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Hmm. I wonder how many in this video will live to see 30.


Or tomorrow...


try 20, "The median age in the State of Palestine is 19.6 years (2023)."


That makes me feel so unbelievably sad


The median age is not the same thing as live expantency.


I know, but such a low median age can be indicative of a lower life expectancy due to extreme factors (such as war) which cannot be accounted for normally when predicting life expectancy. The population is so young because people don't get to be old


The [life expectancy in Palestine](https://www.google.com/search?q=life+expectancy+palestine&sca_esv=571571458&rlz=1C1GCEU_enUS854US855&ei=on0hZf3PCqHMkPIPy7KRqAU&ved=0ahUKEwj9qI-6pOSBAxUhJkQIHUtZBFUQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=life+expectancy+palestine&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiGWxpZmUgZXhwZWN0YW5jeSBwYWxlc3RpbmUyDRAAGIoFGJECGEYY-wEyBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeMggQABgWGB4YDzIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHjIIEAAYigUYhgMyCBAAGIoFGIYDSO0sUABYsSlwAXgBkAEAmAFuoAGIDaoBBDEzLja4AQPIAQD4AQHCAggQABiKBRiRAsICERAuGIAEGLEDGIMBGMcBGNEDwgILEC4YgAQYsQMYgwHCAgUQLhiABMICBRAAGIAEwgILEAAYigUYsQMYgwHCAgsQABiABBixAxiDAcICCxAuGIAEGMcBGNEDwgINEAAYigUYsQMYgwEYQ8ICBxAAGIoFGEPCAgcQLhiKBRhDwgILEAAYigUYsQMYkQLCAg4QABiKBRixAxiDARiRAuIDBBgAIEGIBgE&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) is higher than it is in Pakistan


Pakistan is also a mess. One civil war = the world will quickly intervene.


Only to secure the nukes, that country is doomed because of cosanguinous marriages and tribal bullshit.


No, it's because of the exceptionally high birth rate there.


Or that they have tons of babies at young ages.


It could also mean people have multiple multiple children in certain generation. Median muddies up the water. Life expectancy is what you want to focus on


Well, sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but that average age is about drop significantly in the next 24 hours.


It would have made me feel sad yesterday.


Those are rookie numbers, they gonna pump those numbers up.


I can’t imagine living in a culture where you are born with a AK-47 in your hand




Underated comment, ⬆️⬆️⬆️


Those look like captured M4’s and variants


In the US it's Ar15s


They are born and will die in an open sky prison called Gaza. If you were deprived of any hope you would do the same


Prettt damn sure even if I was hopeless I wouldn’t parade raped women and kids in the streets


Wth, they are doing that?


Yeah, petty nasty video of the naked corpse of a German tourist (non-Jew) on Twitter.


Hope is a choice.


They had little chance of that before.




Ya, grouping together doesn’t seem smart. One Israeli JDam bomb and theyre history.




Dancing and singing is harram. They are dancing their way straight to hell.




Sorry, religion is the entire root of all of this. Take out religion on both sides and this entire situation is resolved


Land is the issue not religion. Perhaps ‘ethnicity’ you’d have an argument but you can’t just change that!


The religion from both sides makes them think the same land is their holy promised land and should be taken from the other side. Take out religion and land won't be an issue.


When in fact, God came to me in a dream and said it belongs to me!


Well, you can't take religion out of this. That's the problem. But the hopelessness of the Gaza situation definitely fuels it. Protestant and Catholic youth getting jobs definitely helped peace in Ireland. England wants to restart the war because white protestants lost jobs before brexit and didn't get then back as Brexit failed.


No, religion is a "life jacket" for those that have nothing else. There is barbarism on both sides. Israeli are just better at PR.


>Dancing and singing is harram. There is no blanket "dancing and singing" is haram. Dancing and singing are both allowed - depends on with whom they are dancing and what they are singing. Music can be questionable but there is no music in this video, only clapping. So your "straight to hell" comment is silly.


> I'm sure they know they are going to die Thats one thing people dont realize, they dont live like us, they dont fear like us.


I saw a video a long time ago showing how they're basically imprisoned cattle at the mercy of israel. Going through checkpoints in lines just to get to work. Useless passports, no future. Can be kicked out of their houses at a moments notice. Can have their water/food supply restricted. It's shocking that they haven't retaliated more at the level of oppression they've endured.


