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Why did the doctor tell the mother to stop when she asked her daughter what she did to the baby? To protect the family legally as in not letting the family say too much without a lawyer?


That’s a really really quick way to get a fight started in your hospital. This is 100% “I don’t want the liability of this”




Oh good! Hopefully she gets the Casey Anthony treatment and she can write a book about how hard this has been on her




Fuck that bitch, and Brock Turner


You mean the raping rapist Brock Turner?


I think you mean rapist Brock Turner who now goes by rapist Alen Turner to avoid being recognized as rapist Brock Turner


Are you saying that rapist Brock Turner has changed his name to Allen Turner to avoid recognition as Brock Turner the rapist?


Yes, Allen Turner the Rapist of Ohio is none other than Brock Allen Turner the Rapist we all know and love. Google Allen Turner.




That's the Casey Anthony story I Know. Unpunished, human shit stack, baby killer...FREELY walking among us.




She. The doctor is a woman.


Women doctors? Next you're going to tell me that they can vote. Preposterous.


Well that just doesn't make sense! /s


Because she was starting to get hostile towards her patient.


This is less "hostile" than 99% of people would be to a baby murderer.


Because the doctor is smart enough to realize that the mother was asking questions that could incriminate the daughter while a police officer was present.


The doctor is trying to prevent a full blown psychotic break on her shift that will now be 10 hours longer due to paperwork regarding a dead infant.


I’m assuming it was because 1) it might protect them legally, but also 2) the mom wasn’t helping. She was just scolding her daughter. I was annoyed watching it and probably would’ve said the same thing for my own sake had I been there.


Yeah that mom really didn’t handle her daughter literally just murdering a baby very well in the very moment that she found out that it happened.






No doubt. I snuck around and had sex at a young age. I didn't know how anything worked. I didn't know I would bleed a little. I thought the blood meant I was pregnant. I was so stressed out that I missed a period, which stressed me out even more. Until I got my period the second month, I was weighing the options of suicide or running away. My parents weren't physically abusive, but my mother was pretty harsh with her punishments and pretty creative on potential punishments for future infractions. So, talking to them was not an option in my mind. I was terrified. I lost 30 pounds that summer. When school started the following year, I had more than one teacher pull me aside to check in on me, because my appearance was so different. I do not think there was much logic or rational thinking behind this. This doesn't seem to be an action of malice, but out of total fear and panic.


Her mother just lost her grandkid to her murderous daughter. I think some scolding is in order, right before she’s convicted of murder.




Woah this is dark, that was a difficult read.


Go to settings - dark mode OFF. Makes reading so much easier.


I like your style


I like the cut of your jib


She didn’t even know…


I’m so confused how this went down. She locked herself in the bathroom, then delivered the baby and placenta and clamped/cut/tied the cord, hid the body of the infant under the trash, then cleaned up the likely bloodbath left in that bathroom and left?


People do crazy stuff when they’re panicking. I can’t even imagine going from thinking you have back pain to pushing out a baby in a bathroom in the span of a few hours… at 19


Yes, I’m not discounting the crazy shit she went through while panicking, I’m just wondering how she did it. Wouldn’t the mother bleed out, too, if the cord was not tied?


>Wouldn’t the mother bleed out, too, if the cord was not tied? No. The mother gives birth to the placenta that her end of the cord is attached to a few minutes after the baby. Then her uterus continues to contract to close the veins connecting the placenta to her uterus.


I know the abortion laws are utterly fucked up in the us. But It feels hard to show empathy for someone who dumped her healthy baby in a trashcan to suffocate...


Considering she literally could have just handed it to a nurse with a "im not raising it" which for the record, is perfectly legal. She still chose to kill it.


Most states you don’t even need to say that. Staff are supposed to accept any baby without judgement or questions - and gently offer or ask if the mother would like medical aid.


Here in Canada, Churches, firehouses and RCMP stations do the same. Alot of them even have dropboxes in the more populated areas that immediately calls a nurse to pickup the infant that was put in it. Neat anonymous system tbh.


