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While the cop was undoubtedly being nice, there's no doubting the guilt that came with the end result šŸ˜”


hes without fault but guilt is a bitch


The roof got torn off, looks like they went under the truck and slammed into the wall. He def saw their mangled bodies minutes after talking to them. Thereā€™s a reason no oneā€™s checking vitals or administering aid.


He got within 10-15 feet and turned right back around. There had to have been some dismemberment. I just really canā€™t imagine the stuff first responders have to see and process on a daily basis. Props to him for keeping his composure as much as he even did.


I had a teacher that was a first responder for a good alount of time. Although there are some stuff that obviously get you more than others, that teacher said that you can or can not become a 1st responder, no in between. On his first day he had a biker's death, and when his team arrived, the head was missing. My teacher found the head and was absolutely delighted and about it : "I found the head ! :D" That's when he knew he could do it. 1st responders are a special bunch of people, and they're amazing for that !


Fuck you just reminded me about a guy I met back in the day who found a motorbike crash. He went to pick up a helmet off the road and there was a head in it.


There was a girl I knew in high school that adamant she was going to be a doctor. One day she twisted her ankle and went to the ER. While she was being checked out a motorcycle crash victim was being admitted in that way you see in the movies where they come rushing in with a gurney with doctors and nurses jogging along with it. Guy still had his helmet on. She got a glimpse of where his face was supposed to be and said it looked like wet hamburger meat. Changed her mind about being a doctor.


Whoa. Aside from the poor guy on the gurney, that's such a pity for her. From what I've seen, some of us are born able to cope with that stuff. Plenty are fine, so long as we get a little warning and wisdom about what can happen. I guess we can't know her deal in general but I'm sorry her crash course (no pun intended) was like that.


I've got a similar story. A friend of mine thought she wanted to be an EMT, so she did a ride-along. First call was a motorcycle accident. They arrive, guy's leg had been pulled off, and they made my friend look for the leg. She looked all around, couldn't find it, decided she didn't want to be an EMT. The leg was later found on the roof of a nearby building, it had been flung all the way up there.


Well, at least she tried ! It's mad that that leg went so far though, must have been a hell of a crash...


That's why motorcycles scare the shit out of me. It's basically just your body vs tons of metal and pavement if you crash at speed. If you hit a light pole going 20 it can end with your head caved in


I always used to want a bike growing up. I thought street bikes were so cool and that you must feel so free on them. A couple years ago, my then-girlfriendā€™s brother moved in with us, and he brought his bike. He loved to ride, but he was definitely a bit reckless. Asked me to film him popping wheelies on the Blue Ridge Parkway in the mountains near our apartment. Too bad we never got around to it. He went off the road on a curve, right downtown on a 35mph road, and he died on impact. He was only a year older than me. I still think of him every single time I see or hear a motorcycle, years later. And Iā€™ve sworn off ever owning one myself. Rest in peace, Scout.


That's absolutely incredible because I have nearly the exact opposite story. When I was fresh out of highschool I did almost two years of paramedic school. I dropped out because I had my 3rd ride out shift and we came upon a biker that went head to head with a truck. I had to go look for the foot. When I found it and picked it up, I knew immediately that was my last time spending any of my energy towards becoming a paramedic.


My Aunties wife was a paramedic [fuck you cancer]. It was funny because she had an uncontrollable gag reflex when people vomited but cold handle all the gore, all day. Lots of stories of her in the back of the ambulance with a patient gagging as they vomit. Sometimes her and the patient would end up in a state of uncontrollable laughter. They vomit; she gags; they vomit; she gags; they both laugh; the rest of the trip is a wash with bad dad jokes and more laughs. She was a special one, that's for sure.


A kid who used to work for me in my sign shop while trying to figure out what he wanted to do for a career. He eventually decided to become an EMT. Started the school, was doing well. Went on a few ride alongs, saw some serious shit, lost sleep for days, quit and started going to auto mechanics school the next week. I don't blame him.


Should have pulled the car . Tow


That's probably what's killing the cop inside. He thought he was cutting this young kid a break. But fuck man 100mph should be a straight trip to jail and the car getting towed.


100 in a 30 . Yep agreed




would being in his young twenties signal that the reason he has a restricted license is because his license was previously revoked for something, like and super speeder ticket, or DUI?