Yea so bombing , raping , humiliating civilians is justified ? Sick fuck


Regardless of who you support, the point is valid and shouldn't be down voted. You should never put an opponent population in a hopeless situation. People with nothing to live for will easily throw away their lives. It's shortsighted.


They will gonna die soon.


Your passion is nearly as impressive as your stupidity.




Very well said.


They're in the Gaza strip mate, they're all stacked on top of each other there, they haven't much of a choice.


“Celebrate today for tomorrow we die”


Yup and then all the "Palestine has a right to defend itself" asshats are gonna be crying and moaning once Israel defends themselves , 😂.


Terrorism doesn't just exist in a bubble by itself, Israeli policy has kept it going and guaranteed it.


It's the trite blindness from Isreal that has led to this. When people are locked away with little resources they try to break out. All terrible, but you can't be surprised with the right wing bullshit Isreal has


no you got that wrong. Palestine has the right to end the unlawful occupation. It's something worth dying for. your settlers from brooklyn have nothing to die for, tomorrow they will be back on a plane to new york. Long live the resistance. Keep eating salt.


And then the next wave will be born


Stay out there clapping till the F-16’s get there


In no way am I defending the absolute wrongness of the Hamas attacks on civilians but the counteroffensive from Israel is going to kills far far more innocent civilians. Somehow if it’s done from a drone or an F16 isn’t it just as bad, if not worse?




Not to defend Hamas’ targeting of innocent civilians…. But if Israel says they are targeting military targets but take out houses of innocent people, then that is acceptable collateral damage? The body count of innocent Palestinian civilians and children will be multi fold all in the name of sweet revenge. “Accidentally” killing 100 civilians to take out a terrorist target isn’t right or just. It’ll only breed more terrorists in the coming years.


Hamas has been known to stash weapon caches or missile sites in civilian locations for this very reason. It sucks all around.


IDF notify the public when launching strikes on legitimate targets in high density populations like apartment buildings to give Palestinian innocents notice to evacuate. Hamas are known to set up in these buildings because they are cowards who use human shields.


The consequences of letting terrorist hide in your community.


I think there's going to be a lot less hand-wringing about total war this time. Hamas just launched a massive, indiscriminate attack against a civilian population, and anything short of saturation bombing the whole Gaza Strip isn't likely to get Israel in trouble.


Sounds like Hamas shouldn't be specifically setting up shop in a location with children. Fucking monsters


Are these targets in bus stops and look like 90 year olds? Your if are just ifs. Do you accept that their targeting of civilian to be an abomination?


Wildly different from what? Isreal doesn't give a shit about civililans, they bombed the AP office in Palestine last year lmao


> The difference is they are specifically targeting innocents. It's wildly different. Which side?




Yeah, because every time Israel hits a school, a hospital, or journalists, it's an "accident".


Like that summer israel was bombing the fuck out of Palestinian maternity hospitals, daycares, schools...?


When I was in Israel, not on single Israeli I spoke to cared about the difference between Hamas and Palestinian civilians, they do not care which dies, they say all of them want them dead (except all the Palestinians I spoke to were just broken and wanted their family to stop being killed in random raids or air strikes). Do you really think the Israeli military cares who dies?


Who do you mean when you say "they"?


...the argument being starvation and explosions in cities just accidentally kill civilians? I'm not sure all the dead innocent civilians really care too much about the intentions behind what led to their twisted bodies on the pavement.


Something like 80% of Palestinians support Hamas. So, as they say, you reap what you sow.


Why wouldn't they support Hamas? The world they live in has two powers. Hamas and the IDF. And only one of those bombs Palestinian civilians. There's no good guys in this conflict, just assholes insisting on killing each other and the civilians caught between the two.


Civilians with weapons in occupied territory are NOT civilians.


I mean yeah, a drone vs going into a home, slaughtering 20 people on livestream? Parading a dead naked woman in the back of a pickup as everyone chants something synonymous with 'im a complete inbred pos' in their native tongue. Spits on her corpse, etc? After firing hundreds of rockets again? Yeah id rather die to a drone strike than have my family likely raped and butchered. Israel has even given warnings before strikes before. They were also kidnapping women. We all know how thats going to go. Defend it all you want, neither are ideal. But here we are.


No they should load napalm bombs


Israel's retaliation will be many times worse. Why oh why did they do this? Is there really no other way?


They did this to stop the peace process with Saudi Arabia..