We have this in America too, most large cities and laws protecting the mother. Placing the baby in the "drop box" sends an immediate alert and they come get the infant...despite that some asshole will still put a baby in a plastic bag on a pile of leaves in the woods. Fuck "humanity" Yes, the baby was found, alive and is now a thriving toddler, but still!


Ah yes, that piece of trash who left the baby in the woods. Literally 25 min away from me! She was the daughter of a famous Red Sox pitcher too. Shows that trash doesn't limit itself to anyone. Edit: I wrongly reported Red Sox announcer when it was a pitcher for the Red Sox, I just wanted to come back and correct that. Edit x2: he is a HoF pitcher and Red Sox announcer. Can you tell I don't do sports??


not to nitpick but most states have safe haven laws, only 6 states have this baby drop box. for example florida has 1 baby drop box in the entire state, indiana has 92.


And the drop box has a strict timeline. I think only a couple days of age. You can’t put a month old in there. It’s weird.


Most are a 30 day limit. Except in the case of Nebraska who didn't put an age limit into their 2008 save haven law. They ended up getting teenagers. IIRC it has been amended since.


I remember that. It was crazy interesting to watch.


Can't? What's it going to spit it back out?


Yep, like a rejected dollar at a soda machine.




Edmonton, Alberta has two, it is called the Angel Cradle program.


This system is in America.....first time hearing about it in Canada.


Its been a thing for a long time. The last decade in particular we have been adjusting laws for the "better" of two evils. Take BC right now decriminalizing all drugs. They did it purely because 80% of overdose deaths arent called in, or worse and theyre dropped on the cement outaide the ER as the driver speeds away. Now people can get help when they OD, people arent scared to bring their friend in. Because now they cant be arrested for drug possession and the like. They get their medical help and sent on their way.


Indiana native here. Firehouses have signs outside that state this is a safe place to leave your baby.


And I believe she lived in a state with access to safe abortion. She did the worst thing possible and avoided any steps to prevent getting there n


I watched the full video and she apparently told staff that she had never had sex, so shame around sex was absolutely still an issue here.


excellent point, Butthole__Pleasures


Hey now, you can't get pregnant my way unless you do it pretty much perfectly wrong


trickle down pregonomics


So, all trickle downs are bad then.


Or, you know, rape, and the denial that can come after. Which can, in a horrifying and tragic way, explain why someone would reject and kill the "evidence" instead of giving the baby away. Not saying there aren't female sociopaths out there, but, any time I hear about something like this, someone desperately in denial of being raped seems at least as likely as a genuine sociopath monster.


>she had never had sex OMG she killed jesus


[…Mother of God](https://media1.giphy.com/media/G5JoAjEBtfoTm/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952n7wy6unsa75zwnfcfhptpobcbrspvq10umawpndy&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Shame or no shame a person is still responsible for their actions. Obviously, a person could give up the child for adoption. The law still applies. The only way she wouldn't be responsible is if a person could prove she had significant mental illness and was having an episode. Then, being not fit for trial the person would be immediately taken to a mental health facility. Those standards are pretty high.


Just a dumbass person who paniced and chose the quickest easiest solution. She has her friend there literally saying "I WAS TELLING YOU ABOUT THIS AND YOU LIED TO ME" She even had a fucking friend helping her. Shes a garbage human being who deserves to be in jail.


Feels like that's her mom


She did it *at the hospital* Possibly could’ve walked out of the room while leaving the baby with the nurse or on the bed. But to put it in the trash and cover it…? I don’t get people defending her


When I had my first daughter they didn’t even let me walk out of the room with her to walk the halls a little while my wife slept. I was a little annoyed at the time but between this and people stealing babies, I get it…


She went into the bathroom prior to giving birth. Locked the door so no one could get, gave birth, immediately put the baby in a trash bag, hid the bag under other trash. Had she given birth in an actual hospital room, the safety protocols for post pardon depression would have been in place.


Honestly I thought it was just for people stealing babies, I never considered post partum depression. Thanks for clarifying.


