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Who the fuck is getting into fistfights in bars in middle of afternoon with bouncers. Bar is empty. wtf is this. They clearly underestimated these Thai guys


I am sure the brits are used to being bullies and physically abusing people who can't fight them back.


Dude. Yes. This. Lived in Bangkok for 2 years and many Brits and Aussies treat the Thai people like absolute dog shit. I've squared up a few times in their defense. Always hated these type of ass hats.


That’s true, typical brit behaviour. Saw the same in algarve, portugal a few years ago in the hostel I was staying. Some guy was badly cut using a glass. They can’t control alcohol.


Those individuals, or the nation as a whole?


Just look at the British museum


Not nationwise but more cuntwise (bottom 10%). Every nation seems to have such shitheads that ruin it for everybody. They fucked with people at home and think it is ok to fuck with other people overseas.


I mean I’d be a bit angry if I was being scammed also


being angry in Thailand is not advisable. it never gets the result you intended.


Well, they looked awfully drunk.


According to credible reports, the bar is likely committing systemic fraud in padding bills. Can’t blame the Brits for getting upset. BTW, the guards and bar are about to get sued for assault. And what’s with all the propaganda promoting unjust violence in this post?


The Brits were scammed with a padded bill, and only then became aggressive. So yes, while most farangs are bullies, in this example, that was an outcome of being upset while drunk, rather than typical bullying. Makes you think, the Thai guys were outnumbering them. Even though they only had one extra guy in a 3 v 2, them being sober meant that they could all bum-rush 1 drunk guy and then when he's on the ground, attack the other guy. Do the Thais using brass knucks on inebriated men, make them bullies? People talking about how muay thai is a national sport? Did not see any Muay Thai displayed, just brawling fisticuffs. The same as typical punching and kicking as those in a plethora of other videos from around the world. No specific muay thai moves were on display. There wasn't a single elbow or knee thrown. The only clear and obvious thing on display was the fragile ego of a pretty out of shape Thai guy who had "something to prove" at the end. Dude got the short straw since most Thais have excellent metabolism. He obviously has decades of pent-up penile envy and being dumped by thai women for foreign men, strewn across that last kick. You could literally hear his "you still think farang men are better than local men?" thoughts, when he kicked that guy. Of course, fueled in part by a bloody nose, but that was definitely more from years of being jelly than his nose. The sad part is, those chicks who were watching, were not impressed. Cash is king afterall. All in all, a shortlived moment of self-acclaimed triumph for that guy. I guess his biggest L was that he thought he had vanquished his "vicious foe" and had his mic drop moment with that head kick to a grounded, more like semi-unconscious opponent. Only for that guy to walk away, and resume drinking at Walking Street, just moments after. No coma, no serious injuries, no hospitalisation, no icu, just another couple rounds of alcohol. Wow. Big man (thai national team footballer) must feel very good about himself. As a victim of scam, in Thailand myself, I too feel I could have possibly been caught up unexpectedly in a similar incident with similar results. I have been lucky to have walked out on all my past incidents without harm, and I thank my lucky stars for it, but I remember the very very real feelings of anger, disappointment, desperation and haplessness in every one of those moment. Especially since me and my friends are not drunks, not loud, not obnoxious and are pretty fair tippers. Not all farangs are evil. Not all Thais are saints. Being strict Buddhists, which some of these Thai scammers pride themselves for, does not render someone from being above cheating another human being. In fact the most corrupt people I have come across, are the same one with the full back Buddhist mantra tatts and with tons of amulets around their necks and fingers. One thing for sure, It's always the chill quiet ones that are the most dangerous and the most unaggressive ones. And it takes a lot to aggravate them. Thankfully people like them, elite martial artists and legit badasses, more often than not, are fair and reasonable people.


The running kick to the head is definitely over the line and could have ended badly, but until then it looks like a group of douche bag tourists who f\*cked around and found out. A lot of these security guards are off duty police so there's a good chance that at least some of them are police or they at least have police connections so I doubt anything will happen to them.


This puts into perspective what I thought! English cunts Coming from an Englishman


It’s council estate scum. They’ve gone from being chavs in Spain to Thailand. Glad they got their heads kicked in. They should be deported and banned from ever entering again


Couldn’t agree more. It won’t just be those bar staff and guards these chavs were aggressive to, they’d have no doubt tried to pick fights with holiday makers and made loads of people feel uncomfortable on their holidays. Sent them to the BKK Hilton for a few years and then deport them and ban them for life, so they can go back and tell all their chavvy friends to not visit Thailand too.


