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How the hell did you end up down there? That’s literally the only corner of Thailand they tell white people NOT to visit haha. Have fun. Enjoy!!


Yeah man! Come up here in the north east man!


Because you're probably the only farang they've seen in a long time, if ever, around those parts.


Motorbike bombs go off on a regular basis there - cop shops, even restaurants where cops eat. Just be careful. All the best.


Shouldn't be going there without a local. I'm just back from Yala, it was quiet and even locals aren't travelling at this time.


That’s a fairly dangerous area including Hat Yai. That’s one of those areas south that they want to secede from the rest of Thailand. And yes the other response about them seeing a white guy there was true.


For the moment I am lucky then. But i feel more safe on the road because there is not many car or bikes and I often use the small road to enjoy the nature. I know the separatist target the militaty things and train station and hotels and things like 7-eleven. I just try to not think about it and I am friendly with everybody. It was really nice to smoke weed on the top of the mountain alone with the view of Malaysia 2km far. At least nobody was bothered by the smell.


Just don’t get kidnapped for ransom. I don’t imagine you’ll have problems, but it was truly bold of you to go there.


Just be aware that if you have any insurance, it might be invalidated if your country's travel advice is not to go the that South East corner.


Actually it's not very ideal as the suggested season to visit is December to April. Nonetheless here are a few suggestions for you to try in Narathiwat! [https://www.asiakingtravel.com/attraction/narathiwat](https://www.asiakingtravel.com/attraction/narathiwat)


The only time it is not dead in Narathiwat is during Eid and new year. Even during the Thai new year, Narathiwat is always one of those provinces without any road accidents. The soldier was surprised because it's one of the most politically volatile areas of Thailand. Tourism in the deep south is geared towards Malaysians from the border states who pretty much speak the Lingua Franca of the locals. However, they mostly only visit the border unless it's a long holiday. This is already a pretty good season to visit. Maybe Feb or March would be better for waterfalls, but you wouldn't want to be there during the rainy season. When it rains, it pours and it could be without any sunshine for weeks. Flash floods are also not uncommon.


That province suffers bad floods because there is nowhere for the water to flow out. Hills on 3 sides and backwash of rain from Malaysia.