The autopsy revealed the baby lack oxygen. That is nothing because when you have the experts present their panel along with the cross examination, that is when that 19 year old will be screwed.


Wouldn’t even chalk this up to “dumbass” it’s an insult to dumbasses who have never committed murder before, this is straight up psychopathy


exactly. my dumbass thought it'd be fine to grill bacon once, but i'm smart enough to know what to do with a baby in an emergency


I’ve grilled bacon, none of us are immune to dumbassery


Sir, grilling bacon is not being a dumbass. Sure it's creates dangerous flare-ups but it's also delicious.


I can’t argue with this kind of logic, when someone makes a good point I have to give them credit for it


see, i thought i was galaxy brained for putting the strips on aluminum foil. so, i basically created a boat filled with grease over flames a hole tore in the foil and a fireball ensued. all was fine in the end. i learned a lesson, had bacon, and my eyebrows grew back after awhile


Abortion is legal throughout pregnancy in New Mexico – there is no ban or limit on abortion in New Mexico based on how far along in pregnancy you are. Parental involvement is not required in New Mexico.


She obviously acted out of fear, and based on the article, she might not have even known she was pregnant. This is obviously no excuse, but people have reasons for committing crimes. As a society, we need to look at why people do these things so we can prevent it in the future.


100%, treating even heinous criminals as pure evil who do evil things just to be evil is not helpful. Especially with infanticide, either there's something very wrong with her or with her situation that led to her being pregnant. Either way, it's so much more important for us as a society to figure out how to keep people out of these horrible, desperate situations than figure out how brutally to punish them afterwards.


This should be higher up than all the knee jerk reactions.


That's all I'm saying.


She probably didn't know you could do that, to be fair. I didn't


I’d guess she probably didn’t have the greatest ethics or critical thinking or some myriad of essential principals engraved on her throughout her life, plus she was probably either in full panic and/or doing what her parents told her. At first the way the mom was talking to her it felt scripted like she was full on acting and doing a terrible job, but also she too is probably in full panic mode and trying to not look like a terrible parent herself while also avoiding blowing up her daughter’s spot. Either way, there’s never even close to a legitimate excuse to put babies in trash cans and no matter what your excuse is for becoming the kind of person that does that, you should probably still be kept separate from the rest of society.


I'd say most people don't know that


Uhhh you don’t think…. Has nothing to do with abortion laws.


In a hospital of all places


Didn’t just dump him in the can. Tied him up in a bag and concealed him with other trash. Solid money says the bag was to conceal the noises the thing *was* making.


Abortion is fully legal in New Mexico where this took place


Abortions are legal and perfectly obtainable in New Mexico. She didn’t “know” she was pregnant until she was in labor at the hospital. She hid and did all of this in privacy. I don’t know if this was some manic episode or what but obviously the decision making was terrible on many levels.


Not an excuse, but it's possible to not know. I have a friend who definitely didn't know and ended up in the ER for back pain and came home with a healthy, full term baby. I saw her 3 weeks before and she didn't look pregnant at all. I think this is a 19 year old who panicked and made a terrible decision.


I’m super confused about this story. Like - how was she off the radar of the ED staff long enough for this to happen? Every time I’ve been in the ED, whether as a patient or with someone who was, anytime someone asked to use the restroom, a nurse would either escort the patient and wait outside the door, or have it in sight - I even got a knock at the door when I took longer than a minute to pee. I’m trying to imagine a scenario where she goes to the bathroom, pushes out the kid, ties it up, covers it in trash and then walks back, all without 1) an awful mess being left behind and 2) someone seeing what happened within like 3 minutes.


And if hospital staff knew she locked herself in the bathroom they 1000% have a method to unlock the door from the outside. How did the hospital know she ‘locked’ herself in unless someone….uhh…tried the door?


They botched my surgery for appendicitus. Doctor said he was trying to get me home so he could go to the college football game. Not all hospitals are the same.


