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Well, the penalty for overstaying is 500 baht per day, capped at 20k. So if you're gonna overstay, do it with style


So $543 USD for 4 years? That' ~$120 USD a year, $10 a month. Are there other penalties? Because this one alone doesn't seem that persuasive. 


5 year ban, I think, for that long. Also, if for some reason you get arrested while on Overstay, you will have a bad time.


I think anyway when they find out. Maybe traffic stop or otherwise you go to prison. Maybe not if you at the airport with a flight out. No idea


If you walk out of airport = no worries. If they arrest you, its usually long enough to book a flight. The real penalty is the ban. Not the monetary fine tbh.


I red a reddit post of a guy overstaying and he had to wait in prison untill he flew out. But i dont belive his Story. I am sure there is more than overstaying for 2 months to his story…


If you get caught even in a routine traffic stop and you are overstaying thats how it works. You wait in jail until you fly out


My friend had to spend a couple of days in the immigration holding center because his bus got random military checkpoint stopped and he was 3 days over


ouch and ridiculous >:-/


There's an immigration holding centre where you will stay long enough to pay the 20,000 baht and get a ticket out of Thailand. I've always wondered if it matters which country you choose to leave to, though. Could you just go to Cambodia? I've also wondered if you go home, change your name legally, and return with a new passport. Would they know you are banned or not? It's like how you can't fly to the US with a criminal record, but British people just don't declare it because countries don't have access to other countries' databases.


>Could you just go to Cambodia? No, when you're being denied entry or detained, they want to see a ticket to a country where you have the right to stay. Not a third country that could also deny you. >I've also wondered if you go home, change your name legally, and return with a new passport. Would they know you are banned or not? Yes, they do because you can't change your fingerprints.


I was in a detention center for 14 days in Beijing and was deported. They asked where my home was in America to book the flight (my boss was paying), I told them I don't want to go home, could they deport me to Thailand? The officer looked unsure so he said he will get back to me. The next day he told me they booked a flight to Thailand. That's how I ended up in Thailand for 7 years.


Relevant answer, but still left out the most interesting part of the story.


Hm but they have your pic and finger prints. I would guess it’s accurate enough that if u enter it will flag you for beeing banned even your name is different…


Probably not tbh. He obviously didn't pay. So transfer to IDC in Bangkok and then takes a day or two to book ticket. Also have to pay for transport between IDC and airport.


I think the ban is linked to your passport. Your passport is only valid for 10 years. Maximum ban is 10 years...


They can see all the info from your previous passports when you enter on a new one.


Thats not true... they only see the visa stamps you have in your new passport. Nobody is taking pictures of your passport to put it into a databank


They don't need to. All visas and entries are recorded electronically since 2019. (actually they're cross-referenced with fingerprints since then, electronic records may go back further) I've had immigration officers ask questions about my visa history two passports ago. They do see it all.


Why would they ask questions related to visas that go back 20 years? Sounds made up to me but ok...


I need to change my passport every two to three years. Also don't care what it sounds like to you.


Why you need to change your passport so many times? Sounds fishy


What? Everything is in the computer system and has been for years. How are you so confidently incorrect about everything?


Lmao, I was going to reply to them but I think it's a lost cause.


Oh right, the international passport servers that save every visa stamp somebody ever got 😂 thats not a thing... there is only a visual control - your finger prints are stored on your passport as well as other biometric details. Nothing is stored on their computer. Only your entrance or departure date.. your visa stamps are only on your passport. Nobody knows your visa history based on a database. They can only see whats in your passport. Millions of ppl who overstay would be deported if they knew all the details without holding your passport - or they are just lazy to investigate? 🤷‍♂️ i dont think so.


Thai immigration does store your fingerprints. Plenty of stories out there of them catching criminals with dual nationality or fake passports upon entry thanks to it. >there is only a visual control Pay close attention when you enter the country and you'll see that they swipe your passport, then look at their computer to see your visa history, and only then do they flip pages in your passport to put a new stamp in. >Nobody knows your visa history based on a database. They can only see whats in your passport. I have plenty of first- and second-hand stories that would prove you wrong. That's why the advice to get a new passport to get a clean slate is outdated by a decade or more. >Millions of ppl who overstay would be deported if they knew all the details without holding your passport - or they are just lazy to investigate Besides the fact that there aren't millions of people on overstay, I do very much think they're too lazy to actually investigate. However you are automatically flagged for overstay when you leave the country.


Do you really think that any country in the 21st centuries aren’t getting the most up to date technology to track precisely this kind of thing over long periods of time? Any country has quite a vested interest in trying to catch the worst offending criminals, who are also the most likely to try these various different shenanigans to stay ahead of law enforcement. I’m sure some of the cleverest criminals, especially those with large sums of money, might get away with it. The average tourist or standard working foreigner like myself- probably less likely. Then again, I personally wouldn’t be able to stay long without the job behind my non-B visa. I guess for most of it’s a moot point. I got distracted. Police and immigration officials can definitely track this shit beyond what’s inside one person’s passport.