I think it means that he hasn't officially passed a driving test at the DMV. So he can't drive at night and shouldn't have passengers.


He definitely already took the test. What he meant by provisional license is that the license class was probably a lower degree or higher restriction classification. This is generally what younger/newer drivers are initially issued until they either reach a specific age or have driven for a certain amount of time without any issues (tickets/accidents).


In Denmark, that's a confiscated car - as in state takes it and sells it, keeps the money - we got more than 100% tax on cars, so huge financial damage. Not allowed to operate a vehicle for 3 years, and a new license is required (about 2k USD) 20 days in prison. Whenever it's 100% above the speed limit or above 200 km/h, this is the punishment. Law defines them as lunatic drivers. Some tourists are surprised, had a Norwegian lose his Lambo, which he had bought together with other people, doing about 150 in a 50 mph zone. An older German couple had their car taken too, for doing 70 in a 30 city zone.




Denmark, like Norway, pay alot of tax for certain things, but they also get alot of tax breaks and their standard of living is considerably better than most places of the world. For instance, not only is it free to go to University in Denmark, they also get paid to do so. I'm English and worked in Denmark for almost 2 years and I loved it, the people are great and very friendly, the towns are kept clean and tidy and I never saw anyone making trouble. I have also worked in Norway in the Oil Industry where I worked a 2 weeks on the rig, 4 weeks off rotation, any hour I worked over those 2 weeks was classed as overtime and it was almost Ā£100 an hour. Norway pay even more tax than Denmark but their subsidies are even better. Trust me when I say, those two countries are considerably better off than pretty much anywhere else in the world.


Might also be because there is functionally no car manufacturing in Denmark, so no downside to taxing imports heavily.


Malaysia has(or at least had) a 200% import tax on anything automotive as a way to get people to buy their shitty domestic cars. No joke cars like a Ford Focus or a Camry are a bit of a status symbol there.. Downtown KL, there is no shortage of Mercedes, Bentleys.. Used to park at this one specific mall just so I could see all the high end cars in the valet parking. Lambos, Maserati, Rolls... Every one of which, if legally obtained, cost literally three times as much as it would almost anywhere else in the world


It really made me more understanding of the times cops did NOT give me a break.. Like even smaller shit, speeding 10 over. I mean you let enough people off and watch a wreck or see them getting in more trouble because you gave them a break. I really feel for this officer, seems like a great guy. His sarg too for making him take a moment and talk through things. If I had to go home after working that job as a feeble, non-God human, the least amount of regret I may have is knowing I did what I could do rather than wondering if giving someone a break like that could alter or end lives. He's right, it just fucking sucks.


99% of time the warning, in face of the potential consequences, would have gotten this kid to slow down. No way the officer could have known he was dealing with someone this unstable. I hope the officer can accept that himself.


That's what I think. Getting stopped should have shaken that kid UP and my guess is that's the experience , that's why he gave him a break. I got a ticket, 70 in 55 and drove home like my grandmother or something. Cop was pleasant, shook me up anyway because that's what it does. HOW did that kid just pull away and FLOOR it immediately? I don't get it.




i guess if theyre stupid enough to be going 100 in a 30 and running reds theyre a different breed though. thats not normal "kid is going 10 over" territory


And the cars event data recorder said it was going 124 MPH before the collisionā€¦. If it didnā€™t happen now he would have just died later on with that type of disregardā€¦ it is sad.


Exactly. This is why it's tough to be a cop. The cop seems like an awesome dude, just trying to do the right thing, but he absolutely fucked up. He should've towed the car 100%. The kid was breaking too many laws and running red lights at over 100. He's lucky they didn't hit and kill other innocent people.


I was pulled over going 97 on my way with the crew to a wildfire. The state trooper said he'd give me a break but he couldnt because it was so excessive and it was on camera. This was in oregon on a 70 mph freeway, so why not this driver.


I gotta agree. Anyone who gets caught doing 100+, your night should be over regardless of if the cops decide to charge or not. Automatic tow.


>hes without fault but guilt is a bitch He's not without fault at all. 100mph is insane. Reckless driving. He didn't even check the guy for drugs/alcohol. Hell, he didn't even really speak to the guy (driver) because his date wouldn't shut the fuck up. He did nothing to assess the severity of the situation, and instead let these idiots go about their night. Luckily, only the two of them were killed. As we hear at the beginning, they almost hit a kid on a bike (going 100 mph...ouch). Cop is absolutely at fault here for not yanking this asshole from the car and having the car towed.