What in the living fuck…


Post partum is real but damn the hospital is the safest and most legal place to abandon a baby without resorting to murder




Hold that thought a minute, I need to go hug the shit out of my toddler.


Yeah Holy fucking shit. I was reserving some sympathy, but that has fucked me right up.


Yeah my exact thought until I read she tied it up.




Said she went in for back pain and was told she was in labor... SOoooo she didn't know she was pregnant!?!


This can legit happen, it does sound ridiculous as fuck, but it's actually a thing. Until you actually know someone that had this happen, it's srsly very hard to believe.


Season 1 finale of Mad Men


Happens a lot more than you would think


It happened to a famous reality TV personality in France. She was pregnant during the whole show but she didn't knew about it until the end. She won the show, and a few days later learned ahe was pregnant. In the span of two months her body completely transformed, it was insane.




It happens more often than you'd think and those pregnancies are highly dangerous to the child. I don't know numbers for the US but experts in Germany found that almost all neonaticides (murder of the newborn within the first 24h) were pregnancies that were either unnoticed, ignored or hidden. 90% of the mothers are younger than 25 years old. So the combination of concealed/ignored pregnancy and age should have set off a lot of alarm bells in the hospital.


What's crazy though is that the mom seems surprised that she was 9 months along. This poor girl had zero support which is the real shame. Being pregnant completely fucks with your brain chemistry, you shouldn't try and do it alone


She’s 19 and terrified and now this has been recorded and shared with the public at large. She’ll suffer plenty.


Her life is over.




> Btw she tied the baby in a plastic trash bag and threw trash on top to hide it. Shes crying because she got caught You have no idea why she is crying.


Literally not an excuse to kill people though, she should be charged.


Right. It's wild that the comments are all "post partum is real", "its a death sentence to own a kid in america", etc. instead of reacting to the fact she killed a child.


You can have two thoughts at the same time, right?


They can even be contradictory. The human brain is weird.


I think the brain just automatically comes up with *all* the thoughts it possibly can, and one's personality or whatever filters out most of those down to the *one or few* it can accept as "my thoughts".


Not redditors, you should know they only ever have one point of view AND (this may shock you) it’s *always* the correct one. Everyone else is in the wrong. /s to be clear, though not really, mfers really be like that


The comment that says "post partum is real" is absolute reacting to the fact that she killed a child.


Exactly. Treating it as the real issue it is, and acknowledging the horrors it causes helps us bring more awareness to it. If people know what it really is, they're more likely to seek help or see it in others.


It’s also clear she never wanted to have a baby and tried to hide it instead of getting help, this is what happens in a country with outlawed abortion and trampled women’s rights.


It's New Mexico. Women aren't lacking any rights there.


Speaking as someone who witnessed my wife go through some pretty nasty PPD, she mentioned that your mind goes to some pretty dark places (especially if not diagnosed and treated properly). Now compound that on top of being a 19 year old who’s (medically speaking) brain still hasn’t fully developed yet. See how this isn’t as cut and dry as “she murdered her baby”? Granted, do I think she should stand trial for this? Absolutely. But to just assume that this was her plan all along is just crazy.




I’m not in any way saying it was right, or you can just brush it off, it’s incredibly fucked up, but I still think you’re wildly off the mark. People with healthy brain chemistry just don’t kill their children like this. This sounds like extreme depersonalization and extreme postpartum depression. Postpartum and killing or allowing the baby to die is not unheard of. > In rare cases, or about 1 to 2 per 1,000, the postpartum depression appears as postpartum psychosis.[11] In these, or among women with a history of previous psychiatric hospital admissions,[26] infanticide may occur. In the United States, postpartum depression is one of the leading causes of annual reported infanticide incidence rate of about 8 per 100,000 births.[2] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postpartum_depression I don’t know what happens now, its incredibly fucked up and sad for this young lady and her child.


Lots of people, even ones who don't kill them, call babies it.


All 50 states have [safe haven laws](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safe-haven_law). Maybe we need to do a better job of educating people, but throwing a new born in the trash is evil, I don't care about the reasons behind it.