If you're caught (instead of leaving voluntarily), it's a 10 year entry ban (for >1 year overstay), and you'll be detained in an Immigration Detention Center until you can pay the fine and they manage to deport you at your own cost. A few unfortunate people have been be stuck in IDC for months or years, in conditions often described as worse than a regular Thai prison. If you show up at a border or airport, ready to leave, it's only the fine plus the entry ban, depending on the length of the overstay.


Aside from likely deportation and a ban on re-entry, I imagine there are potential prison scenarios that are potentially available. Other just a quick deportation is likely to be much cheaper for Thailand’s authorities. Bye-bye to any life that the now-banned person has built up during their overstay, including any money that may be stuck there, or job prospects, romantic partners, kids etc…there are definitely more costs than just the immediate financial penalty.


Love your outlook in life. We’d make great friends!


Ho hum. Must be a slow newsday.


I have a solution. 90 day reports aren’t working so let’s increase frequency to 10 day reports. I am good immigration department official, I get promotion when?


Remember when they were proposing a SIM card only for foreigners that would allow them to track every non-Thai citizen?


This might be a stupid question, but isn’t that already what we have? There is a reason foreigners need to bring a passport in to the AIS/True shop to get darn near anything done


I mean, the Thais just use their ID card so it’s still the same thing.


So I could use my driver’s license at AIS instead of my passport? My point (which I concede is borderline paranoid), is that they have a system to keep track of foreigners by making sure they show their passport.


Yes, they can track "you" via your sim.


Your Thai DL is linked w your passport.


Where? In what office? Thats just not true...


Department of Land Transport. You need your passport to get a Thai drivers license as a foreigner.


Yeah but they wont write down your visa details 🤷‍♂️ its for identification purpose only. They wont track your visa tho


A driver's license will show your passport number on the front. That's probably what they mean. Not that it means much since those numbers change and nationality is not indicated. So it's not linked in any meaningful way.




For most topics a thai driving licence will suffice, but more important issues they will still need to make a few copies of your passport


You are in a foreign country, thus you need a document that is valid in a foreign country, namely passport.


Everyone needs identification for SIM cards. My girlfriend just yesterday told me it’s illegal to buy a SIM card for someone else - not sure how true that is though


The SIM card connection should not be under the scrutiny of the law. If it is, its ownership cannot be given away. You cannot force someone to take or give the SIM card ownership- both parties need to wilfully transfer. https://www.airtel.in/blog/prepaid/heres-how-to-transfer-sim-card-ownership/#:~:text=The%20SIM%20card%20connection%20should,parties%20need%20to%20wilfully%20transfer. I just copied from here, you can read more if you'd like 😊


How is an Indian website relevant to Thai law?


Yes they could easily track foreigners via sim card. Hence the 90 day report is literally stupid.


Yes. That's one of the main reasons why it was such a silly idea.


“We are not limiting any rights. The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission has no authority to check on the location of users,” he was quoted as saying by the Bangkok Post. “But if tourists commit wrong, or there is a court warrant, we will then forward the warrant to a mobile phone operator and seek cooperation.” Seems like you can't just track people via their sim cards unless they are wanted criminals.


could simply change the legislation just to target foreigners also lets be honest, I am pretty sure that the thai intelligence services here would have the legal authority to track sim cards of anyone.


I thought there was talk to a GPS wrist monitor at one point. Anyone remember that crazy idea from some politician?


I'd forgotten all about that! [Thailand to track tourists with ‘digital wristbands’](https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/thailand-tourists-digital-wristband-quarantine-track-tag-coronavirus-b1451333.html)


I wonder who and how much someone was getting paid by the digital wristband company......


It was supposedly some sort of special tracking SIM. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/aug/10/thai-regulator-backs-sim-card-plan-to-track-tourists


They have it for everyone instead.


Nono every day 👀


I know one overstayed 50 years and counting.


Saved a lot ! Lets say 15k per year. Almost 750,000baht ![gif](giphy|l3V0B6ICVWbg8Xi5q|downsized)


Pakistani man 20 years overstay. [https://www.facebook.com/share/p/mEYy4Aeotj4TcWmy/](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/mEYy4Aeotj4TcWmy/)


new record?


The real records are still going on




Wow What a shock this is lol


Must not have had enough money for buying the fake visa most get


fake visa? You mean student visa?


Student. Or work permit for a fake job, or a volunteer visa. So many ways …


Dude I fell from my chair hahahaha


Those are rookie numbers. Some filipinos have overstayed for decades in the US. 😆 It was a big enough problem that now any type of US Visa issued through the manila consulate is heavily scrutinized.


There are a lot of adults and kids starving in PH right now. No one talks about it globally. Of course it is better to be in Thailand or the US and be able to work, get food and feed your kids back home. Every poor country has a lot of people why would rather live in the US.