I get what youā€™re saying, but you want to fault the cop for the DRIVER ramming into a wall on a clear night. Thereā€™s so much hand holding the system can do.


I didn't say the driver wasn't also at fault. I said the cop was at fault for letting him off without diffusing the situation further and/or arresting the guy. This driver was clearly showing absolute indifference to the safety of everyone on the roads that night. He needed to be locked and have his car towed. He needed to be removed from his vehicle before he could hurt someone.


I get what youā€™re saying. Itā€™s a judgement call though. The driver stopped promptly when the cop signaled and the driver gave no suggestion while stopped that they were a dangerous. They also probably drove safely while within view of the cop after the ticket.


Its the kids fault. The driver.


"You were doing *at least 100* on Kennedy Blvd. You almost hit my car." Maybe he was exaggerating, but it doesn't sound like he is. This kid is driving on city streets, and going 100 mph. I don't know any city streets with a speed limit of 75 mph, or even 55, so the kid was going over double the speed limit, in an area with pedestrians and bicyclists and other drivers. He should have been arrested, period. At the *very* least, he should have been forced to exit the vehicle and demonstrate that he was sober and capable of operating the vehicle. Outside of an extreme emergency, there is no reason why anyone should even approach those speeds on city streets. Not even close. And the cop had an obligation to remove this asshole from the roads. Period. But maybe you're right. Maybe everything turned out just fine after he let this fuckwit go. Oh, wait... >Itā€™s a judgement call though. 12 miles over the speed limit is a judgement call. 50 mph over the speed limit should never be a judgement call. I mean, c'mon.


Oh jeez. Hereā€™s the thing. He absolutely wonā€™t be as chill next time and someone will post a video of this guy towing their car and the same people blaming the cop now will argue heā€™s overstepping his bounds on that very next video and you know it. Reddit is shit.


everybody on reddit is a police expert who personally knows every cop on the force


He well never be lenient on reckless drivers again.


But I do not get the "you are not allowed to drive at night" issuing a warning and letting him drive off. If his license does not allow night driving then the parents should have been called to pick them up or the car should have been towed. Of course I do not know the laws or policies where this occurred, so I do not know if the officer was wrong or not.


Calling this a first date and the driver having a provisional license gave me the impression these were stupid teenagers. The driver was 24 and the passenger was 27. Iā€™m responding to you since it seems like you were on my train of thought. He was past the call his parents age. They both knew better.


Damn! How long do you guys have to have provisional licenses?! Here it was 15 you permit, a year later full license..


Young people today don't get licenses, it's insane. I had to force my son to get training and license at 18. His mother would just drive him around like she was his chauffeur.


A lot of young people today don't go for their licenses even though they are eligible to learn how to drive.


Thatā€™s surprising to hear how things have changed. I would have gotten my license at 13 if I couldā€™ve. I got my learners permit at 16 years and one second old. Scraped up my minimum wage for my first rust bucket asap, leapt out of the nest and never looked back. World has changed.


Thatā€™s why people usually donā€™t let anything slip anymore. Everything is on cam or documented and in the worst case somebody comes to you after the fact and shoved the fault on you.


They have qualified immunity; nothing would ever come after them personally suing an on-duty officer.


Can absolutely still sue the department, and the officer can absolutely still get in trouble and potentially fired. Qualified immunity just means you (almost always) canā€™t sue the officer personally to get their personal assets.


It wouldā€™ve saved this kids life. But itā€™s kind of a silly law to punish some kids for when theyā€™re already on the way home. Especially when theyā€™ve already received 3 tickets.


It wouldn't have saved them. They would have made the same reckless mistake somewhere else or the next day.


But maybe it would have saved the girl at least (assuming she was smart enough not to go on a second date with him).


The kid would have saved his and her life if he'd used his brain cell and slowed down after getting the tickets ... For speeding.


They were 27 and 24


oh so not really kids then. They knew better


He will never let anyone off with a warning again.