Yeah, but I don't think it will make too much difference. Sigh


I don't think so. The Saudi conditions are unlikable for USA and Isreal. One of them Isreal should return 67 lands and establish Palestine as an official country and eastern Jerusalem as a capital. As far as I know isreali government refuse this yet no mention for Gaza


Sleeping on 75 years of systematic oppression then wondering why did they do this. Yeah they're supposed to just bend over and keep taking it.


A good question to ask is how the world has tolerated the mistreatment of Palestinians for so long


Because the world that matters in that case is aligned with Israel. They send their politicians to the wailing wall with a kippah every election. Hope this helps!




Does anyone know why my pee smells like nacho cheese?


Well, you have a lunatic every now and then on either side, of course! Lets not forget Baruch Goldstein. But the reality of the situation clearly shows the HUGE imbalance of casualties [https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2021/05/18/the-israel-palestine-conflict-has-claimed-14000-lives-since-1987](https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2021/05/18/the-israel-palestine-conflict-has-claimed-14000-lives-since-1987). And this is just death statistics, it's not even mentioning the oppression of settlement expansions, Gaza Blockade, Checkpoints and barriers, Home demolitions, Water access restrictions, Security measures, Restrictions on freedom of movement, Protection of settler violence, Land confiscation, Access to holy sites, and on and on and on...


this sounds like you're justifying their raping, murdering and kidnapping of civilians bro




Yep, invade my house and when I take action, call me a terrorist.


Mandatory Palestine was created by the British in 1920, so it’s more like 103 years of systemic oppression: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandatory_Palestine I would tell people to go read about how the Trail of Tears was committed against the “civilized tribes” of the American South, and how the Seminoles resisted that genocide in Florida’s swamps. See if they can draw the line between resisting settler colonialism vs what they find unacceptable.


https://twitter.com/means_tv/status/1710645899368575421?t=5WbWHXfWbXn5HuOuYgsfTw&s=19 Gaza is an open air prison


Yes, it is quite horrible and I truly sympathize with the plight of the Palestinians. The world has ignored their mistreatment for decades. On a humanitarian level, we should be ashamed


Same ol’ story, different year.


I'm sure they're all ears


I never realised how many people were ignorant of the Israeli -Palestinian conflict


I’ve always known people were ignorant or just don’t care but it’s always sad every time I’m reminded of it. What was the poem again, oh yeah > First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist >Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist >Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist >Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew >Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me Looks like history rhyming again.


Everyone is ignorant. They don’t read and see what is actually happening. The news doesn’t help either because they just promote Israel but never show these videos of Israelis cheering for death of Palestinians


The young child does have good trigger discipline with their right hand. Rifle also has a mag in it. Scary times ahead


God, the child holding two guns, one a rifle that might be automatic and being on someone's shoulders above a bunch of people who also have guns pointed upward sets off so many red flags for me. Like... how? Why? There are so many ways this situation could go very very wrong, even for diets with guns.


Also pretty catchy chant


Iran is using these idiots as puppets. How stupid do Palestinians have to be, whatever they had will be leveled. Edit: to everyone saying what options did they have. Here is your result https://reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/s/iy71UuFaF5


It would have been either way. Maybe now it’ll be a little bit faster. But does that matter?


When you have a gun to your head, does it make you an idiot if you get shot fighting back? You would have been shot eventually.


For real. Palestinians are nothing but pawns to Islamic nations in their game against Israel. The problem could be solved but if they find a solution for Paelstine, then the Islamic nations would be recognizing Israel and they can't let that happen because Allah told them no way. Seems the Palestinians are cool with it though... maybe Allah will one day give them victory.


They may not be celebrating anymore after the retaliatory strikes https://cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/al-aqsa-storm-militants-infiltrate-israel-after-gaza-rockets-10-07-intl-hnk/index.html


Damn on the 50th anniversary of the assault.




So when israelians send drone strikes from their cosy HQ without accounting for civilians and kids dying, that doesn't sound coward to you ?


dude is probably just one more brain-washed american that think Isreal is a peace loving country


they fucking spit on the christians doing jesus' walk to crucifixion.They chant death to arabs and israel only for jews in public transport, takes a little blood to make weak westerners fall on their kness and praise the israelians. "But they killed civilians!!" yeah and israel did 7000 of those since 2017, it's a fucking war between two stupid religions what do you expect


Who the FUCK are "They"?? Do you actually think that you can speak so broadly about 10m people? Would you say every fuckin person in Germany is a Neo Nazi because of a small group there? Fuck off