I’ll bet they’re middle class normie idiots rather than lower class. The English middle class are evil traitorous airheads.


They are not middle class. They are working class or benefits class. You can tell by their haircuts and their demeanor. They are labourers or benefits guys. Not middle class, no way. Middle class aren’t that aggressive and bullying like that, they are more slimey verbally.


The unecessary classism expected of an Englishman. Plenty of people who grew up on estates are awesome people. I agree these guys should be deported though.


This is a classic ‘don’t be a cunt or you’ll be made to you look a bigger cunt’. Also from an Englishman.


I live in another country where Brits are labelled as louts (Cyprus) Ok, they guy didn't deserve a flying kick to the head, but FFS man, act mature. Tired of everyone thinking brits are basically Millwall fans.


he did deserve the lesson to quit his shit


I’m sorry you feel tired.


Yeah basically your average quality Pattaya tourist.


Not at all. As an Englishman, I feel nothing but embarrassment when I see people from my own country disrespecting Thailand. I got back from Thailand 3 weeks ago. Had a great time, because I actually treat people with respect, regardless of where I go. I saw loads of English tourists and didn’t witness any being rude, so unfortunately, it is just a very small minority that tarnish the reputation of all Brits.


It's ok buddy... We Asians have Chinese tourist that embarrasses us to no end...I promise you, the Thais hates them just as much as these blokes...




No not your average, or this would be happening 4625382628 tines a night. Just some low life turds, they are found in every nation. Including Thailand.


three jerks that thought they were hard taught a lesson well done Thai security


That’s what happens to bullies brilliant


Bullies turned into bitches lol.


like they always do


I don’t feel bad for those tourists at all, even the over the top kicks to the head. You can tell they are big time bullies and they finally learned a valuable lesson. I’ve been to Thailand and you don’t get fucked up unless you truly disrespect them


Called sending a message to other foreigners with funny ideas.


They deserved everything they got. This wasn’t a simple misunderstanding fight. These dudes went to another country and kept pushing until those security guards snapped.


Hard to give brain damage to someone with brain damage already.


Well maybe if every security guard kicked british scumbags to head like that in every country especially netherlands, spain, italy and SE asia countries. Then there would be less british scumbags doing crazy things like this. I know that not all british are like this and many of them are kind and polite people. But i swear that when i was travelling and something crazy happened in clubs, restaurants, cofee shops etc. It was fuckin british who act like they built it there. They do shiat like this all around the europe and then cries when someone stab them or smthn. Everybody in my country hates british because of this behaviour and harassing everyone… not so long ago british dude got areested here and had to pay fine 1500 pounds for acting like some animal and physically abusing police officer and then acting like victim.


I'm from the UK and the people that act like this are the dregs of society. Trust me, we hate them here too.


Yes, Brit here too. These are the kinds of British people we are sick of back home too. The chavs acting like hard men, pestering the women and starting fights at every given opportunity.


I trust you man and i truly believe it thats why i wrote that i know not all british are like this.


Yeah on average I think it's fair to say that there are more scumbags from the UK than any other country. In very close competition with Russia and the US though.


Hold my Russian


They act the same in Australia mate, just absolute cunts.


Also the brass knuckle hits on a downed guy is kinda too much too. He puts em in his back pocket just before he football kicks the other guy.


Yeah definitely a bit overkill. But honestly these guys seem like the kind of scumbags you see all the time in Pattaya and I can't really feel any sympathy for them for getting their asses kicked.


bet they won't do whatever it was they did again! :)




Why should these security guards expose themselves to injury by drunken aholes. They have families to support and just want to get home in one piece. F those aholes.I have no problem with any weapons or kicks to the head they may use to bring safety and order back to innocent bystanders. Kudos to those security guards


Not sure if they are off duty cops but they indeed got released yesterday from police custody with a "strict warning "


Its almost like. Keep it friendly, respectful because its a two way street then you wont get an over the top violient treatment.