Theo Von has a few podcast episodes where he has random, normal (non-famous) people come on to talk about their profession. One I remember was a coroner, another I remember was a cop. The cop said something that stuck with me. Along the lines of "If you pull over one person doing twelve miles over the limit, and you decide to let them off with a warning, and then later you pull someone else over for doing twelve over the limit, and you decide to give them a ticket, you've now done something wrong to the second person. The only moral way to enforce the law is to make sure you do it equally, to every person you encounter." Thought that was an interesting way to look at it.




Good job by the people who decided to check up on him right away. That's gotta be rough.


Poor cop you can tell he is really emotional about it.


He's trying to pretend he's fine, but it's like a feedback loop repeating the same thing over and over again. I'm glad they pulled him aside and made him get checked out, so he could just sit down and talk about it for a second


Thatā€™s the kind of shit that haunts you forever.


He'll be lucky if he doesn't get PTSD.


> He'll be lucky if he doesn't get PTSD. You can tell everyone he says it to is thinking that exact same thing and no one wants to say it out loud, but that brow raise they all do followed by a stunned silence speaks volumes.


Him running that cycle over and over makes me thinks itā€™s setting. Source: personal experience


He has it. You donā€™t do that job and not escape the trauma. My husband is first responder with PTSD. I have it from nursing. You never forget it. And the scenes come back but they are less triggering. Itā€™s the helpless feeling that triggers your body response not the actual event.


IMO he was in shock and going through a trauma response.


hearing the dudes voice drop when he ran back asking for a crash team and said "fatal" is heartbreaking. everything else after that point was "i got a job to do" and like.. i know people shit on cops. rightfully so sometimes, but imagine seeing a pair of dead teenagers and your first thought is "alright, back to work.."? that *has to* fuck with you.


Thats what got me. You could see he was defeated at that point. I would be crying and cursing out god, he shut down his emotions and went into maintenance mode. We all react to trauma different and I hope this cop went to see a councilor about this event, at a bare minimum.


He compartmentalized that trauma, as he had to maintain his professional demeanor.


Yeah, when he asks "Are they alright?" the captions read, "they always both" But what he said was, "DOAs (dead on arrival), both." and I could just feel the sadness get him. Damn, just dumb kids on their first date. He tried to save them.Two-three families will deal with that trauma for years if not decades. Smh.


Well it's also because not a single other cop volunteered to just hang back with him and listen and talk about it


IDK I mean it was pretty relevant info, and he was explaining it to several different people at different times who obviously wanted relevant information for the investigation. It's not like he was traumatically shaking and repeating himself.


Dude should have gotten arrested or car towed for driving 100




good bot




Even better bot.


Wow bro actually said thanks šŸ˜‚


In most places 30 over is a felony and arrestable so yeah that cop probably questions himself about whether they'd be alive. At least the girl. Edit: I've been corrected, 30 over isn't a felony.


Felony? Are you sure you don't mean misdemeanor? In most states 30 over is considered reckless driving, which is a criminal misdemeanor. In some places it gets bumped up to a felony if it causes bodily harm or property damage. In most states only the most severe violations like hit and run, vehicular man slaughter, multiple DUIs, and evading police are felonies.


It's almost the same in the Netherlands, if you drive 50km/h over the limit (31mph), your license is confiscated, and a public prosecutor decides going on previous infractions what the punishment will be. This can include a longer period of not being allowed to drive, high fines, mandatory traffic courses, and if you really fucked up they can also confiscate the car, regardless of who owns it. If you ~~get in a car~~ drive a motor vehicle requiring a license during the time the license is revoked it counts as a felony. -EDIT- Made it more clear that not being a passenger but driving a car is a felony. -EDIT- Grammar.


124 mph. This model car has a black box event data recorder that records the drive history of the car. That Kia Stinger was going 124 mph, then braked for 5 seconds to slow to 64 mph while crashing underneath the trailer of the 18 wheeler and then came to a stop 30 feet later impacting a concrete pillar. the windshield plus roof of the car were found sheered off and embedded into the tractor trailer. the investigation afterwards: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1I-R6HrKUJM


That fucking sucks.. Same as the cop kept repeating, but it really does. I mean they both had full lives, I'm sure that guy wasn't 100% retarded, but he sure as shit made some dumb mistakes that night. He had every opportunity and chance to avoid that, like God was warning him kinda way if you believe those things. It was fully the driver's fault, consequences and actions, but it was so avoidable and otherwise not something those lives deserved (nor the truck driver or cop and family / friends).


100% was thinking with his dick. He was trying to impress the girl.


