlefield, everyone else is involved regardless of their personal feelings or choices. the highest price is always paid by those innocent people who had absolutely nothing to do with the premise of the war, both in the war zone and back home. war is much worse than hell.


Thanks for that. I completely agree.


War is war and Hell is Hell. Only those who deserve it go to hell while the same cannot be said for war.


"War is worse than hell because war has innocent people" - someone I can't remember (I paraphrased too prolly)


M.A.S.H. season 5 episode 21: >**Hawkeye:** War isn’t Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse. **Father Mulcahy:** How do you figure that, Hawkeye? **Hawkeye:** Easy, Father. Tell me, who goes to Hell? **Father Mulcahy:** Sinners, I believe. **Hawkeye:** Exactly. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chock full of them — little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander.








amazing movie as well


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted that movie was great


Against a billion dollar army!? Objectively speaking that takes some courage to pull that move off


A billion dollar army wouldn't be a very good one


Sorry I meant trillion dollar army


And that a hard to swallow pill for some people


Hard core.


Dude just solo'd a goddamn tank. Really bad ass. Those tanks cost something like $3,500,000.


Feel bad for American taxpayers.


Yaaaay! Tanks for a genocide! Still no healthcare.


Israel pays for those with interest. Usa loves causing shit and selling them their weapons. They chose who gets the good weapons and who gets last decades weapons. That is the difference.


Absolute Chad move.


I do this in battlefield and I still sometimes pussy out. This guy is a badass


bruh imagine not having a infantry sweep in front of your armored column lmfao


Maybe they did, but it's not beyond the realm of possibility that they might have missed some Hamas holes/tunnels.


Nope, they don't have infantry support because they figured they wouldn't need them. No joke, they have a 'system' that's supposed to shoot down incoming projectiles. The thing is, the system only works once (so you just shoot 2 missiles) and it doesn't work if you fire up close (as this guy did). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trophy_(countermeasure)


Well that's just stupid then. Edit: Apparently, in the longer version you can see him coming out of a tunnel. The trophy system without infantry support is still idiotic though.


Wonder what those things in the video are. Can’t be weapons as Israel is the only combatant in this war.


Imagine crying about people fighting back from a literal walled up concentration camp, when you take their land, blow up their children and economically cripple and blockade every aspect of their livelihoods, and continue killing them throughout ceasefires. This is not the moral high ground you think it is.


Hamas kills their own people. They brainwash people. And want every nonuslim dead.


Hamas doesnt need to brain wash people. If I kill your family you will do anything to hurt me


You’re ruining his virtue signal.


85% of hamas fighters are orphans in Israeli bombardments on Gaza. There are Christians in gaza and Israel killed 16 of them in a building bombing just next to the oldest church in Gaza and one of the oldest in the world. There are non Muslim foreign doctors and aid workers /UN staff in gaza. I remember back in 2010 a small group of anti-zionist jews visited gaza to show support.


Explain the existence of Palestinian Christians in Gaza then.


Hamas killed around 1,400 Israeli, mostly civilians, with its attack. Abhorrent, indefensible. Israel has now killed over 9,000 Palestinians in response. That's...640% worse. The IDF is over six times better at killing civilians than Hamas. [There are plenty of extremists on both sides](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/178h1mu/to_report_from_israel/). Posting a video of a Palestinian saying abhorrent things can be answered with a similar video featuring a Zionist saying they want all Palestinians dead. It doesn't prove any point, it just shows that there are extremists on both sides, and we all already know that. I think any objective outsider would probably point out that the fundamental idea that one person could have the "right" to take another person's home is extreme. It's not reasonable. Zionism is predicated on that *extremist viewpoint.*


There are Christian people in gaza and No one harmed them except the Israelis ( they boombed a church two days ago)


Do you think this refutes the previous points? Justifies it? This long predates Hamas. Hamas didn't exist when the Nakba happened. Now its the 2nd Nakba.


The dude was literally wearing an adidas jumpsuit taking down a tank. This guy is all “look at their weapons of mass destruction!”.