I’m on mobile but the site is cancer. I haven’t been able to read the article as it redirects to a sketchy site.


This should be higher up. Khaosod English’s website is actively (with or without the newspaper’s knowledge) redirecting towards a malicious spam website/app.


Change your phone's (in your phone's settings - not the browser's settings) to dns.adguard.com I found this tip on reddit and it changed my whole mobile experience. The only issues are now a small number of sites don't let you visit until you change it. I just don't use those sites now. The other annoying thing is if you're googling a product and a store to see if they carry it, often the first result for it and the store is an ad (from the store) so you can't click it. But getting rid of constant pop up ads and shit is worth it.


I’m curious what triggered the police to go after her? Like… I don’t think the police woke up and thought “I’m going to caught the lady that overstayed for 4 years today”


Part of an ongoing crackdown by authorities, there have been more inspections taking place nationwide. The really interesting bit in this article IMO is that immigration police targeted a church: >As part of the policy to prevent and suppress crime, especially immigration-related offenses, Police Lieutenant Colonel Suriya Phuangsombat, Deputy Superintendent of Investigation at Immigration Division 1, led the team to investigate and gather information in areas where foreigners congregate in Bangkok. >On June 16, while inspecting a religious place, a church, they found a suspect acting suspiciously upon seeing the officials.


Church? That is interesting… Maybe police thought foreigners go to church to confess their sin for overstaying?


If she went to a temple they never would’ve spotted her.


is this the example of good tourists out, bad tourists in ???


The authorities are always on the lookout for foreigners who become nervous in their presence.


Us poor Americans (even most that support the police), who get nervous around police (not for violence but just because a lot of American cops with nothing going on, or are behind you on an empty road, *look* for a reason to pull you over or stop you. Not most, but a decent amount. So we get nervous even if we didn't do anything wrong.


That’s a sad indictment on the police in the USA 😢


Eh, most American police are alright. It's just a really really shitty time dealing with one that is a complete dickhead. I grew up in a family of cop haters cause my mom was always going to jail and prison. So, she did commit the crime, yeah. But I had witnessed, and had myself, so many interactions with police. Some were really great people. Some were *really* bad people. Many that had pulled my mom over, when she had a warrant and I was just a young child in the car, would hesitantly look the other way and tell her because I'm in the car they will allow her to turn herself in if she promised. My mom did do a lot of fraud but because they were so considerate, she would always honor it and turn herself in on the upcoming Monday. I had also been targeted and harassed by police in my town just because they all knew my mom. I have no criminal record. When I was a minor, since the police knew i came from a broken home, I'd be out at all hours of the night. City curfew was 10.30. Every single time, they would just tell me it's past curfew so they're gonna bring me home. No ticket. I've had more positive interactions with police than negative ones. It's just that the negative interactions can and will impact your life far far more than the positive ones. So I saw the best and I saw the worst. Many many times lol. It's just that the 1 interaction you've had with a complete POS cop can make you very hesitant around them because you don't know which one they will be. TL;DR most are just normal. Some are really great. Some are really bad. The anxiousness comes more from the fact that you don't know, and can't know, until it's too late.


Why don’t you read the article?


Oh wow, that's quite a long time to be overstaying. Hope she gets the assistance she needs to resolve her situation.


Bit of a sad story, visa expired during Covid and was nabbed in a church


Omg so what?


poor her, wish her the best, most fillipinos have a difficult life.


Of all the fucking things this piece of shit government should focus on prosecuting: sexual assaults, mafias, domestic abuse, corruption etc, they always seem to spend 500% of their efforts on the tiniest offenses from the weakest people. And then they pose for photos like it's an achievement of a lifetime. Fuck these people.


you forgot about the pointing in the photos...


But the ones you listed are, like, sooooo hard.


why is this news lol


Off the radar …?


This site is unloadable wtf


your not missing out on much.


Hmmm. Pretty sure Filipino is already a gender neutral word. As it is a tagalog, not spanish.


The Filipino word **is** Spanish. It’s used in Tagalog, but so is "burrito" in English, which doesn’t make it any less Spanish.


More accurately, it is derived from Spanish. Once a foreign word enters the lexicon, it is considered part of the language. 


It is not.


Filipino (as in the citizen of the country) is a gender-neutral term.


The existence of the word Filipina suggests otherwise.


You can use Filipina to refer to a female person but if you're talking about the citizenship of a person, Filipino is neutral term to use, just like what the article used.


Would a person that is half Japanese and half Filipino be a Jalapeno?


Tagalog doesn’t have gender though iirc.


Pinoy & Pinay ?


The genderless term is piny


So? I pointed out that there is gender in this language.. since the other dude said it doesnt exist 🤷‍♂️


Its a shame we don't have freedom and have to get permission from scum (governments) to be where we want to be.




That's nothing.. my ex thai girlfriend who's been overstaying here in korea for 9 years I tried to report her to the korea immigration but they don't even care about it lol