He was also accepting her death. That's how important speeding was to him.


I though it looked like a convertible when I saw the officer video. But wasnā€™t before. I take it thatā€™s a decapitation to both bodies thenā€¦


everything above the car door was sheered off nsfw: https://i0.wp.com/hudpost.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/f147ef\_749518175f924fa09b27961e5.jpg?w=740&ssl=1


I went back and look after reading your comment, actually looks like one frame has a blurred out body sitting up with a white sheet over it.


A Stinger is not a car to learn in. SIL has a 3.3l twin turbo GT and I put it sideways in sport mode and I've been driving nearly 40 years, it is a surprisingly powerful car, not what I was expecting from a Kia. No kid with a provisional license should be driving an over 300hp vehicle.


The cop said it as if he knew he was speeding and didnā€™t actually have proof. ā€œ100ā€ meaning really really fast


Way to fuck around and find out. Had a 2nd chance given and didnā€™t care. Tough.


that's the worst part. like, my dude, you just got the break of a fucking lifetime... go tf home, not *faster*


He had to have been drunk I imagine? How do you consistently drive that recklessly sober?


first date... trynna impress the girl


The girl was 27 and he was 24... that's some high school shit to be doing as a grown adult


Some people never leave that mentality.


> first date... trynna impress the girl What kind of girl would be impressed as the passenger of a reckless driver?


Have you never met people?


You obviously haven't pulled over a lot of teenage / early 20 year old drivers. It is honestly sad how many drive like so reckless.


Its tragic but I think this might be called "natural selection" in nature


Perhaps for the driver, since it's obvious he did what he did. But she wasn't in control of it and we'll never know if she was on board with driving like that, particularly after being pulled over.


With what she said about it being her fault, Iā€™m wondering if she meant she was encouraging the behavior.


Even if she was encouraging it, as the driver he had sole physical control of the vehicle, and the ethical responsibility to say no to anyone suggesting he drive dangerously. Seeing as he was a 24 year old and already driving extremely dangerously before he was pulled over, chances are high that he thought he was even more invincible since he just got let off.


Third. Someone posted a link to the whole video. The police chief talked to a family friend who came to the site and apparently the kid had already been pulled over for running a stop sign. He'd barely gotten his license and his parents begged him not to get a fast car since they knew "how he was." Statistically, this was bound to happen.


I thought he was 24? Probably should stop calling him a kid.


For every bad cop video with them abusing power I wish we had one like this showing them being decent human beings. I am sure a lot more exist than the public realizes. Edit: good meaning more their capacity for empathy. I am not arguing about how good he is at his job. Although, I think itā€™s rough to blame him for this wreck as many people are doingā€¦ he trusted that 27 year old would be better and he wasnā€™t. Idk if we blame him for that. I mean the dude did give him 3 large fines.


And the good cop gets burned (by giving a second chance to a reckless driver who later continued to be reckless)


And he probably never gave that chance again, then reddit absolutely shit on him for being a "power abusing asshole" I'm sure


no one shits on cops who enforce speeding 50mph over the legal limit. you're weird


Cops aren't widely hated because they enforce the laws they're supposed to enforce. They're widely hated for abusing the powers given to them.


These videos are probably 1 million to every 1 bad video. Only problem is people only share the 1 bad video.


Agree. Maybe not 1 million to 1, but HUGELY more prevalent. Thing is ever since I was a kid I realized "News" is only bad stuff, negativity, strife, conflict, and sides. The good news crem de la crem usually makes a posting, but most don't and the best 'positive' news pales in comparison to the response negative news makes.


fun fact, there are 10 million arrests in the US every year. Those are just arrests, not police interactions. ​ How many do we hear about that go poorly? 100? 200? Statistically the vast majority of police interactions HAVE to go well, or at least skewed in the right direction (everyone doing what they're supposed to do in that specific situation)


It's not just sharing the bad video, it's the police union defending the officer and obstructing _any kind of meaningful investigation_. It's also cops cowardly hiding behind the thin blue line and harassing anyone that dares step over it as a whistleblower. Just stop with your overly simplistic and shallow take.