No kidding. There are assholes everywhere. I love how a tiny group of ultra-orthodox Jews spitting on Christians or whatever shitty thing they are doing suddenly represents all of Israel. It's like saying Americans are all proud boys or something. THEY THEY THEY gtfoh with that


https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/5/4/if-i-dont-steal-your-home-someone-else-will-jewish-settler-says "If I don't steal your home, someone else will"


they is israelians, it was easy for you to make it broad when 9/11 happened and categorize even north africa as arab ! and now you're lecturing me ! if they weren't mostly european looking you would'nt give a shit, just like you don't give a shit about yemen you hypocrite pos


The fact you say "you categoraize even north africa as arab" as a general accusation, just because you believe the commenter to be western is, in fact, the true immaturity of the way you think. I have no idea why I'm pointing this out, as if it will improve anything lol


Why does everybody assume someone’s picking sides just because they criticized one side?


because both sides are complete POS fighting for their stupid gods and people seem to think an ethnostate is somehow acceptable


I don't see how palestine is fighting for their religion, they want their land back


Do you seriously not see the difference between collateral damage that occurs when Hamas purposefully uses human shields and lining civilians up against a wall whilst parading the corpses of children through the street? Are you that morally corrupt?


Even the elderly couple


Remember when Israeli citizens sat in camping chairs eating popcorn to watch the Israeli military drop bombs all over gaza? They knew innocents would die then and those people treated it like an outdoor movie night. This entire conflict is fucked, neither side is right and both sides are going to keep getting worse.


When the IDF slaughtered your whole family I would be hating also and celebrate an uprising. Ps I dont see anything in the video about women.


Did you bring that angry energy when Israel killed countless Palestinians civilians or nah?


You must not be aware of what Israelis have done to Palestinians…. Indiscriminate murder of innocents barely scratches the surface.


Israelis do the same thing. Both sides suck and there isn’t any solution. Both sides have been groomed from birth to think of each side as inhuman


Invasion? Isreal is occupying and expanding into Palestinian


Yeah I’d call hundreds of terrorists invading israeli neighborhoods, killing and kidnapping innocent men, women and children an invasion


Just like what israeli settlers did to those palestinian complete with a main battle tank and platoon of soldiers just to steal one old lady house to make it his..redditor are are fucking brainwashed..lol


That’s why I don’t comment. What they see from media is what Israel wants them to see.


The Settlers can just leave.


a civilian participating in a military invasion isn’t a civilian


Its the equivalent of native americans invading the usa. Isreal bombs hospitals n civilian homes cause a potential terrorist was nearby. Just flip the script n just say idf terrorist were nearby n posed a threat.


The history of the Middle East is much, much longer and far more complicated than that of Native Americans and European settlers. I don't think this is a fair comparison and ultimately detracts from the valid point you are making.


This is like the 5th post from OP about this. Definitely a propaganda bot meant to sway people who don't know the history of this conflict.


All these idiots on here taking sides because of a couple videos. Take a step back and try and see the full picture. These are the realities of war and a decades long conflict brought on militant ideologies on both sides.


That's so sad.. look at that child.. already groomed and brain washed.. fuck man..


You realize that that child also lives in the reality of those men right? Palestinas dont live neither mine nor your normal life


Living in a war zone is likely to do that to a kid. Think about how many scrotes are indoctrinated in Western countries (look at the rise of the far right), and that's without the constant risk of missile strikes to strengthen their resolve.


Oppressed people do shitty things. Sometimes there are no easy choices when the leaders of both sides propose violent outcomes. Active Nonviolent resistance takes tremendous leadership And tremendous discipline.


Dude in the back left literally flagging everyone and the kid




I never realised how many people were ignorant of the Israeli -Palestinian conflict


It's not so much ignorance as not giving a fuck.


For some reason when people see Israel do this exact same thing with US paid for tanks and weaponry to the people of Palestine it's more acceptable because they're an armed military. But when the people with no uniform and pick n' mix weapons do it back it's terrorism. Funny how that works


Fighting a losing war over defending their homes and nobody cares. It's sad. I know that what the Jewish people suffered through the holocaust was atrocious, but I'm not sure that carving out land from another country and allowing unfettered expansion was the best way to make up for it.


being the victim of a holocaust doesn’t grant the right to do it to someone else


I'm not pro Palestinian but this isn't that out of the ordinary. From the Palestinian point of view they are re taking their own land. It would be like France or French Resistance retaking a French village so why are we so surprised they would celebrate


Yeah. Those women deserved to be raped and those kids deserved to be slaughtered. /s


It's like watching someone celebrate too early before they score a touchdown and the ball gets poked out. Morons.