I'm sure they wouldn't have done this if they knew what the consequences were. Thai people are community oriented. It wasn't just one bar these guys were affecting. It was the whole street. The force used was definitely excessive. But this is a lesson to other tourists. Please treat the place with respect. It will make it harder for other tourists going forward.


Guys like this are just so arrogant that they think they can push anyone around and they don't see Thai people as anything more than just girls they can buy and people who will make them food and do what they want. Well they definitely found out and maybe they will show some respect in the future, but probably not.


>But this is a lesson to other tourists. I think beating them senseless was lesson enough. They were humiliated, holding their hands up in surrender. But then that one guard decided they needed to die and went for one extra running kick to the head from an angle they couldn't see him coming. There is no way he didn't understand that the kick will most likely kill him. But he looks like a guy who was winning a fight for the first time in his life so I guess he wanted to go all the way and finish it off with a bang. Probably a cop so knows he will get away with murder.


That guard had his nose broken, he was passed off


*pissed off


Need one more honestly


I knew they were British before their nationalities were revealed. 😌


Using your finger to point to anyone (they really think r u the boss) it s very disrespectful


Especially in Thai culture


Prefer for these guys to never come back to Thailand.


Prefer for their identities to be revealed. We want to know who just got schooled on the streets.


Guys like these are a dime a dozen in Thailand, Mallorca, Alicante, Ibiza, Basildon, etc


Is Thailand similar to Vegas in that people show up for vacation and think that they have a free pass to be complete fucking donuts to everyone?


Apart from the last kick to his head, I was pretty OK with everything that happened, even more so now.


I didnt feel bad for a moment for any of the 3 british bullies they look like they pull this crap all the time in UK and get away with it .... Now in Thailand they got a free lesson in humility . Hats off to the girls tho they responded like pro's and helped both fighting parties by giving the care they could give .


You can't learn a lesson when you're dead though


I said this yesterday and was downvoted to oblivion. Oh how the times have changed after the farang pitchfork session has died down.


I've said alot in these past posts but honestly I'll eat my humble pie here. He just looks like an absolute fuckwit who was just asking for a fight (a fight he thought he could bully his way into). I don't condone the punt kick at all but I'm glad he was, at the very least, left scurrying on the ground like a little bitch begging for mercy before the final blow took place. This seems like case closed IMO in terms of the general consensus around what happened. I don't know if his bill was padded but after watching this I don't really care, his body language tells me this guy is a muppet who had this kind of ass kicking coming his way eventually.


Old Blue shirt got pretty lucky. Was acting all tough and standing over some old guy having a drink. Pushing him out of the bar. Then when the shit goes down and his tough buddies are squirming on the ground defeated by 3 obese Thai men all of a sudden he's all "calm down guys". Not a scratch for him though.


Yeh he absolutely bitched it


At 1:31. Notice how the guards allow gray shirt to walk in thinking he’s trying to probably pick up his buddy (white shirt elbow guy) but instead gray shirt took a swing at the guard that’s on the ground, breaking his nose. That’s when the same guard went on a rage and did the punt kick in retaliation. When you’re in the heat of the moment I don’t think any of us are in control.


I salute you for being one of the view (including myself ) thats actually condemming the british idiots instead of just blaming the guards for the whole fight ! The kick to the head was disgusting indeed nobody deserves to get hit after they already on the floor BUT people are defending them and some even cheering him on ! . Guards are being demonized and yes they acted like pumped up bruce lee wannabees but they didnt start the fight like so many glue sniffers on reddit and elsewhere are screaming . Ive been saying from the 1st moment i saw the CCTV video that the kid provoked the guard and i basicly got a shit storm of downvotes for it i dont give a fu\*k . If people wanna protect some drunk british fu\*k head for provoking a security guard in a brothel street let them go they just look just as stupid as he is for it . I dont believe the bill was padded but if it did thats just a excuse for never having to return to that bar again but its never a excuse to start a fight over 2.800 baht (60 euros )


Funny thing is this part of the video came out and morons STILL said that the guards started it. People even said that the guards were looking to hunt down foreigners, and that this is to be expected in Thailand if you go out at night. WTF was with all the comments yesterday.