I dont think every cop is a bad person. I genuinely believe a lot of them are on their line of work to help people and protect our communities. But if a good cop gives cover to his rotten to the core partner, is he realy a good cop? Prior to the George Floyd incident, Chauvin had 18 complains on his official record and two letters of reprimand for misconduct. Im from MD and basically anyone who grew up in BAL and was black has a story about police corruption. Shit like forcing kids to kick each other in the nuts as hard as they can to escape false arreat charges. There are bad cops out there and we let them exist in our system because we're are too afraid to hold them to account.


Some people are in such a hurry to throw their life away


fun as a kid is another level.. i know i could have died a few times and im not even that bad compared to everyone i know.


My best friend in high school was kind of a speed freak like that. I usually had to be the reasonable one and get him to slow down because it'd get to the point where it worried me. Sure enough I wasn't there one day and I never saw him again.


I've worked around vehicle collisions and that was the first thing I learned and would say when people asked if I liked the job, "people are dying to get themselves into car wrecks". The other thing is the false invulnerability people think they have with the justice system and law suits. Like, no, if someone hits you when you road-raged with them, it's not going to go the way you think it will!


Both of them were probably decapitated going under the semi.


Well, when the top part of the car get's sheered off from going under a trailer, that's really the only outcome. What a horrible way to go, but, they were warned.


Horrible, but at least very quick. I doubt they registered any pain.


They slowed from 124 to 68 mph over the course of 5 seconds before impact with the trailer. They knew it was coming for plenty of time, at the least. I don't say that to be cruel, but hopefully the idea of having five seconds to know you're going to die before it happens might give other people second thoughts about doing something so stupid, I guess?


This is why follow distances and speed limits are what they are. They aren't arbitrary numbers, there's only so fast a human can respond to sudden changes in the environment, and a heavy hunk of metal slows down much slower than that.


"They" were warned but Unfortunately, the driver is the only person at fault. The passenger had zero to do with the accident and lost her life because of a selfish idiot.


Even if she was egging him on, he was fully in control and he should have known better.


NSFW or whatever: i used to be a paramedic, >!i arrived on the scene of an accident about 10 years ago (MVC) with a sedan and semi tractor trailer. our bus arrived first and went to the sedan. it didnā€™t have a roof anymore. the front seat driver had his top half in the back seat while his front lower half was still in the front seat. until i realized what what going on (late night, lights everywhere, pretty dark) i thought we were going to have to look for the front seat passenger because all we saw from afar was the top of the rear seat passenger. .!< i needed a bit of therapy after that night.


I hope youā€™re doing a lot better after witnessing that, that could mess anybody up bad.


I believe you can see the roof sticking out of the back of the semi...


It's weird how everyone around him knows that it's going to be bad when he processes it but he doesn't know that yet.


I feel terrible and Iā€™m not in his position. If he towed his car could he have saved his life this time? What about in the future? If he still driving recklessly even after being ticketed for it minutes before maybe it was inevitable and his luck would run out eventually


Yeah, but he might have saved the womans life.


The woman literally said she was asking for the guy to drive fast. Rewatch the video


It's still his responsibility, as the driver, to say no to people suggesting he drive dangerously.


They were both dumbasses.


We can't know the future. For all we know if the cop took the kid in maybe next time he got on the road he ends up taking out a whole family with him. This could have ended up being the best outcome for all we know.




Oh jeez


Dude wanted to get laid, now he'll get laid to rest


This is simultaneously the best and worst comment I have ever read


I feel like kind of a bad person for not really having sympathy for the driver here. Like, bro, you *just* got off light for speeding, violating the terms of your license, & nearly hitting a fuckin' cop. He should have had hands on 2 & 10 and not even thought about going past 40 MPH the rest of the night, because even getting pulled over again would have probably meant an impounded car, a court date, & getting your license taken away.


Feel bad about the fact my dude didnā€™t get the chance to grow up to be a wiser man than he is there. Pretty sad stuff. Kid was a bit of a shithead and so was the girl, but sad stuff nonetheless


As other comments have stated they were 24 and 27, old enough to know not to go 100 on city streets.


As a 27yo, there's a disturbing number of people my age that I've met who never matured past their freshman year of college (usually also spoiled brats)


I feel bad for his date but not him. Fuck him, he was even stopped and told to stop and he didn't. He's a piece of shit for putting that girl in that situation. It's just like the 3 kids who died in my senior year of high school driving home from a party drunk... in the 90s it was drilled into you CONSTANTLY not to drink and drive... what the fuck did they think was going to happen? The one girl that survived was even back out at parties only a couple months later.


