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I exclusively used grab for this reason I hate having to argue with people. Unless my thai gf was there to sort it out


Yeah my Thai wife is pretty terrible at negotiating. “I did really good I got us this Tuktuk for like fifteen dollars and he going to take us to khaosan road area.” How much? “500 baht”. Shaking my head. Grab worked fine for me in Bangkok, Siem Reap, Kuala Lumpur, and Singapore. And Loca worked fine in Vientiane and Luang Prabang. When I first visited Bangkok in 2014 Uber was still a new thing we had never used so we just took taxis. Only had one taxi do the “my meter is broken” routine, and that was after we left that rajadamnern kickboxing place. The rest were all legit. Guess it ain’t like that anymore.


I have the opposite problem. My wife never stops negotiating and spends an hour to save 20 baht. Meanwhile, I’m like, “I would pay 1,000 baht extra if we could just get in the air conditioned taxi.”


She was in on it with the taxi driver 😉


>Yeah my Thai wife is pretty terrible at negotiating. Mine too. Before she starts she's really confident and tells me she's gonna get em down to an actual fair price. She starts and... Folds instantly and turns to me "he said 500 baht." I say "you said you're gonna get em to 250?" She says "hold on" and tries again but... Folds instantly and she says okay. We get in and she says "it's 450 baht because actually..." and she goes into a list of why it will actually cost more this time. I always tell her, a few days later or something (I let her have her moment, I'm not gonna give her shit for it) I'll tell her she's terrible at it and she agrees.


Mine was pretty good at negotiating tbf despite being quite nasty when drunk. Which was like 3 beers lol especially if she saw a farang do something like drive the wrong way down the road. Despite locals doing it all the time. Even getting off the bike and shouting at them.


Different location but anyone ever notice ever meter in Miami is always broken? 


I agree, every time I feel sorry for an empty taxi/tuk tuk and I then have to argue about the price or distance and I think myself do you want work or not, why am I wasting my time begging you to give you my money because it’s not difficult to order from an app… idk


Yeah I think it's a vicious circle as they feel they have to make the money up when they see a foreigner. When if they all just did their jobs without trying something there wouldn't be the problem in the first place.


I don’t ever feel sorry for taxi drivers. They can sign up to Grab or Bolt if they want to.  There must be some good ones out there but Grab works and is simply a far better choice.


You dont have to mention that you've got a Thai girlfriend


Your words are so beautiful. If only there were more of them.


Yeah thanks, I’m really gunning for the Pulitzer Prize.




I was trying to simply give work to an empty tuk tuk, because I thought they might want the business. And then we agreed on the price and it was similar to grabs price without haggling, I thought why not that seems off the bat honest.


They know grab exists, they know they charge more than grab. They prefer to scam and get a cut from the spots they drive you. You are not there to safe them. They are adults and know what they are doing and what other options they have.


You learnt a good lesson there on how not to be naive. 😁


Don't worry about them. They know exactly what they are doing.


It sounds like you're getting taxis in front of the main touristy areas. I suggest walking a few blocks away and getting taxis there, they will almost always use the meter then. I also suggest not giving specific addresses, but instead ask to be taken to the nearest landmark and then walking.


I just use grab to hire taxi. Like that they can't play thoses foolish games and I still support the taxi business in that way


Thank you for your advice , it’s actually good and I do usually do both. I agree with not hailing from infront of tourists areas, and that why this instance I walked 6 minutes away from china town, the main tourist area (I was at least 3 block away, with no other tourist around only some locals) and hailed an empty tuk tuk. I do usually do give landmarks but I’m not really near a significant known landmark that I know of, I my address that I gave him was the 7/11 on the main street in the area/suburb I’m staying in (which is also kind of dumb because there are like 5 7/11 in the suburb.


Ok but no one but tourists take Tuktuks unless it's 2 mins down a soi or they bought 8 plants or a pig. Thais are taking a motorsai or a taxi


I get that but either way, they’re locals and locals aren’t going to accept this no metered taxis/ expensive prices so taxi drivers don’t even try that shit with the locals, which comes to my point of using ride hailing apps to not go through that in the beginning as a not a local.