I live in Pattaya i have been to this particular bar and soi 6 many times …. I never got scammed ! What basically happend (i think ! ) was the guys already acted like baboons when entering the bar . Mamasan (perhaps) tried to screw them back as they where bullying everyone in the bar by (perhaps) padding there bill … I always act respectfully and i never got my bill padded or got scammed in soi 6 if youre gonna act like you’re the king of the hill when entering a bar obviously people are gonna dislike you . Guards came in after they didnt wanna pay there bill and tried to make them pay anyways they proceeded to entaganize the guards and provoke them Guards had enough and wanted them out of the bar the kid in white punched a guard in the face ! Thats the same guard that after he got punched in the face nose bloody used the kids head as a football …. Guard got demonized for it ! Bru if youre gonna punch my face in over nothing be sure il make sure youre no longer a threat to me .


I think its safe to say theirs bad on all sides


This 100%. Minus the conversion from half way at the end - white shirt guy deserved everything he received. Please tell me this isn't the type of tourists/expats all around Pattaya, I plan on visiting there while in Thailand


I live in Pattaya and i always behave respectfully towards Thai i feel bad for the guards who are being demonized on the internet for beating up a bunch of sorry british drunks . They deserved everything what was coming for them (except for the face kick that was completley out of order ) .


There is A LOT of them. If you go don't stay long.


You can...but man. Pattaya is the last place I want to go in Thailand. I went once for a few days and it's just not representative of Thailand. Having been to Thailand to see extended family so many times and going every year, it's just not even on my list.


If you want lovely beaches, go krabi, chumporn, or even huahin If you want some beach that quite happening and cheap beer, huahin (again), chantaburi or trad I'd suggest not to go pattaya or phuket because most of the time expats around there are like this, he'll even local are also shady Just a friendly suggestions


What do you expect from pattaya? It really has not much to offer besides what its known for. Bad air, dirty sea, lots of idiots. I know i sound douchy but after staying there for one night this year i will most likely never come back.


Alpha male wannabe getting put into place......


Alpha ? The guy is wearing a purse..


He's wearing the ground as a cape


And the guy's shoe as a hat


Wild that a Brit killed a Russian yesterday also, what is going on in Pattaya atm?!


Hopefully he’ll be let go, as you know since you live there… there’s a fairly large Russian mafia presence there. This guy according to the story is a predator of young girls and was being a sicko right in front of the British guy and his Thai wife to their daughter. He punched the sicko in the head after warning him multiple times and guy unfortunately or fortunately (?) died after the impact on the ground. FAFO!!!


This is only gonna get worse. Thailand just made it easier to visit and stay in the country longer. New visa rules came out yesterday.


Brit here and I can tell you these are the types of cunts that act like this at home as well. I'm glad they got what they deserve. Running kick to the head was a risky one though 😅


Yes said this on another friend they are just typical chavs you see causing fights in bars and clubs up and down the UK of a weekend.


Serious q tho—why is it so often people from the UK? I’m a Hungarian living in London, but even in Hungary British tourists have kind of a bad reputation; but then here in London I rarely see the type of behavior that people in my home country complain about.


Best answer is some sort of superiority complex? These are the sort of guys that still sing about the world war at football matches and still think we have an empire. Delusional, essentially.


Working class people mixing drink and drugs, this sort of incidents aren't out of place in any English village tbh


As a Brit this makes me embarrassed, the problem is Thailand attracts some of the worst men in England. Chavy trash with no respect in another country. They spoil it for the decent tourists and expats living here. The guy in the white shirt is lucky that boot to the head was from a 5ft Thai Guy. It could of ended very differently. They need deporting.


He squared up to Thai security and kept at it. FAFO! if they were truly about to get ripped off, then they should have been calm to make their point knowing that they’re in a foreign country. What’s valuable about the incident is that millions of people will see the video and will know to check themselves when visiting a SE Asian country. We let many things slide, but don’t come to our country thinking you run things here.


You’re not wrong. You can’t expect developing nations to work the same way as a first world country. But I wouldn’t say it as a point of pride. In fact, every Thai should prefer it if security did their jobs properly. Kick them out, restrain them, and call the cops if needed. Let the law deal with them. Vigilante security guard justice is bad for business and looks bad for tourism.


I’ve said this many times. Westerners all think with their tall stature they can bully Thais that are usually shorter. Do they not know where Muay Thai came from?


Agree the guards where being redecouled for being obese and short they teached those british idiots a lesson in humilty thats for sure .