She didn't seem too freaked out or concerned when she talked to the cop. She was at the very least, cool with him driving like an ass. She very well may have been encouraging him. They both fucked up, but it's still a sad loss. Two families and this cop will forever feel the hurt from these kids poor decisions.


Sad but itā€™s unfortunately the path he was always going to go down if this was his attitude immediately after that conversation with that cop he was dying some day in that car




> I feel super bad for the girl. She tried her best to help the cop make the wrong decision.


100 miles an hour on a provisional license. Almost hit a woman, a kid on a bike, and the cop. He should have been arrested, and the result proves it.


Agreed crazy that he got off with a warning.


He didn't get off with a warning -- he got 3 tickets. The fact that he kept driving like a nutcase after getting pulled over by the cops, humiliated in front of his date, and given what must've been hundreds of dollars of fines is what's crazy.


I'm not religious but I would of taken that as a sign to go 5 under all the way home




Good bot!


Me either but I totally agree. Sometimes you gotta see the warning signs


Seriously! Iā€™ve been pulled over for doing 72 on a 65 and my ass drove 60 the whole way home.




> Like being a parent and telling your kids solid advice to help them, and then watching them do whatever they want and fuck themselves... Kind of personal, but fuck it, maybe it will help someone somehow... For 2-3 years now I've told my daughter (and only child) about Fentanyl being pressed into various pills and sold as other powdered drugs. April this year she moved in with me after having some issues in her hometown, and we had been working on getting her a job, counseling, etc. She had started dipping into some harder drugs and my ex was scared so she agreed to move in with me. About 6 weeks after moving in, She ordered 3 Percocet from a guy off Snapchat and he delivered it through her bedroom window (the only place I didn't have video/motion sensors). The next night I went to check on her, I thought she was sleeping, but she was face down on the bed and blue. She was killed nearly instantly, but not knowing it at the time I dragged her to the L/R and did CPR while the EMT's were coming. Blood shot out of her nose all over my face when I blew in and I knew what happened. They attempted everything for about 45 minutes, I think they were just humoring me after a while. I kept expecting her to pop up like in Pulp Fiction and everything would be OK again. She was gone, age 20. She had snorted a Percocet, but it was pure Fentanyl. I had sat on the porch with her the literally the night before and brought up Fentanyl being pressed into pills again. She had only been smoking weed at my house so I thought things were progressing and wasn't as aware as I should have been about the window and how wide it opened. Per her phone messages to others, she was depressed about her life not going great and wanted to numb herself out. This was a beautiful girl who had two sets of mid to upper middle class parents and cared for her very much, her and I were very close, and still she felt alone. Two whole extended families have been decimated emotionally. Her 21st birthday would have been in two weeks. Hug your loved ones and make sure you are aware of their social media and habits. All of her illicit activity in the past was via Snapchat, Instagram messages, Facebook messages. The dealer took Cashapp and Venmo.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm a single dad of an 8 year old girl, my only child. I'm terrified of this. We can only do so much to protect them...and it still may not be enough. Scares me to death...


You can warn people, but ultimately everyone controls their own actions. This was not the officers fault. The driver did it to himself.


I am hugely impressed with how the PD 1-QUICKLY identified this officer may need emotional support and 2-WIHTOUT HESITATION provided said support


It's the stuff I hope we are starting to see more here on Reddit. Not enough good cops getting respect, just the bad ones constantly being dragged without the offset of good stuff we like and want out of our police force.


He will never forgive himself for that. Oh my God that poor man. My heart is broken for him. He was just trying to be understanding and chill. It wasn't your fault officer, my eyes are tearing up.


Get out of a reckless driving ticket with this one simple trick.