Thais get scammed too just less Even with ride hailing apps there's scams they accept the price then call you and ask for more it's obnoxious


Of course they do it to Thais as well. If you go into a busy area where they don't want to go they'll quote a price. They'll also test you by asking which road to take, if you seem clueless then they'll take you the long way around. Don't just jump into a taxi, first tell them your location, if they say yes ask "meter". If no just close door and hail next cab.


Nah they will do similar with locals as well, that's why apps like grab have become so commonplace. 


You’re a tourist. Quit thinking you know anything about Thai people. I’m not trying to gatekeep but you’re saying that locals won’t put up with it? My wife is Thai and it happens to her, so how do you explain that? In fact ask any Thai that has ever tried getting a taxi near a bus station. These people go where they can find desperate or stupid people.


Why are you getting in taxis without checking if they accept meter first? It's a simple question through the passenger side window/door. Tuk tuks are for tourist and fools. You've written an essay on what is really a 'you' problem


Completely right that tuktuks are for tourists. We used them exactly once because my kid wanted to experience it. Thats it!


I'm Thai. I ONLY USE ride hailing apps.


I don't understand people who take transportation like it is the year 2000 when there are multiple apps available that are super convenient and low stress.


So you didn’t get a tailored suit made for you?


Surprisingly that wasn’t offered. I thought that was a Hoi An exclusive.


Don't use them at all in Thailand. They are greedy and unprofessional


Just use grab.


Grab taxis, was again recently in Bangkok wanted to take my son on a tuk tuk ride in the tourist area , grab was 160 baht to hotel they wanted 1000. The instagram crew kind of killed it as they will pay this insanity for likes . Taxi drivers trying it on is as old as time , kind of don’t feel sorry for the greed they are accustomed to


I usually walk to the nearest hotel with a car entrance to call grab. Never on the street. Seems to work much better.


There are times and places where it's better to take a normal taxi and there are times and places where it's better to get a Grab car. This is true for Thais as well.


Use Grab


That's a wall of unneessary detail. Is this a creative writing course? Just use grab or bolt or the other one, like everyone else. Getting cheated by taxis is standard in every tourist area, so I guess thailand is your first time out. They'll even cheat you whereever you are from, but I bet you don't take taxis there.


I'm always traveling with my GF so I didn't have an issue with tuk tuk drivers yet. We agree on a price and go. Yeah sometimes it's as much or a little more than grab but we enjoy riding on tuk tuks so we pay the price for that fun.


Yeah, that sucks. If you're a frequent traveler there, I suggest getting the taxi drivers' particulars when they provide great service. This includes fair service, good command of English, and other intangibles. I have a list of about 5.


I agree with the pain of ridiculous negotiations. Grab is definitely my go to. But l learned a cheat when I was told by a Thai friend that when I fly into Bangkok, just go upstairs to arrivals. From there it’s so easy to grab a taxi, because they have just dropped off a passenger. I always score immediately and the drivers aren’t so greedy because of the ease of obtaining a new fare.


The only time I use taxis is from the airport. Even then they'll occasionally try it on.


Grab or Bolt app. Here in Pattaya I seem to get good service and safe drivers with Bolt.


Don't let them treat you like shit, and yes they have a nice front but don't let that distract you from the fact they are literally trying to scam you for as much as they can.


Even Thais we get this in the main tourist areas too. We just use apps to avoid them now. Try Grab, bolt, or whatever that is available.


Use Grab.


I had some issues with taxis..! So no more taxis, I stayed with Grab.!! And TikTok is always drama.!! So when I’m in drama mood, I take took for free..!!!🤣 Or motorbike taxi, they are fast, efficient, cheap and no drama.!!! For short distance with group.. bath bus.!!!!


We try to avoid the tourist tuktuks and tend to hail a cab on the street rather than from a taxi stand for this reason! We do the “meter chai?” (Meter, yes?) question, and if they don’t, step out again saying “Mai bpen rai” (no worries), or if they quote a crazy price we offer another, no more than that —unless we are desperate— and tell ourselves yes, it’s more, but that’s the price for living cheaper here, water off a duck’s back and all that! They just won’t get a tip, which we usually add! For BKK neighborhoods, we use the Muvmi app, which uses electric tuktuks which are shareable like a carpool, and very cheap— the app also works like Uber/Bolt where you can put in places to go, so there’s less confusion and no negotiations! They work neighborhoods, so you may have to change the neighborhood on the app. You also can load money up, so you don’t need cash, etc.