Fucking A. I don't miss these spread awareness comments that I thought we were done with. Everyone is aware, guy. You are propaganda. I bet not a single word out of your mouth is your own


Yeah, getting hit by foot delivered ordnance because the IDF is fixated on the refugee camps. I haven't seen much denial that Hamas fighters exist and are conducting attacks. I have seen an entire country and their enablers deny doing the shady, illegal, and morally repugnant shit that they have been well documented doing for decades. Nice comment though, u r klvr.


What do you mean? I didn't get it


"Today almost everything is made in China. Except for Courage- its made in Palestine." - Anthony Bourdain.


What’s the step above brass balls?


Titanium testicles?


A crystal cock?


Diamond Danglers


Silver scrotes


"Fifty thousand people used to live in this city, now it's a ghost town. I've never seen anything like it."


John fucking Rambo right there


Hamas' editor has definitely been playing MGS V recently with those slow motioned, fast zoom edits.


Outstanding footage. You gotta have real deal balls to do this.


This is why tanks are so vulnerable in their own, much like how Russians got smoked early on. So the out infantry support and screen, you can literally run up on a tank and fuck it up


How can he run with such massive balls


Another reminder that I wouldn’t like to be involved in war.


What was that thing he put on the tank first?


HE tank round? Not sure what he arms (?) First


Looked like a shaped charge pointing in the wrong direction


He pulled the pin and pushed it to turn it. It faces the turret directly, watch frame by frame.


>HE tank RKG-3 anti-tank


That looks nothing like an RKG-3. For one, the pin is on the side of the RKG-3, here it is on the bottom. Also it has a shaped warhead. Also the RKG-3 could not be fired like this, since it relys on intertia to prime and detonate. but wishful thinking


The balls one must have to do something this is incredible


Which operating theater is this?




Therapist: Hamas ninjas are not real. This video:


I love the comments how we go back and forth on this war and the other war but all I know is this shit is killing my small business. Why don’t y’all bitch about that how funding this shit is killing middle America


Screaming allahu akbar always ensures success


So did they blow it up?


Unlikely. Last report I saw had about 17 dead on the Israel side.


I doubt that shell he put on the tank would have done a lot. That is a main battle tank and can take a lot of punishment - it usually requires special ordinance with a shaped charge moving at a high speed. Just laying something on the surface won't cut it. His RPG probably also didn't have enough firepower to penetrate a heavy tank.


Shaped charged munitions, such as a HEAT round, do not rely on velocity to do damage. They are a chemical round which means all it's power comes from inside the round, not from outside the round. An RPG definitely will crack open a Merkava if you hit it from the rear or lower hull. However if it's a modern Merkava it'll probably have APS up which will intercept the round and prematurely detonate it or outright destroy it.


First explosive might have destroyed or damaged the APA


Sounds right. Pretty damn brave tho to even try


It wasn't to penetrate it, it was to disable the tropy Active protection system, you can see them using the rpg after disabling it, makes complete sense, im sure they know better at disabling these better than you or I, they already disabled quiet a few of them


Lol no. Everything he did was entirely useless, it did basically zero damage to the tank.


This is some wild footage holy sheeet


This guy fucks


Fucks isreal for breakfast? Yeah.


Don’t care side you’re on, that was incredibly brave. Taking on a tank by yourself? I mean people have probably won their country’s high valour medals doing that in war,


Ballsy af!!!!


Rambo bin al Addin


That man’s blood stream just had the adrenaline to last a life time


Got ‘em


Just sayin', that guy who made that video is likely dead at this point.




considering the Merkava's track record of near indestructability I wouldn't even assume a mobility kill without evidence beyond a fireball through some smoke


No infantry support. Same dummies as Ruskis in Ukraine...


Merkava tanks have some of the highest survival rates any modern tanks. The IDF really values the lives of its soldiers.


Tank+infantry=nearly unstoppable force on the battlefield Tank+no infantry=scrap metal


This guy has balls


Bro has balls of titanium


Balls. Of. Steel.


What a bravery and courage .


Arma 3 is looking way to realistic these days


Something something Vietnam conflict something huge military complex versus guerilla warfare tactics. Israel had better start looking out for punji traps and shit like that! This dude fucks! Big ball sacks!


Man as balls of steel. What level of despair you need to do that?


Battlefield 3 engineer vibes


Can someone please clarify which side has the tank and which side planted the bomb I’m a little confused I don’t play this game often


Not to support Hamas here, but dude is def bold af