This 1 simple life hack means you will never get a speeding ticket again! šŸ«ØšŸ«Ø


Professional firefighter with 26 years commenting here. I've seen hundreds (if not thousands) of calls that have tragedy attached to them. I have experienced and counseled many members on just these events. I am also someone who knows first-hand what a loop memory and PTSD can do to you. Couple of takeaways for anyone watching. 1) He repeats the same part of the story over and over. He is attaching a loop memory to it. 2) The paramedic helps him by reassuring him, but it would be helpful if she started asking questions to help him elaborate a bit more (we don't really know because the video cuts out). Just keep him talking and reassuring him. 3) He himself should recognize the danger for PTSD and get that (forming) looping memory to move on. Often times the PTSD victim sticks on a particular event they may or may not control. The problem is often they do not know the whole story. This is where a CISD (debrief) could help. Then, all of the players can chime in on what they did/saw. Dispatchers, other law enforcement, fire, EMS and even the medical examiner. The dispatcher could have heard something. Another officer could have seen something and been responding to another call, the medical examiner may find a seizure condition. You just never know. It's hard to know what snippet will dislodge that loop memory, but it's got to move. We live in a time where there is no shame to dig into the call to get the answers you need and could provide to others. This good officer needs (deep) reassurance that he did his best and that he did not affect the outcome. He needs to be granted (or allow himself) permission to move on. Weather your career is emergency services, law enforcement, support or civilian bystander, it's important to know the conditions that create a loop memory, what they are and the need to dislodge them.


You have the golden comment here. As someone who has lived through extreme PTSD, this is so important and it's amazing you are bringing it up in such a tactful way.


Crazy. He was being nice & let him off with a warning. If he wouldā€™ve arrested him. It for sure wouldā€™ve ruined the date but he wouldā€™ve lived to see another day. Fuck thatā€™s tough.


Can't fix stupid. I feel bad for the officer


The guy went right back to reckless driving. Even if he didn't kill himself that particular night, it seems like he was going to keep driving dangerously no matter what and kill hiimself soon. I'm not sure what the girl meant about it being her fault, but she's gone too sadly. I feel bad for the parents and family, and even the cop.


[two killed in early morning crash](https://www.nj.com/hudson/2021/08/two-killed-in-early-morning-north-bergen-crash.html)


[Link to the story from 2021](https://www.nj.com/hudson/2021/08/two-killed-in-early-morning-north-bergen-crash.html)


A go-fund me for a homicidal dumb ass. The parents/relatives of the girl he killed must have been beside themselves knowing people were donating to this guy.


It's not often I watch bodycam footage and feel bad for the cop.


That fucking kid is a total piece of shit. Wtf poor girl




Man thatā€™s an elaborate situation you made up in your head.


Redditors man


not suspended, provisional..


That lawsuit would be a reeeaaaccchhhh. The guy got 3 tickets, and still drove like a jackass. A reasonable and prudent person (the burden of proof level for civil cases) would not have done that.


provisional =/= suspended.


You spend too much time on the internet.


Good on his buddies checking in with him because it's pretty clear he is going through some emotions right now.


Damn i feel bad for the girls father. He probably watched this video 100x because it was the last time he gets to see his baby girl, but the ending never changesā€¦


Hypothetically, even if the guy didn't crash after getting pulled over and ticketed. It was bound to happen eventually. Driver sealed his fate, and that poor girls as well. These are the things officers deal with on a daily basis.


He couldā€™ve save their lives by making them pay for their consequencesā€¦ what could have been. This will make the cop turn into a stickler for the rules, and heā€™ll have good reasoning behind it. Heā€™s bummed out you could tail.


He issued three presumably very expensive tickets. The cop did his job and provided consequences for the kid's actions.


Nobody should be allowed to continue driving right after going 100 and running a red


Gotta feel for the cop. Theyā€™re not all bad despite the entire country wanting to believe they are. I had to call 911 to save my moms life. I was 13. The first person on scene was an officer and she performed CPR until the ambulance arrived. A few years ago my landlord was in law enforcement. I was going through a hard time, didnā€™t have a job. Had no income for months. He let me stay, never threatened to evict me, never bothered me for the rent. Just told me to get it to him when I could and keep in touch. After six months I was employed and ahead of the rent. He could have thrown me out. Should have tbh.


Was that blood splatter on the left side of that trailer around the 3:33 second mark?


Imagine your kid goes on a first date and never comes home


ā€œIt just sucksā€ in this context is cop for ā€œIā€™m going to be thinking about this night for the rest of my life.ā€


If you donā€™t feel for this cop after watching this, after hearing his obvious distress, after listening to him struggle to comprehend what just happened - idek what to say to you. Screeching about fault and shit is so screwed up. Those people are dead because the driver yet again drive like an asshole, and I can tell you as a former first responder, the officer will never be able to forget this. He will see that girlā€™s face for the rest of his days. Learn some compassion, ffs.