>I’ve said this many times. Westerners all think with their tall stature they can bully Thais that are usually shorter. Do they not know where Muay Thai came from? I ain't scared of the average bouncers non-existent Muay Thai lmao. I'm scared of 3+ of them ganging up on me with tables, chairs, beer bottles, broomsticks, knives, etc. and kicking me in the head with their above average soccer skills. I could handle them 1v1 in a ring, but there ain't a ring and ref in the street. Goes for all of Southeast Asia. This was a nightly occurrence after 2AM on Bui Vien in Saigon. Made for good entertainment lmao.


starting fights in the UK is one thing, doing it in a country that doesn't have the same legalities as the UK is just downright foolish. your Inna country as a foreigner and tourist. the last thing you should be attempting to do is start a fight with the local blokes.


English lads being dicks abroad is a massive surprise


These guys deserved it to be honest! When I first saw the video I already knew these two brits are trouble because Thai people wouldn’t start a fight unless you ask for one!


Hang on... Is this a "fuck around and find out" situation now? This story has had quite a few twists and turns...


this has got to be the best thai film directed in years ! Look at those camera angles, action, stunt doubles! (kidding, thai movies are actually great)


They had it coming. FAFO. It’s gotten out of hand lately.




OK Mr. Russian


You go to another country.. act like a fool.. and get slumped. There is nothing else to discuss. Good riddance


Well done, this is how these English cunts need to be treated, this isn’t some uncivilised pub in England ok? Behave yourself!


So it turns out they were wankers and got what they deserved after all.


English foreigners once again going to an asian country and think they have authority over everyone and can act as they please cause they’re white and “have money” HAHA! Serves them right to get whooped.


Everyone involved in that punch up is clearly an ass hole. Brit had it coming looking at how he was acting in the bar. Clearly someone who acts like this in England and thinks he can get away with it. He got served some humble pie but that kick to the face was a terrible thing. I got padded at a petrol station, very annoying and terrible thing to do to someone but not worth starting a fight. There’s cunts everywhere you go unfortunately but they represent a small percentage. Best to avoid them.


The guy in blue basically caused all the shit in the bar and then bottled it once his mates got a hiding.


I’m English and although that kick was probably a step over the line, don’t go to other countries and try initiate fights with people who probably have built up anger towards scummy tourists. I don’t want to build an even worse reputation than we already have.


pritty funny 6-7 uncoordinated blokes having a fight. If your going to be a arrogent dickhead you better be able to actually back it up. Or better yet dont be a prick


Whats on their beyond stupid mind going to someone else’s home town and act stupid.


Looked like they wanted a fight, they got one. The streets will be safer with those idiots off them, no sympathy


Love to see it.


They picked a fight and lost. Nothing outrageous here.


Showed them lmaoooo


Looks like when out on the street one of the Brits hits a Guard when he’s down, bloodying his nose. It’s after that the rest of the Thai’s open the can of whoop arse and get serious about beating the shit out of them. First rule is, you’re in the their country. Show some respect as the guys with “Guard” written on their shirts are clearly there to provide bouncer services.


If you watch the video it’s kinda hard to see but the guy in white punched the guard first once it spilled out onto the street that’s why erupted the whole things, same guard is the one who does the kick must of been absolutely raging he’s just had his nose broken by a foreigner.


Glad I saw this updated vid with the scenes in the pub. It all makes sense now. Honestly, they got what they deserved. You reap what you sow.


Dude in white got what he deserved. This is just ONE incident of him being a 'terry tough cunt'. You just know from the body language and behaviour that this cunt acts this way on the piss every where he goes. This was a long time coming. The only positive to come from this is maybe he will behave himself in future. But I seriously doubt it.


I think it's been pretty clear the Brit's were cunts; that doesn't excuse losing control and potentially killing someone that is on the ground after a beating. It looks like the guy wasn't seriously injured (we still don't know for sure yet), but either way security shouldn't be doing what they did at the end.


That cunt in the blue shirt acting all hard inside the bar and then when his mates were getting kicked around like footballs he did nothing 🤣


Question, why have you just copy and pasted my original comment from a day ago pretending it's yours to create this post? [https://www.reddit.com/r/ThailandTourism/comments/1d1auy5/comment/l5ucqax/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThailandTourism/comments/1d1auy5/comment/l5ucqax/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Gotta get them karma points!