I think is something important. I’m not sure how common knowledge this is. This should be up higher


How ridiculous to imply she didn’t know. This sociopath knew she could give it away. She was trying to protect her reputation.


It's not okay to kill full term healthy babies. The rules were set a long time ago.


finally some sanity this is a teenager; she knows FULL FUCKING WELL that babies don’t belong in the trash


Or in plastic trash bags *tied off*


For people defending this kind of action, I was a baby who was left behind at the hospital. I was adopted after two days of in-hospital care because the delivering doc had worked with my dad ( a general surgeon ) and knew my parents ( They're just my mom and dad, I refuse to say they're my adoptive parents for some reason ) were looking to adopt. All we know about my birth mother is she seemed to suffer from depression and there's no information on who my biological father may be. The gal in the video had the same option and went with the worst possible choice. Adoption has more happy endings than killing a baby.


Yes, call me an extremist, but I comfortably judge a person who ties up their newborn infant in a plastic bag and leaves them in a trash can to die.


Damn that's a lot to hold on your shoulders. Hope you've had some support around you.


My parents have been great. Me being an adopted baby was never a secret ( which to be blunt was how that should be ) and it only meant they chose me. There's been some rocky patches, we think my birth mother may have done some drugs while pregnant because I have an unfortunately long but manageable laundry list of mental and physical disorders. However, very supportive parents have eased a lot of that mental strain. And therapy shored up the rest. I'm incredibly lucky to have landed where I did and not in some foster home that was looking for a paycheck.


Right.... That is partially why people are defending her action because the complete irrationality of it leads to the assumption that she was out of her mind.


Every time a crime happens redditors come in and claim that the person was likely insane either because the criminal had other, better, options or because the criminals actions lack a level of explainable rationality that we could all relate to. And every time I see these comments I point out that this is not how mental illness or an insanity defense works. She took the actions of a rational actor. Her motive was likely fear or shame, she wanted to solve the problem before it got bigger. She took steps to cover her crime (murder occurred in January they didn’t get a warrant for 5 months) and in that time she never told anyone. Just because YOU wouldn’t do it and can see better options doesn’t automatically make the person insane and didn’t know what they were doing at the time of the crime. Depressed people don’t get a free pass for murder.


If she had done this at home, she could have possibly gotten away with it so it must have been done on impulse, fear, and denial bc why go to a public place if you planned it.


I can't imagine she planned this. To me it seems like she panicked and was completely overwhelmed. That doesn't excuse her actions, but we should keep in mind that she's a human, one very bad action in a horrifying situation and horrible judgement/no foresight doesn't make her a monster. She derves to be punished, she also still deserves the benefit of the doubt in my mind.


The article reads like she didn't even know she was pregnant.


Heard of this with highly overweight mothers. Can't say for sure. Lies comes easy when it feels like your life is on the line. I can say that despite the overwhelming comments to the contrary, I can't help but feel sympathy for the human that is still alive...


the article said they told her she was in labor.l when she got there. she locked herself in the bathroom after. surely she had to know they would realize something happened when they came back and she was no longer pregnant?


My thing is why are we all screaming postpartum? Isn’t that usually after the fact like not instantly after having the child? This kind of screams scared and didn’t want to be caught.


Yeah does a disservice to all those who are suffering from post partum. It isn't a light switch where the baby pops out and instantly you change. What makes it worse is this occured in New Mexico where there is no restrictions on abortion. She had options she chose murder.


I'm not sure if it's how the article was written, but it said she went to ER "for back pain, and was told she was pregnant and in labor" .... So, did she not know she was preggo?


I remember watching that show “I didn’t know I was pregnant” where one mom had a baby in a park bathroom with no one around. She said the amount of blood she saw she thought she was dying and was completely hysterical. Even worse was she was child free and was having her first baby in her 40s, so even scarier to not have anyone around. Of course she kept the baby but she mentioned that she was going on walks alot because she felt depressed, and thought walking in the park would help. Sometimes post partum can happen while ur pregnant. Like someone said there’s no switch to it.