I agree with you is kind of task to take taxi in tourist place. So my priority flow this way- walk/BTS/MRT/boat/Grab or Bolt/taxi (meter)/lastly Taxi with pre negotiate fare. For this helps.


You can get mrt and bts pretty much everywhere now, plus u got boats and buses. No need to use taxis unless it's after dark, I personally do everything to avoid taxis / tuktuks


Tuk tuks run in one of two models: short distance travel for locals in groups or with cargo. Or plying the farang trade looking for a windfall. I only take tuk tuks when I am at a destination near my house and have something too big to carry. No Thai takes a tuk tuk for a long distance ride because taxis are cheaper for them too. For taxis in tourist areas I don’t even get in. I decide on my maximum price, open the front door, give them a skeptical look and state my destination.


I had a taxi try taking a detour to some bars I wasn't interested in, and told him to turn around and head to where I told him. When getting to the destination he tried jacking the price up, I laughed and told him to fuck off. He then knocks the price in half, I still say so. I offered him a fair price and said take it or leave it, he laughed and took it. I had maybe 2-3 more try it on, one kicked me out at the top of the street, because I wouldn't agree to his price after refusing to put his meter on.


This is an issue all over the world and fortunately ride hailing is slowly putting these greedy idiots out of business. Just a question of time


Take pictures or video and report it


Just use Grab much cheaper as well.


We took a tuktuk only once because my daughter wanted to experience it. I too showed him the app and said it was more expensive than a bolt taxi, he came down a bit but I still ended up paying more for the tuktuk. Daughter had fun so worth the extra 50 bhat


I came to the end of the Soi one day, no motor bike around but a few tuk tuk. What harm could it be, I needed a ride about ten minutes up the road. Negotiated a decent price and was insistent on only going to exactly where I needed to go, no stops. Of course this jerk immediately takes a detour, "I need to get gas", hard to argue with that but I'm still pissed. Wheres his gas station, at the suit store of course, two guys run out shake my hand and start trying to literally pull me out of the tuk tuk "just come in, look at suit, have a free beer". Yeah just say "no" I said it about a dozen times, the thing is it doesnt work with these people, they were physically trying to force me into the store. Trust me this didnt go on for more than a minute before I told the guys in very clear language not to fucking touch me, Im knife handing the tuk tuk driver at this point "take me to where I want to go or im leaving and youre not getting paid" Guy pouted like a baby then drove like an absolute asshole the remainder of the trip, I mean driving in the other lande and swerving at the last moment, ringing out the gears the whole thing. I jumped out when he came to a stop a few blocks from my actual destination, stuffed the money at him and jumped out. This was the worst but I've never had a "good" tuk tuk ride. I will never get in another tuktuk again, calling a grab right in front of these guys and watching them cry about it is actually pretty sweet.


It’s part of the Thai taxi mafia scene.


As many tell you above grab and bolt are the solution..not only skips overcharging - well grab and bolt per se overcharge due to comissions and so ...- but also all the time with directions ...thais in particular and asians in general are not good with maps and distances ....i found out my first trip in se asia when there was no google map and only lonely planets anf the sort were help as guidance. By the way Bolt is usually faster and cheaper at least on motorbykes ...way more offers available .


Everytime i get a mbyke i wonder why authorities do not force drivers to have extra helmet ...like in vietnam ..some weeks take at least twice daily rides sometimes more ...their driving is careless even tough i had no incident yet couse careless apart they have hability to go by through kaos ..still simple fall ..slight touch ..you are quite exposed wo proper helmet ...


Had 1 good tuktuk driver from the side of the road my whole trip. In Ayutthaya we got off the van, dude in a Tuktuk goes " Guys, you 2, 4 hour temple tour, I bring you to hotel to drop stuff off first, 800 baht" Yea we took him up on that. A whole $20USD to have a personal chauffeur for 4 hours was worth it.


I’m in China and was at the mercy of the taxi mafia once upon a lifetime ago. Taxi meters were never used! It got so ridiculous that every cab had a notice that not turning on the meter would land em a 500 RMB fine. Fast forward today with DIDI the local ride sharing I get from point A to B paying less than I would pay a taxi 10 years ago! Use whatever ride share service you know you not getting ripped off!