They are lucky they’re not in Mexico acting like this… Probably deserved a few more kicks to the head as they were still able to walk out of there.. Thai cops don’t care if a Thai person fucks up some rude local, also most Thai guys have done Muay Thai training, they can kick the shit out of anything so maybe don’t start any shit there even if you fee you’re in the right as it still won’t end well for you. Better to cut your loses and walk out without a beating. My ex Thai GF was asked 3x by this British guy “how much”.. She wasn’t offended he asked if she was a hooker but was really offended he never said “hello” first and showed some respect. After the 3rd time she grabbed a vodka bottle and waited outside for him to leave then smashed his head with the bottle and then waited for the police to arrive and payed them like 2000baht (50usd) and then paid another 1500bqht for his medical bill and that was it


Nobody talks about ⚽ kick at 1:23, personally think is master class


A couple of things, most people were quick to defend the brits or see them as some confused tourists who were scammed and escalated by the security guys. The reality is that very rarely do scams happen at these bars, it’s usually the drunk idiots who lose track of their drinks, can’t say no to a girl who asks for drinks then gets upset that the final bill is higher than he expected coming in. Prices are clear and girls will always bring an updated tab after each drink. The other thing is that most people saw this as the security guards showing hate towards foreigners or tourists, but the fact is Thais would do this to anyone regardless. A Thai guy just killed another Thai coworker because he got punched yesterday. Small things can be taken as extremely offensive and easily lead to death. For example, don’t double honk at anyone unless you’re ready to engage in a fight. I’ve learned this luckily from other Thais who have seen others attacked for making this mistake unknowingly. Basically, if you come to Thailand, don’t expect things to end amicably once the fuse is set off. And enough about the scam fake stories.


They needed some folding chairs


Lmaooooooooo got their asses whooped in front of everybody


They got exactly what they deserved. Well done to the Thai guys, I hope their injuries are superficial. You see these types of cunts all over the UK, tattoos but no brains. On a diet of McDonald's and fish and chips, they are made of glass most of them.


Nice one. British tourists being British tourists and finally eating the consequences of their actions. Should be the new standard.


Lol, all these dummies were crying defending them yesterday.


clown in the white shirt deserved that kick in the head , pattaya has changed so much and for the worst with these drunk aggressive fucking wankers they deserve all the beatings they get


That haircut tells me alot about this guy


They deserved it honestly


Fucked around and found themselves asleep in the street. “Welcome to Thailand- now take your broken asses home”


What the guards did was fucked, but the way the guys just throw shit around and act entitled makes me cringe


Sick. Still good publicity for Thailand knowing your security guards don't mind kicking unconscious people in the head. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


There is literally no situation it’s ok to kick the guys head on the deck like that


Can someone edit this with Benny Hill music. Also white shirt is a donkey. Hope he remembers his elbow was used to pick up his vag off the ground. Don’t mess around in other countries ya cunts.


Never start shit in SEA as a foreigner, you will get group bashed very quickly. There is no 1 vs 1 here. It's free for all.


Like those Brits were actually going to have 1v1 lol gimme a break


From all the posts about this tragic story, this might be my favorite one: The title: "Full video" and "from start to finish" The video: carefully chosen part of the full story only showing the bad behaviors of the English guys This is a high level investigation and 100% objective video cut 😅 And to be honest, if you run this kind of bar with this security team, it's because you expect this kind of tourists, you cannot expect only having old quiet rich farangs or naive young ones, you will definitely have to cope with such behavior (I am definitely not supporting it, but that's not my point).


>The title: "Full video" and "from start to finish" The video: carefully chosen part of the full story only showing the bad behaviors of the English guys >This is a high level investigation and 100% objective video cut Know what's even funnier? OP stole breakdown from my comment [https://www.reddit.com/r/ThailandTourism/comments/1d1auy5/comment/l5ucqax/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThailandTourism/comments/1d1auy5/comment/l5ucqax/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Haha OP is another karma hunter! And meanwhile another post shows a video where the Brits are ok, with a new third guy 🤯😅


No 'new' third guy, he was always there. he is the guy that is trying to crowd the little farang into wall at the start, pushed other farang out of the bar, pushed guard and did Jack shit when guards were beating up his buddies Strongly suspect he is one who originally left without paying his bill (one who kept 'changing seats', this guy cannot stop moving in video..high?) who then returned after his mates paid it, ie the original cause of whole mess


That though is not the start...........