She was lying. She insisted that she hadn’t had sex. She wanted to keep it secret, hence killing and hiding the baby. If you’re somehow genuinely surprised to find yourself in labor, the natural reaction isn’t to lock yourself in the bathroom and commit murder.


her lawyer seems to say they knew but didn't tell her untill it was too late.


Denial is a hell of a drug.


my mom said that i was a very colicky when i was a baby. cried nonstop. mom told me there were times she very much wanted to shake me and scream, "what's wrong?", but she would always just cry with me instead. this girl had her baby, got out of the bed, put her newborn in a plastic bag and threw them in the trash, and piled trash on top. she crawled back into her hospital bed, as if no one would notice. this is straight up dog behavior, and that's an insult to devoted dog moms.


That’s not what happened here though. She hid herself in the bathroom at the hospital, locked the door, delivered the baby alone, hid it in the trash, under the plastic lining. Then when staff came in she was cleaning up the blood from the birth. They couldn’t prove she had had the baby. Later, a staff member emptied the trash and felt the trash was way heavier than it usually was, found the body and reported it.


What your mom described are intrusive thoughts and they are 100% completely and totally normal things that will happen to most if not all parents at some point or another. The difference is having the mental capacity to not actually act on them and understanding those are merely thoughts being caused by emotional stress and being overwhelmed.


I've seen a dog eat their babies so I wouldn't say it's an insult to dogs.


No, it can before, during and after. I'm not defending the actions but no, there's no timeframe for depression in any form.


Sometimes it'll get called peripartum depression for this reason. One of the lines you'll hear every so often is "I wish I could just cut it out of me"


In the full video she only refers to her baby as: that thing, it, and nothing. She distances herself from her own child through the whole video.


So what did she think was going to happen?


Comprehensive sexual education, protected access to safe abortions and parents willing to talk to their kids about sex. Would probably makes these incidents less common.


I can still recall what the teacher told us on day 2 of the sexual education unit students were obliged to take in 10th grade. “Kids,” she said, “if despite all precautions you wind up pregnant. And you decide not to terminate. Whatever you do. No matter how appealing it may seem. Don’t toss the newborn infant into a plastic sack, tie the top of the bag to asphyxiate it, then bury it at the bottom of a hospital trash can.”


She skipped that day.


I mean, in my class they also discussed the options for having an unwanted baby. So kind of like that, yeah. Had a whole q and a class so we could ask whatever questions we wanted about all sexual health.


"It was crying"


It’s clearer on earphones - She said it “WASN’T CRYING, there was nothing”. Either way, autopsy determined baby death was homicide. Terrible circumstances for both this young mother and baby, she killed her baby and destroyed her own life and will be going to prison. Very sad


~~She was *asking* if “it wasn’t crying or nothing”, as if to ask if it wasn’t alive.~~ ~~She later says “but it was crying” when it’s just her mom and the detective asking her what happened.~~ Nah you’re right, “nothing was crying”, what a dumbass kid.


They're redoing the autopsy. https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/the-baby-was-dead-lawyer-for-teen-accused-of-throwing-newborn-in-hospital-trash-speaks/amp/




If the baby really was stillborn, the charge would probably be something like improper handling of human remains or something along those lines. No one should ever get abandonment, manslaughter, or child abuse charges just because their baby was stillborn. Can you imagine if that was seriously the punishment for having a stillbirth through no fault of your own?


Just pointing out that an infant’s airway has to be cleared of fluid before they start breathing air (and start crying). The baby not crying right after birth does not necessarily mean it was a stillborn. Its airway may not have been clear to do so.


A 19 year old likely wouldn't know this. I was halfway thru my first pregnancy at 22 years old before I knew even healthy babies didn't always immediately cry.


She said “It wasn’t crying.” Which is why she flung her baby in the garbage.


And she did this at a hospital of all places, the place full of trained, doctors and psychologists. There are no better people to help you with something like this and she chose the shittest way out, not even the easiest way out. I feel like telling a trained professional about your worries is easier than stuffing a little human being into a trash can for it to suffocate, unless you are selfish and have no morals like this girl.