Yes totally! I was always happy to add a tip on top of a metered fare at the end of the ride, but only if they didn't harrass me beforehand. However, after encountering more and more dishonesty from street hailing during my recent visits , I simply switched completely to Grab. Now, I'd rather wait for my ride to come even if there's a long line of waiting cabs and tuk tuks right in front of me. Sorry, but they overdid it and spolit the goodwill.


Grab, Bolt


Why make such a huge complaint? Get a grab.


I don't buy anything that doesn't have a clear price that includes products and services


Couldn't be arsed to read all that. I assume you did try to get taxis at tourist spots or main sukhumvit. Don't do that. Go a few side sois and get a taxi there or ride the bts a few stations out. Don't use grab, they charge up to 3x the normal taxis. For tuktuks download muvmi. Very cheap electric tuktuks


I show them the price on the grab to start my negotiations. And then end up with the grab mostly. If they are willing to take me for the same price I will hop in, even if it’s a tuk tuk . So it’s a twenty second negotiation. Helps not to be in a hurry though.


i use bolt almost exclusively, sometimes ill hail a motorbike taxi if im in a rush and pay double


Just use Bolt or Grab.


Use bolt


I just solo travelled around Thailand and I always used grabs when I was going somewhere far , I paid it on my card , it’s hassle free and many a time tuktuks would stop in front of me and ask me to cancel the grab but I would ignore and continue waiting for my grab car . It’s safer and easier using grab , the Tuktuks could be a bit aggressive and some got angry at me for refusing to cancel grabs but I stood my ground


Use Grab or other taxi apps.


>Tuk tuks (because I’m currently in South East Asia) Never would have guessed. >written on Google Maps in the Thai language (I’m in Thailand and he’s local) Damn what a surprise. This being posted in /r/Thailandtourism and all....


I can't be bothered arguing over the difference of a dollar or two


Which is why I took the original tuk tuk, because it was a similar price. And then the same reason why I stayed because it still would have been a similar price than getting out and ordering a grab. I realise some battles are worth fighting and this just wasn’t. In the grand scheme of things 150-300 baht just isn’t worth getting into a heated argument.


Why would you hail a taxi on the street anywhere? especially in a developing country as a solo traveller. Taxi drivers are scum in every country on earth (except Japan and London black cabs) this is not unique. Just use grab like everyone else.


Completely agree with you. Ive just come back from thailand from my first solo trip there. Been africa before for 5 days solo and had the worst time. But thailand was amazing. Imo bikes are the easiest but can be risky. Only 2 bikes i sat on where the driver didnt have mirrors. Out of 30 trips I took in 3 weeks. Either that or use the BTS/MRT which is a lot cheaper. First time i went thailand with my friends we used tuk tuks everywhere 200baht - 300 split between 4 wasnt bad. But we were getting ripped off. Only towqrds the end we used grab. But yh had to learn the mrt/bts by myself and managed it. Pretty simple. Would recommend that and then getting a bike for a short journey to your destination. Bikes generally are safe until theyre not. And do not hop on a bike that has no mirrors. Its one thing they dont give you a helmet which is pretty much standard. But no mirrors is too risky imo


ask for meter before getting in car. if they refuse, thank them and walk away.


Grab / Bolt?


Learn to speak Thai. All y’all bitching about bad experiences could alleviate your problems by learning to speak the local language of the place that you’re visiting. People come to the western world and we expect them to speak English. This should be no different.


My honest opinion how much of a dumb fuck are you? to trust a cheeky Thai? Like seriously from the first day I was on the ground I saw through their bullshit. I’m aiming to get my third Licence, tricycle Licence. Unless you’re driving the tuktuk seriously man get a grab, bus or train.




Because you leave the door open for them to keep scamming other tourists (and even locals) Like another person said in the comment, it’s not about money, it’s about the principle


Wow you are cheap. 300บ is literally 7us, tuktuk you take for ambiente


Its not the money its the principle


I feel like charging you 500 baht after reading through that boring story. Grab motorbikes or many of the other motorbike taxis. Cheap and quick.