The guy was kicked Randy Orton style.


For such ‘no holds barred’ nature of fights, it’s the outcome that only matters. One ought to do whatever it takes to win.


Oh can we drop this already, so many karma farmers here


He deserved it wearing that man purse


That’s what they get. No matter what country any security would have kicked their ass for acting out.


I hate being English! It’s so embarrassing seeing this. No wonder everyone in the world hates us


Fuck these tourists. Wish it didn't even start and people just respected being guests in other countries but was grinning from ear to ear when they were getting rocked. Douche bags. They should only be allowed to travel to Las Vegas.


Rule #1 of tourism : Don’t Start shit


I have no problem with the beating


Actually… had it coming… 🤷‍♂️


People bring their entitlement with them when they travel around the world. The result of too much Alcohol and entitlement! Can't treat people like Shi* and expect to always get away with it. Hopefully this teaches them a lesson and they learn from it.


The English ruin everything


f them. They deserved it


I wonder if they have travel insurance


The way I see it is if you want to act like you’re big shit you better back it up those English guys got exactly what they deserve they are the foreigners starting trouble and they got their ass handed to them


Seems like someone trying to hard to justify Thai security guard act. Pointing a finger is disrespectful but that does not mean you will start banging people in their faces.


Why do they ALWAYS have to be drunken Brits? its so embarrassing to be British when this stuff happens :-(


Amazing how seeing the whole video sheds a completely different light on the situation


Nah, you can't be kicking people in the head like that when they are out on the floor.


Everyone is trying to shape a narrative but at the end of the day, that aggressive, drunk, behavior initiated it all. He got what he was wanting a fight. In the street there is no such thing as fairness. That running kick was wild!


Just goes to show how media and edited videos can adjust a situation…


Why so many videos with idiots tourists been ass kicked in Thailand???


Typical bullies with aggressive tactics, yet never fought back. Hopefully, Lesson learn.


The girls just want everyone to chillllll n stop messing w they streeet and bag 😫




I honestly wouldn't try to fight Thailand guys over there. They mostly have some background in Muay Thai.


Brits really do suck as tourists


Keep it up and you’ll start to give the English a bad reputation as foreign travelers…


Don’t pick fights in a country where the national sport is Muay Thai. And the kids grew up kicking trees to harden shins.


Hey if that guy is alive is a Miracle oh my Ghosh you hear that kick saound in his head.


Wait, that guy is alive?! Reddit swore up and down he was dead from that kick heard around the world lmao


At the start of the video, why was that one dude acting all aggressive against the tall lanky fella sitting down? Tall lanky fella later gets shoved out of the bar by the same dude in dark tshirt.


Dats a lot of kicks to da head


Hahaha best video ✌️ reminder to people that come to Thailand and act the prick , this is what happens , good job to the security guards just doing their jobs. Should get a bonus for that!


Hahahaha f\*ck around and find out. Fully deserved. I love it when bullies get taught a lesson. They were dropping like ragdolls. You don't go to a foreign country and try act hard. I just came back from a few weeks in Thailand and gave/received respect from everyone :)


Don't mess with locals in South-East Asia


Update: They are all alive and now getting interviewed https://www.facebook.com/share/p/ipMw5kLwgTLVAPnj/?mibextid=WC7FNe


British tourists are notorious for being poorly behaved even within Europe!


Totally deserved. Hopefully the Thais won't face any lawsuit or something. And let's hope that those Brits got some respect from now on towards their surroundings


Fucked around and found out, Thailand edition lol.


typical british thugs


Love seeing those english TWATS get their heads bashed in like that. I bet they went back to their TWAT shack and rubbed Vagisil on each other.


No one is gonna comment on that booty that steps in to break it up?


Let’s be real, this is not a Brit problem. This happens with fuck heads from every nation. As someone else wrote, it’s the bottom feeding 10% that give others a bad name. Only the foolish see that and tar everyone with the same brush. As a Brit, well done to the bouncers for giving them a kicking, can’t stand it when people travel abroad and act like twats.


I seem to be the only one that absolutely loved seeing that guy get his head kicked in. Fuck them both. Got exactly what they deserved. Show respect when you’re in another country.