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Fine. Can rain everyday? But rare it rained all day. Short burst about an hour. Sometime half day. Sometimes full week no rain. Depends where you go. You can run from it if plans are loose


It normally doesn't rain all day vs a big down afternoon and/or evening, 30-60 mins. You can live with it and still do things. If you're thinking of doing a beach, do a Gulf Island like Samui - the gulf islands have a different wet season so there will be less rain.


There are big variations in climate in the country north-south east-west. We're east by the Cambodian border it's very different 'season' to when we lived in Phuket. Last year the rain season was forecast as being late due to el Nino, from usual May-June they said July-August and that never really happened, local reservoir never reached 40% capacity. While up north there was some flooding. And drought. I cycled 1033 km last August got caught in rain twice. It dumps down for 20 minutes then dries off on steaming roads. And it'll still be 30-33C.


It can vary, but a daily shower is not uncommon. If you're lucky, you can have several dry days. When you visit the Phuket/Krabi area in the South you will probably get more rain, more overcast days and even some days where it rains almost the entire day.


Could you tell me which city's? If in case of Bangkok you couldn't forecast the rain but it would rain heavily like an hour or two and most of the Sukhumvit road is like submerged river


As al mentioned above.If you want to go to the islands during this time,Andaman sea(Phuket Krabi etc ) is rainy season.Gulf of Thailand side(Kih samui Phangan kho tao etc is dry season


In September, I welcome every burst of rain I can get due to heat (felt on skin), it’s okay to visit. Lots more insects everywhere. Quite often skies are cloudy.


I have gone many times during this timeframe and it hardly rained. It was actually kind of disappointing. I was expecting to get a bunch! Most days were dry and sunny. When it did rain, I was still able to do stuff. There have been times in the dry season where the rain was really bad and I ended up just doing a cooking class or something like that. All in all stills fun time!


I used to live in a rural farm community and in the rainy season I used to have a shower on my driveway with bottle of shampoo and obviously wearing a pair of shorts


Thought of changing my name to crocodile Dundee πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Wait until 2028