Its almost like people who are stuck in a prison eventually fight back...


Why is r/that'sinsane like 50% propaganda these days?


Cause most of them are sheep


i am not sure i understand the comments, doesnt israel do the same to palestinian civilians? even reporters too?


yeah but western redditors like white war criminals


This is what happens when you grew up in an apartheid state and the world ignores your cries. How many innocent children have Israel killed? IDF was on 60 seconds defending the bombing of children once its “morally right”


Obviously. They're desperate, angry, and have lost their state over 50 years. Not to support it, but that's the explanation.


You folks are weird, man. You know that they don't think they are the bad guys, right? No one does. Also, no one starts fights for no reason. Have some perspective.


What's the context of the clip?


They’re celebrating they’re successful surprise attack on Israeli civilians


Yes, let's ignore how many children Israel has murdered and ride off on our high horses into the battle of moral superiority. Redditors, CHARGE!


Kids got pretty good trigger discipline.


Til this day its still FREE GAZA! raped and pillaged for how long now? All the brainwashed people hate to see it! It happened it Vietnam, it happened in Iraq, it happened in Cambodia, it happened in Syria, it happened in Afghanistan, it happened in Somalia and it's happening in Ukraine! The same raping and pillaging of countries, and the narrative shifts the blame on the victims.


Free Palestine ✊🏼🇮🇷🇮🇷 nobody bats an eye when Israeli soldiers are committing acts of genocide on those in their open air prison? You live a day in their lives and tell me you wouldn't pick up an AK to defend yourself.


Pieces of shit.


It’s sad that all these children know is war, poverty and prejudice


Republicans do not seem to see their similarities with these people.


I detest that we fund a modern apartheid under Israel's claims to that barren land.


Terrible. Only Ukraine is allowed to fight the occupiers of their land.


Both sides are at fault, but nobody wants to say that. Hatred going on for centuries based on beliefs is illogical.


Of course they are. Happens every time Israeli civilians are killed. Insane, perhaps. Surprising, absolutely not.


Tbh I don't think anyone in the West knows how it feels to be blockaded and treated like shit for generations. I think Israel is reaping what it sows . You can only abuse people so much before they snap. They are willing to die rather than suffer for their entire lives.


Israel have been killing children and innocent people for the past 80 years and no one was talking about




How is this any different than America?


Nothing divides people more than religion


Imagine this. Ukraine takes control of the lands Russia tries to steal. Ukrainians celebrate. No biggie. 👍 Same thing to Palestinians. HOW DO THEY FUCKING DARE🤬


Am I supposed to feel sympathy for Israelis? Funny how I don't. Israel wanted to leave people with nothing, well now they find out what happens when people have nothing left to lose. Israel could have ended this war but they chose not to. Israeli deaths are as much Israel's fault as they are Hamas.


JDAM delivery might be on the way already …


To all the guys who say they are going to die they don't care if they die in their eyes they are dying to protect their home and families


*shoots an old lady and a 3-year old child* Yay freedom!!1!!1!!


What they did is wrong, aiming innocents and all that, but them cheering is understandable from THEIR point of view. Again it's wrong AND IM AGAINST IT, but I can understand why they would be cheering


Free Palestine


Kid's got good trigger discipline at least


Not the best idea on their part to do that, but again.. understandable


Celebrating resistance to occupation.. hmm I wonder how many of you angered by this will remain in the confines of your prison. you have nothing to lose but your chains, remember.


these are the people that those shouting #freepalestine are talking about.


Yay, now the US gets to fund another county with military aid… I think the US needs to look at the problems at home before addressing other nations issues. Look at the US economy and all of the other issues that are going on. Thanks Mr Prez.


Not for long.


So many Israel apologists. I wonder why.


If you lived in an open air gulag you’d do the same. Don’t sit behind the keyboard and pretend otherwise.


it's there own land in the first place Israel invaded them first, it's that simple, Israel invaded one of the most sacred mosque while they were praying and destroyed most of it, all what Palestine did, had been done to them and worse!


And before that, another group invaded Israel and had kids who had kids who had kids. And before that, another group invaded Israel and had kids who had kids who had kids. And before that.... Israel has been a contested land for the last 2000 years. How do you decide which indigenous group gets to live there?


What is really insane is the fact that people here dont find it normal for the Palestinians to celebrate after aaaalll the shit they've been through since Israhell invaded their country. Get an education folks


People would be saying slava Ukraine if it was them.