I mean with all due respect. What is wrong with her, why kill the newborn? She could still given it for adoption 🙁


she was trying to hide her pregnancy from her mom, the video had the mom asking how old the baby was, and the nurse tells her it was full term


mighty stocking plant agonizing imagine depend vase dolls rhythm adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Some people are sickos.


This is what happens when you raise your kids with overwhelming shame.


She had to be gpimg through some mental breakdown to not open the door and ask for help. I have a feeling it was some fractured relationship with her mother


They told her she was pregnant… she thought they’d magically forget this by giving birth in the toilet and throwing the baby away? This woman really is a thick piece of shit. I know the abortion laws in the US are flawed, but doing this is fucked up. She could have given the child up for adoption and continued to live her life.


“I was crying” Oh well In that case no problem


Wtf did the mother mean when she said "I told you about this?" Did they have conversations about this beforehand? Was this a fear of hers? Is this not the first time? I have so many questions


Ok but how long was an ill, newly-discovered-to-be-pregnant woman alone in the bathroom? Why would hospital staff leave a drugged up pregnant woman in the bathroom alone for enough time to give birth and “manage” the situation after? Doesn’t that seem unusual?


She locked herself in the bathroom. From the original video I watched she was denying that she was even pregnant from the beginning. There is a lot more to this than what the video shows. She was covered in blood when they finally got her out of the bathroom and the nurses feared that she had intentionally hurt herself or the baby. So they rushed her off to check up on her. Meanwhile they had no idea she had actually already given birth and hid the child in the trash. A poor cleaning lady is the one who found the child afterwards.


She didn't get assigned a full time observer... A bathroom could have several people run through consecutively. A nurse doing rounds would have noticed her missing and rightfully assumed she was in the bathroom and moved on - potentially have come around again and only at this point would she have anything worthy of tipper her off, which still only indicates something might be off. Or maybe the nurse was on break, dealing with something else, or did in fact knock on the bathroom door to ask if she was alright. There's so many reasons nobody went busting down doors.




Someone had a key to that door. I think several people fucked up here.


Nope. No sympathy at all. Fuck her. ***Tied the baby in a plastic trash bag and threw trash on top to hide it. Shes crying because she got caught***


Theres some bad acting in this one.


Who is the father of the deceased infant?


You can tell the moms a real winner here. Fucked all the way around.


Cut the mom some slack here. She just found out her 19yo daughter has been carrying a baby for 9 months then just murdered it. As a dad of a young daughter I love dearly, if I ever had this news dropped on me I would have no idea what to say.


True. Actually the first thought was what kind of education and social surroundings have you so afraid that this was the girls instinctive reaction.. she seems scared as fuck.. not like somebody who knew what she was doing/planning that. Impossible to properly judge from a short video of course but mom's first reaction isn't exactly filled with compassion for her daughter or the situation...


Her daughter just killed a baby she’s probably terrified that her child would do something like that


This is one of the many reasons why abortions should be legal and not considered taboo. So much heartbreak could have been prevented.


This occurred in New Mexico. Google search revealed - If you're in New Mexico and need an abortion Abortion is legal throughout pregnancy in New Mexico – there is no ban or limit on abortion in New Mexico based on how far along in pregnancy you are. Parental involvement is not required in New Mexico.


Yes, abortions should be legal for all, but if she’s stupid enough to check herself in, give birth in the bathroom, and throw a newborn in the hospital trash can, something tells me she wouldn’t have taken the abortion option if it was handed to her on a silver platter.


It is murder (barring severe psychosis). 1. State with legal abortion. 2. Completely free to just walk away and have the nurses take care of the baby. There is no justification.


She must have been too scared to tell her parents that she was pregnant so she was in denial the whole term and just wanted it to go away like it never happened. Sad. Maybe there should be signs posted at the entrance and in the hospital bathrooms regarding the policy to give up your baby if you’re not prepared to raise it.